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Alexander, tsar of Russia: I., accedes,
403 defeated at Austerlitz, 467; in the
war of 1813, 477; in London, 482, 500;
II., 500; murder, 525; III., 525.
Alexandria, founded, 74; capital of Egypt,
77; Vespasian, 151; captured by Per-
sians, 191; captured by Arabs, 182; by
the French, 460; bombarded by the Eng-
lish, 546.

Alexandrine library founded, 77.
Alexandrine war, 142.

Agrippina, the elder, 148; the younger, 148, Alexis, tsar of Russia, 374.

[blocks in formation]

Ajax, 47.

Akbar the Great, 353, 354.
Akkad, 13.

Alabama, admitted to the Union, 552.
Alabama claims settled, 545, 560.
Alamanni, on the Rhine, 170; occupy
Germania superior, 172; defeated by
Chlodwig, 173.

Alamgir II., emp. of India, 442.
Alani, 170, 171.

Alarçon, explores the Colorado, 287.
Alaric, k. of West Goths, 171.

Alaska purchase, 559.

Alá-ud-dán, sultan of Delhi, 241.
Alba Longa, 87; destruction, 89.
Albanian league, 525.

Albemarle, d. of. 379. See, also, Monk.
Alberoni, card., 397.

Albert, the Bear, margr. of Brandenburg,
218, 219.

Albert I., emp. of H. R. E., of Austria,
245; II., 253.

Albert, c. of Holstein, 235.

Albert, d. of Mecklenburg, 237, 238.

Albert, of Saxe-Coburg, marries Victoria,
542; dies, 544.

Albertine line, in Saxony, 305.

Alexius Comnenus, Greek emp., 214.
Alfonso III., k. of Aragon, 276.
Alfonso X., k. of Castile, 225, 240.
Alfonso XII., k. of Spain, 521.
Alford, battle of, 348.

Algarbe, kingdom of, 276.

Algeria, exp. of Charles V., 304; French
expedition, 489, 527.

Ali, 182.

Alien bill. 535.

Alien and sedition laws in U. S., 549.
Alkassor, battle of, 332.

Alkmar, battle of, 461.
"Alleluia victory," 38.
Allen, Ethan, 427.

Allersheim, battle of, 315.
Allia, battle of the, 100.

"Alliance of the three kings," 497.
Allouez, in New France, 364.
"All the talents' "' ministry, 537.
Alma, battle of the, 500.
Almagro, Diego de, 286, 287.
Almanza, battle of, 434.

Almazor, 209.

Almeida, 280; siege of, 473.

Almoadan. See Toorán-sháh.

Almohades, conquer Spain, 240.
Almoravides, conquer Spain, 209, 240.
Alp Arslan, 210.

Alsace, formerly Germania superior, 172;
ceded to France, 316; protestants in,
369; ceded to the German empire, 519.
Alsen, island of, 506.

Altranstädt, peace of, 395,

Alva, duke of, in the Netherlands, 330.
Alvarado, 287.

Alyattes, k. of Lydia, 21, 25.

Amadeus I., k. of Spain, 512, 520.
Amagro, 287.

Albigenses, 227.

Albinus, Clodius, 155.

Albion, 36.

Alboin, k. of Langobards, 175.

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Alcantara, order of, 240, 328.

Amalaric, k. of West Goths, 174.

Amalasuntha, 174.

Amalric, k. of Jerusalem, 214.

Amasis. See Aahmes.

Amazon, discovery of, 284, 288.
Amazons, 45.

Alcibiades, 66; trial and flight, 68; death, Amberg, battle of, 458.

[blocks in formation]

Ambiorix, 139.

Amboise, conspiracy of, 321; peace of, 321.
Amboyna, massacre of, 342, 354.

Ambrosius, b. of Milan, 161.

