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§ 6. If two perfons of the fame name and family, or the two fecretaries of the council have the majority of votes for the office of Syndic, in the cafe where all the members of the council are prefented together to the general council, without a new election; he that fhall have the feweft of the two fhall not be elected; and the two candidates who fhall have the most votes next to him shall be presented to the general council, for them to return one of them.

$ 7. The election of treasurer fhall be at the same time; as that of lieutenant and auditors, and after he shall have exercifed his office three years, if the council fhall think proper, he may be continued three years more, by referring it to the two hundred, or general council, who may approve or reject him.

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§ The discharges granted by the leffer and the great council to the Syndics, lieutenant, treasurer, auditors, or the procurer general, muft be carried for confirmation to the general council; but the leffer and great council fhall continue to grant difcharges to the counfellors of these two councils, let their creation be what it will.

§ 2 In cafe of a vacancy in the offices of the treasurer, auditor, attorney general, whether by death, or discharge, or by promotion to fome other office, or by fome criminal fentence, or any other caufe; the general council shall fubstitute one for the remainder of the term, without prejudicing or hindering fuch fubftitute to offer himself afterwards for the faid office, but, if there remain no more than fix months of the office of Auditor, no one fhall be fubftituted; and the bufinefs of the Auditor whofe feat fhall be vacant, fhall be fhared by his colleagues.

ARTICLE. III. Of the election of the two


$ I. The promotion fhall be declared publicly, when there hall be two places vacant in the council of three hundred, and it fhall confift only of fifty members, even after, in the interval between the opening of the promotion, there shall be more than fifty places vacant.

2 In every promotion the general council fhall have the election of five and twenty perfons; and fhall proceed thereunto in the manner following.

3. Sometime before every promotion, every citizen and burgefs, being five and twenty years complete, and invefted with the right of voting in the general council, fhall be invited to come and enroll, or to caufe his name to be enrolled

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in the chancery, if he is defirous of being admitted into one of the divifions, which fhall be explained hereafter.

$4. At every promotion, there fhall be formed, by way of lot, four equal divifions of all the citizens and burgeffes enrolled in the chancery, who fhall not be members of the leffer or the grand council, or of the company of paftors, nor fhall be tithing-men; and then fhall likewife be feparated by lot in every divifion an equal number, as great as poffibly can be, from the members of the leffer council, from thofe of the grand council, and from the members of the company and the tything-men. Every one of the three first divifions fhall not be elected by lot, before the day before their meeting; and those who compofe the fourth, which fhall be determined by the balot of the third, fhall not be declared to the public, before the day preceding that day, when this fourth divifion ought

to meet.

§ 5. Thefe four divifions, always prefiding by one Syndic, fhall have together the nomination of fifty citizens, or lay burgeffes, admiffible by law to the council of the two hundred; into which, notwithstanding, a person may be admitted at the age of twenty-feven years complete. The divifion that fhall be elected the firft by lot, fhall name forty, and the three others twelve each.

$ 6. Thefe divifions shall be affembled by the order of council on different days, as foon as may be, and in fuch manner that the entire election may be finished in fix weeks, to commence from the declaration of the promotion.

§ 7. No one can be admitted to the affembly, nor give his vote, but in the divifion in which his lot fhall have placed him.

$ 8. If any question concerning the right of voting, or eligibility of a perfon fhall be ftated in the affembly; it fhall be decided on the spot by those who are invefted with the power of tellers by $13. But this provifional determination fhall have no other effect, than that of actual business.

$9. Bufinefs fhall be proceeded upon at the very inftant, in which the Syndic and counfellors, coming according to the ufage of the affembly, fhall have taken their place; and they fhall adminifter to them the following oath, which fhall be read;

"We promife and fwear before God, to nominate fuch perfons to these offices which we think to be fit; and that in nominating we will have regard to the public welfare, and not to any particular affection of hatred or favour; as likewife of neither having made intereft, nor caufed intereft to be made, of having neither recommended, nor caused to be recommended, and to have had no regard to any intereft or recom mendations, which may have been made to us. We call


God to witness to the truth of this declaration, and fubmit ourselves to punishment if we act contrary thereunto.

S. 10. Every elector in the firft divifion fhall nominate, by writing, feven citizens or lay burgeffes, and in the three other divifions every elector fhall nominate fix, which may be chosen from all the citizens and burgeffes in general, that are eligible.

Every lift, or paper, in which fewer perfons are nominated than ought to be, fhall be void: But if there fhall be any lifts in the first divifion, wherein more than feven perfons are nominated, only the seven first perfons fhall be allowed. And to expedite this bufinefs, every elector fhall receive a blank, figned by the prefident Syndic, upon which there shall be as many figures as there are perfons to be nominated, that he may write, or caufe to be written at the fide of each figure the name of that person whom he would nominate.

