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Everybody agrees the queen's death was wholly owing to her own fault. She had a rupture, which she would not discover; and the surgeon who opened her navel declared if he had known it two days sooner she should have been walking about the next day. By her concealing her distemper they gave her strong cordials for the gout in her stomach, which did her great mischief. The king is said to have given her the first account of her condition: she bore it with great resolution, and immediately sent for the rest of her children, to take formal leave of them, but absolutely refused to see the prince of Wales; nor could the archbishop of Canterbury, when he gave her the sacrament, prevail on her, though she said she heartily forgave the prince. It is thought her death will be a loss, at least in point of ease, to some of the ministers.

Since Lewis has lost his old wife he has had an old maiden niece to live with him, continues the same life, takes the air in his coach, dines moderately at home, and sees nobody.

It was reported, and is still believed by many, that sir Robert Walpole, upon the loss of his, made Miss Skirret an honest woman; but if it be so the marriage is not yet owned.

That you may, in health and happiness, see many 30th of Novembers, is the most sincere and hearty wish of yours, &c. C. FORD.

If you will be so kind as to let me hear from you once again, you may either direct to me at the Cocoa-tree, or to Little Cleveland-court, in St. James's-place.


Paris, November 29, 1737. REVEREND SIR,-I received only some weeks ago the works you were pleased to send me, and have perused them with new pleasure. I still find in them all the marks of that original genius and universal beneficence which compose your character. I cannot send you in return any such valuable compositions of mine, but you will receive by the first ships that go for Ireland my "History of the Mareschal de Turenne," the greatest French hero that ever was. shall be glad to know your opinion of the performance.


I am, with the greatest respect, veneration, and friendship, dear sir, your most humble and most obedient servant, THE CHEVALIER RAMSAY. Pray allow me to assure Mr. Sican of my most humble respects.

If you have any commands for me in this country or for any of your friends, pray direct for me, under a cover, A son altesse monseigneur le compte d'Evreux, général de la cavallerie à Paris.


Searcliffe Farm, December 6, 1737. DEAR SIR,-I received a letter from you at Cirencester, full of life and spirits, which gave me singular satisfaction; but those complaints you make of the deplorable state of Ireland made me reflect upon the condition of England, and I am inclined to think it is not much better; possibly the only difference is that we shall be the last devoured.a I have attended

parliament many years, and never found that I could do any good; I have therefore entered upon a new scheme of life, and am determined to look after my own affairs a little. I am now in a small farm-house in Derbyshire, and my chief business is to take care that my agents do not impose upon my tenants. am for letting them all good bargains, that my rents The promise of Polypheme to Ulysses.


may be paid as long as any rents can be paid; and when the time comes that there is no money, they are honest fellows, and will bring me in what corn and cattle I shall want. I want no foreign commo. dities; my neighbour the duke of Kingston has imported one, but I do not think it worth the carriage. I passed through London in my way here, and everybody wondered I could leave them, they were so full of speculations upon the great event which lately happened; but I am of opinion some time will be necessary to produce any consequences. Some consequences will certainly follow; but time must ripen matters for them. I could send you many speculations of my own and others upon this subject, but it is too nice a subject for me to handle in a post letter. It is not everybody who ought to have liberty to abuse their superiors; if a man has so much wit as to get the majority of mankind on his side he is often safe; or if he is known to have talents that can make an abuse stick close he is still safer. You may say where is the occasion of abusing any body! I never did in my life; but you have often told truth of persons who would rather you had abused them in the grossest manner.

I may say in parliament that we are impoverished at home and rendered contemptible abroad, because nobody will care to call upon me to prove it; but I do not know whether I may venture to put that in a letter, at least in a letter to a disaffected person: such you will be reputed as long as you live; after your death perhaps you may stand rectus in curia.

I met our friend Pope in town; he is as sure to be there in a bustle as a porpus in a storm. He told me that he would retire to Twickenham for a fort night; but I doubt it much. Since I found by your last that your hand and your head are both in so good a condition, let me hear from you sometimes. And do not be discouraged that I send you nothing worth reading now. I have talked with nobody for some time past but farmers and ploughmen; whea less insipid; but in whatever condition I am I shall I come into good company again I may possibly be always be most ambitious of your friendship an most desirous of your esteem, being most faithfully and sincerely, dear sir, your obedient humble servant, BATHURST.


