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of Bretigny, 268; peasant revolt, 269;
house of Lancaster, 270; wars of the
Roses, 272; house of York, 272; settle-
ments in America, 289, 291-298; house
of Tudor, 333; secession from the Ro-
man Catholic church, 335; house of
Stuart, personal union with Scotland,
339; long parliament, 345; great rebel-
lion, 347; execution, of Charles I., 351;
British in India, 354; commonwealth,
375; monarchy restored, 378; interreg-
num, 384; revolution, 385; bill of rights,
386; war of the Spanish succession, 358,
390; protestant succession secured, 393;
union with Scotland, 434; peace of
Utrecht, 435; house of Hanover, 436; war
with Spain, 419, 437; war of the Aus-
trian succession, 419, 438; peace of Aix-
la-Chapelle, 404, 419, 438; adoption of
new style, 438; seven years' war, 404,
420, 438, 445; peace of Paris, 422, 439;
war with the revolted American colonies,
424, 426, 440 peace of Versailles, 432, 441;
armed neutrality, 413, 441; British in
India, 443; war with France, 453, 535;
with Holland, 535; with Spain, 535;
union with Ireland, 463, 536; Peninsula
war, 471, 479; treaty of Vienna, 482, 537;
Waterloo, 538; war with United States,
474, 551; commercial panic, Catholic
emancipation, 539; reform act, 540; ab-
olition of slavery, 540; India, 541; Vic-
toria, 542; queen, sovereign of India,
544; Irish troubles, 545; India, 545.
English Pale, 270.

Enkoping, battle of, 238.
Enzio, k. of Sardinia, 225.

Epaminondas, 71.

Ephialtes, law of, 62.
Ephialtes, the traitor, 59.

Ephthialites, wars with Persia, 189, 190.
Epigoni, war of the, 47.

Epirus, 41; allied with Macedonia, 79; sub-
dued by Flamininus, 119; punished, 121.
Episcopacy in England, 338; restored in
Scotland, 340; abolished, 344; attempt
to introduce, 379; abolished 386; not
introduced at the union, 434.
Equity, 266.

Eresburg, captured, 185; battle of, 195.
Eretria, deserts the Ionians, 28; captured,

Erfurt, assembly of princes at, 471.

Erfurt, parliament of, 498.

Erie canal, 552.

Erigena. See Joannes Scotus.

Erik, Ejegod, k. of Denmark, 208; Glip-
ping, k. of Denmark, 236; Menved, k. of
Denmark, 236.

Erik, Blodoxe, k. of Norway, 208; Graa-
fell, k. of Norway, 208; Priest-hater, k.
of Norway, 238.

Erik Edmundsson, k. of Sweden, 208; IX.,
the saint, k. of Sweden, 237; Eriksson
Læspe, k. of Sweden, 237; XIV. of
Sweden, 352.

Erik the Red, discovery and settlement of
Greenland by, 209.

Erikson, Leif and Thorwald, 281.
Ermanarich, k. of East Goths, 170.
Ermeland, bishopric of, 373.

Ernestine line in Saxony, 305.

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Ernst, d. of Swabia, revolt of, 198.
Ernst August, k. of Hanover, 491.
Erskine, lord chan., 537.
Eryx, 111.

Esarhaddon, k. of Assyria, 6, 15.
Espartero, 490.

Essex, settled, 178.

Essex, e. of, rebellion, 339.

Essex, e. of, in cabinet, 381; suicide, 382.
Essling, battle at, 472.

Estaing, c. d', in America, 430.
Estaples, peace of, 333.
Este map, 284.

Esthonia, retained by Denmark, 236; re-
nounced by Poland, 373.

Estridsen, dynasty in Denmark, 207; ex-
tinct. of, 235.

