A DISSERTATION ON THE PROPHECIES, THAT HAVE BEEN FULFILLED, OR WILL HEREAFTER BE FULFILLED, RELATIVE TO THE GREAT PERIOD OF 1260 YEARS; THE PAPAL AND MOHAMMEDAN APOSTASIES; THE TYRANNICAL REIGN OF ANTICHRIST, OR THE INFIDEL POWER; AND + THE RESTORATION OF THE JEWS. By the Rev. GEORGE STANLEY FABER, B.D. RECTOR OF LONG-NEWTON IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. III. "Shut up the Words, and seal the Book, even to the time of the end; many LONDON: PRINTED FOR F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON, No. 62, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. 1818. CONTENTS. Respecting the rise and fall of the seventh and eighth apocalyptic forms of Roman government and the effusion of the fourth and Preliminary Observations. p. 3. - THE Roman Empire, as all agree, is symbolized by the apo- calyptic seven-headed and ten-horned wild beast: and its first six heads or forms of government are easily ascertained to be Kings, Consuls, Dictators, Consular Tribunes, and Roman Em- I. But it is not equally easy to ascertain the seventh head, II. Most protestant expositors, however they may have been perplexed in the arrangement of the seventh head, have supposed the eighth and last form of Roman go- |