SII. In thefe nominations, the restrictions and limitations made by the edicts, concerning the election of the coun cil of two hundred fhall be observed, and the lifts that are not conformable thereunto fhall be void; excepting nevertheless thofe lifts, wherein the subjects are accountable and indebted to the feigneury, or, who fhall not be heirs from their fa thers, fhall be found nominated, fhall be void; but the nomi- . nation of those who fhall be affected by this claufe of exclufion, fhall not be reckoned.

If the number of perfons, which may fit or enter at once in the council of two hundred, has been filled up by the election, which the general council fhall have made from the nomination of one divifion; the other divifions cannot nominate citizens or burgeffes, because they shall become inadmiffible by fuch election.

$13. The counting of the lifts fhall be done by the prefiding Syndic, by the fenior member of the council, by the fenior paftor, by the fenior member of the council of two hundred, by the fenior tithing-man, which fhall be present at the faid affembly, and by the fix citizens or burgeffes of that divifion, which shall firft be drawn out of the wheel; who fhall take oath to count the votes faithfully, without revealing the names. After the computation, the Syndic fhall declare the names of twenty citizens, or burgefies, who fhall have had the most votes; and thofe twenty fhall be declared.

$14. If in determining the twenty elected, there fhall be found to be more perfons who have an equality of votes, they fhall be entered in the return.

$ 15.

§ 15. With respect to those who are thus returned, the affembly by a fecond election, like that which has been declared § 10. fhall retain fourteen of them in the firft divifion, and twelve in each of the three others. The ruie, touching the lifts in which more or lefs perfons are nominated, mentioned in § 10. fhall be applied to this cafe; and the fourteen of twelve, who fhall have the most votes, fhall be returned, as those who are nominated, to the general council.

16. If in the taking the numbers for this nomination any of those who are returned, fhall be related to any of the furveyors, [voyans] either as a father, father-inlaw, or brother-in-law, or if one of the fix citizens, or burgeffes, that are furveyors [voyans] fhall have been returned himself, or have excufed himself from that office, the recu fants fhall be replaced by the counsellors, paftors, or members of the two hundred, by thofe who followed them in the order of the table, and the tithing-man, by him who isthe eldest in office next to him: and the fix citizens and burgeffes, who fhall have come out of the wheel next to them.

§ 17. If in the nomination there fhall be an equality of votes, the diftinction shall be made by lot immediately.

$ 18. If one or more perfons decline the return, or find themfelves difqualified to be returned, their place fhall be filled, by him or them, who fhall have the most votes next to them.

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$19. The return fhall be prefented about the day before, to the general council without any notice for a new election. They Thall adminifter the oath of election according to the tenor of § 9. for this purpose; and every elector fhall choose a part of the candidates then prefent. Every lift which shall contain less than its portion fhall be void: And with respect to thofe which fhall contain more, they fhall follow the rule prefcribed 10. After counting the numbers, the choice of thofe, who fhall have the most votes, fhall be published immediately.

$20. After the general council fhall have finifhed its four elections, the leffer council fhall proceed to that of five and twenty other members, according to the ufual custom, after having administered the oath for that purpose.

§ 21. Precedency fhall be given to the elected who shall be twenty years complete, according to the regulation made for that purpose, as if they had been elected at one fingle voting only, they who are not thirty years complete, fhall be placed after them, and their rank fhall be regulated according to their age,


$ 22.

None of those who are elected fhall be offered to the bench of approbation on account of his being elected; but all fhall be fubject to the annual confirmation which the leffer council fhall continue to make to the council of two hundred.

If notwithstanding, the name of a member of the council of two hundred, who fhall have been elected by the general council, shall be omitted, fuch omiffion fhall have no effect 'till it be confirmed by the general council, at least if the cause of omiffion be not exprefsly founded upon law.

§ 23. No member of the two hundred can be invested with an office of judicature, before he shall be thirty years complete ; but under the title of an office of judicature, fhall not be comprehended the clerks of justice, nor the fecretaries of the different chambers.

§ 24. All the edicts, which concern the election of the council of two hundred, which the present regulation doth not abolish, fhall continue to be observed and put in force.

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§ 1. In cafe the election of the syndics fhall have been made or completed upon the prefentation of all the counsellors, both actual and eligible, without proceeding to a new election, the general council fhall be affembled the thursday following, to determine whether there is any room to proceed

to the re-election of the leffer council.

§2. If the general council, by the majority of votes given by lift, determine that there be room to proceed to fuch re-election, all the members of the leffer council, excepting the four fyndics, the fenior fyndics, the lieutenant and the treasurer, fhall be prefented to the general council, the funday following without a new election, together with four citizens members of the council of two hundred; and after that every elector fhall have taken the oath of election, the general council fhall retain fo many, by a majority of votes, as are neceffary to complete the leffer council: In which cafe the re-election made by the general council fhall ferve for that year, inftead of the election made annually by the general council.

3. The four members of the council of two hundred, who fhall be prefented to the general council, together with the counfellors of the leffer council, fhall be nominated the friday after the election of the Syndics by the council of two hundred. For which purpose, every counsellor of the council of two hundred, fhall return by his own choice and lift,


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