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borated by the accounts from other places where the disease has prevailed:

"Giddiness, sick stomach, nervous agitation, intermittent, slow, or small pulse, cramps beginning at the tops of the fingers and toes, and rapidly approaching the trunk, give the first warning.

"Vomiting or purging, or both these evacuations, of a liquid like rice-water or whey, or barley-water, come on; the features become sharp and contracted; the eye sinks, the look is expressive of terror and wildness; the lips, face, neck, hands, and feet, and, soon after, the thighs, arms, and whole surface, assume a leaden, blue, purple, black, or deep brown tint, according to the complexion of the individual, varying in shade with the intensity of the attack. The fingers and toes are reduced in size, the skin and soft parts covering them are wrinkled, shrivelled, and folded; the nails put on a bluish pearly white; the larger superficial veins are marked by flat lines of a deeper black; the pulse becomes either small as a thread, and scarcely vibrating, or else totally extinct.

"The skin is deadly cold, and often damp, the tongue always moist, often white and loaded, but flabby and chilled, like a piece of dead flesh. The voice is nearly gone; the respiration quick, irregular, and imperfectly performed. The patient speaks in a whisper. He struggles for breath, and often lays his hand on his heart, to point out the seat of his distress. Sometimes there are rigid spasms of the legs, thighs, and loins. The secretion of urine is totally suspended; vomiting and purging, which are far from being the most important or dangerous symptoms, and which, in a very great number of cases of the disease have not been profuse, or have been arrested by medicine early in the attack, succeed.

"It is evident that the most urgent and peculiar symptom of this disease is the sudden depression of the vital powers; proved by the diminished action of the heart, the coldness of the surface and extremities, and the stagnant state of the whole circulation. It is important to advert to this fact, as pointing out the instant measures which may safely and beneficially be employed where medical aid cannot immediately be procured. All means tending to restore

the circulation and maintain the warmth of the body should be had recourse to without delay. The patients should always immediately be put to bed, wrapped up in hot blankets, and warmth should be sustained by other external applications, such repeated frictions with flannels and camphorated spirits; poultices of mustard and


linseed (equal parts) to the stomach, particularly where pain and vomiting exist; similar poultices to the feet and legs, to restore their warmth. The returning heat of the body may be promoted by bags containing hot salt or bran applied to different parts of it. For the same purpose of restoring and sustaining the circulation, white wine whey, with spice, hot brandy and water, or sal volatile, in the dose of a tea-spoonful in hot water, frequently repeated, or from five to twenty drops of some of the essential oils, as pepperment, cloves, or cajeput, in a wine-glass of water, may be administered; with the same view, where the stomach will bear it, warm broth with spice may be employed. In very severe cases, or where medical aid is difficult to be obtained, from twenty to forty drops of laudanum may be given, in any of the warm drinks previously recommended.

"These simple means are proposed as resources in the incipient stage of the disease, where medical aid has not yet been obtained.

"In reference to the further means to be adopted in the treatment of this disease, it is necessary to state, that no specific remedy has yet been ascertained; nor has any plan of cure been sufficiently commended by success, to warrant its express recommendation from authority. The Board have already published a detailed statement of the methods of treatment adopted in India, and of the different opinions entertained as to the use of bleeding, emetics, calomel, opium, &c. There is reason to believe that more information on this subject may be obtained from those parts of the continent where the disease is now prevailing; but even should it be otherwise, the greatest confidence may be reposed in the intelligence and zeal which the medical practitioners of this country will employ in establishing an appropriate method of cure.


"President of the Board."


Important to Friendly Societies. We learn, that on the 16th ult. the presidents, and other official members of eight respectable societies in London, in conjunction with Mr. Wright, presented, by the hands of Mr. Wilks, a petition to the House of Commons, praying for a revision of the laws respecting these valuable institutions. Upon the motion of Mr. Wilks, it was ordered, that returns should be made to parliament of all rules which were enrolled between the years 1793 and 1829; and, at the same time, Mr. Wilks also gave notice that he should shortly move to have the time extended for enrolling the rules, under the act 10 Geo. IV. c. 56, until the sense of the societies throughout the kingdom can be collected, as to the improvements suggested in the said petition. The petition states, that the expense of enrolling the rules of the 12,000 societies, under the said act, will, in the aggregate, be about 360,000/. The unnecessary expenditure of this sum, together with many other



serious expenses, tending to impoverish the societies,
Mr. Wright undertakes to demonstrate, at any public
meeting which the friends of these benevolent insti-
tutions may convene in London. Further information
may be obtained, on application to Mr. Wilkins, No.
60. Holborn Hill, London.

