review, and the Prince Regent having given the requisite orders, the Duke of Clarence, as Admiral of the Fleet, on the 19th June hoisted the Union at the main, on board the Jason frigate, at Spithead. On the following day, the flag of the Lord High Admiral (the Admiralty flag), was hoisted on board the Ville de Paris, and his Royal Highness then shifted his flag, as Admiral of the Fleet, to the Impregnable. On the 21st, his Royal Highness again shifted it to the Bombay Castle. He received his brother, the Prince Regent, at the Government House, and also the illustrious visitors, the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia. On the 23d, the Emperor of Russia, the King of Prussia, and the Prince Regent, embarked at the King's Stairs; the Duke of Clarence, as Admiral of the Fleet, in his own barge, leading the larboard line of boats. The Prince Regent, and the illustrious visitors, were received by the Duke of Clarence, on board the Impregnable, in which ship the Royal Standard was hoisted, and the Union was shifted to the Chatham. On the 24th, the illustrious party visited the dock-yard. The Prince Regent and the King of Prussia went on board the royal yacht; the Duke of Clarence gave the signal, and the Fleet put to sea, and went through several manœuvres, returning to Spithead in the evening. On the 26th the royal visitors quitted Portsmouth. In 1826, his Royal Highness was appointed Lord High Admiral, and during the period he held the office, was very popular in the navy. The Duke set to work, con amore, in making regulations and arrangements, and that too with strict justice and impartiality. He made a tour in person, to inspect the dock-yards and naval establishments, in which his Royal Highness suggested various improvements, some of which were carried into effect. The objection generally made against naval first lords, was, that they were too partial to particular branches or sections of the service, to the exclusion of others; but this certainly did not apply to the Lord High Admiral, who acted as the patron and chief of the service in general, with perfect fairness and impartiality, and spared no trouble, nor personal attention, in executing the duties of the office with which his Royal Highness had been entrusted. In 1828 his Royal Highness resigned his office. In his parliamentary career, his Royal Highness was a frequent speaker in the House of Lords. He never, however, followed the fashion of making long speeches, but always spoke sensibly and with animation on points of great national importance. On many occasions his observations have elicited considerable applause. On subjects connected with the army or navy, his Royal Highness was always one of the foremost to award the meed of praise to officers, either of the army or navy, whose distinguished services were deemed worthy to receive the thanks of Parliament, or to whom it was thought right to adjudge rewards. It is also to be remembered that his Royal Highness supported the measure for repealing the penal laws (with certain exceptions) affecting the Roman Catholics. We now come to the important period of his Royal Highness succeeding to the Throne of the British empire, on the demise of his Royal Brother George IV., by the style and title of WILLIAM THE FOURTH. This is the first instance of a collateral succession, since the era of the accession of the House of Brunswick, comprising an interim of 116 years; and, as already in effect observed, it could at one period, and that too for a considerable time, have been scarcely considered within the range of probability. His Majesty has succeeded to the Throne with many advantages as to knowledge and experience upon several subjects, not hitherto possessed by sovereigns; and with a character that can be more distinctly and justly appreciated by his subjects, marked, as it has been, with an invariable desire to promote, as far as he possibly could, the welfare and prosperity of his country, and contribute to the happiness of mankind. We are quite sure that there is no individual in the empire, who possesses a more truly British heart than our present Sovereign, or whose mind is more completely interwoven with the interests or the destinies of the British Empire. His Majesty may truly say, as his father did, that he glories in the name of Briton; and we are firmly convinced, that with regard to true and genuine British feelings, his Majesty will not give place to any one of his subjects, himself being the representative of all that is truly noble in the English character. At the conclusion of this brief Memoir of his most Gracious Majesty, his Autograph, which follows, cannot be deemed unappropriate. It has been procured from an exalted quarter as an especial favour, and as such it was inserted in our number for November last. His Majesty's Signature in general being only "W. R." this is one of the few specimens in which it has been written in full, since his accession to the Throne, on which account it must be the more gratifying to our readers. CREATION. NO. I. THE calling into existence that which pre'viously had no existence, is a creation. We know of no being, save the Almighty self-existent, which is capable of such an act. Therefore, if this circumstance had not been made the subject of an express revelation in so many words, viz. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth;" the work itself, visible and tangible to his senses, would have pointed him out to man. Hence, to the nations where copies of this revelation of God do not abound, or are not known, "the heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth his handy work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world." This passage confirms the general opinion, viz. That the creation noted "in the beginning," by the Bible, was that of the whole solar system. The disposing of created substances into order, in the vast, as well as the minute, and therefore forming rich varieties of things, such as the universe and all it contains, is also evidently the work of infinite wisdom and power, and must therefore be the work of God. It is revealed to us, that God did form all things; and after a lapse of nearly six thousand years, the united efforts of the millions of beings that have appeared, and in succession passed away from this universe, have failed to discover any other source of being, save that Elohim, who announces himself as the creator and builder or former of all things; nor have their united efforts sufficed to add to, or diminish aught from, his creation. Therefore, upon the foundation of the revelation of God himself, and the nature and fitness of things, in the absence of all evidence to the contrary, we must pronounce, that, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," and assert, with the psalmist, "The heavens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world, and the fulness thereof, thou hast founded them. The north and the south, thou hast created them." And, with Zechariah, acknowledge "the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him." What does this portion of the creations of God, which we denominate the universe, or the solar system, contain? This is a question of importance to every man, be cause all mankind are parts thereof, and partakers of the good: they are also involved in its destiny, and have no means of averting any signal catastrophe which may overwhelm such parts as they inhabit; much less those parts which are distant. God, who created the whole, by his providence governs the whole, leaving no portion of his creation to what men call chance or fate. But although God governs the whole creation, he governs it by laws. The laws which govern matter he created when he erected the universe, and the laws which govern spirit, emanated from himself: they are holy, just, and good-a transcript of the Spirit from which they emanated. To know the laws by which the Creator governs matter, then, is well worthy the attention of mankind; but to know well the laws by which he governs spirit is of the last importance; because the eternal well-being of spirit depends upon its conformity to these laws. This question, viz. What does this portion of the creations of God, which we denominate the universe, or the solar system, contain?" will form the subject of these essays; and in searching for the answer, the revelations of the Selfexistent, and the discoveries of men, must be placed in requisition. The experiments of men in all ages have afforded light, and an increase of light, to their successors; and during the present age, splendid additions have resulted from investigations of the most patient and laborious cast: these, far from discrediting the volume of truth, confirm the revelation of God as far as they go, in all its parts. The day has more than dawned upon the philosophy of the Bible, and meridian splendours await it: a little while, and we shall behold the wisdom of God in his creation and in his word, as one light from heaven, like the sun at noon, while all that seemed to shine shall hide their diminished heads. Then will it be known, that "In the beginning," Elohim was infinitely more wise than man throughout his generations; and that even in the end, when every discovery of every age is summed up, that it was the foolishness of men which scorned the wisdom of the Bible, and that it would have been wise in them, had they hallowed it with all their powers. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Here we behold the Elohim in two-fold action, viz., the creator of and operator upon matter. The principal atoms of the materials of the whole universe, called into existence by the Creator, are here conglomerated, and the great master builder prepares this mass of raw materials for use. The atoms of matter are so minute, that, individually, they are invisible; even the strongest microscopes fail to render them visible, The molecules of water, although they consist at least of two atoms, viz., one of hydrogen and one of oxygen, cannot be distinguished amidst the fluid; no, not with the aid of the most powerful magnifiers. Hence the idea arises, that matter is divisible ad infinitum; because the atoms are so minute, that in a sphere like our earth they approach infinity; and after every division of its particles by the utmost ingenuity of man, these minute particles individually, contain several atoms. This immense mass of atoms, when newly created, and while unconnected each with each, would constitute a vast fluid. For if water is fluid, which is composed of molecules, each consisting at least of two atoms, this mass of single atoins being at least twice as rare, if all atoms are of equal size, would be fluid in its primeval state. Sand