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THOUGH he has preached many times, the author of this little volume has written but few sermons. Poor eyes; ill health; and the general wish of his people for private lectures, and sermons at funerals; induced him, in the early part of his ministry, to make an attempt at extemporaneous preaching; and having found it, in his judgment, the most profitable, he has, with few exceptions, preached extemporaneously, since the time when he began.

Two only of these sermons, have ever been transcribed. Whatever may be found in them which differs from the Bible, must be incorrect of course, for that is the standard of truth; and the reader will judge for himself. Errors of small importance; such as respect capital letters; orthography; punctuation; or breaks, are always to be expected; and they may be charged, some to the pen, and some to the press. Whatever errors can be, will be corrected in a list of errata.

The author is but little known beyond the limits of his own parish; and he does not expect that his book will make its way into the circles of taste and erudition; but should it be of any service to some who are in the humble walks of life, his labor would not be altogether lost. Having spent many years with his people; and having had a much larger share in their esteem and affection, than he ever deserved; he is willing to incur some expense, that he may leave a token of his regard for them, which, those who are disposed, may look at, when he himself shall be out of sight. A time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord he has repeatedly witnessed during his ministry, and he still confidently hopes, that since a vine has been planted in this place, the boar out of the wood will not be suffered to waste it, nor the wild beast to devour it.


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