Modern Fashionable Life. The nobility and higher
orders of this country seldom rise from their beds
much before
they then breakfast upon

dainties provided to excite their languid appetites;
they afterwards prepare for what they call exercise,
which, after partaking of another meal, consists in
being dragged in a carriage, or sauntering on horse-
back, in the park, or principal streets in the metro-
polis, where they leisurely pass an hour or two.
Their time of dinner is generally about seven or
eight o'clock in the evening, when they sit down to a
table loaded with every luxury that can be procured,
whether in or out season, and consisting of several
courses of rich soups, various sauces, and variously
compounded dishes, wherein the principal ingredients
are lost in unnatural cookery, all of which, however
innocent in themselves, are, from their combinations,
rendered most pernicious; these are accompanied
with liquors of the most inviting flavours, and most
intoxicating qualities. Whatever may be the mode-
ration of a man, or however guarded may be his
intentions, when exposed to such accumulated temp-
tations as are here presented to him, it is difficult to
believe he will not exceed the bounds of the just
moderation essential to the preservation of health.
What then must be the excesses of those who, not
content with the ordinary powers of the stomach to
minister to the indulgence of the palate, have re-
course to drugs, tonics, and artificial provocatives, to
excite and stimulate it to efforts beyond its strength,
in the reception of the pernicious trash which is only
hastening it to its destruction. But the excesses of
the table do not terminate the follies of our votaries
of fashion; after indulging to satiety, they hasten to
the crowded circles of gaiety and dissipation, there to
pass the night in an atmosphere composed wholly of
their own respirations, till, exhausted by fatigue, and
oppressed by repletion, they throw themselves upon
their beds about sunrise, and sleep a few hours in a
room from which every breath of pure air is most
cantiously excluded.-Pinney's Code of Health.

Coal. The bed of coal, which, we believe, extends under the whole town of Sheffield, lies so near the surface, on the west side, that scores of loads, and some large, have been carted away during the formation of Fitzwilliam street; it lies immediately beneath a bed of strong clay.-Sheffield Iris.

Exeter Hall. Sir Christopher Wren says, that churches should not exceed 90 feet long by 60 broad, which makes 5.400 square feet. Exeter Hall, the new building for holding the public meetings, is 130 feet long by 76 wide, which makes 9,880 square feet; being an excess of 4,480 square feet, so that it is, if measured by Sir Christopher Wren's standard, nearly one half too large. This probably accounts for the difficulty experienced in the large room in hearing the speakers from the platform to advantage. The expense of erecting this building was 28,000.

Longevity. Lately died at Jamaica, Joseph Ram, a black, belonging to Morice Hall's estate, at the extraordinary age of 146.


Suspended Animation. It having appeared, in the course of the examination into the circumstances attending the late melancholy accident, by which Sir Joseph Yorke and three other individuals lost their lives, that a grievous want of knowledge of the means by which suspended animation may be restored, in cases of this sort, prevailed among those who took an active part in picking up the bodies of the unfortunate men, by which at least one life was lost, the following observations, extracted from a recent lecture by Sir Astley Cooper, will, it is to be hoped, be deemed not altogether unworthy of attention:-"When a person is taken out of the water," says Sir Astley, "nothing is so absurd, or so likely to cause death, as to hang the patient up by the heels, under a notion that the water will run out of his lungs. This has been practised, but it is most fatal. What I would recommend as the first thing to be done, even at the water's edge, is to lay the patient on his back, his head being a little elevated; and then let some one press strongly on the breast-bone, with both hands, so as to depress the ribs; and then let him spring up again, so as to induce respiration. After this, the patient should be taken to a moderately warm room, his clothes taken off, and his person wrapped in a blanket. If this cannot be done, let him be laid on a dung heap. It often happens that bleeding is necessary, to relieve the heart from an overload of blood. This should be done by making a small puncture in the jugular vein; this must, of course, be done by a surgeon; but what I have before recommended may be done by any person, and it requires no apparatus. After the respiration and the circulation of the blood are restored, commence friction, and give brandy. If you cannot succeed in restoring respiration by the mode I have mentioned, tie a handkerchief round the nozzle of a pair of bellows, press the nose of the patient, and put the end of the nozzle of the bellows into his mouth, and thus try to inflate the lungs."

