Page images

Jews, 369; siege of, by Lysias,
395; by Demetrius, 397; Paul
at, 441-443; excavations of its
ruined walls, xiv, 384.

Jesse, of the tribe of Judah, ii,

Jesuitism v. Protestantism, vi, 315.
Jesuits, The.-Rise and influence

of, vi, 299; Loyola, founder of
"Society of Jesus," 301, 302,
303; preachers, 304; secret of
their success, 305; motto, 308;
esprit de corps, 316; unpopular,
317; fanatical, 320; their doc-
trine of expediency, 321; rivet-
ing fetters on human mind, 323;
political intrigues, 324; perse-
cutions of, 325; vii, 118, 172,
373; fall of the Order in
France, viii, 311, 318; disliked
by Mme. de Pompadour, 317,
322. See Loyola, Ignatius.
Jesus. High ethical and spiritual
truths taught by him, i, 28;
"Society of Jesus" founded by
Ignatius Loyola, vi, 302, 303.
Jethro.-Priest of Midian, ii, 101.
Jewish Commonwealth restored,
The, ii, 367.

Jewish Heroes and Prophets, ii,

27; history, extraordinary men
of, 165; heroic ages of, 209;
nation, peculiarities of, 42; de-
velopment of, 57; jurisprudence,
xi, 25.

Jewish monarchy culminates in Sol-
omon, ii, 203; last days of,
327; joined to its idols (time
of Jeremiah), 328.
Jews, Pure monotheism of, the
oldest authentic religion, i, 29;
isolation of, as a race, ii, 118,
119; social economy of, 121;
prepared for political independ-
ence, 142; captive, treated gen-
erously by Cyrus, iv, 57; res-
toration of the race to their

[blocks in formation]

setting sin, before the cap.
tivity, was idolatry, 179; treated
of in "Daniel Deronda," vii, 382.
Jezebel.-Wife of King Ahab, re-

ligious fanatic and persecutor, ii,
244-246; her wickedness, 245,
246; cruel and inexorable, 258;
threatens Elijah, 259; cruel
death vowed by Elijah, 271;
eaten of dogs, 279; vii, 27, 149.
Joab.-Captain of David's army,
ii, 175; murders Abner, 175;
sheds lustre on Jewish arms,

Joan of Arc.-(1412-31.)


national heroine, known as "The
Maid of Orléans," vii, 69; birth,
71; early days, 72; her visions,
72, 73; her voices, 77, 79; in-
terview with the King (Charles
VII), 78; courage and faith,
81; a religious phenomenon,

82; Joan in armor, 84; delivers
Orléans, 86; marches to Rheims
and captures it, 91; mission ac-
complished, 92; seeks to deliver
France from the English, 93;
wounded in attack on Paris and
taken prisoner, 94; sold to the
English, 96; tried for heresy,
sentenced, and burned at the
stake, 99; her family ennobled,
102; trial and martyrdom in-
quired into by order of the
Pope, 102; memory vindicated
and honored, 103; heroism and
grandeur of her character, 104.
Job, on his heap of ashes, ii, 62;
lofty meditations of, 225.
Jocelyn's Chronicles, English life
in 12th century, xiii, 229.
Joffre, General. (1852-.) Mar
shal of France, xv, 104; home
of, 104; classmate of Foch, 111;
Commander-in-Chief of France's
Armies, 121; skill in reorgani


For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
Bee Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

[blocks in formation]

Johnson, Mr. Justice.-xii, 353.
Johnson v. McIntosh, Case of, xi,

Johnston, Col. Albert Sidney.

(1803-62.) American general in
Confederate service, his cavalry
regiment raised in Texas, xii,
299, 323, 328.

Johnston, Gen. Joseph E-xii, 322,
323, 328.

John the Baptist.-Preaching re-
pentance, ii, 143.

Joinville, Prince de.-(b. 1818.)
Third son of Louis Philippe, ix,
353, 365.
Jones, John



Scottish-American naval adven-
turer, xi, 93.

[blocks in formation]

phar's wife, 62;

Pharaoh's dream, 63; rises to
honor and influence, 63, 64;
wise forethought during famine,
66-68; Egypt governed by him
as prime minister, 75, 76; his
brethren come to buy corn, 77;
receives them austerely, 77; the
Benjamin incident, 78-81; de-
clares himself to his brethren,
81, 82; Jacob and his family
leave Canaan for Egypt, 83, 84;
death and character of Joseph,
86, 87; the Israelites in Egypt,
89-92; influence on them of
Egyptian civilization, 92. (Era,
1700 B. C.)

Joseph, Saint, Convent of, vii, 133.
Josephine, Marie. (1763-1814.)

Wife of Napoleon I, v, 27; mar-
riage, ix, 115; divorce of, 128,

[blocks in formation]

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

in battle (160 B. C.). Theme:
"Jewish Commonwealth Re-
stored," 367, 408; eminent
Jewish Warrior, 367; the Jews
on their return from Babylonian
captivity, 368; tranquillity of
their country, 374; Jews under
Mattathias 382; fights and re-
stores the Law, 384; death
of Mattathias and mourning for,
386; valor of Judas, 388;
twice routs the Syrians, 390;
cleanses the sanctuary and re-
stores Temple worship, 391,
392; victorious over Lysias,
395; over Nicanor, 396; makes
alliance with Rome, 397; falls
in battle, 397; lament for the
mighty captain, 398; succeeded
by his brother, Jonathan Mac-
cabæus, 399.

Judea, under Darius III, last King
of Persia (336-330 B. C.), ii,
377; invaded by Ptolemy and
Jerusalem taken, 377; by
Syrian and Egyptian armies,
Judith. The layer of Holofernes,
vii, 70.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Julius II.


