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Ch.6. Wealth occafions the Churches fleep.


Cant.6.1. Whither is thy beloved gone? O thou fairest among women, whither is thy beloved turned afide? that we may feeke him with thee.]:


The Churches affectionate defcribing Chap.6. and praifing Chrift, ftirred up many verle 1. then to looke after Religion and Refor

mation. ODS

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First, wee may here fee the danger of use 1. furfeiting the Church with wealth and pleasures and honour. Conftantine had in the first verse enebriated the Church with wealth and honour, and hereupon the Church falleth into a long fleepe, which shee shook not wholly off for many ages. No wonder then of that fpeech heard from heaven, Hodie venenum concidit in Ecclefiam Now is poyfon powred or fallen into the Church.

Secondly, this may let us fee that they ufe 3. have not the fpirit of the Church of Chrift,that when they heare many voices in Religion carried fundry waies, know not whom to follow,cannot difcern which


ule 3.

ufe 4.

ufe 5.

Want of watchfulnesse dangerous. Ch. 6. is the true voice of Chrift among them: This Church here could difcern the voice of Christ even in her fleep, how much more easily if she had been well awake ?

Thirdly,this is to exhort both Minifters and other faithfull Christians to watchfulneffe, left otherwise corruption in doarine and worship grow amongst the people, till the locks of Chrift be wholly dabled with fuperftitions; the locks of Chrift, to wit, the common Chriftians.

Fourthly, this may teach us to know that they provide not well for the direction of their own judgements, that depend upon the voice of the ancient Churches for their chief pattern and guidance in doArine and worship: who would build upon the words of a man (though otherwise a good man) when he is half afléep

Fifthly, hence we may difcern it is better the Church should open to Chrift,appea ring before him in the naked fimplicity of his worship, then to cover our felves and his worship with the blankets and inventions of mens weaving, which will but full the Church afleep in drowfie performances of perfunctory worship, and cause Chrift to withdraw himfelf from us.


Ch.6. Perfecutions inflame our affections.



ufe 6.

Sixthly, this may teach us to know, to our fhame and griefe, that our drowsie hearts will neglect to open to Chrift upon his calling and knocking,unlefs he be pleafed to put the finger of his spirit into our hearts, to open an entrance for himfelfe. Seventhly, the faithfull muft not won-ufe 7. der, if, opening their hearts to Chrift and fecking after him, fometimes they finde him not; for it was fo with the Church here, and hath been fo with the faithfull in all ages: We neglecting to receive him when hee offereth himself, wee must not wonder if for a time he neglect us. Eighthly,we may from hence learn that ufe 8. bad Minifters wil fooner bear with any dif order in people, then ferious feeking after Christ,and after the purity of ordinances. Ninthly, we may here fee perfecutions a-ufe 9. lienate not theaffections of the faithful,but inflame them to more ardency and earnest pursuite after Chrift, as this Church did. Tenthly,it may be known the Church ufe 10. hath lyen in a deep fleep, when common Chriftians can more acknowledge the Church then Chrift himself, when they can fee her to be the fairest among women, but know not any eminentworth in Chrift. Eleventhly,


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Faithfull Chriftians before Luther. Ch.6.

Eleventhly, the estate of many Churches, in many ages, maketh but one body of Chrift; in every of which Christ manifesteth himself, in fome members more eminently then in others.

Twelvethly, Chrift had his faithfull people and members in the world before Luther was born; yea, he fhewed himself glorious in fundry of them, in the darkest times of Popery.

Thirteenthly,in Chrift it's well known there is nothing but what is lovely and defirable, even perfecutions for his fake are lovely and glorious..

Fourteenthly, it is no comfort, or but fmall, to know Chrift to be every way precious and excellent, unleffe wee can alfo fay, hee is ours: This is my beloved, this is my friend, o yee daughters of Ferufalem.

Fifteenthly, the affectionate faithfull preaching and fetting forth of Chrift,stirreth up in others a faving knowledge of Christ, and hearty affection to him. The Church here defcribeth Chrift affectionately and faithfully, fpeaketh of him as her owne; whence the daughters of Fe rufalem are converted and stirred up to feek after him.


Ch.6. The ftate of the Church reformed.


Laftly, hearts truely touched with fin- fufe 16. cere defire after Christ, chofe rather to feek him in the Church, in the fellowfhip of the Church,then by waies of feparation, as this Church did: Whither is thy beloved turned afide ? that we may seeke him with thee.

My beloved is gone into his garden.] Cant.6. The holy Ghoft in thefe words defcen-3-9. deth to fet forth the state of the Church reformed by the Miniftery of Luther, and other late Divines, as in the verfe following the calling of the Fewes.

This reformed Church is diverfly defcribed:

First, by Christs vifitation of her, together with the ends thereof: 1. To feed in the gardens.

2. To gather lilies, verfe 2.

Secondly, by her mutuall fellowship with Chrift, verfe 3.

Thirdly, by her degrees of rifing: wherein she is likened to be, verfe 4. 1. As Tirzah.

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2. As Ferufalem.

3. As an army with Banners.

Fourthly, by her members, ver. 5,6,7.
1. Eyes.

2. Haire.

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