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deant, ut futura quo- Grace may fo enjoy the que beatitudine per- tranquility of this prefent fruantur. Ob quas fane life, that they may also caufas Romani Pontifi- attain eternal happiness. ces prædeceffores no- For which Reasons the ftri hodierna die, qua Bishops of Rome, our anniverfaria Domini- Predeceffors, upon this ca Cœnæ commemo- day which is dedicated to ratione folennis eft,fpi- the Aniversary commemoritualem Ecclefiafticæ ration of our Lord's Supdifciplinæ gladium, et per, have been wont filfalutaria juftitiæ arma lemnly to exercife the per minifterium fum- Spiritual Sword of Ecmi Apoftolatus ad Dei clefiaftical Discipline and gloriam et animarum wholfome Weapons of Ju falutem folenniter ex- fice by the Ministry of ercere confueverunt. the Supreme Apoftolate Nos igitur, quibus ni- to the glory of God and hil optabilius eft, quam falvation of Souls. We fidei inviolatam inte- therefore, defiring nogritatem, publicam thing more than by the Pacem et Juftitiam, guidance of God to preDeo autore, tueri, ve. Jerve inviolable the intetuftum et folennem grity of Faith, publick hunc morem fequen


Peace and Justice; following this ancient and folemn Custom.

1. Excommuni§. 1. We excommunicamus et anathemati- cate and anathematize in zamus ex parte Dei the name of God AlmighOmnipotentis, Patris& ty, Father, Son and Holy Filii et Spiritus Sancti, Ghost, and by the authoquoque rity of the Bleffed ApoBeatorum


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Beatorum Apoftolo lesPeter gand Paul, rum Petri et Pauli, ac and by our own, all Huf noftra, quofcunq; Huf- fites, Weclephifts, Luthefitas, Vuichlephiftas, vans, Zuinglians, CalLuterannos, Zuinglia- vinifts, Hugonots, Anos, Calviniftas, Ugo- nabaptists, Trinitarians, nottos, Anabaptiftas, and Apoftates from the Trinitarios, et a Chri- Chriftian Faith, and all ftiana fide Apoftatas, other Hereticks by what ac omnes et fingulos foever name they are alias Hæreticos, quo- called, and of whatfoever cunque nomine cenfe- Sect. they be: As alfo antur, et cujufcunque their adherents, Recei fecte exiftant; ac eis vers, Favourers, and ge credentes, eorumque nerally any Defenders of receptatores, fautores, them; together with all et generaliter quolibet who without our Autho illorum defenfores; ac rity, or that of the Apoeorundem libros hære- ftolick See, knowingly fin continentes, vel de Religione tractantes fine auctoritate noftra et Sedis Apoftolica fcienter legentes aut retinentes, imprimentes, feu quomodolibet de fendentes, ex quavis caufa publice vel occulte, quovis ingenio vel colore; necnon Schifmaticos, et eos qui fe a noftra et Romani

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read, keep, print, or any ways for any cause whatsoever publickly or privately on any pretext or colour, defend their Books containing Herefte, or treating of Religion; as alfo Schifmaticks, and those who withdraw themselves, or recede obftinately from the obedience of us, or the Bishop of Rome for the time being.


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Pontificis pro tempore
exiftentis obedientia
hunt vel recedunt.
§ 2. Item, Excommu.
nicamus & anathema
tizamus omnes & fingu


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§ 2. Further, We excommunicate and anathematize all and fingular, los, cujufcunq; ftatus, of what foever station, gradus, feu conditionis degree or condition they fuerint Univerfitates be; and interdict all Collegia & Capitula, Universities, Colleges quocunque nomine and Chapters, by whatfonuncupentur, interdi- ever name they are called; cimus, ab ordinationi- who appeal from the Orbus feu mandatis no- ders or Decrees of Us, ftrisac Romanorum Pon- or the Popes of Rome tificum pro tempore for the time being to a exiftentium ad Uni- future General Council; verfale futurum Con- and thofe by whose aid and cilium appellantes; nec favour the Appeal was

au- made.

non eos quorum
xilio vel favore appel-
latum fuerit.

3. Item, Excom- §. 3. Further, We municamus & anathe- excommunicate and anamatizamus omnes Pi- thematize all Pirates, ratas, Curfarios ac Corfairs and Robbers by Latrunculos Mariti- Sea, roving about our mos, difcurrentes Mare Sea chiefly from Mount noftrum, præcipue a Argentiere to TerraciMonte Argentario uf- na, and all their Abetters, que ad Terracinam, ac- Receivers and Defenomnes eorum fautores, ders.


receptatores & defenfores.

§ 4. Item Excom§ 4. Further, We municamus & anathe- excommunicate and anamatizamus omnes & thematize all and fingular,

fingulos, qui Chriftia, norum quorumcunq; navibus tempeftate, feu

who when the Ships of any Chriftians are either driven out of the way by

in tranfverfum (ut dici Tempeft, or any ways folet) jactatis, vel quo- fuffer fbipwrack, convey quo modo naufragium away any Goods of what paffis, feu in ipfis navi- kind foever, either in the bus, five ex eifdem eje- Shipe themselves, or caft &ta in mare, vel in litto- out of the Ships into the re inventa, cujufcunq; Sea, or found on the generis bona, tam in Shore, as well in our noftris, Tyrrheni & Adri- Tyrrhenian and Adriatici, quam in cæteris atick Seas, as in any cujufque Maris regio- other Divifions of Shores nibus & littoribus, fur- of all Seas what foever; ripuerint; ita ut nec fo that they shall not be ob quodcunque Privi- excufed by any Privilege, legium, Confuetudi- Custom, or poffeffion of nem, aut longiffimi time immemorial or any etiam immemorabilis other pretext whatsoever. temporis poffeffionem,

feu alium quemcunque

5. Item, Excom-
municamus & anathe-
matizamus omnes qui
in terris fuis nova Pe-

§. 5. Further, Wè excommunicate and anathematize all who impofe or augment any new Tolls or

P 2


dagia feu Gabellas, Gabells in their Domipræterquam in cafibus nions, except in cafes fibi a jure, feu ex fpeciali permitted to them by Law, fedis Apoftolicæ licen- or by efpecial leave of the tia permiffis, imponunt Apoftolick See; or, who vel augent, feu imponi exact fuch Taxes forbidvel augeri prohibita ex- den to be imposed or augigunt. mented.

6. Item, Excom- § 6. Further, We municamus & anathe- excommunicate and anamatizamus omnes fal- thematize all Forgers of farios literarum Apo- Apostolick Letters, even ftolicarum, etiam in in form of a Brief, and forma Brevis, ac Sup- of Supplications refpeplicationum, Gratiam ting Indulgence or Juvel Juftitiam concer- ftice, figned by the Pope nentium, per Romanum of Rome, or by the VicePontificem, vel S. R. chancellors of the Holy E. Vicecancellarios feu See of Rome, or by their gerentes vices eorum, Deputies, or by the com. aut de mandato ejuf- mand of the faid Pope; dem Pontificis fignata as also those who falfly rum, necnon falso pub- publish the Apoftolick licantes literas Apofto- Letters, even in form of licas, etiam in forma a Brief; and those who Brevis, & etiam falfo falfly fign fuch Supplica fignantes Supplicatio- tions in the name of the nes hujufmodi fub no- Pope of Rome, or the mine Romani Pontificis Vice-chancellor, or their feu Vicecancellarii, aut Deputies. gerentium vices præ


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