England's King William. Three out of the four kings of this country who have borne the name of William, have been remarkably identified with the introduction of a new order of things. William of Normandy, by right of conquest, took possession of the land; and his followers left those castles, and many of those surnames, traces of which remain at this day. William of Nassau was the adopted monarch of the Revolution of 1688; to him we are indebted for the maintenance of our civil and religious liberties against popish usurpation. Lastly, King William the Fourth is likely to effect a change as memorable as those brought about by the instrumentality of his predecessors.

The City of the Dead. The neighbourhood of Thebes presents a subject worthy of attention, and quite characteristic of an Egyptian capital, the Necropolis, or City of the Dead. Proceeding on the idea that the human being only sojourns for a time in the land of the living, but that the tomb is his permanent dwelling place, the inhabitants of this magnificent metropolis lavished much of their wealth and taste on the decorations of their sepulchres. The mountains on the western side of Thebes have been nearly hollowed out in order to supply tombs for the inhabitants; while an adjoining valley, remarkable for its solitary and gloomy aspect, appears to have been selected by persons of rank as the receptacle of their mortal remains. The darkest recesses of these pits and chambers have been explored by travellers in search of such antiquities as might illustrate the ancient manners of the people, as well as by those mercenary dealers in mummies, who make a trade of human bones, coffins, and funeral lining.-Edinburgh Cabinet Library, No. 3, View of Ancient and Modern Egypt.

Sagacity of Dogs in Madagascar. The dogs are said to be so sagacious, that, when one has occasion to cross a river, he will stand barking on the bank considerably lower than the point where he means to attempt his passage. When all alligators have been attracted to the former spot, away he runs full speed, plunges into the stream at a safe distance, and swims over, before the enemy can sail back against the current to interrupt him. Bennett and Tyerman's Voyages and Travels.

Curious Anecdote. The following story, connected with the history of a spaniel, whose portrait may be seen at Messrs. Stroud and Co's., printsellers, Strand, is well authenticated. The animal was in the possession of a very poor man, living in Brook-street, Holborn, and was the admiration of the neighbourhood: the proprietor was frequently offered money for her, but invariably refused it; at length, a lady was so struck with the beauty of the little creature, that she offered 15/. for her this sum was, however, refused; but, at the lady's request, the owner of the dog gave his address. The lady called next day, and offered a lottery ticket and 5%. The offer was accepted, and in four days the dog seller was in possession of 20,000/.! the ticket having been drawn a capital prize.

Anecdote of Paganini. We have heard an anecdote of this extraordinary man, which speaks volumes for the goodness of his heart. One day, while walking in the streets of Vienna, he saw a poor boy playing upon his violin; and, on entering into conversation with him, he found that he maintained his mother and several little brothers and sisters by what he picked up as an itinerant musician. Paganini immediately gave him all the money he had about him; then, taking the boy's violin, commenced playing, and, when he had collected a vast crowd, pulled off his hat, made a collection, and gave it to the poor boy, amid the acclamations of the multitude.-Athenaum.

The Burning Cliff at Holworth near Weymouth, is now becoming an object of particular attention. Fissures have, within the last fortnight, opened, discharging vapour at another part, about five hundred feet to the westward of the long line of apertures, which have for some time past been active in operation. Hampshire Advertiser, June 4, 1831.

