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The Farewell.



At Indianapolis.

The President left Spring-| ing the Stars and Stripes, showed that a comfield on the morning of mon feeling moved all classes. And so the Monday, February 11th. train sped along, followed by the hearty He was greeted at the railway depot by a blessings of an honest people." large concourse of his fellow-citizens, whom At Indianapolis he was he addressed as follows: received by an immense concourse of people. Thirty-four guns announced his arrival. Governor Morton, on behalf of the citizens and Legislature of Indiana, welcomed him. A carriage and four white horses awaited his coming. The cortege presented a striking appearance the procession embracing both Houses of the Legislature, State officers, the munic ipal authorities, the military, firemen, and citizens. Arrived at the hotel, he thus ad.... dressed the multitude from a balcony:

"MY FRIENDS-No one not in my position can appreciate the sadness I feel at this parting. To this people I owe all that I am. Here I have lived more than a quarter of a century; here my children were born, and here one of them lies buried. I know not how soon I shall see you again. A duty devolves upon me which is, perhaps, greater than that which has devolved upon any other man since the days of Washington. He never would have succeeded except for the aid of Divine Providence, upon

which he at all times relied. I feel that I cannot succeed without the same Divine aid which sustained him. In the same Almighty Being I place my reliance for support, and I hope you, my friends, will all pray that I may receive that Divine assistance, without which I cannot succeed, but with which, success is certain. Again I bid you all an affectionate farewell."


This touching address, it was reported, was given with a choked utterance. auditors were moved to tears, and many responded, "We will pray for you." The train moved off amid tears and cheers. The President was accompanied by, a select body of citizens and officers of the United States Army, who served as a body-guard and Committee of Arrangements through to Washington.

Multitudes were gathered at every railway station on the route. A delay of a few minutes was made at Decatur and Tolono, to give the crowds his greeting.

One of the reporters present wrote, of these country tributes: "In Macon County, where he lived in 1830, a large gathering of the old inhabitants, farmers for the most part, clad in the roughest garb, but showing that refinement of soul which belongs to this sturdy race of workers, were waiting at the station to greet their friend, and give him the encouraging word which strengthens the heart. At the small stations along the route one saw groups of saddle-horses, a score or more in number, who had brought their masters from long distances to pay their tribute of love and respect. At the small, uncouth schoolhouses, flags, rude in material, but all bear

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"FELLOW-CITIZENS OF THE STATE OF INDIANAI am here to thank you much for this magnificent welcome, and still more for the very generous support given by your State to that political cause which I think is the true and just cause of the whole country and the whole world. Solomon says, There is a time to keep silence;' and when men

wrangle by the month with no certainty that they mean the same thing while using the same word, it perhaps were as well if they would keep silence. The words coercion' and 'invasion' are much used in these days, and often with some temper and hot blood. Let us make sure, if we can, that we do not misunderstand the meaning of those who use them. Let us get the exact definitions of these words, not from dictionaries, but from the men themselves, who certainly deprecate the things they would represent by the use of the words. What, then, is coercion?'

what is invasion? The marching of an army into South Carolina, without the consent of her people, and with hostile intent towards them, would be invasion. It would be coercion' if the South Carolinians were forced to submit. But if the United

States should merely hold and retake its own forts and other property, and collect the duties on foreign importations, or even withhold the mails from places where they were habitually violated, would any or

all these things be invasion' or 'coercion? Do our professed lovers of the Union, but who spitefully resolve that they will resist coercion and invasion, understand that such things as these on the part of the

United States would be coercion or invasion of a

State? If so, their idea of means to preserve the object of their great affection would seem to be exceedingly thin and airy. If sick, the little pills of the homeopathist would be much too large for it to swallow. In their view, the Union, as a family relation, would seem to be no regular marriage, but

rather a sort of free-love arrangement, to be main- | followed by a very imposing cavalcade. He tained on principles of passional attraction.' In entered the hotel while the band discoursed what consists the special sacredness of a State? I "Hail Columbia" and the 64 Star-Spangled speak not of the position assigned to a State in the Banner." It was a thoroughly loyal ovaUnion by the Constitution, for that, by the bond, we tion-Union being almost written on the all recognize. That position a State cannot carry people's faces. In answer to the call of the out of the Union with it. I speak rather of that asvast crowd which surged to and fro in the sumed primary right of a State to rule all which is less than itself, and to ruin all which is larger than

streets, Mr. Lincoln appeared on the balcony

and addressed it as follows:

