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Preliminary Action.

At a meeting of the First Parish, Dorchester, held April 14, 1879, it was

Voted, That the subject of celebrating the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the gathering of the church and parish in 1880 be left to the pastor and deacons of the church and the Standing Committee of the parish.

Voted, That the parish choose a committee of five persons, to be nominated by the chair, to take any initiatory steps they may think advisable in relation to a celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of the town of Dorchester.

“The following were chosen as that committee: William W. Swan, Samuel Atherton, Benjamin Cushing, E. Herbert Clapp, Richard C. Humphreys."

As Dorchester, on its annexation to Boston in 1870, had given up its special town government and become a ward of the city, it was decided that it was not best to attempt such a general celebration as might be appropriate if an independent town government existed. At a parish meeting, therefore, held Dec. 15, 1879, the above-named committee made the following report:

The committee met at the house of the Chairman, on the evening of October 2, 1879; and its organization was completed by the election of Richard C. Humphreys as clerk. After a discussion of considerable length, it was

Voted, That it is inexpedient for the First Parish to take any initia

tory steps towards a celebration by the citizens of Dorchester as a town, in relation to the celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the town of Dorchester.

WM. W. SWAN, Chairman.

This report was accepted and adopted.

It was also

Voted, That the two committees chosen on the 14th of April last, to consider the subject of celebrating the settlement of this parish and town, be united in one committee, with power to add to their number; and that the whole subject of the celebration of the settlement of the parish in Dorchester be left to their judgment and decision.


At a subsequent meeting of the committee, it was voted to hold two celebrations: one on Easter Sunday, March 28, 1880, commemorative of the gathering of the church in England and its departure for America; the other on June 17, 1880, the anniversary of the planting of the church in Dorchester and the settlement of the town. It was voted that the arrangements for the first celebration be left to the pastor and the deacons, Henry Humphreys and Ebenezer Clapp. Preparations for the second celebration were undertaken by the general committee, enlarged and organized into various sub-committees, a list of which is furnished in the Appendix.

Two Hundred and Fittieth



The Gathering in England and

Departure tor America.

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