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Comes a cry from Cuban water

"Corporal Green!" the orderly cried
"Cut the cables!" the order read
Dark as the clouds of even

Dearest love, do you remember

Death came out of the black night's deep
Don't you hear the tramp of soldiers?
Dost thou hear, Columbia, O my mother.
Eight volunteers! on an errand of death!
Farragut, Farragut

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Fierce flock of sea gulls, with huge wings of white
From Cuban shores in ceaseless pain

From shuddering trees the painted leaves

From the Rio Grande's waters to the icy lakes, etc.
Give the speedway to the cruiser

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Hail, Columbia! happy land!

Hail, son of peak and prairie


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Hark! I hear the tramp of thousands
Hark! the rattling roar of the musketeers
Hats off!

Haul in der plank, full speed ahead.

Have you heard the story that gossips tell
Help us to win, O Lord, on sea and land.
He never has talked of the war-time and battle
He took a thousand islands and he didn't lose, etc.
High on the world did our fathers of old
Hurrah! boys, hurrah! fling our banner to the, etc.
I am the king of strife and calm

I am War. The upturned eyeballs of piled dead, etc.
Iberian! palter no more! By thine hands

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I hear the sound at midnight of the tramp of, etc.

I lay me down to sleep

In a glittering glory of diamond dew

In battle-line of sombre gray.

In slumber as the morning broke

In their ragged regimentals

In the prison cell I sit

Into a ward of the whitewashed walls

I remember well the way

It is good-by.

It whizzed and whistled along the blurred

I've been thinkin' of it over, an' it 'pears to me, etc.
Judge of the earth, to whom

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Knight of the Eastern seas, thy fadeless fame
Land of languor and of beauty, where the tawny, etc. 231
Let Tyranny tremble and Cowardice quake.
Lights out! and a prow turned towards the South,
Mated to the Millennium, — Time's last heir
Men of the North and West.

Mind of man, what have you wrought? .



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Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of, etc. 163
Mother of Swords! While the river runs.
My brother Jim, he's in the regiment, an' he,

My country, 'tis of thee.

No more, no more shall come the brave

No more words

No precedent, ye say

Now it's hail to the commander

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O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done


O Columbia, the gem of the ocean
O'er thy purple hills, O Cuba!

O fairest of the blue Antilles .

Off with your hat as the flag goes by!

O God of Battles, who art still

O God of hosts, whose mighty hand

O God! that I might breathe of Freedom's air
Oh, Johnny Bull! you know, John
Oh, rise up in your glorious might

Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light
Oh, the roses we plucked for the blue

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Oh, they sang a song of Wind and Sail
"Oh, Uncle Sam," they said, "has grown fat," etc. 345
Oh, we met the Spanish squadron


On history's crimson pages, high up on the roll, etc.
On the sunny hillside sleeping



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O star-spangled banner! the flag of our pride!

Our band is few, but tried and true



Our good steeds snuff the evening air

Out of the clover and blue-eyed grass

"Rifleman, shoot me a fancy shot".
Roll a river wide and strong

Santa Ana came storming, as a storm might come .
Says Stonewall Jackson to "Little Phil: " etc.
Shall we send back the Johnnies their bunting

She glided on her peaceful quest

She has gone,
She is fighting for her freedom, striving hard, etc.

- she has left us in passion, etc.

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She is old, and bent, and wrinkled .
She's a floating boiler, crammed with fire, etc.
She's up there, Old Glory, — where lightning, etc.
She was no armored cruiser of twice six, etc.
Sing, bird, on green Missouri's plain

Smooth and lean, - they have stripped her clean
So that soldierly legend is still on its journey
Spain's hour has struck. No more her flag
Stand! the ground's your own, my braves!
Strike for the Anglo-Saxon!

The apples are ripe in the orchard

The army is gathering from near and from far
The band was playing " Dixie "when he marched, etc.
The evening and the morning have joined, etc.
The first great fight of the war is fought!
The four-way winds of the world have blown
The lioness whelped, and the sturdy cub.
The maid who binds her warrior's sash
The man who wears the shoulder-straps
The muffled drum's sad roll has beat


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The old flag is a-doin' of her very level best
The phantom sea serenely blue

The poplar drops beside the way

There has been a heap of rubbish dumped, etc.
The sun had set

The war-path is true and straight

They are camped on Chickamauga !

They are marching from the Southland, etc.
They are not dead whose names we breathe
They've named a cruiser “Dixie,”—that's what, etc. 325

This one fought with Jackson, and faced, etc.

Times is mighty dull at Squawville .

'Tis no time for vain surmising

To drum-beat and heart-beat .

To the men who fought with Decatur

'Twas the very verge of May

Two armies covered hill and plain

Two fleets have sailed from Spain. The one, etc.

Uncover to the flag; bare head

Unravel all your tangled cheats

Up from the south, at break of day.

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Up with the banner of the free!

War is coming! Blood must flow!.

We are coming, Cuba,-coming; our starry, etc.

We are coming, Father Abraham, three hundred, etc.
We are not a warlike nation; here of old our, etc.
-we who stood







We were not many, -
We heard the music ringing from camps of long ago. 236
We may not know .

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We're faring with the fleet

What is the voice I hear?


What is this thunder music from the other side, etc.
When he heerd the battle-cry.

When the blue-black waves are tipped with white
When the diplomats cease from their capers
When the opulence of summer unto wood, etc.
When the vengeance wakes, when the battle breaks
Where is the heart of a soldier


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Where is the heritage that once was Spain's
Yes, we'll rally round the flag, boys, we'll rally, etc.

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