6. Counsels to Sunday-School Teachers. &c., by John Morison, (Westley, London,) are designed to teach the teacher, and to instruct the instructor. Sunday-school guides have an arduous task to perform, and many difficulties with which to contend. Mr. Morison appears well acquainted with the subject, and his advice is evidently the result of much reflection. 7. A Farewell Sermon, preached in the Scotch Church, Chadwell street, London, by the Rev. Walter Ross Taylor, A. M., (Smith and Co. London,) presents to our notice, many plain, admonitory, and practical truths, which are more generally applauded in theory, than exemplified in action. It contains several pathetic touches which must have produced a strong feeling in those who heard it delivered; and the sentiments which it breathes, are worthy of being treasured up in their most serious recollection, and of being practically remembered, when the voice of the minister can be heard no more. 8. The Resurrection of the Body, a Discourse delivered at Rev. George Rose's Meeting - House, Bermondsey, London, by J. P. Dobson, (Holdsworth, London,) every one must allow to be a subject of vast importance, and of universal applicacation. This momentous doctrine, the au. thor argues from the express declarations of scripture, from the resurrection of Christ, from the indissoluble union between him and all true believers, from the analogies of nature, from philosophical inquiry, from the destruction of death, and from the unlimited power of God. In this discussion, the author has entered somewhat deeply into his subject, and contended manfully with the formidable difficulties that obstructed his researches. Against these he has wielded his weapons in a triumphant manner, and brought forward a strong body of evidence, to prove that the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and endued with immortal life. 9. A Familiar Summary of the Laws respecting Masters and Servants, (Washbourne, London,) is well worthy the attention both of the employer and the employed. An acquaintance with its contents, would prevent many impositions which are practised by each party, under a presumption that they have the sanctions of law. Many cases, however, are of daily occurrence, to which the contents of this epitome do not reach, but so far as it extends, the information seems accurate, and its utility will be found in an exact proportion. 10. Journal of a Nine Month's Residence in Siam, by Jacob Tomlin, Missionary, (Westley, London,) will be found interesting, because it refers to a country and a people but little known. Idolatry is, however, the same in its general outline among all the tribes of mankind. 11. The Utility of Latin discussed, &c., by Justin Brenan, (Wilson, London,) is not intended to depreciate the acquirement of this language, nor to exalt it beyond what prudence and propriety would suggest. Of this subject the author appears to have taken fair and philosophical views; but we very doubt much, if the time spent in the acquisition, might not, in our advanced state of literature, be applied to purposes of much greater utility. 12. The British Preacher, (Westley and Davis, London,) is a new periodical, containing the discourses of several celebrated ministers, by whom they have been furnished, and whose names they bear. It is not confined to any particular sect, and this liberal principle is no contemptible recommodation. The three parts, with the sight of which we have been favoured, augur well, and promise a useful series for family reading. 13. The Bereaved, Kenilworth, and other Poems, by the Rev. E. Whitfield, (Whitaker, London,) can make no pretensions to the more lofty flights of the muse. The lines are easy and harmonious; nor is any expression suffered to intrude, that will offend the most delicate eye or ear. 14. Songs for the Sanctuary, partly selected and partly original, by the Rev. John Young, (Houlston, London,) are fully deserving a place in the psalmody of all such congregations as are not tied down to the peculiar technicalities of sectarian phraseology. Many are extracted from the collections of well-known authors and compilers, whose names have long been sanctioned by public approbation; and such as bear the signature of J. Young, will not dishonour those with which they are associated. 15. Anti-Slavery Reporter, numbers 65, 66, 67, 73, 74, now before us, continue to hang on the broken rear of the detestable traffic in human flesh and blood, with persevering ability. Every number brings some new atrocity to light, and exposes the shameful artifices adopted to uphold slavery. When will this curse of our common nature be erased from the list of human crimes? 