is often found in fluid masses in the arid deserts of the East, and is acted upon by the winds similar to the ocean, and frequently with as awful destructions to mankind-burying the traveller beneath its billows; yea, even whole caravans. But those sands are composed of particles which individually contain several atoms: this is proved by the ease with which these particles are divided into smaller particles. With what propriety, then, does the sacred volume call the congregated primeval atoms, fluids or waters, and the mass of these, the deep, or the abyss. The earth in this stage of creation is represented to be without form, and void. The earth, I conceive, here means the whole of the materials previously created; because, although they were at the moment only unconnected atoms, and consequently in a fluid state, they were the actual substance out of which infinite wisdom purposed to form, and subsequently did form the earth, and all the spheres of the solar system. In fact, they then were so many earths as there were different kinds of earthy atoms, and it was only needful to assort, concoct, and connect these atoms, in order to form the various earths which crown the planet we inhabit, and every other sphere throughout this universe. This whole mass would be globular; for it invariably occurs that fluids assume that form whenever they are suspended, or fall in space: hence this mass would be equally accessible on every side, and might revolve or be revolved at pleasure by the Creator. Without form.' If this applies to the atoms individually, then, as only crude matter was created, this points us to the necessity of an operation upon each, in order to its being reduced to a specific substance and form; and if it applies to the whole, it refers to the circumstance, that the creation of matter, in the first instance, did not imply the formations which were the result of subsequent operations; such as a sun, primary and secondary planets, atmospheres, strata, rocks, oceans, earths, &c. &c. 'Without form and void.' Void of order and beautya confused mass-a chaos. Space is an immense, indeed we may say an infinite void; and it is only in those portions of space where the Infinite has created and planted matter or spirit, or both together, that space is otherwise than void. The creation of the solar system occupies hundreds of millions of cubic miles; this was and is in space, although it abstracts its whole volume from the void of space. While in one mass, and in its primitive atoms, it occupied only a small portion of that area in space which was destined to receive it, probably the centre, and therefore the remainder was yet void. Deity occupies space completely; for he is omnipresent, and of course no place can be found where he is not; nevertheless his creations, in all probability, do not as completely fill space as he himself does; although they are far and wide, deep and high, approaching infinity; but, if they do not completely fill space, then there are portions of space which are void. tions 'Darkness was upon the face of the deep.' This huge mass of opake atoms had no light in itself, and it appears there was no light afforded by space, or any previously created substance in space; for darkness was upon its face, or exterior. Without form, void, and dark; what a chaos was this-what a work, to induce order and beauty from such a state of things. Who is equal to this? The infinite Elohim, and him alone. It is highly probable, that many stars or suns existed at this moment; for we have a note in the first chapter of Genesis, that "He, Jehovah, made the stars also;" thus, of course, they were in existence, in the beginning of the solar system; but these stars or suns are so immensely distant from that portion of space occupied by it, that darkness would and did reign there, maugre these; their tiny rays could afford no genial heat, no cheering light, at such a distance, at all equal to the wants of an universe. Every night when the moon is absent, we find the insufficiency of all the stars in the firmament to furnish either the light or genial warmth which the earth, and human wants, require. What in this exigency of creation is to be done? That which was done, and that alone: 'The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.' "He brooded over the abyss"-fluttering like the hen over her brood, inducing action in the mass, and concocting the whole. Here the Creator becomes the operator, and from crude matter produces genial substances for the several purposes of his subsequent formations. If human reason were to become the judge in this case, even it would say, taking the omnipotence of the Creator into the account, this was the proper time for such an operation; then, when the atoms of the universe were in one mass, and could be operated upon by one continuous action, then was the proper time to refine and concoct them into substances genial to the worlds that were, in the purposes of the Infinite, to be erected out of them; and not afterwards, when these worlds were formed, to disturb or disrupt the spheres, for the purposes of refining the materials of which they were formed in detail. In these mighty works, as no assistant or agent is once named, it is fair to conclude, that Elohim was the only being engaged as the creator, and as the operator upon the products of his