PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, J. NICHOLS, R. BALDWIN, F. AND C. RIVINGTON, 1802. CONTENTS. VOL. XIV. No. 515. LETTERS from a town Coquette to her Friend, and Answer 516. On Persecution-Character of Wm III. 518. Letters on Epitaphs STEELE ...... ADDISON STEELE University Physiognomy......ORATOR HENLEY 519. Meditation on animal Life.... ADDISON 520. On the Death of a beloved Wife ...... FRANCHAM 522. Advice to Ladies on Marriage................................ 524. On Visions STEELE ADDISON Vision of worldly and heavenly Wisdom DUNLOP & MONTGOMERY 525. Success of the Spectators-on Mar- riage-Letter of Pliny to Hispulla... HUGHES 526. On Templars turning Hackney-Coach- men- -Commission to Mr. John Sly STEELE a 3 |