Amendments to U. S. Constitution, first
ten, 547; 11th, 548; 12th, 549; 14th,
559; 15th, 560.
Amenemhat, kgs. of Egypt: I., conquers
Nubia; II., III., built lake Meri, 4
Amenhotep, III., k. of Egypt, war with
Syrians, etc., 4; his statue (Memnon), 5.
America, alleged discovery, 280 n.; dis-
covery by Northmen, 280; by Columbus,
279; named, 283; conquest of Mexico,

285; conquest of Peru, 286: Coligny's
colonies, 288; Virginia explored, 289;;
foundation of Port Royal by French, 290;
English colonies, 291; Dutch and Swed-
ish settlements, union of the colonies,
298; New France and the Arctic re-
gion, 299; British, Dutch, and Swedish
colonies, 357; King Philip's war, 359;
King William's war, 361; Queen Anne's
war, 363; French settlements and dis-
coveries, 363; King George's war, 419.
French and Indian war, 420; Stamp act,
423; Continental Congress, war of inde-
pendence, 426; signing the Constitution,
See Canada, United States, Spanish

American Association, 426.
Amherst, lord, gov. gen. in India, 541.
Amherst, gen., 421.

Amida, sack of, 188, 190.

Amiens, peace of, 1802, 464, 536; battle of,

Ammon, 2, 5.

Amnias, battle of, 129.
Ampfing, battle of, 247.

Amphictyonic council, 42; first holy war,

51, 52; 2d holy war, 72; Philip a mem-
ber, 72.

Amphipolis, battle of, 66.

Amroo, conquers Egypt, 182.

Amulius, k. of Alba Longa, 87.

Amyrtæus, 29.

Anabaptists, 304.

Anagawa, battle of, 355.

Anastasius, Greek emp., 190.

Anaxagoras, €4.

Ancus Marcius, k. of Rome, 89.

Andelot, François d', 321.

Andernach, 139; battle of 193, 194.

André, major, 431.

Andrew II., k. of Hungary, crusade, 216.
Andriscus (Pseudo-Philippus), 122.
Andros, Sir Edmund, 361.
Angelus, dynasty of, 240.

Anglas, Boissy d', 456.

Angles, settle in Britain, 172, 176; east,
north, 178; middle, 179.

Anglican Church, 338.

Anglo-Saxon chronicle, 204.

Ansgarius, 207, 208.
Anson, voyage of, 438.
Antalcidas, peace of, 70.
Anthemius, Roman emp., 162.
Anti-corn law league, 542.
Anticosti, discovery of, 287.
Antietam, battle of, 557.
Antigonus, 76, 77; Gonatas, 77.
Antiochia, 77; capture of, 190.
Antiochus, III., the Great, k of Syria, 29,
Antipater, 76, 79.
Anti-reformation, 306.
Antium, 104.

Anton, k. of Navarre, 321.
Antoninus, emp. of Rome. rebuilds Agrico-
la's wall, 38; reign, 154.

Antonius, C., consul, 136, 137.
Antonius, M., war with Pompeius, 141; as-
sumes control upon Cæsar's death, 144;
follows Cleopatra, 145; second triumvi-
rate, 145; governor of the East, 145;
Parthian war, 30, 146; defeat and death,

Antwerp, capture of, 331.
Anville, d', in America, 419.
Apepi, k. of Egypt, 8.
Aphrodite, 3, 17.

Apis, sacred bull, 2, 27.

Apollo, saves Croesus, 26; oracle of, 51.
Appius Claudius, decemvir, 98; the censor,
102, 106; cæcus, 108; caudex, 110.

See Hophra.

Apulia, 83, 141.

Aquæ Sextiæ, battle of, 127; colony of,

Aquillius, 129.

Aquilonia, battle of, 106.
Aquitania, 34, 182.

