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macy is not a doctrine which derives a factitious and transitory importance from the popular discussions of the day: it is a doctrine always important, of the grounds and principles of which no man ought, at any time, to be ignorant. It is the doctrine of the Canonical form of bidding prayer; it is the doctrine of the Thirty-seventh Article of our Church, which attributes to the king's majesty the chief government, and maintains that Christian Princes should rule all estates and degrees committed to their charge by God, whether they be ecclesiastical or temporal; it is the doctrine recognized in the prayer, that the king may study to preserve the people committed to his charge in wealth, peace, and godliness; and it is the doctrine of the Scriptures, upon which all prayers, all articles of faith, and all canons of discipline are founded, to pray for kings, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. The grounds and principles of this doctrine are laid down in the Charge; and the succeeding Collections, while they confirm the author's reasoning, are a manual to guide the reader through the most important treatises in which the same subject is discussed. It is not pos sible, without examination, to form a just value of these materials.

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the vigilance and ability of his predecessor, the Bishop of Llandaff declares himself peculiarly indebted to that valuable body of Clergy the Rural Deans, by whose inquiries into the condition of the parishes placed under their superintendance, his Lordship has been enabled to judge what improvements are requisite and practicable in points of real importance. Upon a comparison of the returns made in the year 1817 with those in the years 1819 and 1820, a manifest and progressive improvement is observed. The Churches in most parts of the Diocese have undergone considerable repairs, and every reasonable ground of complaint is in a fair way to be removed. Church-room is still deficient in the populous parishes. But exertions to supply it have been successful in two recent instances, and the same laudable spirit is expected to manifest itself in another. The state of glebe houses of residence for the Clergy is not so fa. vourable. More than two thirds of the livings have none whatsoever→→ "and of those which have any, a large portion are so mean and so unimproveable as to afford but too good a plea for non-residence." The poverty of the benefices opposes a

most serious obstacle to the remo val of this crying evil. The benefits of education upon the principles of the National Society, have been widely extended through the Diocese, and there are schools which might justly be holden up as models of excellence. But the Bishop recommends an increased attention to the establishment of those humble village schools, by which some portion of instruction may be imparted to every individual, and which are not now to be seen in more than one third

of the parishes. Dissenting places of worship are found to be numerous and increasing, and in the aggregate nearly equal the sum total of churches and chapels under the establishment.

Having dwelt thus far upon local

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topics, his Lordship proceeds to others of more universal interest.

"Within the short period that has elapsed since I was appointed to my present official station, much has occurred to mark the character of the times we live in, and to awaken our earnest attention to the duties we are more particularly called upon to discharge. Public occurrences of an extraordinary kind have called into action a great variety of conflicting passions and interests, and have developed views and sentiments anong a certain portion of the community, which it is impossible to contemplate without much solicitude. With events merely political, the ordinary struggles of men coveting wealth, power, or distinction, and looking not beyond their own personal aggrandizement, we have, indeed, little concern; nor does it become us officially to intermeddle with matters of State-Policy, whether external or internal, where no great moral or religious principles are at stake. But when the very foundations of Piety and Virtue are shaken, then it surely behoves us, as the conservators of Religion, and the constituted guardians of public Morals, to put forth our best energies in their defence, and to watch with tenfold zeal and assidaity over those who are entrusted to our


"It can hardly have escaped the observation of any of us, that for several years past,-even from the commencement of that revolution in a neighbouring country, which, in its desolating progress, uprooted every principle, every sentiment of Religion, of Loyalty, and of Social Order, an extensive and formidable party in this country has been either openly or covertly, endeavouring to effect among us a similar catastrophe, This disposition has been manifested, even with increased maignity and virulence, since the cessation of Continental warfare. As if rendered desperate by that blow, which the return of peace and the restoration of legitimate Sovereigns to their thrones had inflicted upon them, the disaffected among us appear to have been doubly impatient to involve their country in all the evils of popular licentiousness and revolutionary phirenzy. Experience, moreover, had taught them, that to such nefarious projects the Religion of their country presented an insuperable obstacle. So thoroughly have they found it to be interwoven with all our Civil Institutions; so manifestly, have they perceived, is the entire fabric of our Constitution, our Laws, and our Government, upholden by its influence on the