Deanery-house, December 15, 1737. MR. FAULKNER,-The short treatise that I here send you enclosed was put into my hands by a very worthy person [Alexander Macaulay, esq.], of much ancient learning, as well as knowledge in the laws of both kingdoms. He is likewise a most loyal subject to king George, and wholly attached to the Hanover family, and is a gentleman of as many virtues as I have anywhere met. However, it seems he cannot be blind or unconcerned at the mistaken condut of his country in a point of the highest importance to its welfare. He has learnedly shown, from the practice of all wise nations in past and late ags that tillage was the great principle and foundation of their wealth, and recommends the practice of it to this kingdom with the most weighty reasons. mentions the prodigious sums sent out yearly for importing all sorts of corn, in the miserable money


less condition we are now in. To which I cannot but add that, in reading the resolutions of the last sessions, I have observed in several papers that the honourable house of commons seem to be of the same sentiment, although the increase of tillage may a Madame la Touche, a French lady.

The death of queen Caroline, on Sunday evening, Novem ber 20, 1737.

be of advantage to the clergy, whom I conceive to be as loyal a body of men to the present king and family as any in the nation; and by the great providence of God it is so ordered that, if the clergy be fairly dealt with, whatever increases their maintenance will more largely increase the estates of the landed men and the profits of their farmers.

I desire you, Mr. Faulkner, to print the treatise in a fair letter and a good paper. I am your faithful friend and servant, JONATHAN SWIFT.


Deanery-house, Christmas-day, 1737. SIR,-Some friend of mine lent me a comedy, which I am told was written by you: I read it carefully, with much pleasure, on account both of the characters and the moral. I have no interest with the people of the playhouse, else I should gladly recommend it to them. I send you a small present,b in such gold as will not give you trouble to change; for I much pity your loss of sight, which if it pleased God to let you enjoy, your other talents might have been your honest support, and have eased you of your present confinement. I am, sir, your wellwishing friend and humble servant,


I know not who lent me the play; if it came from you I will send it back to-morrow.

This letter and the packet were sealed with the head of Socrates.


December 26, 1737.

DEAR SIR,-Knowing you to be very poor I have sent you a couple of wild-ducks, a couple of partridges, a side of vension, and some plover, which will help to keep your house this Christmas. You may make a miser's feast, and drink your blue-eyed nymphd in a bumper, as we do the drapier; and when these are out let me know, and you shall have a fresh supply. I have sent them by a blackguard, knowing you to be of a very generous temper, though very poor. My lord and husband joins with me in wishing you a merry Christmas, and many of them; and am sincerely your affectionate friend and sea-nymph.

If I signed my name, and the letter should be found, you and I might be suspected.


December 27, 1737.

REVEREND SIR,- When I strive to express the thorough sense I have of your humanity and goodness, my attempt ceases in admiration of them. You have favoured my performance with some degree of approbation, and you have considered my unfortunate condition by a mark of your known benevolence; from my very soul I sincerely thank you. That approbation, which in some more happy periods of my life would have made me proud even to vanity, has now in my distress comforted and soothed my misery.

If I did not fear being troublesome I should do myself the honour of waiting upon you if you will "The Sharper," the principal character of which performThis packet contained five pounds in small pieces of gold of different kinds, of which the largest did not exceed the value of five shillings.

ance was designed to represent colonel Chartres,

Dr. Claney had pursued the study of physic, and was pa tronised by Dr. Helsham; but having lost his sight by a cold in 1737, before he could regularly engage in the business of his profession, he kept a Latin school for his support.

d Lady Howth having very sparkling blue-grey eyes, Dr. Swift used to distinguish her by the name of the blue-eyed nymph."


be pleased to permit me to do so. At any time I am ready to obey your command; and am, with the utmost respect and gratitude, sir, your most obliged humble servant, MIC. CLANCY.


Deanery-house, Dublin, January 6, 1738. SIR,-I have often mentioned to you an earnest destre I had, and still have, to record the merit and services of the lord-mayor, Humphrey French, whom I often desired, after his mayoralty, to give me an account of many passages that happened in his mayoralty, and which he has often put off on the pretence of his forgetfulness, but in reality of his modesty I take him to be a hero in his kind, and that he ought to be imitated by all his successors, as far as their genius can reach. I desire you therefore to inquire among all his friends whom you are acquainted with to press them to give you the particulars of what they can remember, not only during the general conduct of his life, wherever he had any power or authority in the city, but particularly from Mr. Maple, who was his intimate friend, who knew him best, and could give the most just character of himself and his actions.

