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Thy Will be Done

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out the torrent's troubled drift, A-bove the storm our pray'rs we lift, Thy will
dare to plead in times like these, The weakness of our love of ease? Thy will
blest by Thee, our pres-ent pain Be lib erty's e ter- nal gain, Thy will
mi - nor of Thy loft -ierstrain, Our hearts shall breathe the old refrain, Thy will

be done.

be done.

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be done. be done.

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1. O Lamb of God, still keep me Near to Thy wounded side; 'Tis on

2. 'Tis only in Thee hid - ing I feel my life

se-cure; Only

ly there in in Thee a

3. Soon shall mine eyes be - hold Thee, With rapture face to face; One half hath not been


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bid - ing told me

And peace I can a bide. What foes and snares sur - round
The conflict can endure. Thine arm the vic
Of all Thy pow'r and grace; Thy beauty, Lord, and glo

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t'ry gain

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O Lamb of God, Still Keep Me


What doubts and fears with-in ! The grace that sought and found me,A-lone can keep me clean. ev 'ry hurt-ful foe; Thy love my heart sus-tain - eth In all its care and woe. wonders of Thy love,Shall be the end-less sto ry Of all Thy saints a-bove.

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Stephen the Sabaite, 8th cent.

Tr. John M. Neale, 1851

(Stephanos P. M.)

Henry W. Baker, 1861

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I. Art thou weary, art thou lan - guid, Art thou sore dis-tressed? "Come to Me," saith
2. Is there di
a - dem, as mon-arch, That His brow adorns? "Yes, a crown in
3. If I find Him, if I
"Ma- nya sor - row,

follow, What His guer-don here?

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I. Is there a heart that is waiting, Longing for par-don to - day? 2. Lis-ten!the Spir-it is call - ing, Je-sus will free-ly for - give. 3. He is so ten-der and lov -ing, He is so near you to day;

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1. Oh, fair the gleams of glo- ry, And bright the scenes of mirth,
2. The lamp-light faint - ly gleam-eth Where shines the noonday ray;
3. No broken cis-terns need they Who drink from living rills;
4. Since on
our life de-scend - ed Those beams of light and love,



That light- en hu-man
From Je-sus' face there

No other mu - sic
Our steps have heav'nward

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With whom the Spirit dwells, Ours,ours in heav'nly meas-ure The glo- ry that ex- cels. The Light from heav'n dispels; But shines for aye un-shad-ed The glory that ex - cels. Its boisterous mirth re- pels, Where flows in measure waste-less The glory that ex- cels. The home where glo-ry dwells, Our Jesus comes re-veal-ing The glory that ex - cels.

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