16. (1.) Companion to the Bible, with Maps. (2.) The Divine Origin of Christianity, (Religious Tract Society, London,) require only to be known to be approved. Many valuable works of a similar character and tendency have been published by this association; and their extensive circulation proves, that the great mass of the British community are yet undebauched by the principles of irreligion. These two works are neat in their appearance, and important in their contents. 17. The Voice of Humanity, No. 2. (Nisbet, London,) exposes to merited abhorrence, the inhumanities wantonly practised on the brute creation. It is a work deserving public support. London appears to be the principal scene of these enormities, but several country places are also involved in the dishonour which they inflict on the human character. We hope this publication will produce shame, where it cannot beget virtue. CELESTIAL PHENOMENA FOR FEBRUARY. THERE are no eclipses of Jupiter's satellites visible this month. He may be seen in the eastern hemisphere before sun-rise towards the close of the month. The conjunctions of the moon and fixed stars are within the limits of becoming occultations, and will consequently prove such in some part of the world. In our last number, it was stated, that some instructions would be laid before our readers, relative to the observation of the lunar occultations. We shall, therefore, in the present number, briefly state the most important points to be attended to, in order to observe these phenomena with some dedree of accuracy and utility. The apparatus requisite, is a telescope, of sufficient power to notice the contact of a star of the fourth magnitude with the limb of the moon. This should be placed on a stand, that it may be perfectly steady when observing the contact of the star and limb. Also, a watch with seconds, that the observer can depend on going correctly. If the observer resides near a watchmaker who notes the passage of the sun over the meridian, he can easily regulate his watch to mean time. If not, he must draw a meridian line, and note the sun's passage therefrom. The method of drawing a meridian line is as follows:Describe five or six concentric circles, about a quarter of an inch from each other, on a smooth board, and fix a pin exactly in the centre, of such a length, that its whole shadow may fall within the innermost circle; this pin must be perfectly perpendicular. The board thus prepared, must be fixed exactly level, in or near the sill of a window on which the sun shines, for about two or three hours before, and after, noon; and the observer must note carefully when the extremity of the shadow just touches either of the circles, and mark that spot in the circumference. This must be performed, if possible, with each circle, both before and after noon. When this has been done, it will be necessary to find those points that are equidistant between the marks on each circle, and draw a line from them to the centre, which will be a meridian line, and should be of the same breadth as the shadow. Having found a meridian line on the board, the observer must fix a flat piece of wood about two or three inches wide, and planed perfectly smooth, especially the edges, exactly perpendicular against the window, and when the shadow of the pin perfectly covers the line that has been drawn on the board, the extremities of the edges of the shadow of the wood, on the floor of the apartment, should be marked, and lines drawn connecting them, which will, also be meridian lines; they should be as fine as possible, in order accurately to mark the contact of the shadow with them. If these operations have been performed correctly, the instant the edges of the shadow are in contact with the lines on the floor is very nearly apparent noon; and it will, in the absence of more accurate methods, serve to regulate the observer's watch according to the equation of time. Having his watch regulated, and his telescope ready, the observer should carefully look for the immersion or emersion of the star, and accurately note the instant, by his watch, when the limb and star are in contact. These observations are very useful; and if any of our readers should make them as above described, and will transmit them to us, stating the star and the apparent time of immersion and emersion, we shall, as before stated, find great pleasure in reducing them. It will, however, be necessary to transmit the latitude of the place of observation; but we shall be glad to receive any observations without this element. In a future number we intend to give some instructions for finding it, as well as the apparent time of the occultations, more accurately than by the method above described, which must be considered only as an approximation: and when the latitude is once correctly determined, it will