When I shall have got a sufficient information of all these particulars, I will, although I am oppressed with age and infirmities, stir up all the little spirit I can raise to give the public an account of that great patriot; and propose him as an example to all future magistrates, in order to recommend his virtues to this miserable kingdom. I am, sir, your very humble servant, JONATHAN SWIFT.


Dublin, January 17, 1738. MY DEAR OLD FRIEND,-I have for almost three years past been only the shadow of my former self, with years and sickness, and rage against all public proceedings, especially in this miserable oppressed country. I have entirely lost my memory, except when it is roused by perpetual subjects of vexation. Mr. Richardson, who is your manager in your society of Londonderry, tells me he hears you are in tolerable health and good spirits. I lately saw him, and he said he intended soon to wait on you in London. He is a gentleman of very good abilities, and a member of parliament here. He comes often to town, and then I never fail of seeing him at the deanery, where we constantly drink your health. I have not been out of doors farther than my garden for several months, and, unless the summer will assist me, I believe there will be the end of my travels. Our friend Lewis has written to me once or twice, and makes the same complaint that I do, so that you are the heartiest person of the three. I

luckily call to mind an affair that many of my friends have pressed me to. There is a church-living in your gift, and upon your society lands, which is now possessed by one Dr. Squire, who is so decayed that he cannot possibly live a month. This living, I am told, is about 1207., or something more, a-year; I remember I got it for him by the assistance of sir William Withers and you; and since it is now likely to be so soon vacant, I insist upon it that if Dr. Squire dies you will bestow it to Mr. William Dunkin, a clergyman upon whose character I have lately taken him into my favour. He is a gentleman of much wit, and the best English, as well as Latin, poet in this kingdom: he has 1007. a-year from our university, to be continued till he is provided for. He is a pious regular man, highly esteemed; but our bishops, like yours, have little regard for such accomplishments while they have any dunces of

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nephews or cousins. I therefore charge you to use your influence and authority that Mr. Dunkin may have this church-living upon the decease of Dr. Squire; because you know that my talent was a little (or rather too much) turned to poetry; but he is wiser than I because he writes no satires, whereby you know well enough how many great people I disobliged, and suffered by angering great people in favour. Farewell, my dear friend of thirty years' standing. How many friends have we lost since our acquaintance began? I desire you will present my most humble service and respect to my lord and lady Oxford. I am ever, with great affection and esteem, dear sir, your most obedient humble servant, JONATHAN SWIFT.

My kind love and service to Mr. Pope when you see him, and to my old true friend, and yours, Mr. Lewis.

To show my memory gone, I wrote this letter a week ago, and thought it was sent, till I found it this morning, which is January 28, 1738.

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January 28, 1738. MADAM,-I must begin my correspondence by letting you know that your uncle is the most unreasonable person I was ever acquainted with; and next to him you are the second, although I think impartially that you are worse than he. I never had the honour and happiness of seeing you, nor can ever expect it, unless you make the first advance by coming up to town, where I am confined by want of health; and my travelling days are over. I find you follow your uncle's steps by maliciously bribing a useless man, who can never have it in his power to serve or divert you. I have indeed continued a very long friendship with alderman Barber, who is governor of the London Society about your parts; whereon Mr. Richardson [of Kilmacduac] came to the deanery, although it was not in my power to do him the least good office further than writing to the alderman. However, your uncle came to me several times, and I believe, after several invitations, dined with me once or twice. This was all the provocation I ever gave him, but he had revenge in his breast, and you shall hear how he gratified it. First, he was told "that my ill stomach, and a giddiness 1 was subject to, forced me, in some of those fits, to take a spoonful of usque baugh;" he discovered where I bought it, and sent me a dozen bottles, which cost him 37. He next was told "that, as I never drank malt-liquors, so I was not able to drink Dublin claret without mixing it with a little sweet Spanish wine" he found out the merchant with whom I deal, by the treachery of my butler, and sent me twelve dozen pints of that wine, for which he paid 67. But what can I say of a man who, some years before I ever saw him, was loading me every season with salmons, that surfeited myself and all visitors, whereby it is plain that his malice reached to all my friends as well as myself? At last, to complete his ill designs, he must needs force his niece into the plot, because it can be proved that you are his prime minister, and so ready to encourage him in his bad proceedings that you have been his partaker and second in mischief by sending me half a dozen of shirts, although I never once gave you the least cause of displeasure. And what is worse, the few ladies that come to the deanery assure me they never saw so fine linen, or better worked up, or more exactly fitted. It is a happiness they were not stockings, for then you would have known the length of my foot. Upon the whole, madam, I must deal so plainly as to repeat that you are more cruel


