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The Apostles all equall.

The sheep whereto these teeth are likened, are fet forth,

First, by their even-fhornneffe. Secondly, by their cleanneffe, coming up from the washing.

Thirdly, by their fruitfulneffe, Every
one bringeth forth twins, none barren.
First, even fet, none gaping out.
Secondly, white and cleane.

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Thirdly, each anfwering to his fellow in the other jaw, none wanting, as it is a praise to the teeth to be. The teeth are fuch as chew the meat, and prepare it for the rest of the body, fuch in that Church were the Apoftles, whom our Saviour calls a little flock: they were all,

First, even fet, and even fhorne, none bursting out beyond his fellowes: Peters fupremacy ftretched not beyond the reft of the Apostles h,

The teeth of innocent fheep are even fet: They that have tufhes longer then the other teeth are hurtfull and ravenous beafts; as Dogs, Beares, Lions, &c. Ten of the Apostles difdained the motion of fupremacy. Secondly, came up from Fobus Baptifme, and therefore when Indas tell a


8 Luke 12


h Mat. 16.

19.compared with & Mat.18 Joh.20.23 18. Mat. 20.20, 25.

Mark 10. 49.42.

Luke 22. 24,25.



The nature of the Apostles doctrine. Ch.4. away, they must needs fupply his place

A&t. 1.21, out of the number of fuch as had continued with them from Iohns Baptifme.


Secondly, they were futable each one to his fellow, and therefore the seventy

* Luk.10. were fent out by couples *.


But efpecially they were fruitfull in bringing home many lambs to Chrift; & hence the feventy returned with joy to + Luk. 10. Chrift t; and Satan is faid to fall downe from heaven before them like lightning. Thy lips are like a thread of fearlet,and thy fpeech is comely: thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks.


Verfe 3.

* Mat. 10.


Thy lips are like a thread of (carlet,and thy Speech is comely.] Both fignifying the deli very or utterance of the Doctrine of the Church at that time, which was,

First,as a thread,flender,(tenui filo) not plump or fwelling with humane eloquence, but favouring of Fisher-like tenuity and fimplicity.

Secondly, as a thread of fcarlet; for as fcarlet or purple is a princely and royall weare, fo their Doctrine was,

Firft,touching the kingdom of heaven*. Secondly, though tender, yet deeply dyed in graine with royall Majefty and autho

Ch.4. Minifters how like Pomegranates. authority of the Spirit of God.


Thy temples are like a piece of Pomegra nate within thy lockes.] Temples of the head are they by which the whole body watcheth or refteth; they are fuch therefore as watch over the body, and for it. The Pomegranate was of much use in the old Tabernacle and Temple: *Aarons *Exod. coat was hanged with Pomegranates and 28.34. Bells; Bells for found of Doctrine and Prayer,Pomegranates for reftraining and healing the diftempers and diseases of the people. Pomegranates are commended by Fernelius †,

† Fernel.

First,for repreffing the heat of choler. p.26. 2.The malignity, rottenneffe,and acri

mony of feavers.

3.The loofeneffe of the belly.



Secondly, for comforting and ftrengthning the ftomacke and bowels, to the keeping backe all fainting *. This * Fernel. office, the Ecclefiafticall governours of the Church doe performe to it; they repreffe the heat of fallings out among brethren, the notorious abuses, the loofeneffe, or diftemperedneffe of the people; they comfort the feeble, and binde up the weake, and are therefore fitly resembled



Faith is ftrong in Christ. Ch.4.

by Pomegranates, yea, by a piece of a Pomegranate: for it is not the whole body of the Pomegranate that doth this; but it, broken in pieces, by his juice and rinde is medicinable.

Within thy lockes.] Because though Christ established Discipline, and delik Mat.18. vered it to the Church in his timek; yet 15.-17 it was not difplayed, nor fhewed it felfe in execution till after his Refurre

11 Cor. 5. 1..6% Verse 4.


ation 1.

Thy necke is like the tower of David,&c.] The necke is that part that joyneth head and body together; now that which joyneth Chrift and his Church together, is our Faith: which Faith in fome of the members of that Church in Chrifts time, was obferved to bee ftrong and *Mat. 8. great; and therefore is here fitly com10. & 15. pared to the tower of David, for an ArNeb.9.mory, (whereof wee read) † whereon there banged a thoufand bucklers, all shields of mighty men. It feemes Davids mighty men hanged up their fhields in this Armory against times of warre; and fo in like manner all the Worthies of Ifrael; all the faithfull before Chrift, hanged their fhields of faith upon Chrift, in




Ch.4. The Apostles how like Roes.


whom the faith of his Church was as a strong Armory*. Faith is not fo much *Heb. 11. a tower of ftrength in it felfe, as in Christ whom it apprehendeth.


Thy two breasts are like two young Roes Verses. that are twinnes, which feed among the lillies.

Thy two breafts are like two young Roes that are twinnes.] The breafts give milke: now the breafts that give milke to the Church, the finceret milke of the word, t 2 Pet.2.2 are the Minifters, which in the Church of Chrifts time were firft the Apostles, fecondly, the feventy: and are therefore here called two breafts,and both as Roes, becaufe not ryed to any certaine place within all the people of the Jewes, for Roes ftay not long in a place: And both as twins, because of equall commiffion, being both fent alike to the whole houfe of Ifrael, though, after the Refurrection, the Apostles commiffion was enlarged further then that of the feventy.

Which feed among the lillies.] For they were fent not onely among the Gentiles or Samaritans, but amongft,

First, the loft fheep of the houfe of Ifracl.



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