serve to reduce the observations that were made, both previous and subsequent to the determination of this element. P.S. A very splendid Aurora Borealis was observed here on the evening of the 7th of January; an account of which I intend transmitting to you with the next phenomena. W. R. BIRT. Chatteris, Isle of Ely, Jan. 10, 1831. GLEANINGS. Pious Fraud. The Jesuits once published a little book, containing an eloquent description of Luther's horrible end, in Latin. Luther got hold of it, and translated it, adding only these words: "I Dominus Martinus Luther have read this account, and translated it myself." The Pope's Two Consciences. A new Paris journal, called the Avener, thus announces the Pope's recognition of the King of the French:-" Rome has recognized Louis Philippe. Although this act emanates from the temporal sovereign, and not from the pontiff, it is nevertheless consoling to the conscience of Christians: for when th the Pope acts in the capacity of prince, he consults also his conscience as a Christian and a bishop; he weighs right and fact, and does. not forget that even the human acts of the common father of the faithful should be directed by a prudence which will not compromise any of the real interests of his children, and by a justice more elevated than any that governs the other potentates of the earth," The Pope has two consciences-the temporal and the spiritual. The spiritual is a sort of reservation for occasions. He has one conscience as King-Pope, and another as Pope-Pope. Should the King-Pope conscience do a wrong act, the Pope-Pope conscience can at any time recall it without compromising the integrity of the King-Pope. This double nature and compound capacity is exceedingly convenient. The Pope, or mystical head, can commit no error; for should he, spiritually, go astray, he has only to say it was his temporal conscience prompted him, and so escape through the other door; and vice versa. This is a capital hint for kings, who ought also to be bishops all over the earth. A bishop-king, or king bishop, would be an improvement on mere legitimacy. To be sure, the explanation of the process by which the Pope recognized Louis Philippe, without actually committing himself to the recognition, is not very satisfactory; the distinction involves some difficulties in phraseology; but to pass all understanding is the prerogative of kings and prelates, and more especially of the dual power at Rome. Could the commonalty comprehend these cunning arts of the Roman state, there would be no further need of the sacred person, who is appointed to blind the Catholic world first, that he may lead it afterwards. A New Saint-On the 16th of May, the Pope decreed the Canonization of the blessed Alphonse Maria de Ligori, the founder of the Congregation of the Holy Redeemer. To authorize the public worship of the new saint, all that is wanting is the solemn celebration of the canonization; the period for which is not yet fixed. The Jews. Q. Why are the Jews unfit to become retail dealers and keep shops in the city of London? A. Because they are notoriously a very industrious people. Q. Why are the Jews unfit to be tradesmen why, for instance, should not a Jew be a tailor? A. Because we know, from experience, that they can already make as much out of old clothes as the most fashionable tailors can make out of new; and that the profits of Rag Fair and Monmouth-street contest the palm with those of Pall Mall and Bondstreet. Q. Why are Jews unfit to be publicans, coffee house and tavern keepers, and, in general, to follow business of that sort? A. Because they are an extremely sober people, and, with few exceptions, to be met with only among their lowest orders, a drunken Jew is never seen. Q. Why should not Jews be merchants? A. Because they are moneymaking people.-Q. Why are Jews unfit for public situations and offices? A. Because they are persevering and diligent.-Q. Why are Jews not to be trusted on their oaths? A. Because they kiss the Old Testament instead of the New.-Q. Why ought as Christians, to maltreat them, to keep them under ght we, our feet, and to deny them a participation in those laws which protect all others with equal impartiality? A. Because Turks, Mahometans, Infidels, and African barbarians, in their liberality and wisdom, abuse them in like manner. Foreign Lit. Gazette. Views in the Fast, No. VI.:--Hindoo Temple Benares; Dus Awtar, Caves of Ellora; and the City of Delhi, adorn this Number. An only Son: a Narrative. By the Author of The Siege of Constantinople, in three cantos, with Modern Fanaticism unveiled. A Manual of Surgery. By T. Castle, F. L. S. Familiar Analysis of the Calendar of the Church of England. By the Rev. H. F. Martyndale, A. M. Lays from the East. By