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say service. The rules given for the elevation and depression of the voice, are simple and easily to be understood, and this is no contemptible recommendation.

13. A Discourse on the Death of the late Rev. Robert Hall, M.A., by the Rev. F. A. Cor, LL.D., (Westley, London,) like several we noticed in our preceding number, is ably written, and renders a well-earned tribute of respect, to the memory of the deceased. This sermon, surveys the late worthy minister in various lights, but in all he shines with a lustre peculiarly his own; and from the pen of Dr. Cox, it has sustained no tarnish.

14. A Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Andrew Thomson, by Thomas Chalmers, D.D., (Whittaker, London,) would seem to demand more notice than we have time to devote to it. Dr. Thomson was well known when living, and his sudden death, by creating a sensation which was felt throughout the kingdom, will cause his name to be remembered through years which are yet lodged in futurity. Chalmers is too well known, to have any thing mentioned but his name. This discourse places the character of the deceased in an amiable light, both as a theologian and a man. The occasion was one of peculiar solemnity, and as such it has been duly improved.


15. The English and Jewish Tithe Systems, compared in their Origin, Principles, moral, and social Tendencies, by Thomas Stratten, (Holdsworth, London,) points out in almost every respect, a striking dissimilarity between the two systems. This is what the author undertook to establish; and in this he has been completely successful. The English tithe system he considers as injurious to agriculture, impolitic, and unfavourable to religion. These truths, we must admit with the author, have been long obvious to all, who have not had some interest in its preservation; and hence the indubitable inference, some reformation is necessary.


Cholera Morbus.--The Bengal Chronicle gives the following prescription for the cure of cholera: One ounce cinnamon water, one grain ipecacuanha, 35 drops of tincture of opium, one drachm spirits of lavender, and two drachms tincture of rhubarb. To be taken at once, and the complaint will be instantly relieved. We also add the following state. ment, given in the words of the Captain of an Indiaman; and for the truth of which we are ready to vouch " The ship's crew being seized with the "cholera, four died in a few hours. To arrest its progress, twenty drops of laudanum were given in a wine glass of brandy, as soon as the men felt "the attack. In violent cases the dose was speedily "repeated; and the happy result was, that out of "sixty individuals affected, only two died!"-Editor.



Origin of Titles of Distinction of Classes, &c.- From Bracton, Selden, and Blackstone)-Dukes, Duces, Com manders or leaders of armies. Marquises: From the Teutonic word marene, limit or frontier; Officers of dignity commanding on or guarding the frontiers. Earl: Ealderman, senior, or senator. Schireman, governor of a county. Comes: also vice-comes, or viscount. Baron: the most general and universal appellation or title. In our elder law books, husband, or master of a house, as baron and femme; afterwards citizens or townsmen, about 700 or 800 years ago. The citizens or townsmen, for instance, of London and the Cinque Ports, were called barons. Afterwards it became confined to lords of a manor, or possessors of an estate. In king John's time, we learn by Magna Charta, that all lords of manors, or barons, had seats in the great council. About that time the confluence of lords of manors, or barons, to the great council became so large and troublesome, that the king was obliged to divide them, and summon only the great barons in person. By degrees the term came to be confined to the greater barons, or lords of parliament. It was not till the reign of Richard II. that it became a mere title of honor.

Singular Circumstance. A £5 Bank of England note in Liverpool, on the back of which was written the folwas sometime since received by a mercantile house lowing words:-"If this note gets into the hands of John Dean, of Longhills, near Carlisle, his brother Andrew is a prisoner in Algiers." The paragraph was read by a person in Carlisle who knew Andrew Dean, and is acquainted with his brother John Dean's family, who are residing at Longtown. John Dean's son was in Carlisle on Thursday last, and heard of the paragraph from the person alluded to; he called at this office, in company with a friend, and, from what he related of his uncle, there is every reason to apprehend that he is the "Andrew Dean" whose imprisonment in a distant country has by these singular means been made known to his friends in England. Andrew Dean, it appears, was formerly in the British navy, which he left some time ago, and settled in business in Algiers. Communications will be made to the Liverpool house, and also to Sir James Graham, to ask his assistance in the interesting inquiry, but of course the matter cannot be decided for some time yet. -Carlisle Patriot.