États-Généraux, summoned by Louis XIII.
the last time before 1789, 324; sum-
moned by Louis XVI., 449.
Ethandun, battle of, 204.
Ethiopians, attacked by Seti I., 5; founda-
tion of the kingdom of Napata, 5; con-
quer Egypt, expelled by Eserhaddon, 6,
15; war against, 148.
Etruria, kingdom of, 463.
Etruscans, expel the Phocæans from Cor-
sica, 19; country of, 81; ethnography,
86; war with Rome, 95; Veii taken by
Rome, 99; all southern Etruria submits
to Rome, 103: share in second Samnite
war, 105; in the second, 106; peace with
Rome, 108.

Euboea, 41; land given to Athenians, 55;
Persian ships lost at, 59; second division
of land, 63.

Euclides, laws of, 69.

Eudes, c. of Paris, 201, 202.

Eugene, pr., sketch of life, 370; war with
Turks, 372; head of grand alliance, 391,
392: war with Turks, 397, 398.
Eugene, viceroy, 472.
Eugenie de Montijo, 531.
Eugenius, Roman emp., 161.
Eugenius IV., pope, 253.

Eumenes, k. of Pergamus, 76, 78; ally of
Rome, 119, 120.
Eumolpus, 44.

Eupatridæ, 45, 51, 54.

Euphrates, expedition of Seti I. to, 5;
Babylon built on, 12; diverted by Cy-
rus, 26; battle of, 135.
Euripides, 64.

Europa, 18.
Eury biades, 59.

Eurymedon, battle of the, 62.
Eutaw, battle of, 431.

Everett, Edward, U. S. sec. of state, 555.
Evesham, battle of, 234.

Exarchate, 175; given to the papacy, 184.
Exchequer, reëstablished, 231; closed by
Charles II., 380.

Exodus of the Jews, 8.
Eylau, battle of, 469.
Ezekiel, 11.

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Ferdinand emp. of H. R. E., relation to
Spain, 301, 303; reign, 306; II., 308,
309; III., 314.

Ferdinand VI., k. of Spain, reign, 414; VII.,
479, 482, 490.

Ferdinand, k. of Naples, expelled by Napo-
leon, 468; reinstated, 484.
Ferdinand, k. of Two Sicilies, 416.
Ferdinand Joseph, of Tuscany, 416.
Ferrex, 37.

Ferry, Jules, ministry of, 534.

Ferry Bridge, battle of, 274.

Fetiales, college of, 85.

Feudal system in China, 32; in Europe,

166; in Japan, 212; in Norway, 208; in
England, 229.

Feuillants, 451.
Fidenæ, 88.

Fiefs declared hereditary, 201.
"Field of Lies," 186.

Fieschi's infernal machine, 529.
Fiesco, conspiracy of, 326.
Fillmore, Millard, 555.
Fimbri, 131.

Financial crisis in U. S., 552, 553.
Finch, sir H., e. of Nottingham, 380.
Firbolgs, in Ireland, 39.

Firdusi, 25.

Fire worship, 25.

Fisher's Hill, battle of, 558.

Fisheries, in peace of Paris, 432; partially
settled, 560.

Fitz Peter, Geoffrey, 233.
Five Forks, battle of, 559.

Flaccus, L. Valerius, 130.

Flaccus, M. Fulvius, 125.

Flambard, Ranulf, 230.

Flamines, 85.

Flamininus, T. Quinctius, 119.
Flaminius, 114.

Flanders, independence recognized, 254;
acquired by Burgundy, 329; ceded to
France, 456.
Flavian emperors, 141.

Fleix, treaty of, 322.

Fletcher, gov. of New York, 362.
Fleurus, battle of, 370, 456.
Fleury, card., 446.

Flodden Field, battle of, 334.

Florence, under the Medici, 263; Savona-
rola, 327; peace of, 463; becomes capi-
tal of Italy, 503.

Florida discovered, 284; ceded by Spain
to England in 1763, 437; restored to
Spain in 1783, 441; sold by Spain to the
United States, 552; admitted to the
Union, 554.

Foix, Gaston de, 318.
Fokchany, battle at, 413.
Folkunger dynasty, 237.