Arabia, tributary to Assyria, 14; invaded
by Seti I., 5; by Romans, 148; Roman
province, 153; invaded by Chosroës, 190.
Arabian dynasty in Chaldea, 13.
Arabs, conquest of Africa, 182; of Spain,
183; war with the Greek empire, 210;
crusades against, 213; conquest of Per-
sia, 193; invasions of India, 211; dy-
nasties in India, 241; capture of Con-
stantinople, 260, 278. See Moors.

Anglo-Saxons. See Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Aragon, united with Catalonia, 240; wars

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with the Moors and with Castile, 276;
united with Castile, 328. See Spain.

Aranda, 415.

Aratus, 79.

Arausio, battle of, 127.

Arbela, battle of, 74.

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Armed neutrali'y, 412; renewed, 536.
Armenia, 12, 78; invaded by Asshur-natzir
pal I., 14; subject to Assyria, 14, to Me-
dia, 25, to Cyrus the Persian, 26; attacked
by the Parthians, 30; Roman province,
153; conquered by Sapor, 188; reduced
by M. Aurelius, 193; ceded to Russia,

Arminius defeats Varus, 149; after-history,

Armorica, Venetii in, 138; Britons emi-
grate to, 172.

Arnim, 312.

Arnold of Brescia, 221.

Arnold, Benedict, siege of Quebec, 427;
defeat on Champlain, 428; his treason,

Arnulf of Carinthia, 193.
Arpads in Hungary, 277.
Arques, battle of, 324.

Arsaces, founder of the Parthian mon-
archy, 29; dynastic name of all the Par-
thian monarchs (I.-XXX.), 29, 30.

Arsacidæ, 155.

Arses, emp. of Persia, 29.

Art in Greece, 64; in Italy, 327.
Artabanus I., k. of Parthia (Arsaces VIII.,
30; III. (Arsaces XXX.), last k. of
Parthia, defeated by Artaxerxes 30, 187.
Artaphernes, 57.

Artavasdes, k. of Armenia, 146.
Artaxata, 135; captured, 150, 154.
Artaxerxes, k. of Persia, I., 28; II., defeats
the younger Cyrus, 29; III., 29; Artax-
erxes I. founds the new Persian empire,
30, 187; II., 189.

Artemis, 21.

Artemisium, battle of, 59.
Artenay, battle of, 518.
Artevelde, Jacob van, 257.

Arthur, k. of the Silures, 37; traditions
concerning him in the N. and S., 178;
cycle of romances, 235.
Arthur, d. of Brittany, 226; death, 233.
Arthur, Chester A., pres. of the United
States, 560.

Articles of confederation, 429; of Perth,


Artois, c. of, 450.

Arundel, e. of, impeached, 270; executed,

Aryans, uncertainty concerning, Introd.
iv.; in Asia Minor, 21; primitive home,
24; Celts, 34.

Aschaffenburg, battle of, 510.
Asculum, battle of, 108.
Ashantee war, 545.

Ashburton treaty, 554.

Ashby and White, case of, 434.
Ashera, Phoenician goddess, 17.
Ashikaga shoguns, 278, 355.
Ashley, 380.

Asia, Roman province, 124.
Aske, Robert, rebellion of, 335
Aspasia, 64.

Aspern, battle of, 472.

Assam, 389, 541.

Assandun, battle of, 205.
Assaye, battle of, 541.
Asshur, 12, 13.

Asshurbanipal, emp. of Assyria, 6, 15.
Asshur-ebil-ili, k. of Nineveh, 15.
Asshur-natzir-pal I., emp. of Assyria, 14.
Assignats, issued, 450; decline two thirds,
454; total amount issued, 457.


[blocks in formation]

Athalaric, k. of West Goths, 174.
Athanasius, 159.

Athaulf, 171, 172.

Athena, identified with Neïth, 2.
Athenion, 128.

Athens, ally of the Ionian cities, 28, 40;
founded, 44; old constitution, 51: re-
forms of Solon, 52; Pisistratus, reforms
of Clisthenes, 54; burned by Xerxes,
59; hegemony of, 61; war with Sparta,
64 ; under Pericles, 64; surrender of,
69; thirty tyrants, 69; Demetrius Po-
liorcetes in, 79; captured by Sulla,
130; adorned by Hadrian, 153; duchy of,
216; captured by Venetians, 416.

