Phoenix Rising: The Rise and Fall of the American RepublicPhoenix Rising, 2008 - 600 pages In an age when the supply of gasoline to feed this modern American society has become both more expensive and more scarce questions are being pondered. Inquires like, How can a modern society scale back its dependence on gasoline as a motive source?' Are there genuine alternative power sources?' Are they the answer to a growing crisis?' Recent announcements of hybrids like those from Honda, Toyota, and Ford have really brought attention to this issue. Hybrids that use both gasoline engines and electric motors. Really, though, alternative power sources have been around for as long as the automobile has been. The battle between and among the steam car, the electric and the gas car was fought out in the first couple of decades of the twentieth century. This book explores the ins and outs of that battle. A struggle from which the gasoline car emerged completely victorious. To such an extent that steam cars and electric cars virtually disappeared from the scene for many decades. We will look over all three alternatives, exploring their advantages and disadvantages. We will also look over the obstacles to the steamers and the electrics. Barriers that still exist to a certain extent. Handicaps that caused their disappearance in the first place. |
From inside the book
... McKinley and Freemasonry. Freemasonry and the Occult. Albert Pike, Freemasonry and the Occult ...
... Freemason in Hiram Lodge No. 21, Winchester, Virginia.62 It is interesting that May 1st is also celebrated by Wiccans as the Beltane, and is considered their second highest holy day of the year.63 You will see this day come up ...
... Freemasonry I will take some of it for myself . ' , 70 Several truths can be gleaned from this episode . First , McKinley had a benevolent heart that this event had stirred . To McKinley this may have been a proper use of Christ's ...
... Freemasonry actually has its roots in Egypt and from there it can be traced all the way back to the Babylon of Genesis 11. On the surface Freemasonry appears to be a wonderfully benevolent organization. They give money to charity ...
... Freemasonry and the occult : “ From 1859 until his death in 1891 , Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory at Washington , D.C. , Grand Commander of the Supreme Council at Charleston , S.C. ...