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905 tain of their falvation perfect through fufferings. 11. For both he that " fantifieth, and they who are fanctified, are all of one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, 12. Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren,in the midst of the church will I fing praise unto thee. 13. And again, I will put my truft in him. And again, Behold, I and the children which God hath given me. 14. Forafmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he alfo himself likewife took part of the fame: f that through death he might deftroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil; 15. And deliver them who through" fear of death were all heir life-time fubject to bondage. 16. For verily he ook not on him the nature of Angels; but he took on im the feed of Abraham [Gr. he taketh not hold of angels, ut of the feed of Abraham he taketh hold]. 17. Wherefore n all things it behoved him to be made like unto his rethren; that he might be a merciful and faithful igh priest, in things pertaining to God, to make reconiliation for the fins of the people: 18. For in, that he imfelf hath fuffered, being tempted, he is able to fucour them that are tempted.

*.*Luk. 13. 32. -I do Cures to ay, and to morrow, and the aird Day I fhall be perfected. Luk, 4. 26, 46. Ought not Chrift to ave fuffered these things, and to iter into his Glory? Thus it is ritten, and thus it behoved brift to fuffer.† Heb. 5. 9. Being ade perfect, he became the Author feternal falvation unto all them 10 at obey him.

11. Heb. 10. 10, 14. By the hich Will we are fantified, thro' e Offering of the Body of Jefus hrift once for all. For by one 15 ffering he hath perfected for wer them that are fanctified.


† Acts 17. 26. And hath ade of one Blood all Nations of len, for to dwell on all the Face 20 the Earth.

† Pfal. 22. 22.


See on Joh.

D. 17.

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my Deliverer, in whom I will truft. Ifa. 12 2. Behold, God is my falvation: I will truft, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my Strength- Joh. 10. 29. My Father which gave them me is greater than all: and none is able to pluck them out of my Fathers Hand.

dIfa. 8. 18. Behold, I and the Children whom the Lord hath given me, are for Signs



14. † Phil. 2. 7. See on Joh.

1. 14.

f 2 Tim. I. 10. See on 1 Cor. 15 26.

8. Col. 2. 15. Having spoiled Principalities and Powers, he made a Shew of them openly.


15. Rom. 8. 15. See on Luk

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y Rock, and my Fortrefs, and 25 See on IIeb. 3. I.




HEREFORE, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, confider the Apoftle and


high priest of our profeffion, Chrift Jefus; 2. Who was faithful to him that appointed [Gr. made] him, as alfo Mofes was faithful in all his house. e

3. For

this man was counted worthy of more glory than Mo


I. † Phil. 3. 14. See on Rom. 1. 7.

Joh. 1. 11. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. † Rom. 15.8. Jefus Chrift was a Minifter of the Circumcifion for the Truth of God, to confirm the Promifes made unto the Fathers.

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made an high priest for ever after
the Order of Melchifedeck. Heb.
7. 26, 28. Such an high priest be
came us, who is holy, harmlefs, un-
defiled, feparate from finners, and
made higher than the Heavens;
for the Law maketh Men high
priests which have infirmity; but
the Word of the Oath which was
fince the Law, maketh the Son, who
is confecrated for evermore. † Heb.
8. 1, 3, 4.
We have fuch an
high priest, who is fet on the right
Hand of the Throne of the Ma-
jefty in the Heavens. Every high
prieft is ordained to offer Gifts and
Sacrifices: Wherefore it is of ne
ceffity that this Man have fome
what alfo to offer. For if he were
on Earth he fhould not be a Prief,
feeing that there are Priests
that offer Gifts according to the
Law. Heb. 9. 11, 14. Chrift be
ing come an high priest of good
things to come. Chrift through
the Eternal Spirit offered him","
without fpot to God. Heb. 10.
-21. Having an high priest over the
House of God.

Eph. 5. 2. Walk in Love, as Chrift alfo hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a fweet fmelling favour. Heb. 2. 17, 18. In all things it behoved him to be made 15 like unto his Brethren; that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the Sins of the People: For in that 20 he himself hath fuffered, being tempted, he is able to fuccour them that are tempted. † Heb. 4. 14, 15. Seeing then that we have a great high priest that is paffed into 25 the Heavens, Jefus the fon of God, let us hold faft our Profeffion. For we have not an high pricft which cannot be touched with a feeling of our Infirmities; but was in all 30 Points tempted like as we are, yet without fin. Heb. 5. 1, 2. For every high priest taken from among Men, is ordained for Men in things pertaining to God, that he 35 may offer both Gifts and Sacrifices for fins. Who can have compeffion on the Ignorant, and on them that are out of the Way; for that he him felf alfo is compaffed with in- 40 firmity. Heb. 6. 20. Jefus,


2. + Numb. 12. 7. My fer vant Mofes is not fo, who is faith ful in all mine Houfe. Joh. 1. Mofes my Servant is dead. I Sam. 1.2 6. It is the Lord that advanced Mofes and Aaron.


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1 Tim. 3. 15. That they may ft know how thou oughte to behave thy felf in the Ho of God, which is the Church the living God, the Pillar and ground of the Truth.