Fontainebleau, peace at, 406; preliminary
articles, 422; Napoleon at, 481.
Fontanetum, battle of, 186.
Fontenoy, battle of, 402, 438, 446.
Formosa, island of, 31; conquered, 390; re-

bellion, 444; Japanese expedition, 564.
Forster, W. E., chief sec. for Ireland, 546.
Fort Christiana, 298; Donaldson surren-
dered, 557; Du Quesne, 420; expedition
against, 421; Edward, construction, 421;
Erie, captured, 551; Fisher, surrendered,
559; George, captured by Montcalm,
421; Henry, captured by Union forces,
557; Moultrie, see Fort Sullivan; Ne-
cessity, 420; Orange, built, 298; St.
George, built, 294 (see Madras); Pitt,
423; Sullivan, 427 Sumter fired upon,
557; Washington, 428; William Henry,
captured by Montcalm, 421.
Forum Romanum, 82.
Fossalta, battle of, 225.
Fotheringay, treaty of, 274.
Fouqué, 405.

Fouquier-Tinville, 455, 456.
Fox, voyage of, 300.

Fox, Charles James, sketch of life, 441;
India bill, libel bill, 535; for. sec., 537.
Fox, Henry. See lord Holland.
France. See Franks. Capetian dynasty
of French kingdom, capital at Paris, 202;
royal weakness, 203; loss of Poitou,
Guyenne, and Gascony, 226: administra-
tion of Suger, 226; Philip II., Augustus,
crusades, 226; Bouvines, St. Louis,
growth of royal domain, 227; quarre' with
Boniface VIII., 254; Courtrai, 254; Salic
law, 255; house of Valois, 257; hun-
dred years' war, Crécy, 257; black death,
Poitiers, 258; peace of Bretigny, 258;
Agincourt, 259; Jeanne Darc, English
expelled, 260; Burgundy united with
crown of France, 262; houses of Orleans
and Angoulême, 317, 318; Francis I.,
319; wars with Charles V., 302; house
of Lorraine and Guise, 320; Brittany
united with crown, 320; capture of Ca-
lais, 321; St. Bartholomew, 321; wars of
the Huguenots 321, 324; house of Bour-
bon, 324; Henry IV., edict of Nantes,
324; last states-general, 325: Richelieu,
325 era of Louis XIV., 365; Mazarin,
Fronde, 366; France in thirty years'
war, 314; peace of Pyrenees, 366; peace
of Nimwegen, 368; reunions, 368; revo-
cation of edict of Nantes, 369; peace
of Ryswick, 371; golden age of litera-

ture, 371; war of Spanish succession,
390; partition treaties, 391; peace of
Utrecht 393; Fleury's administration,
446; France in Austrian succession, 400;
seven years' war, 404, 424; peace of
Paris, 441; Louis XVI., 446; France in
war of American independence, 431; first
French revolution, 448; storm of Bas-
tile, 449; constituent, 449; legislative,
451; convention, 452; first coalition, 452;
first republic, 453; directory, 457; second
coalition, 460, consulate, 457; third coa-
lition, 467 first empire, 465; wars, 468,
471, 474, 475; congress of Vienna, 482;
hundred days, 483; restoration of the
Bourbons, Louis XVIII., 529; July rev-
olution, 529; second republic, 530; sec-
ond empire, 531; Crimean war, 499;
Franco-German, 513; third republic,
532; excesses of the socialistic com-
mune, 532; fali of MacMahon, 534;
Tonquin, 535.

Franche-Comté, 367, 368.
Francis, d. of Alençon, 322.
Francis, d. of Guise, 319, 321.
Francis I., emp. of Austria, 468.

Francis I., k. of France, reign, 319; II.,
321, 338

Francis I., emp. of H. R. E., 402; II., 452;
abdicated the crown of the H. R. E., 468.
See Francis I., emp. of Austria.

Francis II., k. of Two Sicilies, 503.

Frederic the Warlike, d. of Saxony, 252.
Frederic V., elector palatine, elected to
throne of Bohemia, 309.