R. C. Campbell. The Doctrine of Universal Atonement vindicated By John Kennedy. Lardner's Cabinet Library. Vol. i. The Duke of Wellington. Lardner's Cyclopedia. Natural Philosophy. By John F. W. Herschell. Esq. A. M. The Sunday Library. By the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, D. D. vol. 1. National Library, 5 vols--I. Life of Lord Byron. By J. Galt, Esq. 11. History of the Bible. By the Rev. G. R. Gleig. III. History of Chemistry. By T. Thomson, M. D. &c. IV. History of Chivalry. By G. P. R. James, Esq. V. Games, Festivals, and Amusements. By Horatio Smith, Esq. The Harmonicon: a Monthly Journal of Music. The Champion of Cyrus: a Drama. By L. Bocher, LL. D. &c. The Documents and Correspondence in the Christian Observer, on the alleged Miraculous Cure of Miss Fancourt. Speeches of Mr. W. Collins at Edinburgh, Liverpool, and Manchester, for the Suppression of Intemperance, by the Formation of Temperance Societies. The Fenwickian System of Learning and Teaching French. By Louis Fenwick de Porquet. By the same author-The Art of Reading Easy and Familiar English Letters in French at first sight. 3d Edition. By the same author-The Art of Translating English into French, at first sight. By the same author-Introduction to Parisian Reynolds, D. D. An Appeal to the English Unitarians on the Marriage Question. By Francis Knowles. Twenty-nine Original Psalm Tunes. By J.I.Cobbin. Observations on the Duty on Sea-borne Coals. A Synoptical Table of our improved Nomenclature for the Sutures of the Cranium. By II. W. Dewhurst, Esq. Surgeon, and Professor of Anatomy. Also, by the same author, a Lecture introductory to the Study of Pathology and Morbid Anatomy. Prometheus of Æschylus, with English Notes, and Examination Questions. By Valpy, 12mo. Valpy's Greek Testament, with English Notes, 3 vols. 8vo. Third Edition. Classical Library, No. 13. containing Murphy's The 4th and last No. of the Enigmatical Entertainer, with a General Index from its commencement. A Help to the Private and Domestic Reading of the Holy Scriptures. By J. Leifchild. The Pillar of Divine Truth immoveably fixed on the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the Chief Corner Stone. A Portrait of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In the Press. Select Library:-Vol. I. of Polynesian Researches, during a Residence of Eight Years in the Society and Sandwich Islands, will be ready in February. The Anti-materialist; or a Manual for Youth. By the Rev. R. Warner, F. S. A. &c. A Physiological History of Man, tracing his gradual Travels in the Holy Land. By Wm. Rae Wilson, Religion versus Infidelity. By a Layman. LONDON: PRINTED AT THE CAXTON PRESS, BY II. FISHER, SON, AND CO. THE IMPERIAL MAGAZINE. MARCH, 1831. HOLYROOD ABBEY AND PALACE, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. (With an Engraving.) THERE are few monuments of human art in Scotland more interesting to the antiquary, or more renowned in history, than the mouldering remains of Holyrood Abbey, and the still existing palace with which the venerable ruins stand connected. The former carries us back to the ages of superstition and darkness, and the latter introduces us to scenes of human vicissitude, the characters of which are too frequently written in blood. But although these periods, with their crimes and follies, have disappeared, never again, we hope, to return, these subsisting memorials forcibly recal to our recollections the melancholy events with which they are still associated in history; nor can they pass under our inspection, without carrying us back to the periods which we remember to deplore. A building may be demolished, and many occurrences may be forgotten, unless the records of history have rendered them imperishable, but, whether recollected or unknown, truth can suffer no alteration from the lapse of time. The ancient Abbey of Holyrood, founded by David I. in the year 1128, appears to have been one of the richest religious establishments in Scotland. It stood at the east end of Canongate, and extended over the site which the palace now occupies. Of this venerable pile, the only remains at present are, what is called the Chapel Royal, surrounded with memorials of human grandeur, now silent in the dust. In this chapel are deposited the mortal remains of David II. James II. Prince Arthur, third son of James IV. James V. Magdalen his queen, Arthur second son of James V. and Henry Darnley. This chapel, in its days of splendour, displayed in much magnificence the English or pointed style of architecture, and, in the midst of its dilapidations, the memorials of its former greatness may still be distinctly traced. Its west front bears some resemblance to Melrose Abbey, Ely, and York Cathedral; but of its original symmetry