thefe three propofitions in his notes on the Marrow, and more largely in that excellent work of his juft now published, entitled, A View of the Covenant of Works from the facred Records. It is a pity that this book was not published along with his View of the Covenant of Grace, as they are both on the Tame plan, they mutually illuftrate each other, and the. fatter is a continuation of the former. Its emerging now out of its long obfcurity, may be confidered as a great mercy to the generation, and a seasonable and valuable acquifition to the caufe of Chriftianity. It may be very fafely faid, that thefe two books are by far the moft elaborate, judicious, and evangelical treatifes on thefe fubjects that have hitherto appeared in the Chriftian church. So that, in refpect of them and his other excellent writings, we may fay of our author, as did the late Mr Ralph Erfkine, His golden pen to future times will bear His fame, till in the clouds his Lord appear. Since the time of paffing the above-mentioned acts, fo injurious to fome precious gospel-truths, a flood of Pelagian, Arminian, Socinian, and Arian errors has overfpread the land, and errors everfive of the fundamental doctrines of Chriftianity, are publicly taught from fome pulpits, nay published to the world, without check or control. And if the foundations be deftroyed, what fhall the righteous do? Our author has spoke pretty fully of the abounding fin and impiety of the age; which, alas, has fearfully increafed fince his time, particularly horrid and profane fwearing, perjury, fornication, adultery, robbery, and murder; fo that because of these things the land mourneth. And if we add thereto our fashionable and polite diverfions, fuch as theatrical entertainments, balls, &c. together with contempt of the gofpel, profanation of the Lord's day, luxury, pride, corruption, and abufe of mercies, which the Lord has vifibly punished, for feveral years paft, by unfavourable feafons and dearth of the neceffaries of life, we may lay our account with fome heavy judgements being inflicted upon us. There are fome particulars mentioned by our author as grounds of the Lord's controverfy with the land, which fome of our modern clergy will not be difpofed to view in the fame light. But the friends. of truth will furely think, that the opinion of the GREAT MR BOSTON is more to be regarded than that of moral haranguers, or the whole tribe of our hiftorian, philofophical, poetical, and tragedian divines, who feem to be far from relishing the pure truths of the gofpel, and doctrines of the reformation. The following fermons may therefore be confidered as the teftimony of a faithful minifter, who has. long ago entered into his Mafter's joy, against the overfpreading errors, wickednefs, and abominations of the day, and as pointing out the duty of saints and finners in fuch perilous times. As one or two of the fermons are but fhort, fome may be apt to think that they are not fo full as they were delivered. It M. that appears Bofton was not a verbose, but concife preacher; and his intimate friends and contemporaries affert, that he generally wrote his fermons as full as he delivered them. It fhall only be further added, that if the author's excellent book, just published, entitled, A View of the Covenant of Works from the facred Records, fhall meet with due encouragement, as the importance and utility of the fubject give ground to think it will, the prefacer is authorifed to fay, that the Rev. Mr Bofton, the author's grandfon, who is poffeffed of all his manufcripts, will be induced to publifh fome other excellent treatifes and fermons of our author, which are very elaborate and exact, on fubjects of the laft importance to the fouls of men. And it is ho ped, that his great work on the Shorter Catechifm, which is now tranfcribing for the prefs, will meet with ample encouragement, especially as his former works have met with a kind reception, and had a rapid fale. Edinburgh, April 28. 1772. LING bookfellers, and J. REID and J. GRAY printers, Edinburgh; by J. BRYCE printer and bookfeller, Glafgow, price 2 s. Jewed, and 2 s. 6 d. bound, A VIEW of the COVENANT of WORKS from the SACRED RECORDS. Wherein the parties in that covenant, the reality of it, its parts conditionary, promiffory, and minatory, our father Adam's breaking of it, the imputation of that breach to his posterity, and the ftate of man under that broken covenant, and under the curse thereof, are distinctly confidered. To which are annexed, by way of fupplement, f Several fermons on the method of recovery from the ruins of the fall by Jefus Chrift, and the difference between the covenant of works and the covenant of grace. By the late Reverend and Learned Author of the Fourfold State, A View of the NEVER BEFORE PRINTED. Commiffions from bookfellers in town or in the coun try, for copies of the above book in quires, may be addreffed to J. REID Printer, Bailie Fyfe's close, Edinburgh, who gives them out on account of the Editor, the Rev. Mr Michael Boston minifter at Falkirk, the author's grandfon. Page And I will caufe you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant. Page VI. The certain, though flow accomplishment of threatened judgements. EZEKIEL xii. 23. Say unto them, The days are at hand, and the effect of every vifion. VII. A caveat against seeking great things in an evil day. JEREMIAH xlv. 5. And feekeft thou great things for thyself? Seek them not; for behold, I will bring evil upon all flesb, faith the Lord: but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou goeft. VIII. Mercy often interpofes to prevent the execution of judgements. HOSEA xi. 8. How fball I give thee up, Ephraim? how shall I deliver thee, Ifrael? how fhall I make thee as Admah? how ball I fet thee as Zeboim? mine heart is turned within me, my_repentings are kindled together. IX. The duty of owning God in our civil affairs recommended and urged. JOSHUA ix. 14. And the men took of their victuals, and afked not counsel at the mouth of the Lord. X. Refolute cleaving to the Lord Jefus illuftrated and enforced. 74 83 .93 100 ACTS xi. 23. And exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord. III |