Frederic I., k. of Prussia, 372; II., the
Great, reign, 400; first Silesian war,
second, 402; seven years' war, 403; war
of Bavarian succession, 406; league of
princes, death, 408.

Frederic VIII., d. of Schleswig-Holstein,

Frederic, d. of Swabia, 218, 219.
Frederic of Hesse-Cassel, k. of Sweden, 396,

Frederic Charles, pr. of Prussia, 505, 506,
508, 509, 514, 518.

Frederic William, el. of Brandenburg (the
great elector), accession, 314; peace of
Vossem, 367; Fehrbellin, 368; Polish
affairs, 373; Silesian duchies, 401.
Frederic William I., k. of Prussia, 397;
death, 398; II., 451; III., 459; con-
quered by Napoleon, 469; appeal to the
people, 475, 476; war of liberation, 477;
in London, 482; IV., 491; declines the
German crown, 497; death, 503.
Frederic William, crown pr. of Prussia,
war with Austria, 508; with France,


Fredericia, siege of, 496.

Fredericksburg, battle of, 557.
Free soil party, 555.

Freedmen's bureau, 559.

Francis Joseph I., emp. of Austria, 495, Freiburg, battle of, 406; treaty of (la paix

502, 505, 509; k. of Hungary, 511.

Francis, Philip, 444.

Francis Stephen, d. of Lorraine, 398.

Francis I., emp, of H. R. E.


Franco-German war, 513, 532.
Franconia, duchy of, 181, 194, 313.
Franconian or Salian emperors, 198.
Frankfort, imperial chamber at, 300; grand
duchy of, 438, 478; uprising, 490; pre-
liminary parliament, 492; parliament re-
opened, 498; incorporated with Prussia,
510; peace of, 520.

Frankland, organization of, 432.

Franklin, Benjamin, 420; minister to
France, 430; death, 547.
Frank-pledge, 232.

Franks, Ripuarian and Salian, 170, 171;
Chlodwig, ruler of, 173; under the Mero-
wingians, 181; under the Carolingians,
183; Charles the Great, 184; treaty of
Verdun, 187; later Carolingians, 201;
Northmen in France, 209; extinction of
Carolingians, 209. See France.
Fratres arvales, 85.
Fredegunde, 181.

Frederic, burgr. of Nuremberg, 251.
Frederic I., F. of Denmark and Norway,
352; IV., 394, 409; V., 409; VII., 505.
Frederic I., Barbarossa, emp. of II. R. E.,
crusade, 215; reign, 219; expeditions to
Italy, 219, 221, 222, 235; II., 223, 224;
cession to the Danes, 235; charter to
Schwyz, 245; III. (of Austria), 247; III.
(IV.), reign of, 253.

Frederic of Hohenstaufen, 200.
Frederic of Hohenzollern, 244.

Frederic the Warlike, d. of Austria, 224.
Frederic the Warlike, marg. of Meissen,

perpetuelle), 319.

French revolution, 448. See, also, France,

and Table of Contents, p. vi.

French settlements in America, 363.
Frey Yngve, k. of Sweden, 208.
Freycinet, ministry of, 534, 535.
Fribourg. See Freiburg.
Fridigern, k. of West Goths, 171.
Friedewald, treaty of, 305.
Friedland, battle of, 469.
Friedrichsburg, peace of, 396.
Friedrichshall, siege, 396.
Friedrichsham, peace of, 473.
Friedrichstadt, storm of, 497.
Frobisher, Martin, voyages, 289.

Frode the Peaceful, k. of Denmark, 207.
Fronde, old and new, 366.
Frontenac, gov. of Canada, 362, 364.
Frontières naturelles, 513.
Fuca, Juan de la, 290.

Fugitive slave act of 1793, 548; revived in
1850, 555.

Fujiwara, family of, 212, 213, 243.
Fulco of Anjou, k. of Jerusalem, 214.
Fulton, Robert, 486, 550.
Fulvius, M., 126.

Fulvius Flaccus, Q., 118.
Furrukabad, 541.