Remarkable Fatality of the late Mr. Huskisson.There are some persons who are reported never to have gone into action without being wounded. Mr. Huskisson seems to have laboured under a similar fatality, in regard to accidents, from his earliest infancy to that fatal one which closed his career. When a child, he fractured his arm; a few days before his marriage, his horse fell with him, and he was severely hurt; soon after, he was knocked down by the pole of a carriage, just at the entrance to the Horse Guards; in the autumn of 1801, being then in Scotland, at the Duke of Athol's, he missed his distance in attempting


to leap the moat, and gave himself a most violent sprain of the ankle, accompanied with a considerable laceration of some of the tendons and ligaments of his foot, and it was many weeks before he was able to leave Scotland: indeed, the effects of this accident were visible in his gait during the remainder of his life. He afterwards fractured his arm by a fall from his horse, at Petworth; and again, in 1817, by his carriage being overturned. On this occasion, none of his surgeons could discover the precise nature of the mischief; but Sir Astley Cooper was of opinion that the bone was split from the fracture up to the joint. The recovery was slow, and his sufferings very severe, as all kinds of experiments were employed to prevent the joint from stiffening. In spite of every exertion, he never recovered the full use of his arm, and a visible alteration in the spirit and elasticity of his carriage resulted from the injury. He was constantly encountering accidents of minor importance, and the frequency of them, joined to a frame enfeebled from the severe illness under which he suffered during his latter years, had given rise to a certain hesitation in his movements, wherever any crowd or obstacle impeded him, which may, perhaps, in some degree, have led to his last fatal misfortune. -Biographical Memoirs of Mr. Huskisson.

Hustings. The term husting, or hustings, as applied to the scaffold erected at elections, from which candidates address the electors, is derived from the Court of Hustings, of Saxon origin, and the most ancient in the kingdom. Its name is a compound of hers and ding; the former implying a house, and the latter a thing, cause, suit, or plea; whereby it is manifest that husding imports a house or hall, wherein causes are heard and determined; which is further evinced by the Saxon dingere or thingere, an advocate or lawyer.

Population of Rome. The Diario ai Roma has published the following statement of the population of Rome, during the twelve months which elapsed between Easter, 1829, and Easter, 1830: Parish churches, 54; families, 34,805; bishops, 30; priests, 1,455; monks and friars, 1,986: nuns, 1,385; seminarists and collegians, 560; heretics, Turks, and infidels, exclusive of Jews, 206; prepared for the sacrament, 107.433; not prepared for the sacrament, 39 852; marriages, 1.068; male baptisms, 2,339; female baptisms, 2,351-total baptisms, 4,680; male deaths, 2,882; female deaths, 2.113-total deaths, 4.995; males of all ages, 77,475; females of all ages, 69,880: total population, 147,385

Recipe for Contagious Diseases. The following is the recipe for destroying contagious misasmata, for which, some years ago, parliament rewarded Dr. J. C. Smith with 5,000/-Rec. 6. qr. of powdered nitre, 6 qr. of oil of vitriol, mix them up in a teacup, by adding to the nitre one drachm of the oil at a time. The cup to be placed during the preparation on a hot hearth, or plate of beaten iron, and the mixture stirred with a tobacco-pipe. The cup is to be placed in different parts of the sick room.-Bristol Mtrror.

Workings of Despotism; Emperor Paul. A lady, wife of a general in the army, hastening into St. Petersburgh from the country, to procure medical advice for her sick husband, passed the czar inadvertently, and was immediately arrested, and sent to prison. Alarm and anxiety threw her into a burning fever, which terminated in madness; and her husband died from the same causes, and for want of proper care and attendance. On being presented to Paul, it was necessary to drop plump on your knees, with force enough to make the floor ring as if a musket had been grounded, and to kiss his hand with energy sufficient to certify to all present the honour which you had just enjoyed. Prince George Galitzin was placed under arrest for kissing his hand too neg. ligently. When enraged, he lost all command of himself, which sometimes gave rise to very curious scenes. In one of his famous passions, flourishing his cane, he struck by accident the branch of a large Instre, and broke it; whereupon he commenced a serious attack, from which he did not relax until he had entirely demolished his brittle antagonist.-Historical Parallels, Library of Entertaining Knowledge.

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