Athos, Mt., 56, 58.

Atlanta evacuated, 558.
Atlantic cable laid, 487, 544.
Atreus, 44.


Attalus, kings of Pergamus, 78; I. joins
Etolian league, 116; implores aid of
Rome, 118; III. bequeaths Pergamus to
Rome, 124.

Attalus, appointed emp. of Rome by Ala-
ric, 171.

Attila in Gaul and Italy, 173.

Attyadæ, first Lydian dynasty, 21.

Auckland, lord, gov. gen. in India, 546.
Auerstädt, battle of, 469.
Aughrim, battle of, 387.

Augsburg, founded, 167; diet at, 303;
confession of, 303; religious peace of,
306; peace of, 317; league of, 370.
Augures, college of, 85.
Augustine in Britain, 179.

Augustus, Cæsar Octavianus, emp. of Rome,
his reign, 147; family, 148; death, 149.
Augustus II., elector of Saxony, elected k.
of Poland, 374; part in northern war,
394, 395; III., elected k. of Poland, 398;
claimant for the Austrian succession,
400; death, 411.

Aurangzeb, emp. of India, deposes his
father, 354; his reign, 389.

Aurelianus, emp. of Rome, 157; Persian
war, and death, 188.

Aurelius, Marcus, Rom. emp., war with
Parthia, 30; reign, 154.

Aurunci, 86, 103.

Austerlitz, battle of, 467.

Australia, first convicts sent to, 535.
Austrasia, 181-183, 187.

Austria, Östmark reëstablished, 196; made
a duchy, 221; house of Hapsburg, 244;
Hungarian succession secured to, 278;
circle of, 300; anti-reformation in, 309;
peace of Carlowitz, 372; war of the Span-
ish succession, 391; peace of Rastadt,
394; peace of Passarowitz, 397 alliance
with Spain, 398; pragmatic sanction, 398;
war of Austrian succession, 400; seven
years' war, 403; reforms of Joseph II.,
406; alliance with Prussia, 452; first co-
alition against France, 452; peace of
Campo Formio, 459; second coalition,
460; peace of Luneville, 462, indemnifi-
cations, 455; third coalition, 467; peace
of Pressburg, 467; Francis I., resigns the
crown of the II. R. E., becomes emperor
of Austria, 468; war with France, 471;
peace of Vienna, 472; alliance with Na-
poleon, 474; war of liberation, 477; con-
gress of Vienna, 482; influence in Ger-
many and Italy, 487; Ferdinand I., 491;
revolutionary movements, 491, 493; war
with Sardinia, 494; Hungarian revolt, 494;
Francis Joseph I., 495; general constitu-
tion, 495; abolished, 495; German em-
pire, 497; war with France and Sardinia,
loss of Lombardy, 502; February consti-
tution, 504; war with Denmark, 505;
with Prussia, 507; with Italy, 510; with-
draws from German confederation, 510;
union of crowns of Austria and Hun-
gary, 511; occupies Bosnia and Herzego-
vina, 524; alliance with Prussia, 525;
disturbances in Bosnia, 525.

Austrian succession, war of, 400, 438, 446.
Austro-Prussian war, 507.
Austro-Sardinian war, 532.
Authari, 175.

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Babar, founds Mughal empire, 353.
Babenberg, house of, feud with house of
Conrad, 194 receives the Eastmark, 196;
becomes extinct, 244.

Babington, conspiracy of, 339.
Babylon, capital of Babylonia, 12; centre
of the Chaldean empire, 13: founded by
Ninus (?), 14; adorned by Nebuchadnez-
zar, 16; captured by Cyrus, 26; revolt
and recapture, 27.