"FELLOW-CITIZENS-I have spoken but once before this in Cincinnati. That was a year previous to the late Presidential election. On that occasion, in a playful manner, but with sincere words, I addressed much of what I said to the Kentuckians. I gave my opinion that we, as Republicans, would ultimately beat them as Democrats, but that they could postpone that result longer by nominating Senator Douglas for the Presidency than they could in any other way. They did not, in any true sense of the word, nominate Mr. Douglas, and the result has certainly come as soon as I expected. I also told them how I expected they would be treated after they should have been beaten; and I now wish to call their attention to what I then said: When we do as we say, beat you, you perhaps want to

know what we will do with you. I will tell you, as

itself. If a State and a county, in a given case, should be equal in extent of Territory, and equal in number of inhabitants, in what, as a matter of principle, is the State better than the county? Would a mere exchange of names be an exchange of rights? Upon principle, on what rightful principle, may a State, being no more than one-fiftieth part of the nation in soil and population, break up the nation and then coerce a proportionably larger subdivision of itself in the most arbitrary way? What mysterious right to play tyrant is conferred on a district of country with its people by merely calling it a State? Fellow-citizens, I am not asserting anything. I am merely asking questions for you to consider. And now allow me to bid you farewell." His stay in Indianapolis was one of tireless enthusiasm on the part of the people-of whom many pleasantries were related. All classes apparently bade him Godspeed! He left for Cincinnati on the morning of February 12th, pausing by the way at several of the chief towns. At Lawrenceburg, among other remarks, he said, looking over into Kentucky, "I say to you that the power intrusted to me shall be exercised as perfectly to protect the rights of your neighbors across the river, as of your own." A voice in the crowd cried out, "May the rulers be as right as the people." Mr. Lincoln replied, "Yes; and let me tell you, if the people remain right, your public men can never betray you. If I, in my brief connection with public affairs, shall be wicked or foolish, and if you "Fellow-citizens of Kentucky! Friends and remain true and honest, you cannot be be- brethren!-(may I call you so in my new position?) trayed"-arriving there in the afternoon. I see no occasion and feel no inclination to re

His reception at the "Queen City" was worthy of his high office. The crowd was so

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far as I am authorized to speak for the Opposition: We mean to treat you, as nearly as possible, as

Washington, Jefferson, and Madison treated you.

We mean to leave you alone, and in no way to inter fere with your institutions; to abide by all and every compromise of the Constitution; and, in a word, coming back to the original proposition, to treat you, so far as degenerate men-if we have degenerated-may, according to the example of those noble fathers, Washington, Jefferson, and Madison. We mean to remember that you are as good as we; that there is no difference between us other than the

difference of circumstances. We mean to recognize hearts in your bosoms as other people, or as we and bear in mind always that you have as good claim to have, and treat you accordingly.'

tract a word of this. If it shall not be made good, be assured the fault shall not be mine."

The reception during the evening was of a brilliant character. Most of the leading men of that section of the State, together with many from Kentucky, paid their respects to him. Party distinctions were forgotten in their earnest congratulations. To all re marks expressive of anxiety for the Union the President gave gratifying replies.

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In the evening a brilliant reception was given at the Governor's mansion. Gentlemen of all political persuasions sought the President's hand, and uttered words of en

A deputation of citizens from Columbus, | reliance on that God who has never forsaken this and the Joint Committee of the Ohio Legis people. Fellow-citizens what I have said, I have lature, acted as an escort to the Capital City said without premeditation. I bid you all a most on the 13th. The enthusiasm of the people heartfelt wish for your prosperity, and for the prosseemed to increase as the East was approach- perity of our whole country." ed. At all leading points on the route to Columbus great crowds had gathered to bid him welcome. The American flag seemed to wave from every house. Such a display of the "Stars and Stripes" never before was wit-couragement. At Columbus the President nessed. He was received at Columbus by Gov. Dennison; and, escorted by the military, proceeded to the State-House, where the Legislature was in session. The Hall of Representatives was given up to his reception. In a response to the welcome of the Legislature, made by Lieutenant-Governor Kirk, Mr. Lincoln said:

At Columbus.


was informed, by telegraph, of the peaceful counting of the electoral votes at Washington, and the constitutional promulgation of his elevation to the Chief Magistracy. The numerous threats reported, of violence to prevent the declaration of the vote, had caused him anxiety. The news that all had passed off peaceably gave much satisfaction to him and his friends.

The route to Pittsburg was pursued, February 14th, by way of Steuben

At Steubenville.