even than your uncle; to such a degree that, if my health and a good summer can put it in my power to travel to Summerseat, I must take that journey on purpose to expostulate with you for all the unprovoked injuries you have done me. I have seen some persons who live in your neighbourhood, from whom I have inquired into your character; but I found you had bribed them all by never sending them any such dangerous presents; for they swore to me that you were a lady adorned with all perfections, such as virtue, prudence, wit, humour, excellent conversation, and even good housewifery;" which last is seldom the talent of ladies in this kingdom. But I take so ill your manner of treating me that I shall not believe one syllable of what they said, until I have it by letter under your own hand. Our common run of ladies here dare not read be fore a man, and much less dare to write, for fear (as their expression is) of being exposed. So that, when I see any of your sex, if they be worth mending, I beat them all, call them names, until they leave off their follies and ask pardon. And therefore, because princes are said to have long hands, I wish I were a prince with hands long enough to beat you at this distance, for all your faults, particularly your ill treatment of me. However, I will conclude with charity. May you never give me cause to change, in any single article, the opinion and idea I have of your person and qualities! may you ever long continue the delight of your uncle and your neighbours round, who deserve your good will, and of all whe have merit enough to distinguish you!

I am, with great respect and the highest esteem, madam, your most obedient and most obliged humble servant, JONATHAN SWIFT.

FROM THE EARL OF ORRERY TO MRS. WHITEWAY. Duke-street, Westminster, February 14, 1738. MADAM,-I must answer a letter I never received. The dean tells me you wrote to me; but the seas or the postmasters are in possession of the manuscript. Should it fall into Curll's hands it may come into print, and then I must answer it in print, which will give me a happy opportunity of letting the world know how much I am your admirer and


I agree entirely with the person who writes three or four paragraphs in the dean's letter. Humour and wit are, like gold and silver, in great plenty in Ireland; nor is there anybody that wants either but that abominable dean, the bane of all learning, sense, and virtue. I wish we had him here to punish him for his various offences, particularly for his abhorrence of the dear dear fashions of this polite age. Pray, madam, send him, and you will hear what a simple figure he will make among the great men of our island, who are every day improving themselves in all valuable qualities and noble prin ciples.

I rejoice to hear your fair daughter is in health. I am, to her and you, a most obedient humble servant, ORRERY.


Paris, February 20, 1738.

I SEND you here enclosed the bill of lading for the small box of books I wrote of to you some time age. I shall be glad to hear you received them, much more to know if the perusal pleased you: no man having a higher idea of your talents, genius, and capacity, than he who is, with great respect, reverend sir, your most humble and most obedient servant, A. RAMSAY,


Summerseat, February 23, 1738. IR,-I was favoured some time ago with your most obliging letter, wherein you are pleased to say so many civil things to me that I have been altogether at a loss how to make proper acknowledgments for the honour you have done me. The commendations you are so good as to bestow upon me would make my vanity insufferable to my neighbours if I were not conscious that I do not deserve them; and although I shall always account it a great unhappiness to me that I never have been in your company, yet this advantage I have from it, that my faults are unknown to you. If I have anything commendable about me I sincerely own myself indebted to you for it, having endeavoured as much as I could to model myself by the useful instructions that are to be gathered from your works; for which my sex in general (although I believe some of them do not think so) is highly obliged to you. The opinion you are pleased to entertain of me I fancy is owing to my uncle's partiality, who has frequently been so kind as to take pains to make persons unacquainted with me think better of me than afterwards they found I deserved. I have great reason to complain of his treatment in this particular; but in all others I have met with so much kindness from him that I must think it my duty to lay hold of every opportunity that falls in my way to oblige him. Sir, you have it in your power to give me one, by making him a visit at Summerseat, where all the skill I have in housekeeping should be employed to have everything in that manner that would be most pleasing to you, which I know is the most agreeable service I could do for him. You are pleased to wish in your letter that you had hands long enough to beat me. What an honour and happiness would I esteem it to be thought worthy of your correction! But I fear you would find my faults so numerous that you would think me one of those ladies that do not deserve to be mended.

Your letter would have given me the greatest pleasure of anything I have ever met with, had it not been for the complaints you make of your health, which give me a most sensible concern, as they ought to do everybody that has any regard for this kingdom. I hope the good weather will set you right, and that the summer will induce you to visit this northern part of the world. I fear I have by this time tired out your patience with female impertinence, and given you too great reason to change the favourable thoughts you did me the honour to entertain of me: I will forbear to be longer troublesome to you, only I beg leave to add my best wishes for your good health, that you may live many years to be a blessing to mankind in general, and this country in particular. I am, with the highest esteem and greatest respect, sir, your most obedient and most humble servant,



March 8, 1738.