and beauty, no accurate conception can at present be formed. The highly enriched windows, which formerly lighted the rood-loft, have never failed to attract the attention, and command the admiration, of all who visit this monument of desolated grandeur. The columns, moulding, and sculptures, which ornament the west door-way, exhibit the boldest style of alto relievo. The devices are various and grotesque, but the whole appears to have been designed and executed with much elegance of taste. In a small square stone immediately above the door, is engraven the following inscription-" He shall build ane house for my name, and I will establish his throne for ever." Like most other edifices of great antiquity, the north side is both ornamented and supported by buttresses; and in the time of James III. the summits were decorated with niches and pinnacles by Abbot Crauford. The south side has also its buttresses; but they appear to be of a different description from those on the north. At the east end is the great window, 2D. SERIES, NO. 3.-VOL. I. 0 147.-VOL. XIII. the tracery of which was thrown down by a storm in 1795; but these embellishments have since been replaced. Of these venerable ruins, the front of the exterior may be seen in the Engraving, contiguous to the palace. This is the principal object that can be presented to the eye of the spectator. In no other portion of what remains, are the effects of human ingenuity, art, and effort, so conspicuous. But in this front, though fast sinking into decay, a sufficiency is yet standing, as an evidence of hoary magnificence, to enable us to catch the outline of its features, before the fading glory for ever disappears. Closely connected in situation and name with the ancient Abbey, is the present Palace of Holyrood, partially occupying its site, receiving the visits of royalty, and furnishing an asylum to greatness in distress. Holyrood is said to be the only palace in Scotland, that has not fallen into ruins; and on some occasions it is still appropriated to national purposes. Respecting the period of its foundation, several accounts have found their way into circulation. By some its origin has been attributed to nearly the same age with the ancient Abbey, but others have assigned it to a more modern date. It appears undeniable, however, that a royal establishment has existed here from the days of Robert Bruce, who flourished in the year 1290; but of its real condition at that remote period little only is known. It is recorded of James V. that in the spring of 1525, he built a "fair palace with three towers, in the Abbey of Holyrood House." These three towers are in the north-west part of the building, with the name of James inscribed on them. During the wars which prevailed between the Scotch and the English in subsequent years, this ancient edifice was destroyed by the latter; but it was soon rebuilt, and remained a superb and extensive pile, until the time of the Commonwealth, when it was again reduced to ruins by the army of Cromwell. Some time after the Restoration, the present edifice was planned by Sir William Bruce, and built under the direction of Robert Mylne, since which time it has sustained several disasters. Holyrood Palace, as it now stands, is a handsome and stately quadrangular building, enclosing a square of 230 feet in the inside, surrounded by piazzas. The western front consists of double towers, joined by an elegant building of two stories; above which is a double balustrade. The gateway of the grand entrance in the centre, is decorated with double columns of the Doric order. Below the entablature of these, appear the royal arms of Scotland; and above a double balustrade an octagonal turret rises, over which is placed an imperial crown. The double balustrade and a flat roof distinguish this from the other sides of the building, which are three stories high. A pediment, enclosing the arms assumed by Scotland since its union with England, is placed in the centre of the eastern side, opposite the grand entrance. The On the south side, a large staircase conducts to the state rooms. great gallery on the north is 150 feet long, by 27 wide, and 28 high. This is decorated with portraits of one hundred and eleven Scottish kings, painted by De Witt. These paintings, however, furnish decisive evidence of the injuries they sustained from the wanton brutality of the soldiers, who occupied this Palace, after the defeat of the Royalists in 1745. In this Palace the Duke of Hamilton, as hereditary keeper, possesses apartments; and here the Scottish peerage assemble, to elect their representatives in Parliament. Several relics of the unfortunate Mary are preserved in this abode of her confinement. Among these is the royal bed, ornamented |