Fürstenwalde, treaty of, 249.
Fushimi, battle of, 563.
Füssen, separate peace of, 402.
Fust, Johann, 253.

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Gallatin, Albert, U. S. sec. of treas., 549.
Gallia Cisalpina, 81, 144.

Gallia Narbonensis, 36; Roman province,

Gallienus, 156, 157.

Gallus, Roman emp., 156.

Gama, Vasco da, 279, 353.

Gambetta, in opposition, 512; member of
national defense, 517, 518, 519; speaker,
534; ministry, 534; death, 535.

Garay, gov. of Jamaica, 285.

Gardiner, lord chan., 336.

Garfield, James A., pres. U. S., 560.

Garibaldi, invades Lombardy, Sicily, 502;

death, sketch of life, 526.

Garigliano, battle, 318.

Garrison, William Lloyd, 553.

Gasca, Pedro de, pres. of Peru, 288.
Gascony (Gascoyne), 112; gained and lost
with Eleanor, 226, 231: ceded to Eng-
land, 258; lost by England, 260.
Gaspe, destroyed, 425.
Gaspereaux, 421.

Gast, Pierre du, 290.
Gastein, treaty of, 506.

Gates, general, succeeds Schuyler; Bur-
goyne surrenders to, 429; defeated by
Cornwallis, 430.

Gaugamela, battle of, 29, 74.

Gauls, geography, religion, 34; civiliza-
tion, chronology, emigrations, 35; con-
quest of Gaul by Cæsar, ending 51 B. C.,
36, 138; in Asia Minor, 78; invade La-
tium, 100; wars with Rome, 103; Cisal-
pine Gaul subjugated, 118; Cispadane
and Transpadane Gauls Latinized, 118.
Gaurus, battle of, 104.

Gauta, 237.

Gaveston, Piers, 267.
Geert, c. of Holstein, 236.
Gelimer, 174.

Gellius Egnatius, 106.

Gelon, tyrant of Syracuse, 20.


Angoulême, 318.
Anjou, 261.

Augustus, family of, 148.
Bonaparte family, 466.

Bourbon, Louis IX., to Henry III., 323;
Henry IV. to "Henry V.," 528.
Brittany, descent of, 320.

Brunswick, 435.

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Welfs, 220.

General fundamentals, 297.
General warrants, 440.

Geneva annexed to France, 460; restored
to Switzerland, 483; treaty of, 319.
Gengis Khan. See Jenghiz Khan.
Genji. See Minamoto.

Genoa, war with Venice, 262; government,
263, 326; republic of, 415; transformed
into Ligurian republic, 459; given to
Sardinia, 483.

Genseric conquered Carthage, 172.
Geoffrey of Anjou, 230; of Monmouth,

George I. k. of England, 436; death of,
437; II., 403, 437; III., 439; insanity,
537; death, 538; IV., 538, 539.
George, k. of Greece, 505.
George Podiebrad, k. of Bohemia, 253.
George William, el. of Brandenburg, 311.
Georgia, in America, settlement of, 418,

420 Spanish attack upon, 419; pro-
vincial gov. restored, 430; Sherman's
march through, 558.

Georgia, in Europe. See Iberia.
Gepida, 175.

Gerbert, archb. of Rheims, 202.

vester II.

Gergovia, siege of, 139.

Germania magna, 163, 167.

Germanicus, expéditions, 149, 167.
Germantown, battle of, 429.