"I fear that the great confidence placed in my ability is unfounded. Indeed, I am sure it is. Encompassed by vast difficulties, as I am, nothing shall be wanted on my part, if sustained by the American people and God. I believe the devotion to the Constitution is equally great on both sides of the river. It is only the different understanding of that instrument that causes difficulty. The only dispute is, What are their rights? If the majority should not rule, who should be the judge? Where is such a judge to be found? We should all be bound by the majority of the American people-if not, then the minority must control. Would that be right? Would be just or generous? Assuredly not. He reit

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has been said by the President of the Senate, that
very great responsibility rests upon me in the posi-ville, where, in response to an address made
tion to which the votes of the American people have by Judge Lloyd, on behalf of the concourse
called me. I am deeply sensible of that weighty
present, he said:
responsibility. I can but know what you all know,
that, without a name, perhaps without a reason,
there has fallen upon me a task such as did not rest
even upon the Father of his Country; and so feel-
ing, I can but turn and look for that support with-
out which it will be impossible for me to perform
that great task. I turn, then, and look to the Amer-
ican people, and to that God who has never forsaken
them. Allusion has been made to the interest felt
in relation to the policy of the new Administration.
In this I have received from some a degree of credit
for having kept silence, and from others deprecation.
I still think that my reticence was right. In the
varying and repeatedly-shifting scenes of the pres-
ent, and without a precedent which could enable me
to judge by the past, it has seemed fitting that, be-erated, the majority should rule. If he (Lincoln)
fore speaking upon the difficulties of the country, I
should have gained a view of the whole field, to be
sure of my way-being at liberty to modify and
change the course of policy as future events may
make a change necessary. I have not maintained
silence from any want of real anxiety. It is a good
thing that there is no more than anxiety, for there
is nothing irreparably wrong. It is a consoling cir-
cumstance that, when we look out, we find that
there is nothing which is really incurable.
entertain different views upon political questions,
but nobody is suffering from that cause. This is a
most consoling circumstance, and from it we may
conclude that all we want is time, patience, and a


Then I can

adopted a wrong policy, the opportunity to condemn
him would occur in four years' time.
be turned out, and a better man with better views
put in my place.'"

At Pittsburg the recep-
tion was as cordial and de-
monstrative as at other

At Pittsburg.

points. The President addressed an immense throng, which, in spite of a severe storm, had congregated in front of his hotel, with a few words of recognition, adding that he should have the pleasure of speaking to the people on the morrow. On the morning

At Pittsburg.

of the 15th he addressed | other clouds have cleared away in due time, so will the immense crowd that this great nation continue to prosper as heretofore." awaited him. We quote: The President then adverted at length to "MAYOR WILSON AND CITIZENS OF PENNSYLVANIA the Tariff question. He assumed that a tariff -"I most cordially thank His Honor, Mayor Wil- of revenue was necessary, so long as the Govson, and the citizens of Pittsburg generally, for their ernment was to be sustained otherwise than flattering reception. I am the more grateful be- by direct taxation. Without committing cause I know that it is not given to me alone, but himself to the Morrill Tariff bill, then before to the cause I represent, which clearly proves to Congress, he argued the great necessity of a me their good-will and that sincere feeling is at the revenue measure. He closed: bottom of it. And here I may remark that in every short address I have made to the people, in every crowd through which I have passed of late, some allusion has been made to the present distracted condition of the country. It is natural to expect that I should say something on this subject, but to touch upon it at all would involve an elaborate discussion of a great many questions and circumstances requiring more time than I can at present command, and would perhaps unnecessarily commit me upon matters which have not yet fully developed themselves. [Tremendous cheering, and cries of 'Good,' That's right.'] The condition of the country is an extraordinary one, and fills the mind of every patriot with anxiety. It is my intention to give this subject all the consideration I possibly can before specially defining in regard to it, so that when I do speak it may be as nearly right as possibie. When I do speak I hope I may say nothing in opposition to the spirit of the Constitution, contrary to the integrity of the Union, or which will prove inimical to the liberties of the people, or to the peace of the whole country. [Vociferous applause.] And furthermore, when the time arrives for me to speak on this great subject, I hope I may say nothing to disappoint the people generally throughout the country, especially if the expectation has been based upon anything

which I have heretofore said. Notwithstanding the troubles across the river, (the speaker pointing

southwardly across the Monongahela, and smiling,) there is no crisis but an artificial one. What is there now to warrant the condition of affairs presented by our friends over the river? Take even their own views of the questions involved, and there is nothing to justify the course they are pursuing. I repeat, there is no crisis excepting such a one as may be gotten up at any time by turbulent men, aided by designing politicians. My advice to them under such circumstances is 'Keep cool.' If the great American people only keep their temper both

sides of the line, the troubles will come to an end, and the question which now distracts the country be settled, just as surely as all other difficulties of a like character, which have originated in this Government, have been adjusted. Let the people on both sides keep their self-possession, and, just as

"According to my political education, I am inclined to believe that the people in the various portions of the country should have their own views carried out through their representatives in Congress. The considerarion of the Tariff bill should not be postponed until the next session of the National Legislature. No subject should engage your representatives more closely than that of the Tariff. If I have any recommendation to make, it will be that every man who is called upon to serve the people, in a representative capacity, should study the whole subject thoroughly, as I intend to do myself, looking to all the varied interests of the common country, so that when the time for action arrives, adequate protection shall be extended to the coal and iron of Pennsylvania, and the corn of illinois. Permit me to express the hope that this important subject may receive such consideration at the hands of your representatives, that the interests of no part of the country may be overlooked, but that all sections may share in the common benefits of a just and equitable tariff."