The Nightingale. He that at midnight, when the very labourer sleeps soundly, should hear, as I have often heard, the clear airs, and the sweet descants, the natural rising and falling, the doubling and redoubling of her voice, might well be lifted above earth, and say, "Lord, what music hast thou provided for

thy saints in Heaven, when thou affordest bad men

such music on earth-Isaac Walton."

define what this gentlemanliness is, I should say, that it is only to be defined by examples, of those who have it, and those who have it not. In life, I should

Definition of "Gentlemanliness."-If I were asked to

say, that most military men have it, and few naval; that several men of rank have it, and few lawyers; that is it more frequent among authors than divines (when they are not pedants;) that fencing-masters have more of it than dancing-masters, and singers than players; and that (if it be not an Irishism to say so, is it far more generally diffused among women than among men. In poetry, as well as writing in general, it never will make entirely a thing without it. It is the salt of society, and the but neither poet nor poem will ever be good for any poet or poem; seasoning of composition. Vulgarity is far worse than downright blackguardism; for the latter comprehends wit, humour, and strong sense, at times; while the nifying nothing." It does not depend upon low former is a sad abortive attempt at all things, "sigthemes, or even low language, for Fielding revels in both; but is he ever vulgar? No. You see the man of education, the gentleman, and the scholar, sporting with his subject; its master, not its slave, Your vulgar writer is always most vulgar the higher his subject; as the man who showed the menagerie at Pidcock's was wont to say, "This, gentlemen, is the Eagle of the Sun, from Archangel, in Russia: the otterer it is, the igherer he flies."-Lord Byron.

Merit Mr. Thom, the Ayrshire sculptor, has received from the Hon. Board of Trustees for manufactures and improvements in Scotland, twenty guineas, in consideration of the great ingenuity and inventive talent displayed by him in the formation of the statues of Tam O'Shanter and Souter Johnny.

Burning of more than Seven Millions of Bank Notes In the repository at Woolwich, among the curious relics, may be seen a clinker, which is all that remains of the bank-notes consumed when the onepound notes were put down. in a furnace built for the occasion. The number They were destroyed burned daily averaged 144,000; it occupied thirteen months, and the nominal value of the bank notes was £7,500,000.-Sunday Times.


Dreams. Dreams are sometimes exceedingly obscure, and float like faint clouds over the spirit. We can then resolve them into nothing like shape or consistence, but have an idea of our minds being filled with dim and impalpable imagery, which is so feebly impressed upon the tablet of memory, that we are unable to imbody it in language, and communicate its likeness to others. At other times, the objects of sleep are stamped with almost supernatural energy. Indeed, they are usually represented with far greater strength and distinctness than events which have had an actual existence. The dead, or the absent, whose appearances to our faculties had become faint and obscure, are , are depicted with intense reality and truth. We see them stand before us: and even their voices, which had become like the echo of a forgotten song, are recalled from the depths of oblivion, and speak to us as in former times. Dreams, therefore, have the power of brightening up the dim regions of the past, and presenting them with a force which the mere efforts of unassisted remembrance could never have accomplished in our waking hours. In speaking of the dead, we have a striking instance of the absence of surprise. We almost never wonder at beholding individuals whom we yet know, in our dreams, to have even been buried for years. We see them among us, and hear them talk, and associate with them on the footing of fond companionship. Still the circumstance does not strike us with wonder, nor do we attempt to account for it. Frequently, however, we are not aware that the dead who appeared before us are dead in reality. They still seem alive as when they walked on earth, only all their qualities, whether good or bad, are exaggerated by sleep. If we hated them while in life, our animosity is now exaggerated to a double degree. If we loved them, our affection becomes more passionate and intense than ever. Under these circumstances, many scenes of most exquisite pleasure often take place. The slumberer supposes himself enjoying the communionship of those who were dearer to him than life, and has far more intense delight than he could have experienced, had these individuals been in reality alive, and at his side.-Macnish's Philosophy of Sleep.

Bell Rock. During the late gales, it has not been possible for the tender to approach the Bell Rock during four weeks, or two sets of spring-tides. On being visited the other day, the light-keepers report that large stones (which they term travellers) have been thrown upon the rock from deep water, and that a considerable shelf, of eighteen inches in thickness, has been lifted off "Smith's Ledge." Since the completion of the lighthouse in 1810, several such indications have been given that this sunken reef has at one time been an island, and that its waste is still in progress. -Scotsman.

Provoking Carefulness.-Linnæus, the celebrated botanist, conceived the idea of propagating the cochineal insect in Europe; and, after many fruitless efforts, he at length succeeded in obtaining, through the medium of one of his pupils, who was in Mexico, a nopal, (a species of fig-tree on which the insect is bred,) covered with cochinellus. The plant arrived at Upsal, at a moment when he was busily engaged; but his gardener immediately planted it, and cleaned it so effectually of what he imagined to be vermin, that when Linnæus hastened to view this rare acquisition he did not find, a single insect alive.-History of Ancient Institutions, &c.