power. Whatever, therefore, we behold, it is the workmanship of his hands. The minute and exact action of Deity, even when that action is exerted upon the largest scale, points out the perfection of his works. They are not the showy and flimsy productions of a vain mind, but the solid and substantial products of Infinite Wisdom, as well as of Omnipotent Power; and from age to age evince these as forcibly as they did in that primeval day, "when all the sons of God shouted (on beholding them) for joy." But however pleasing it is to view the Creator in his works, the stupendous character of these works induces an awe which language cannot paint, an awe which may be felt, for it is within the scope of every mind, but it cannot be described by the most exalted genius among men; and "the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy," will ever be approached, even in his works, by the truly wise, with that reverence which induces praise. RESULTS; OR, THE HUNTSMAN'S DEATH. (By The Rev. J. Young) overleaping every impediment, horses and hounds bounded. One horseman far out rode his companions. His snorting steed, with ears erect, and distended nostrils, scription furnished by Virgil, of the warhorse, which is translated with so much spirit by Dryden, seemed in part to be realized here. "How vast and endless the results which flow, heeded neither bridle nor bit. The de Like ocean-tides of happiness or woe; THE sun was not high in the heavens; only some of the loftiest hills in their highest altitudes had yet caught its first bright beams. Morning's grey still hung like a curtain of gauze over a considerable portion of the fair county of Leicestershire. Day's bright regent marched on with majestie strides, until the lofty hill of Bardon looked as if encircled by a vest of fire; while the dewy exhalations which hung thick upon the hawthorn hedges, appeared, as they glittered in its speery rays, like strings of pearls or diamonds, affixed there by fairy hands, to give unearthly beauty and magic richness to the scene. No inroads had as yet been made upon the empire of silence by the busy huntsmen, the lowing of cattle, or the bleating of sheep,-all was profound stillness, as upon the first morning of creation, when God said, "Let there be light, and there was light," and while as yet no creature breathed the breath of life. The clock in the tower of the church of Melton Mowbray struck five, sending forth, from its Gothic elevation, a deep sound which reverberated through the still country, and passed from valley to valley, as in mock response. All was again solemn silencewhen, suddenly a loud "hallo"-and the ery of a pack of hounds floated upon the breath of morn," and seemed at once to break the magic spell. The exhilarating horn called the huntsmen to the field, and presently, nearly a score of handsome steeds, bearing, as if unconscious of the weight, their anxious riders, snorted for the chase, and, dashing across the country, through Holy, Sileby, and Woodhouse, directed their way towards Charnwood Forest. The object of their pursuit was soon discovered; a beautiful male fox was unearthed. The yelping of the dogs, and the cry of the huntsman, soon made the information general, and those who before were far in the rear, in a moment came up with their fellows. The wily animal, for awhile, however, contrived to elude the vigilance of both men and dogs, and when it again broke cover, it was seen at a considerable distance in the country. In that direction, The fiery courser, when he hears from far The sprightly trumpets, and the shouts of war, Pricks up his ears, and trembling with delight, Shifts pace, and paws, and hopes the promis'd fight. On his right shoulder his thick mane reclin'd, He who bestrode the animal was a fine horseman of about five-and-twenty; elegant in person, and of a connexion, such as prided itself upon its ability to trace an uncontaminated descent, if not from royal blood, at least from some of the most noble and heroic, from the time of the Norman conquest. His companions pressed hard after him, and envied his speed. His triumph appeared nearly complete. Reynard already lost ground; the dogs were close upon his haunches; more than once the hunted animal had looked round"grinned horribly," at his cruel pursuers, and again fled for his life. At this eventful moment, the fore-feet of the horse, sunk into a deep hole, which had been overgrown with weeds and rushes he stumbled and fell, while his rider was hurled with incredible violence against a large oak at a few yards' distance.-His heart "Heav'd but one groan, and was for ever still." "Beauclerk is unhorsed"-burst at once from a dozen lips, and instant aid was rendered him, but, alas! it was too late,his career was ended. He had been summoned, thus unexpectedly, to render his account at the tribunal of God, for the deeds done in the body. With all possible despatch, he was conveyed to Huclescote, and medical assistance procured, when it was discovered that his head had been dreadfully fractured, and that his neck was dislocated by the fall, so that, whatever human assistance could have been supposed available, even on the spot on which he fell, all would have been in vain. As the distance from Huclescote to Leicester is only eleven miles, no surprise can be excited from the fact, that two hours had not elapsed after the accident, before the |