Pope (1503-13),
Michael Angelo paints for him
ceiling of Sistine Chapel, vi,
195, 197, 212.

Junker, Dr., among savages of Cen-

tral Africa, xiv, 326.
Juno.-See Hera.

Junto, Franklin's Reading-Club at

Philadelphia, xi, 60.
Jupiter, Galileo discovers the satel-
lites of, vi, 446.

Jupiter, Roman.-i, 33, 44, 45, 47,
48; "Father of Heaven," 114.
Jupiter Ammon.-i, 295; temple
of, iii, 84, 142.

[blocks in formation]

Moses's system of, 107; Greek
and Roman, iii, 23; golden age
of Roman, 42, 47; criminal,
laws the foundation of, 70.
Jurists, Roman, ii, 112.

Justification by Faith, vi, 223, 230,
232, 300.

Justinian, Byzantine Emperor.
(527-565 B. C.) Digest or code
of Roman law made by his

orders, iii, 41, 45, 48; new
constitutions of, 50;

of, 53, 59, 61, 74.
Juvenal, Decimus J.



[blocks in formation]

1552.) Wife of Martin Luther
(m. 1525), vi, 228, 246.
Katharine of Aragon, Queen of
England. (1485-1536.) viii, 69.
Kato, Tomosaburo. (1860)

Prime Minister, Baron and Ad-
miral of Japan, xv, 437; at-
tends Washington conference,

For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
Bee Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




Keppel, A. Joost van. (1669-
1718.) Dutch officer in service
of William III, vii, 188.
Kerensky, Alexander. (1882- .)
Russian Socialist, XV, 161;
stores moral of Russian Army,
179; fights to save Revolution
as democratic gain, 179, 180.
Kermit, Edith Carow, becomes
wife of Theodore Roosevelt, xv,

Khayyam, Omar.-(11th and 12th
cent.) Astronomer-poet of
Persia, xiii, 456.

Khem. Egyptian divinity, giver
of fertility and lord of the har-
vest, i, 34.

Khons, the moon-god, i, 34.

royal Oriental re-

former, xiv, 378.

[ocr errors]

Kiel, Friedrich. (1821-1885.)
German musician and composer,
teacher of Paderewski, xv, 411.
Kilimanjaro, Volcanic mountain of,
discovered by Rebmann, xiv,

[ocr errors]

Kimberley diamond mines, Living-
stone's missionary labors near,
xiv, 309.

King, Rufus.-(1755-1827.) Amer-
ican diplomat and statesman, xi,
191, 339.

King, The Citizen, ix, 327. See
Louis Philippe.

Kingdom, Solomon's, Extent of, ii,
205; its commerce and agricul-
ture, 205; prosperity of, 206;
division of Israelitish, 239.
Kings, Shepherd, The, xiv, 378,

King's Bridge, N. Y., xi, 123.
Kingsley, Charles. (1819-75.)
English divine and novelist, vii,


brook, Baal's prophets
slain at, ii, 256.

Kish the Benjamite, father of Saul,
ii, 152.

"Kitchen Cabinet," President Jack-
son's, xii, 54, 63, 81.

Klettenberg, Fräulein von, The
saintly, xiii, 418, 428.

Knapp murder case, Webster's
speech in, xii, 152.

Kneph. - Egyptian deity, i, 33;
Sati, his wife, 34.

Knighthood, its courtesies, v, 313.
Knights, Feudal, v, 312, 313; of
the Round Table, viii, 28; xiii,
xiii, 251.
Knowable, Laws of the, xiv, 123.

Quarterly Magazine,"

For location of Volumes in Books,

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

[blocks in formation]

reformer, vi, 240, 242, 269;
xiii, 76.

Koch, Robert.-(1843- .) German
physician and discoverer of the
bacilli of tuberculosis, xiv, 470.
Kolin, Battle of (June, 1757), viii,

Kolokotronis.-Greek patriot, takes
Tripolitza, in Greek Revolution,
ix, 294; assaults and takes
fortress of Napoli di Romania,
in war with Turks, 301.
Königgrätz (Sadowa), Battle of, in
war between Prussians and Aus-
trians (July, 1866), x, 288.
Korah and Dathan, Rebellion of, ii,
Koran, Mohammedan, i, 175; v,
36; xiv, 312, 356.
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus. (1746-


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

1709.) Jesuit confessor of Louis
XIV, vi, 319, 325; vii, 155, 168.
Lacordaire, Jean Baptiste.—(1802.
61.) French preacher, x, 88.
"Lady of the Lake," Scott's, xiii,
89, 92, 95, 96.
Laennec, René T. H.


1826.) French inventor of the
stethoscope; on auscultation
and percussion, xiv, 454.
Lafayette, Marie Jean Paul, Mar-
quis de. (1757-1834.) French
general and statesman, vii, 290;
ix, 42, 53, 57, 224, 328, 330-
334, 355; xi, 93, 137, 140, 149,
150, 283; family history, 368;
education, 368; marriage, 368;
enters army, 368, 369; champi
ons cause of American liberty,




arrives in America, 371,
asks leave to enter army,
given rank of major-gen-

373; friendship with
Washington, 373, 374; given
command of expedition to Can-
ada, 375; successful at Battle of
Barren Hill, 375, 376; serves
under Lee at Battle of Mon-
mouth, 376; restores harmony
between French and American
troops, 378; procures assistance
of men and money for U. S. in
France, 380; refuses to com
municate with Arnold, 381;

For location of Volumes in Books

Roman numerals refer to Volumes.
see Prefatory Note at beginning of Index.

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