public mind; that no reasonable hope could be entertained of subverting the one, without undermining the other. Hence it is, that Infidelity and Disloyalty, Scepti cism and Sedition, Blasphemy and Treason, have so invariably coalesced and cooperated in the labours of these infatuated disturbers of mankind. The leaders in these councils know full well that their progress must be slow and uncertain, until the multitude can be brought to mock at religious scruples, and to cast off moral restraints. But let these be once discarded, and their work is sure. Give the natural man free and unbounded scope; let loose his passions, his appetites, his inordinate affections; teach him to regard the Fear of God as an idle bugbear, and the hope of Futurity as a superstitious dream;

and where is your hold upon his reason, upon his undertaking, upon any one feeling of his nature which shall control his evil propensities? From that instant, he is prepared to realize and exemplify in himself whatever the Apostle to the Gentiles has set before us, in the hideous character he pourtrays of the Heathen world, during its last stage of moral depravity.

"It is this prominent feature of the present times, which is more immediately the object of our concern. In the ordinary results of political warfare we have, indeed, an interest, in common with the rest of our fellow-subjects, and cannot be supposed to view them with indifference. But as our conditions and habits of life, our pursuits and occupations, may be supposed to disqualify us in some measure for taking an active part in them; so does the peculiar sanctity of our profession call upon us rather to withdraw others from unnecessarily or intemperately engaging in them, than to be ourselves partakers in the disputes to which they give occasion. Not so, however, when we see those over whom it is our duty to keep a watchful eye, heedlessly or perversely putting themselves under the guidance of men who would bereave them of their best hopes in another world, as well as of their truest interest in this ;-of men, who would teach them to call evil good, and good evil, to put darkness for light, and light for darkness, to put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." P. 12.

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the Bishop of Llandaff enumerates The other prevailing evils which and deplores, are attributable principally to fanaticism. And in his own Diocese he observes with regret, that besides numerous congregations of Calvinists, Wesleyans,

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Independants, and other sects of fre quent occurrence, there are found in the remoter parts of it some few Socinian or Unitarian places of worship. His Lordship is inclined to believe that they have not met with much success; if they had, as he justly observes, it would excite an apprehension that infidelity itself is gaining ground. The false candour and spurious liberality which inclines men who are not actually hostile to the Church, to support and encourage Sectarianism, is the last of the prevailing evils on which "Hence,' the Bishop comments. he observes, "popular and captivating associations have been formed on the acknowledged principle of obliterating every mark of religious distinction," and the indifference to important tenets, which is thus infallibly fostered, proves that under the specious shew of conciliation, the views of our adversaries are in fact promoted by the diminished respect and attachment which is felt for our venerable Church. The remedies recommended by his Lordship, for such opposite and complicated diseases, forms the conclusion of his valuable address: and we present the principal part of it to our readers, in full confidence that they will agree with us in thinking that the Bishop of Llandaff's example and advice must prove a signal benefit and blessing, not merely to the Diocese which has the happiness of his immediate superintendance, but to the Church at large of which he is so bright an


"I have touched upon these topics, my Reverend Brethren, as cursorily as might be, chiefly for the purpose of recurring to those points of your professional duty which such meetings as the present are intended more especially to enforce. The remedy for all these evils, the preservative against all these dangers, so far as we are personally responsible, will be found in that diligent, faithful, uncompromising, and undeviating discharge of our respective functions, which, while it must raise us in the estimation of all impartial observers

of our conduct, will also lay the best foundation of our own individual satisfaction, and of the general welfare. Even the retired and unobtrusive labours of your profession cannot but greatly advance the public good. But your sphere of usefulness may be more widely extended, by uniting your efforts with others of the Clergy and Laity who are now carrying on, with a zeal and energy proportioned to the exigency of the times, the great works of National Education, and of promoting Christian Knowledge, both at home and abroad. The establishment of Diocesan and District Committees, in union with the Parent Societies instituted for these important purposes, has of late years been suċcessfully adopted throughout this, as well contributions, too, which have been raised as other parts of the Principality. The in your respective parishes, towards the support of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, bespeak a liberal spirit, and an ardent desire of doing good. While this spirit prevails, we need not be dismayed by any efforts of our adversaries. These great public institutions, together with the Society for the enlargement and rebuilding Churches and Chapels, may be regarded as main bulwarks of our Ecclesiastical Establishment. They provide for the instruction of the great mass of the community in every way in which it can be administered; by training the infant mind to a knowledge of Christian duty; by supplying the adult with every assistance to a right faith and practice; by providing for the wants of our fellow countrymen separated from us in distant countries; by scattering the seeds of Christianity in every climate and in every soil; and by affording to those among ourselves who might


otherwise be debarred of such benefits, the means of attendance on the public mi

nistrations of the Church.