Origin of the Phraise "Spick and Span New."-Butler in his Hudibras, "says, "Mr Ray observes, that this proverbial phrase, according to Mr. Howel, comes from spica, or ear of corn; but rather says he, as I am informed from a better author, spike is a sort of nail, and spawn the chip of a boat; so that it is all one as to say, every chip and nail is new. humbly of opinion, that it rather comes from a spike which signifies a nail, and a nail in measure is the sixteenth part of an yard; the span, which is in measure a quarter of a yard, or nine inches; and all that is meant by it, when applied to a new suit of clothes, is, that it has been just measured from the piece by the nail and span.

Wholesome Advice -Beaur: When bent on matrimony, look more than shin deep for beauty; dive farther than the pocket for worth; and search for temper beyond the good humour of the moment; -remembering it is not always the most agreeable partner at a ball, who forms the most amiable partner for life

"Their virtues open fairest in the shade." Belles: Be not led away by each gay meteor of a spark, or too readily yield your hearts to an elegant and agreeable exterior; for the serpent is often ambushed beneath the fairest flowers. Let not your reason be blinded by love, or your sense enslaved by passion. After all, seek not to make captives by personal accomplishments alone, "nor trust too much to an enchanting face," for recollect

"Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul."

An American Monster. The "Baltimore Patriot" mentions that the skeleton of an animal of prodigious size was lately discovered, at the Big Bone Lick, in Kentucky. The editor has received the following particulars from a friend, who received them from a gentleman who resides near the Lick:-" There are ten or twelve sets of tusks, about four feet long and three broad; the tusks were arranged in circular order, as if by the hand of man; within the circle the bones were deposited, which, when placed together, showed the animal to have been, at least, 25 feet high, and 60 feet long. The skull-bone alone weighed 400 pounds. They were found by Mr. Finney, about 14 feet below the surface of the earth, who has refused 5,000 dollars for them. The skeleton is said to be complete, saving only one or two ribs. When and how this animal existed, remarks the above paper, must baffle all speculation. The mammoth himself, so long the wonder of these latter times, must dwindle into comparative insignificance before this newlydiscovered prodigy. If carnivorous, a buffalo would scarcely serve him for a meal; and if granivorous, trees must have been his tender herbage." - American paper.

A Lake of Geneva -The "Furet de Londres" says: "There was consumed in England last year 24 million gallons of Gin. An amateur has calculated that, had this immense quantity of liquor escaped from the barrels, it would have former a river a yard deep, 20 yards wide, and five miles in length.

A Chapter not to be found in the Apocrypha. And in those days there was a great nation, yea, a nation mighty in battle. 2. And the people thereof were skilful in the working of wool, and of cotton, and of silk, and moreover cunning artificers in brass and in iron. 3. And the land was as the Garden of Eden for fruitfulness, and the numbers of the people were as the sands upon the sea shore. 4. And they had a king to rule over them, and he was called the Father of the People. 5. And besides the king there was a great council, like unto the council of Babel, and it did rule over the king and the people. 6. And the men of the council did call themselves the chosen of the people. 7. Yet the people chose them not, neither did they care for the people. 8. And they made a spoil of the people, and laid upon them burthens too grievous to be borne. 9. And they listened not to the cry of the needy, neither did the prayer of the wretched find favour in their sight. 10. But they made light of their sufferings, and would not stretch forth the hand to help them. 11. Therefore the people of that country came to the king of the country, and said unto him, "Art not thou our father?" 12. "How long wilt thou suffer those men to spoil and to oppress us? Come thou up to our help that we may rid ourselves of them. 13. And the king of the country was wroth because of the oppression of his people, and he rose up hastily, to sweep the evil-doers from the face of the land. 14. And all the people followed him, crying out with a loud voice, "God save the king!""

Breakfast in the Reign of Henry VIII-Some centuries since, ale and wine were as regularly a part of a breakfast, in England, as tea and coffee are at present, and even for ladies. The Earl of Northumberland, in the reign of Henry VIII. lived in the following manner:-"On flesh-days through the year, breakfast for my lord and lady was a loaf of bread, two manchets, a quart of beer, a quart of wine, half a chine of mutton, or a chine of beef, boiled. On meagre days, a loaf of bread, two manchets, a quart of beer, a quart of wine, a dish of butter, a piece of salt fish, or a dish of buttered eggs. During Lent, a loaf of bread, two manchets, a quart of beer, a quart of wine, two pieces of salt fish, six baconed herrings, four white herrings, or a dish of sproits."

Sociability-The Eddystone Lighthouse is built in the British Channel on a rock, which is totally inaccessible in winter, from the boisterous character of the sea in that season; therefore, for the two keepers employed to keep up the lights, all provisions for the winter were necessarily carried to them in autumn, as they could never be visited again until the return of the milder season; and, on the first practicable day in spring, a boat put off to them with fresh supplies. A boatman once met at the door one of the keepers, and accosted him with a "How goes it, friend?"-" Very well." "How is your companion?"-"I do not know." "Don't know! Is not he here?"-1 can't tell." "Have you seen him to-day?"- "No." "When did you see him?"-Not since the last fall." "You have killed him?"-Not I indeed. They were about to lay hold of him as having certainly murdered his companion; but he desired them to go up stairs and examine for themselves. They went up, and there found the other keeper. They had quarrelled, it seems, soon after being left there, had divided into two parties, assigned the cares below to one and those above to the other, and had never spoken to nor seen one another since. Jeffersons Memoirs.