SIR, Some of my friends wonder very much at your delaying to publish that treatise of "Polite Conversation," &c., when you so often desired that I should hasten to correct the several copies you sent me, which, as ill as I have been, and am still, I despatched as fast as I got them. I expect you would finish it immediately and send it to me; I hope you have observed all the corrections. I hear you have not above four or five pages remaining. I find people think you are too negligent; and if you delay longer what you fear may come to pass, that the Afterward Mrs. Pratt.

English edition may come over before you have your own ready. am your humble servant, JONATHAN SWIFT.


Dublin, March 9, 1738.

MY DEAR AND CONSTANT FRIEND,-I received yours of February 11th, and find with great pleasure that we preserve the same mutual affection we ever professed, as well as the same principles in church and state. As to what you hint, as if I were not cautious enough in making recommendations, you know I have conversed too long with ministers to offend upon that article, which I never did but once, and that when I was a beginner. You may remember that, on Mr. Addison's desire, I applied to my lordtreasurer Oxford in favour of Mr. Steele, and his lordship gave me a gentle rebuke, which cured me for ever: although I got many employments for my friends where no objection could be made, yet I confess that Dr. Delany, the most eminent preacher we have, is a very unlucky recommender ; for he forced me to countenance Pilkington, introduced him to me, and praised the wit, virtue, and humour of him and his wife; whereas he proved the fallest rogue, and she the most profligate whore in either kingdom. She was taken in the fact by her own husband: he is now suing for a divorce, and will not compass it; she is suing for a maintenance, and he has none to give her. As to Mr. Richardson, his father was a gentleman, and his eldest brother is a dean. Their father had but a small fortune; your manager was the younger son; he has an excellent understanding in business, with some share of learning; his prudence obliges him to keep fair with all parties, which, in this kingdom, is necessary for one who has to deal with numbers, as the business of your society requires. It is his interest to deal justly with your corporation, because people who envy his employment would be ready enough to complain; and yet, although he has a good estate, I have not heard him taxed with any unjust means in procuring it. He is a bachelor, like you and me, and lives with a maiden niece, who is a young woman of very good sense and discretion. He is a member of the house of commons, and acts as smoothly there as he does in the country. I am so long upon this because I believe it will give you a true notion of the man; and if you find, by his management, that he gives you, who are the governor, any cause of complaint, let me know the particulars, which I will farther inquire into. must next say something of Mr. Dunkin. told you he was a man of genius, and the best poet we have, and you know that is a trade wherein I have meddled too much for my quiet, as well as my fortune; but I find it generally agreed that he is a thorough churchman in all regards. His aunt, to whom he was legal heir, bequeathed her whole estate to his university, only leaving him an allowance of 70%. per annum to support him till he was better provided for; but I prevailed on the provost and fellows to make it 1007. a-year. Yesterday I sent for Mr. Dunkin, and catechised him strictly on his principles, and was fully satisfied in them by himself, as I was before by many of his friends; therefore I insist that you shall think of nobody else, much less of Mr. Lloyd, who is not to be compared in any one view. Dr. Squire may linger out for some time, as consumptive people happen to do, but is past hopes of recovery. My dear friend, I cannot struggle with disorders as well as you, for, as I am older, my deafness is very vexatious, and my memory almost entirely gone, except what I retain



of former times and friends, besides frequent returns | of that cruel giddiness which you have seen me under, although not as yet with so much violence. You, God be praised, keep your memory and hearing, and your health is much better than mine, besides the assistance of much abler physicians. If you know Dr. Mead pray present him with my most humble service and grateful acknowledgments of his favours. Dear Mr. Alderman, why do you make excuses for writing long letters? I now nobody who writes better, or with more spirit, with your memory as entire as a young man of wit and humour. I repeat that you present my most humble service to my lord and lady Oxford, and my old friend Mr. Lewis. What is become of Mr. Ford? Is he alive? I never hear from him. We thank your good city for the present it sent us of a brace of monsters called blasters, or blasphemers, or bacchanalians (as they are here called in print), whereof Worsdail the painter, and one Lints (a painter too as I hear), are the leaders. Pray God bless you, my dear friend, and let us have a correspondence as long as I live. I am ever, most dear sir, your constant esteemer and most obedient humble servant, JONATHAN SWIFT.