"With these advantages within their reach, let us hope the time is at band, when none of us need complain that Evangelical light and truth must be sought elsewhere than within the pale of the Church of England. Not that we would depreciate the good that is done by others, nor regard them with an invidious eye. Towards our Dissenting brethren, intent as many of them undoubtedly are upon promoting in common with ourselves the great purpose for which the Gospel was imparted to mankind, it behoves us to demean ourselves with charity, with goodwill, with respect. But while they pursue their course unmolested and unreproved, let it be allowed to us to do the same.

We concede toleration freely and fully: we claim only to be equally unmolested in our own privileges, and thus to preserve the relations of peace and amity. What more does Christian Charity require ? Or what further advances can be made towards an interchange of good offices, withont a compromise on one side or the other, or perhaps on both, of sincerity and truth? P. 21.

A Remonstrance addressed to Mr. John Murray, respecting a recent Publication. Rivingtons.



THIS is a well-timed and excellent pamphlet, and states and answers the question between Mr. Murray and the public in the shortest and most satisfactory manner. full and free expression of our opinion respecting Lord Byron's Poems would carry us beyond the limits of the present number. We said, two years ago, that the author and the publisher of Don Juan deserved to be treated precisely as the author and the publisher of The Deist: and our readers have been put in possession of Mr. Southey's admirable remarks upon the Satanic School of Poetry. It will be sufficient, therefore, upon the present occasion, to let the Remonstrant speak for himself: but as it would be difficult to say more in a shorter compass, it is not easy to omit a part without doing injustice to the whole.

The reason which the writer assigns for addressing Mr. Murray, rather than the nobleman by whom he is employed, is, that he recognizes in the latter no principle of conduct, but an arrogant and all mastering self-love, and does not think that an appeal to his lordship's reason or pity would be likely to prove effectual. He proceeds thus

"But in addressing you, Sir, I am persuaded I shall have much better chance of success; as my object simply is, to REMEMBRANCER, No. 38.

prevent you henceforward from becoming the agent of so much mischief as must result from the wide dissemination of works like CAIN, a Mystery.' You have been, as I am informed, successful in business in a very uncommon degree; now I would ask, can you answer it to the society which bas thus aided your advance to wealth, and protects you in the possession of it; if such be the use you make of the influence you have acquired; and your ample dealings as a tradesman, are thus to be made available for the worst purposes. You may urge, perhaps, generally, that as a publisher, you do not hold yourself responsible for an author's peculiar opinions; or you may plead as an extenuation in this particular instance, your feelings of gratitude to Lord Byron for favours formerly received. Be assured, neither excuse will serve; you. have cut them both from under your feet by your conduct on a recent occasion, publisher had, and could exercise, a discretionary power; and in consequence your name did not appear in the title page of 'DON JUAN;' whether you were deterred by conscientious feelings, or only by the salutary fear of a Middlesex Grand Jury, I do not stop to inquire; nor shall I do piece of mischief was loaded under your more than advert to the report that this own eye, though you left it to your Printer to pull the trigger. It is enough for my purpose, that you have distinctly recognised this discretionary power in a book. seller on some occasion; and was not the

when you proved your conviction that a

publication of 'CAIN' one of these occasions? I trust, Sir, you will yet feel, or be made to feel, that it was. It is not for an anonymous writer to point out to the Attorney-General the line of conduct he should pursue; but I am persuaded nothing but an over cautious deference to the peculiar temper of the times would allow the prosecutor of Hone to permit the publisher of CAIN' to escape with impunity. In the mean time, there is another method by which I anticipate in the ordinary course of things, you must be made to feel