Extraordinary Peruvian Relic. There is now exhibiting in Back King-street, a Peruvian relic of an extraordinary nature, being the entire body of a female, who is supposed to have been buried alive several hundred years ago. The body was accidentally discovered by a Captain Wood, and one or two other English gentlemen, while exploring the country on horseback, about a hundred miles from Arica. The upper part of the head was projecting above the surface of the ground, and, on the body being exhumed, it was found to be in a state of the most perfect preservation, although bearing indubitable evidence that it must have been interred at a remote period of time. The body, which is that of a full-grown woman, was placed in an inclined position, and was covered with a coarse kind of cloth or matting, which immediately fell to pieces on being exposed to the air. The arms appear to have been pinioned by means of broad bandages, the impressions of which still remain. The legs were folded over the stomach, and bandaged in the same manner. From the distorted state of the muscles of the hands, wrists, ankles, &c. it is supposed that she must have been one of those numerous victims to a cruel superstition, who, it is well known, were buried alive on the death of the Incas of Peru, in order, as was blindly imagined, that they might be attended in the other world with the same pomp as before death, and by the same attendants. The features are perfect, and convey a distinct idea of what they were when animated. The hair on the head is abundant and finely preserved, being ingeniously plaited over the shoulders. It seems to have been changed into an amber hue, probably by the action of the sun, The eye-brows and eye lashes are perfect, they teeth firm in their places, the finger and toe-nails entire, the skin whole, and the flesh firm and dry. Several curious relics were dug up along with the body. There is no doubt it must have been preserved by the operation of some natural process; and one conjecture is, that the soil in which is was deposited being much impregnated with saltpetre, the body had also become so thoroughly imbued with that mineral, as to be enabled to resist both the ravages of time and the action of the external air.

Dick's Suspension Railway. The public have latterly heard a good deal respecting this new application of the tram road principle; the most truly surprising point in the novelty being the velocity at which the inventor proposes to carry light vehicles (such as might be found convenient for the transit of a mail) over his aerial road. This velocity he calculates to be sixty miles an hour, at which rate, communications and two individuals would reach London from Liverpool in three hours, reckoning the distance to be considerably shortened by the straight direction of the road! It may be presumptuous in us to hazard any opinion as to the practicability of this scheme, but we will venture to state our thorough conviction, after a minute investigation of the model, and consideration of the plan, that it is possible, if not to the extent contemplated above, yet to an extent which will exhibit it as fully deserving of being classed with the common railway, as to the swiftness of conveyance, whilst it has other great advantages over the common road, by not interfering with agricultural and other pursuits (which may be carried on beneath the suspension railway) by the saving in the cost of land, and the decided impossibility of any accident occurring.-Liverpool Chronicle.

To the Labouring Classes. One glass of whiskey per day, commonly called, by drinking men" their mornang," costs (at three halfpence per glass) two pounds fice shillings and serenpence halfpenny yearly! which sum, if laid by, would provide the following clothing, L. s. d.


Three yards of cloth, for great coat, at 1s. 4d.

per yard


Two yards and a quarter of cloth, for coat and waistcoat, at 5s. 4d. per yard

Three and a half yards of fustian for trowsers,

at 1s. per yard

I wo neck handkerchiefs

One hat

One pair of shoes

Two pairs of stockings

Two shirts

0 120







25 7

Is not this a much better mode of expending the money?

Drunkenness Tought. The selling of spirits to children has of late become so important a branch of trade in the metropolis, that in some of our splendid and crowded gin shops, glasses for their separate use are in constant readiness, and "halfpenny and farthings' worth of gin" are regularly applied for by the infant customers.

Railway Passengers. This portion of the business pertaining to that great national undertaking, the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, has increased to an extent far beyond the most sanguine expectations of the Company. Last week, including the short distances, 20,000 passengers went along the railway, and of those 16,000 passed along the whole distance between Liverpool and Manchester and this week, from Sunday to yesterday evening, the astonishing number of nearly 36,000 were booked as passengers, including those at each end. Manchester Chronicle, June 4th, 1831.

Benevolence. The Bible Society's income last year was not far short of £100,000. The receipts since its institution excued seven millions.

Literary Notices.
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Errata-Page 280, line 34, for falls read palls.
51, for did read could.
26, for destruction read dis-

1 col.
2 col.



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