Babylonia, geography, 12: religion, 12; civ-
ilization, chronology, 13; dependent on
Elam, independent (old or Chaldean em-
pire), 13; subordinate to Assyria, 13, 14;
revolt under Nabopolassar, 15, 25; new
empire, the leading Eastern power, 16;
becomes a Persian province, 16, 26; re-
volt against Darius, 27; subject to Mith-
ridates I. of Parthia, 30.

Babylonish captivity of the Jews, 11; of
the papacy, 263.

Bacallaos (Newfoundland), 288.
Bacon, Francis, lord chan.,
peachment of, 342.
Bacon's rebellion, 359.
Bacon, Roger, 235.

341; im-

Bactria, geography, 24; religion, 24; em-
pire of, 25; subject to Parthia, 30.
Badajos, geographical congress, 286; siege,


Baden, peace of, 394; becomes an electo-
rate, 464; joined allies, 479.
Bæcula, battle of, 117.
Bæda, 180.

Baffin, voyage of, 299.

Bagdad, caliphate of, 183; under the Ab-
basides, 210; destroyed by Mongols, 241.
Baglerne, 238.

Bagradas, 141.

Bahadur Shah, emp. of India, 442, 546.
Bahamas, 358

Bahram (Varahran VI.), 191.
Bailly, mayor of Paris, 450, 451, 455.
Bajasid, 523.
Bajazet I., 278.
Bájí Ráo, 443.

Balaclava, battle of, 500.
Bálají Bájí Ráo, 443.
Balas, emp. of Persia, 189.
Balbinus, Cælius, 156.

Balboa, Vasco Nuñez de, 284.
Baldur, 164, 166.

Baldwin, k. of Jerusalem, I., 214, 234; II.
to V., 214.

Baldwin, of Flanders, 216.

Avars, assist Alboin, 175; subjugated by Balfour, defeats Claverhouse, 381.

Charles the Great, 185.

Avesta, 24.

Baliol, Edward, k. of Scotland, 264, 268.
Ball, John, 268, 269.

Bamberg, diet of, 221.

Avignon, Popes at, 263; annexed to France, Ballard, conspiracy of, 339.


Avitus, Roman emp., 162.

Ayllon, Lucus Vasquez d', 286.
Aymer de Valence, 267.

Baltimore, Lord, 293.

Banér, Swedish general, 312, 314.

Bank of England, chartered, 388; stopped

specie payment, 535; resumed, 539; Belgrade, battle of, 278, 397; peace of,
charter renewed, 544.

Bankruptcy bill in England, 545.

Bannockburn, battle of, 267

Bar, confederacy of, 411.

Bar, duchy of, 398.

397, 398.

Belisarius, 174, 190.

Bellona, 84.

Belshazzar, 16.

Bem, Polish general, 495, 496.

Barcelona, county of, 209; united with Benedetti, at Ems, 513.

Aragon, 240.

Bardija, 27.

Barebone's parliament, 376.

Barlow, sir G., gov. gen. in India, 541.

Barnet, battle of, 274.

Baronets, creation of, 341.

Barras, 459.

Barré, colonel, 423.

Barrier treaties, 373.

Barry, countess du, 446.

Bar-sur-Aube, battle of, 480.

Barthelmy, 459.

Basentello, battle (?), 197 n.

Basle, council of, 319; peace of, 457.

Bassein, treaty of, 541.

Bastidas, de, voyage of, 284.
Bastile, destruction of, 449.

Batavian republic, founded, 456; trans-
formed to kingdom of Holland, 468.
Batavians, revolt of, 151.

Bates, trial of, 340.

Batoum, Russians attack, 523; ceded to
Russia, 524.

Batthyanyi, count, 494, 496.
Batu, 240.

Baum, colonel, 429.
Bautzen, battle of, 476.