This address was received with the most lively enthusiasm by the denizens of the Iron City," whose most material interests

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well as in the Union.
so nearly concerned in the Tariff, as

Northern Ohio.

The trip to Cleveland, Friday, passed off pleasantly. The usual patriotic demonstrations were made along the route, and the reception at the "Forest City" proved that the Western Reserve was quite as devoted to the Union as other loyal sections, notwithstanding its reputed tendency to "Abolitionism." The trip to Buffalo passed off most agreeably, though the President was so seriously indisposed from frequent speaking and hand-shaking that he could but briefly respond to the truly stirring crowds gathered at every stoppage. The enthusiasm of Northern Ohio exceeded that of the southern and eastern portions of the State, cheering as it was.

At Buffalo.



will agree with me-that when it is considered that

these difficulties are without precedent, and never

The welcome at Buffalo | gent people. Without that assistance, I shall surely was so warm as to be rude. fail; with it, I cannot fail. When we speak of The dense crowd would threatened difficulties to the country, it is natural not be kept from the train, and when the that it should be expected that something should be President alighted on the arm of exsaid by myself with regard to particular measures. Upon more mature reflection, however-and others President Millard Fillmore, the pressure became so close that it was with difficulty the carriages could be gained. Good feeling, however, prevailed. His speech at Buffalo ness was marked by a spirit of Christian kindthat rendered it impressive, while it commanded the approval of all classes, when spread on the wings of the telegraph to all parts of the country. It stood out in strange contrast with the belligerent speech delivered, on the same day, by the President-elect of the Southern Confederacy at Montgomery. Mr. Lincoln said:

have been acted upon by any individual situated as I am, it is most proper I should wait and see the developments, and get all the light possible, so that when I do speak authoritatively, I may be as near right as possible. When I shall speak authoritatively I hope to say nothing inconsistent with the Constitution, the Union, the rights of all the States, of each State, and of each section of the country, and not to disappoint the reasonable expectations of

those who have confided to me their votes. In this connection allow me to say that you, as a portion of the great American people, need only to maintain your composure, stand up to your sober convictions of right, to your obligations to the Constitution, and act in accordance with those sober convictions, and the clouds which now arise in the horizon will be dispelled, and we shall have a bright and glorious future; and when this generation shall have passed

where only thousands inhabit it now. I do not propose to address you at length; I have no voice for it. Allow me again to thank you for this magnifi cent reception, and bid you farewell."

Central New York.

"MR. MAYOR, AND FELLOW-CITIZENS OF BUFFALO AND THE STATE OF NEW YORK-I am here to thank you briefly for this grand reception given to me, not personally, but as the representative of our great and beloved country. Your worthy Mayor has been pleased to mention, in his address to me, the fortunate and agreeable journey which I have had from home-only it is rather a circuitous route to the Fed-away, tens of thousands will inhabit this country eral Capital. I am very happy that he was enabled, in truth, to congratulate myself and company on that fact. It is true, we have had nothing thus far to mar the pleasure of the trip. We have not been met alone by those who assisted in giving the election to me; I say not alone, but by the whole population of the country through which we have passed. This is as it should be. Had the election fallen to any other of the distinguished candidates instead of my self, under the peculiar circumstances, to say the least, it would have been proper for all citizens to have greeted him as you now greet me. It is evidence of the devotion of the whole people to the Constitution, the Union, and the perpetuity of the liberties of this country. I am unwilling, on any occasion, that I should be so meanly thought of, as to have it supposed for a moment that these demonstrations are tendered to me personally. They are tendered to the country, to the institutions of the country, and to the perpetuity of the liberties of the country for which these institutions were made and created. Your worthy Mayor has thought fit to express the hope that I may be able to relieve the country from the present, or, I should say, the

Spending the Sabbath in Buffalo, the progress was resumed early on Monday morning. At eight o'clock the Presidential train reached Rochester, to find a large con course of citizens gathered, notwithstanding the extreme rigidity of the weather. Не made a brief address, when the train moved


Great assemblages of citizens met him at all populous towns on the Central Road. At Syracuse ten thousand people awaited his advent. A platform draped in National flags, and surmounted by a live eagle, had been erected, from which he might address the people; but, the brief stay of the train allowed only of a few words from the carplatform. At Utica he was met by the Committee of the New York Legislature, who served as an escort to Albany. The reception at Utica was unusually agreeable—a salute of thirty-four guns being his welcome.

threatened difficulties. I am sure I bring a heart true to the work. [Tremendous applause.] For the ability to perform it I trust in that Supreme Being who has never forsaken this favored land, The party arrived at Albany to find a through the instrumentality of this great and intelli- great multitude in waiting. The Presi

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