I have five old small silver medals of Cæsar's, very plain, with the inscription: they were found in an old churchyard. Would my lord Oxford think them worth taking?


London, March 13, 1738.

MOST DEAR AND HONOURED FRIEND,-It was with great pleasure I received yours of the 9th of March, with the state of your health, which was the more agreeable as it contradicted the various reports we had of you; for you remember that our newspapers take the privilege of killing all persons they do not like as often as they please. I have had the honour to be decently interred about six times in their weekly memoirs, which I have always read with great satisfaction.

I am very well satisfied with your character of Mr. Dunkin, and desire that he would immediately draw a petition in form, directed to the governor, &c., which petition I desire that you only would underwrite, with your recommendation, and a character of him, which you will please to send to me, to be made use of at my discretion. He need not come over, but inform me as soon as possible of Dr. Squire's death.

I have made your compliments to lord and lady Oxford, who are both well, and rejoiced to hear of your health. They give you their thanks for your remembrance, and are your faithful friends.

His lordship is very well pleased with your present of the medals, and desires you will send them by the first safe hand that comes over. Is it not shocking that that noble lord, who has no vices (except buying manuscripts and curiosities may be called so), has not a guinea in his pocket, and is selling a great part of his estate to pay his debts? and that estate of his produces near 20,000l. a-year. I say, is it not shocking? But indeed most of our nobility with great estates are in the same way. My lord Burlington is now selling, in one article, 90007. a-year in Ireland, for 200,0007., which won't pay his debts.

Dr. Mead is proud of your compliments, and returns his thanks and service.

Mr. Lewis I have not seen, but hear he is pretty well.

Mr. Ford, I am told, is the most regular man • The dean had made Dr. Mead a present of his works.

living; for from his lodgings to the Mall-to the Cocoa-to the tavern-to bed, is his constant course.

These cold winds of late have affected me; but as the warm weather is coming on I hope to be better than I am, though I thank God I am now in better health than I have been in for many years. Among the other blessings I enjoy I am of a cheerful disposition, and I laugh, and am laughed at in my turn, which helps off the tedious hours.

I hope the spring will have a good effect upon you, and will help your hearing and other infirm ities, and that I shall have the pleasure to hear so from your own hand.

You will please to observe that I am proud of every occasion of showing my gratitude to you, sir, to whom I must ever own the greatest obligations.

Pray God bless you and preserve you, and believe me always, dear sir, your most faithful and most obedient humble servant, JOHN BARBER.


St. Mary-hall, Oxon, March 15, 1738. SIR,-I did not receive your letter of the 4th till yesterday. It was sent after me to London, and from thence returned to Oxford.

I am much concerned that I cannot see you before you go to Ireland, because I intended to have sent It has been no fault by you a packet for the dean. of mine that he has not heard from me. I have written two letters for him (both enclosed to Mrs. Whiteway) since I received the manuscript from lord Orrery. I wrote again to Mrs. Whiteway, when I was last week in London, to acquaint her that I would write to the dean by a friend of mine who is going for Ireland in a few days. I do not wonder my letters by the post have been intercepted, since they wholly related to the publication of -b which I am assured is a matter by no means agreeble to some of our great men, nor indeed to some of the dean's particular friends in London. In short, I have been obliged to defer this publication till I can have the dean's answer to satisfy the objections which have been made by some of his friends. I had likewise a particular reason of my own for deferring this work a few months, which I have acquainted the dean with.

I must beg the favour of you to leave behind you the copy of the "Toast," at least to show it to nobody in Ireland; for as I am upon the point of accommodating my suit, the publication of the book would greatly prejudice my affairs at this juncture. But this is a caution I believe I needed not have given you. Your friends in the hall are all well. now very full.

We are Believe me to be, sir, your most affectionate and most humble servant, WILLIAM KING. Notwithstanding your letter I am still in some hopes of seeing you before you go for Ireland.


Dublin, March 31, 1738. MY DEAR GOOD OLD FRIEND IN THE BEST AND WORST TIMES, Mr. Richardson is come to town, and stays only for a wind to take shipping for Chester, from whence he will hasten to attend you as his governor in London. I have told you that he is a very discreet, prudent gentleman, and I believe your society can never have a better for the station he is in. I shall see him some time to-day or to-morrow morning, and shall desire, with all his modesty, that he press you to write me a long letter, if your health will

a Then at Monmouth.

Swift's "History of the Four last Years of the Queen."

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