Bavaria, Bavarians, duchy established, 185;
growth of power, 194; granted to Otto of
Nordheim, then to Welf, 199; Henry the
Proud dispossessed, 219: Henry the Lion
reinstated, 221; given to Otto of Wit-
telsbach, 222; duke Maximilian, 309;
war of Spanish succession, 390; extinc-
tion of electoral house, war of Bavarian
succession, 406; to be exchanged for
Netherlands, 408; allied with Napoleon,
467; with Austria, 478; allied with Aus-
tria in Austro-Prussian war, 507; joins
Prussia in the Franco-German war, 514;
vote in Bundestag, 520.
Baxar, battle of, 444.
Bayard, chev., 302, 318.
Bayonne decree, 550.

Bazaine, marshal, at Metz, 514, 516; sur-
renders Metz, 518 trial, 533.
Beachy Head, battle of, 387.
Beaconsfield, lord (Disraeli), sketch of life,
513; chan. of exch., 543; premier, 545;
raised to peerage, 545.

Beaufort, cardinal, 271.
Beaune la Rolande, battle of, 518.
Beausejour, 421.

Becket, Thomas, archb. of Canterbury,

231; murdered, 232.

Bedford, d. of, 260.

Bedford, ministry of, 438.

Bedloe, 381.

Beheim, Martin, 280.

Bel, 12, 13.

Belfort, battle of, 519.

Belgii, 37; subjugation of, 138.

Belgium, Belgians, 34; annexed to France,
453; revolution of 1830, 489; conflict
with papacy, 525.

Benedict, popes, V., 176; IX., 199; XI.,
254; XIII., 251; deposed, 252.

Benedek, general, 508, 509.

Beneventum, battle of, 108; (Manfred),

Bengal, 22; Muhammedan sultans in, 353;
British in, 443.

Bennington, battle of, 429.

Bentinck, earl of Portland, 386.

Bentinck, lord William, gov. gen. in India,

Berengar II. (of Ivrea), 195.

Berezina, passage of the, 475.

Berg, grand duchy of, 468, 478.
Bergen, 405.

Bergerac, peace of, 322

Berkeley, lord, grant in America, 358.
Berkeley, sir William, 358.

Berlin, in Hanseatic league, 249: univer-
sity founded, 471; conflicts in the streets,
492; peace of, 401; truce of, 496; con-
gress of, 524; conference of, 525.
Berlin decree, 537, 550.

Bermudas, 292.

Bernadotte, on middle Rhine, 400; on up-
per Danube, 467 crown prince of Swe-
den, 473; acts with allies, 476, 477.
Bernard, a. of Clairvaux, 214.
Bernard, gov. of Mass., 424.
Berne, joins Swiss confederacy, 248; ob-
tains the Waadtland, 327; confederate
council in, 492.

Bernhard, of Ascania, 222; k. of Italy,
186; d. of Saxe-Weimar, 312, 313.
Bernicia, 178.

Bernstorff, c., 409.

Berry, d. of, murdered, 527.
Berthier, prince of Neuchâtel, 468.

Berthold of Zähringen, receives Carinthia,
199; aids Lothar, 218.

Berwick, Eugush, 268; capture of, 264, 274;
treaty of, 338: parication of, 345.
Berwick, marshal, 445.

Bessarabia, ceded by Russia. 501; taken
back in treaty of San Stefano, 523; in
congress of Berlin, 524.
Bessus, the satrap, 29, 74.
Bestushef, 411.

Bethlen Gabor, pr. of Transylvania, 3 9,

Beust, v., 511.

Beziers, storm of, 227.

Bhartpur, battle of, 541.

Biarni, discovers America, 281.

Bible, translated by Luther, 302; English
translation completed, 341.

Bibracte, battle of, 138.

Bidar, kingdom of, 353; conquered by Au-
rangzeb, 389.

Bijápur, kingdom, 353; annexed to Mughal
empire, 389.

Bill of Attainder, last used, 388.

Bill excluding bishops from House of
Lords, 347.

Bill of Rights, 386.

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