| Great Britain. Parliament - 1755 - 710 pages
...Government as may be 'moft agreeable to God's , * holy Word, and moft apt to procure and preferve * the Peace of the Church at home, and nearer ' Agreement...Scotland^ and * other Reformed Churches abroad; and to deli' ver their Opinions and Advice therein, with all ' convenient Speed, to the Houfes : Whereupon... | |
 | 1763 - 500 pages
...and ' Government as may be moft agreeable to God's ' holy Word, and moft apt to procure and preferve the Peace of the Church at home, and nearer Agreement...Scotland, and other Reformed Churches abroad ; and to deliver their Opinions and Advice therein, with all convenient Speed, to the Houfes : Whereupon... | |
 | Church of Scotland - 1764 - 648 pages
...fettled in the Church, as jnay be mofl agreeable to God's holy Word, and moft apt to procure and preferve the Peace of the Church at home, and nearer Agreement...other Reformed Churches abroad : And for the better effeffing hereof, and for the vindicating and clearing of the Doclrine of the Church of England from... | |
 | Church of Scotland - 1768 - 576 pages
...fettled in the church, as may be molt agreeable to God's holy word, and moft apt to procure and preierve the peace of the church at home, and nearer agreement...other reformed churches abroad: And for the better afftfting hereof, and for the vindicating and clearing of the doctrine of the church of England from... | |
 | John Spalding - 1792 - 328 pages
...in the church, as fhall be moft agreeable with God's holy word, and moft apt to preferve and procure .the peace of the church at home, and nearer agreement with the church of Scotland, &c. Anno 1644. Ye heard"before of the committee of war holden at Aberdeen. The earl Marifchal rode... | |
 | Daniel Neal, Edward Parsons - 1811 - 802 pages
...confer, and treat among themselves, of such a discipline and government as may be most agreeable to God!s holy word, and most apt to procure and preserve the peace of the church at home, and a nearer agreement with- the church of Scotland, &c. to be settled in this church .instead of the present... | |
 | 1813 - 580 pages
...they are resolved that the same shall be taken away, and that such a government shall be settled in the Church as may be most agreeable to God's holy...the Church at home, and nearer agreement with the Ch'arch of Scotland, and other Reformed Churches abroad j and, for the better effecting hereof, and... | |
 | John Mitchell Mason - 1816 - 418 pages
...and government of the church," so that " such a government might be settled in the church as should be most agreeable to God's holy word, and most apt...of Scotland, and other reformed churches abroad." The assembly was origtnally composed of Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Independents ; with commissioners,... | |
 | Daniel Neal - 1817 - 574 pages
...confer, and treat among themselves, * of such a discipline and government as may be most agree* able to God's holy word, and most apt to procure and ' preserve the peace of the church at home, and a nearer ' agreement with the church of Scotland. &c. to be settled ' in this church instead of the... | |
 | Daniel Neal - 1817 - 574 pages
...confer, and treat among themselves, • of such a discipline and government as may be most agree( able to God's holy word, and most apt to procure and • preserve the peace of the ehurch at home, and a nearer ' agreement with the church of Scotland, &c. to be settled < in this church... | |
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