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ses, in as much as he who hath builded the house, hath more honour than the houfe. 4. For every house is builded by fome man; but he that built all things is God. 5. And Mofes verify was faithful in all his house is a fervant, for a teftimony of thofe things which were to be fpoken after; 6. But Chrift as a Son over his own house: h whofe houfe are we, if we hold faft the conidence, and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. 7. Wherefore as the holy Ghost faith, in To day if ye will hear his voice, 8. Harden not your hearts as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wiliernefs: 9. When your fathers tempted me, proved me, ind faw my works forty years. 10. Wherefore I was

grieved with that generation, and faid, They do alway err in their heart; and they have not known my ways. 1. So I fware in my wrath, * they fhall not enter [Or, f they shall enter] into my reft. 12. Take heed, brethren, left there be in any of you an evil heart of 4 unbelief, in departing from the living God. 13. But exhort one nother daily while it is called, To day; left any of you be hardned through the deceitfulness of fin.

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14. For

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6. bt 1 Cor. 3. 16. Cor. 6.15 † 2 Cor. 6. 16. † Eph. 2. 21, † 1 Tim. 3. 15. † 1 Pet. 2. 5. See on Rom. 8. 9. if Heb. 6. 11. See on Mat. 24. 13.

kRom. 5. 2. [By our Lord Jefus Chrift] we have accefs by Faith into this Grace wherein we fand, and rejoice in hope of the Glory of God.

7.1 2 Sam. 23. 2. The Spirit of



8. n See on A&s 7.51.
• See on I Cor. 10. 9.

12. P Heb. 2. 1. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, left at any time we fhould let them flip.

9 Heb. 4. 11.


13. Heb. 10. 24. Let us confider one another to provoke unto love, and to good Works.

Rom. 7. 11. Sin taking occasion by the Commandment, dece ved 25 me, and by it flew me. Eph. 4. 22.


HE B. IV. we are made partakers of Chrift, " if we hold the be ginning of our confidence ftedfaft unto the end; 15. While it is faid, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. 16. For fome when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Mofes. 17. But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had finned, whofe carcafes fell in the Wilderness? 18. And to whom fware he that they fhould not enter into his reft, but to them that believed not? 19. So we fee that

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they could not enter in because of unbelief.


ET us therefore fear, left a promise being left us of


Lentring into his reft, any of you should feem to come short of it. 2. For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached [Gr. of hear. ing] b did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard [Or, because they were not united by faith to] it. 3. For we which have believed do enter into reft, as he said, As I have fworn in my wrath, If they fhall enter into my reft: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. 4. For he fpake in a certain place of the feventh day on this wife, And God did & reft

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18. ct Numb. 14. 30. Doubtless ye shall not come into the Land concerning which I fware to make you dwell therein, fave Caleb the fon of Jephunneh, and Joshua the fon





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1. a Heb. 3. 19. Heb. 12. 15. Looking diligently, left any Man fail of the Grace of God. 2. Heb. 3. 7, 8, 12. Deut. 1. 32. Yet in this thing ye did not be lieve the Lord your God.


3. + Pfal. 95. 11. Unto whom I fware in my Wrath, that they fhould not enter into my reft.

4.dt Gen. 2. 2. And on the feventh Day God ended his Work which he had made: and he refted on the feventh Day from all his work which he had made. † Exod. 31. 17. In fix Days the Lord made

of Nun. † Deut. 1. 34, 35. The 20 Heaven and Earth, and on the fi

Lord heard the Voice of your Words, and was wroth, and fware, faying, Surely there fhall not one of

venth Day he refted and was re freshed.


e 10

the feventh day from all his works. 5. And in this place again, If they fhall enter into my reft. 6. Seeing therefore it remaineth that fomé must enter therein,and they to whom * it [Or, the gospel] was firft preached, entred not in because of unbelief: 7. Again, he limiteth a certain day, faying in David, To day, after fo long a time, as it is laid, lo day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. 8. For if Jefus [that is, Jofua] had given them reft, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. 9. There remaineth therefore a reft [Or, keeping of a fatbath] to the people of God. 10. For he that is entred into his reft, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. II. Let us labour therefore to enter into that reft, left any man fall after the fame example of* unbelief [Or, difobedience]. 12. For the word of God is quick and powerful, and fharper than any two-edged fword, piercing even to the dividing afunder of foul and 1pirit, and


3. 7.

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† Pfal. 95. 7. See on Heb. fweeter alfo than Honey, and the

9. f See on 2 Thef. I. 7. and on Rom. 8 18.

II. See on Mat. 7. 13.

126 ht 2 Cor. 10. 4, $. The Weapons of our Warfare are not Carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of Arong holds, afting down Imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth it felf against the Knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every Thought to the Obedience of Chrift. Pfal. 119. 25, 50.-Quicken thou me according to thy Word. -Thy Word hath quickned me..


Honey-comb. Moreover, by them is thy Servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great Reward. Jer. 23. 29. Is not my Word like as a Fire? faith the Lord: and like a Hammer that breaketh the Rock in Pieces? A&s 2.37. When they heard this, they were pricked 10 in their Heart, and faid unto Peter, and to the rest of the Apostles, Men and Brethren, what shall we do? Rom. 1. 16. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Chrift: for it is the Power of God unto Salvation.→ Jam. 1. 18. Of his own Will begat he us with the Word of Truth.I Pet. 1. 23. Being born again,not of corruptible Seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God which liveth and abideth for ever. 1 Joh. 3. 9. Whofoever is born of God doth not commit fin; for his Seed remaineth in him.


i Pfal. 19. 7, &c. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the Soul: the Teftimony of the Lord 20 is fure, making wife the fimple. The Statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the Heart: the Commandment of the Lord is pure, enlighthing the Eyes. The Fear of the 25 Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the Judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. More to be defired are they than Gold, yea, than much fine Cold o


Prov. 5. 4. Her End is bitter as Wormwood, sharp as a twoedged Sword!

† Rev 1. 16. † Reve 2.16. See on Eph, 6. 17.

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