English Liberty: OR, THE British LION roused; Containing the Sufferings of John Wilkes, Efq, FROM THE First of his Perfecution, Down to this PRESENT TIM E.· VOL. II. ANA BIBLIO Printed for T. MARSH, in Black Friars; English Liberty: OR, THE Sufferings of John Wilkes, Efq; Knight of the Shire for the County of MIDDLESEX. Sir William Beauchamp Proctor's Addrefs. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Middlefex. Gentlemen, Did not prefume to offer myself again as a candidate for the county, until I knew it would be agreeable to a great number A 2 number of its constituents. Happy am I to find that I have fo great encouragement. It is not a feat in parliament that I covet so much as the honour of reprefenting fo refpectable a county, which I have had the peculiar pleasure to do in three fucceffive parliaments, in which I was ever affiduous of fhewing my duty to the King, and preferving the rights and liberties of my fellowfubjects. This emboldens me again to folicit your votes and intereft on the day of election, affuring you that I ne-. ver had the leaft thought of petitioning against any former election, which has been unkindly reported; and if I have the honour to be chofe your reprefentative, fhall endeavour to merit the favour by the uprightness of my actions, and by a conftant attention to the trade and welfare of this county. W. BEAUCHAMP PROCTOR. N. B. I fhall pay my perfonal refpects the firft opportunity, and in my canvafs |