See Syl-

Germany, geography, 162; high and low
Germans, 163; ancient religion, 164; civ-
ilization, 166; early history, 167; futile
attempt of Rome to subdue, 148; habita-
tions of the tribes in 4th cent., A. D. 170;
migrations and settlements, 170-175;
Frankish empire under Merowingians,
181; under Carolingians, 183; Charles the
Great, 184; renewal of the Roman em-
pire, 185; treaty of Verdun, separation
of French and German nationalities, 187;
Carolingians in Germany, 193; Saxon
house, 194; Holy Roman empire, 196;
Frankish, or Swabian emperors, 198; in-
vestiture strife, 199; concordat of Worms,
201; house of Hohenstaufen, 219; Bar

barossa, 219; Welf and Waiblingen (Ho-
henstaufen), 223; interregnum, 225; Ru-
dolf of Hapsburg, 244; Ludwig and
Frederic, 247; Luxemburg emperors,
golden bull, 248; city leagues, 249;
council of Constance, 251; house of
Hapsburg, 253; Max, 300; reformation,
301; Charles V., 302; peace of Augs-
burg, 306; anti-reformation, 306; thirty
years' war, 308; peace of Westphalia,
315; Leopold I., 371; war of the Span-
ish succession, 390; pragmatic sanction,
398; Polish succession, 398; male line of
Hapsburg extinct, 400; war of Austrian
succession, Maria Theresa, and Frederic
the Great of Prussia, 400; seven years'
war, 403; Joseph II., 407; war with first
French republic, 453; peace of Lune-
ville, 462; enactment of imperial dele-
gates, 464; end of the Holy Roman em-
pire, 468. Confederation of the Rhine,
468; war of liberation, 475; congress
of Vienna, 482; establishment of the
German confederation, 483; reactionary
measures in Germany, 487, 490; founda-
tion of the Zollverein, 491; Göttingen
professors expelled, 491; revolutionary
movements, 492; national assembly, 493;
constitution completed, 497; conference
at Olmütz, 498; confederation renewed,
498; German (Austro-Prussian) war,
North German confederation, 510, 511;
Franco-German war, 513; capture of
Paris, 519; German empire founded, 519,
520; Kulturkampf, 521, 525; congress
of Berlin, 524; tobacco monopoly de-
feated, 526.

Gero, margr., 194, 195.
Gerontes, 50.

Gerson, 251.

Gertruydenburg, 393.
Gessler, 246

Geta, 155.

Gettysburg, battle of, 558.

Ghazni, supremacy of the sultans of, 211.
Ghent, pacification of, 331; peace of, 474,
537, 551.

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Golden rule enunciated by Confucius, 31.
Göllheim, battle of, 246.

Gomez, Estevan, voyage of, 286.
"Good" parliament, 269.

Gordianus I., II., III., Roman emp., 155;
Persian exp.,

Gordias, kings of Phrygia, 22.

Gordon assists Peter the Great, 374.

Gordon, col. ("Chinese "), suppresses Tai-
ping rebellion, 562.

Gordon, lord George, 440.
Gorges, sir Fernando, 295-297.
Görgey, 495.

Gorkhas, conquest by Chinese, 444.
Gorm the Old, k. of Denmark, 207.
Gortschakoff, in Sebastopol, 500; retires,

Görz, baron von, 396, 406.

Gosnold, Bartholomew, 290, 291.


Goths, 164; location, 170; defeated by De-
cius, 156; Goths in Sweden, 208.
Gauta, East Goths, West Goths.
Gourges, Dominique de, 289.

Graagaas, 209.

Gracchus, Caius, attempts revolutionary
reforms, 124; tribune, 125; death, 126.
Gracchus, Tiberius, victory over the Celti-
berians, 118.

Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius, attempts
revolutionary reforms, 124.

Grafton, d. of, 424; administration, 424,

Granada, kingdom of, 275; conquest of,

Grand alliance between England, Holland,
and others, 370, 391.

Grand remonstrance presented to Charles
I., 346.

Granicus, battle of the, 74.
Granson, battle of, 262.

Grant, Ú. S., takes Fort Donelson, 557;
Vicksburg, 558; lieut.-gen., 558; Lee
capitulates to, 559; president of U. S.,

Granvella, b., 330.
Grasse, de, 441.

Gratianus, Roman emp., 160.
Gravamina ecclesiastica, 317.
Gravelines, battle of, 321.
Gravelotte, battle of, 516.
Great Britain. See England.
Great contract, 341.
Great protestation, 342.

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