severely. You are supported by the great and powerful; and they in turn are supported by religion, morality, and law; can we suppose that they will continue their countenance to one who lends himself to

be the instrument, by which this triple pillar is shaken and undermined? There is a method of producing conviction, not to be found in any of the treatises on logic, but which I am persuaded you could be quickly made to understand; it is the argumentum ad crumenam; and this I trust will be brought home to you in a


variety of ways; not least I expect in the profit you hope to make by the offending publication. As a bookseller, I conclude

you have but one standard of poetic excellence; the extent of your sale. Without assuming any thing beyond the bounds of ordinary foresight, I venture to foretel, that in this case you will be mistaken; the book will disappoint your cupidity, as much as it discredits your feeling and discretion. Your noble employer has deceived you, Mr. Murray; he has profited by the celebrity of his name to palm upon you obsolete trash, the very offscourings of Bayle and Voltaire, which he has made you pay for, as though it were first rate poetry and sound metaphysics. But I tell you (and if you doubt it, you may consult any of the literary gentlemen who frequent your reading room) that this poem, this Mystery with which you have insulted us, is nothing more than a Cento from Voltaire's novels and the most objectionable articles in Bayle's Dictionary, served up in clumsy cuttings of ten syllables, for the purpose of giving it the guise of poetry. That this assertion is entirely borne out by the fact, any one may convince himself, who will take the trouble to wade through the authorities enumerated in the margin: Now it happens very curiously, that Lord Byron has lately taken to pique himself on his claims to originality, and to repel, with no small indignation, certain criticisms,

in which those claims have been impugned.

P. 6.

The Remonstrant then comments upon Lord Byron's whimsical boast, that he has not read Milton since

he was twenty-and we hope that his lordship will favour us, in some future puff, with a list of the books, saving and excepting his own, which he has perused during the subsequent period. His object in the present publication is justly pronounced to be three-fold; financial, for his lordship is neither. rich nor economical; blasphemous, which seems at present to be the prevailing habit of his mind † ;

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"In Bayle: Cain, Adam, Eve, Abel, Manicheus, Paulicius, Marcionites. All the novels of Voltaire have been put under contribution, especially Micromegus, Babouc, &c."

+We know that there is at this moment a Manuscript of Lord Byron's in London, which even his lordship's publishers are not bold enough to print.

malevolent, an epithet which, if he had never thought or written harshly of any other, he would still richly deserve, for his ungentlemanlike unmanly allusions to the lady who has the misfortune to be his wife. His character and performances as a poet are summed up by the hand of a master.

"In stating what I have myselffelt, I have large class of his readers. We hailed his early no doubt that I speak the sentiments of a (though not perhaps his earliest efforts) with great delight; and though we did not join in the general exclamation, 'Behold a firstrate poet,' we persuaded ourselves that we which would enable him to become one. could perceive in him all the qualifications Here was the error both of Lord Byron and his more zealous admirers. They lent for the real fruits of poetry; and were mistook the demonstrations of poetic tawilling to give him the prize, not because he had won it, but because he had convinced them he could win it if he chose. Now we do not call a man a first-rate painter, unless he has produced a first-rate and Titian be satisfied to refer to their picture; nor will the admirers of Raphael outlines and drawings, only, however vigorous and masterly they may be, but they will send you to the Transfiguration, and poetry; those who can really estimate the the Peter Martyr. So it should be in

peculiar excellencies of the masters of the art should be careful to oppose the introduction of that new standard which has lately been set up; by which vigour of

conception is regarded as all in all, even

when taste and judgment are wholly want

ing. It has been said of La Rochefoucault

that though he was an admirable writer of maxims, he could not have composed a regular treatise on morals, and that the form of detached reflections was adoptedfor the sake of sparing himself the labour of transition and arrangement, to which his powers were in fact unequal, so also it Harold and the Giaour; the desultory might have been with the author of Childe style in which they were composed, epabled him to make a display of the strength of his fancy, and to conceal his want of taste in the selection of incidents and of judgment in the conduct of a story. This might have been the case; there was not, however, any disposition manifested to withhold from the noble candidate for poetical renown his full share of praise. We were all eager to do honour to this display of early talent, and not the less so, as the honour was paid to one who was placed

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