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Ch.6.The fewes called shall march in armies. them, whitherfoever in Chrifts Name they shall call; their foule fhould no fooner defire it, but they fhould be set in all readineffe, where alfo is intimated the willing readineffe of a willing people among the Gentiles to convey the Jewes into their Country, with Charets, and Horfes, and Dromedaries.

Returne, returne, O Shulamite: returne, returne, that wee may looke uponthee: what will yee fee in the Shulamite ? as it were the company of two Armies.

Returne, returne, O Shulamite, re turne.] This call fo often repeated, doth imply,

First, the earnestneffe of the Minifters that shall them.

Secondly, the hafte that they would have them to make in going through with their converfion.

That wee may looke upon thee, or behold thee.] It is the defire of the Minifters, and of all the faithfull, to behold this glorious Church when shee fhall be called.

What will ye fee in the Shulamite ?] But, as it were, the company of two Armies, or the hofte of Mahanaim.

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fa 66.20.

and 49.


Verse 13.

Ifai.62. v.




This 2.

196 The fewes called fhall march in armies.Ch.6.





This is fpoken, either because the Jewes fhall, prefently upon their converfion, marshall and ranke themselves into Armies against Gog and Magog, ver. 10. where fhe is faid to arise terrible as an Arwith Banners. Or elfe taking the word properly; the holy Ghoft compareth the Jewes to an hofte of Angels, which Facob faw at Mahanaim: as indeed the feeble at that day shall be as valiant as the Angels of God. This Interpretation feemeth to me to be the more likely, because her warlike provifion was before mentioned, ver.10. Or, otherwife, the holy Ghost may allude to the hofte of Ifrael and Judah, which went to bring up David from Mahanaim to Ferufalem, after the Ifraelites were brought to fee their errours in 2 Sam. 19. cafting him off for Abfolom: So fhall the Jewes at their converfion affemble for the establishment of the Kingdome and Throne of Chrift among them, after they fhall be brought to fee their foule errours in cafting off Chrift fo unworthily fo long a time.



ufe 1.

The first Ufe of this is for difcerning a different eftate of all Chriftian Churches and Congregations, and triall of our


Ch.6. How to know a true Church.

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owne Parishes. In one of these rankes every Congregation is found, either a Queene, a Concubine, or a Damofell, or a Dove: If we have freely confented to the entertainment of a faithfull Miniftery, coming to us in the Name of Chrift; if we bring with us to him a fufficient dowry for his maintenance : If the Word of God fhall be powerfully difpenfed amongst us, and the opening and fhutting of the Kingdome of Heaven, and withall the Key of Difcipline be not neglected: If our Congregations bring forth many children to God, partakers of the Heavenly Inheritance, then are our Congregations as chiefe Wives, as Queenes to Jefus Chrift. But if our Minifters finde not conjugall and free acceptance from us; if we be not willing to provide for them comfortable and honourable maintenance If the Word be not fo difpenfed that the people may finde themfelves in good or evill e ftates: If our Congregations bring not forth regenerate Chriftians to partake of the heavenly Inheritance, then are they but as Concubines in the fight of God:

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2 Cor.s.


ufe a.

How to know a true Church.

Ch.6. If wee have yet no Ministers that wooe us, and befeech us to be reconciled to Chrift; or if they doe, yet we coily put them off with delayes, or refufes, then are wee Damofels, but neither Queenes nor Concubines. But if wee finde all the properties of Queenes bẹlonging unto us, and withall, finde a love and care to keepe our felves chafte to Chrift, and innocent to man, and undefiled, and unfpotted, both of the World and of Rome, then are we Doves to Chrift Jefus, choiceft children of the true Catholick Church.

A fecond Ufe is for a difcerning of a different eftate of all Chriftian fouls, and triall of our owne eftates before God if our hearts have never yet been called and knocked at by the lively Word of Gods Ordinances, or if wee have coily put off our Repentance to this day, or refufe to hearken to Chrift, then are we Damofels. If we bring forth feed of Righteoufneffe to Chrift, by reafon we are under the government of fuch who will require it, and well may command it of us, wee are but as Concubines. But if we free

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Ch.6. How to try whether we be Spouses.

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ly condefcend to receive and embrace Chrift into our hearts with entire conjugall affection, and give up our felves to him to bring forth the fruits of his Spirit, and are enabled to governe our felves and families after his will, then are wee Royall Spoufes unto Chrift Jefus, and keep our felves to Christ chafte, innocent, and undefiled, and endeavour to cleanse our felves from all 2 Cor.7.1 filthinesse of flefl and spirit, then are wee as Doves unto Jefus Chrift.

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A third Ufe to direct and inftructufe 3. Minifters and people how to approve themselves and their Congregations in beft fort unto Chrift. Let not Minifters thruft themfelves upon their people against their confents, but let their people freely accept them, and comfortably maintaine them': Let the Minifters be faithfull in difpenfing Gods Ordinances, and the people obedient, to give up themfelves to Chrift and his trueth, till both grow up to heavenly and holy purity of worship and life; fo fhall our Congregations be as Queenes and Doves to Jefus Christ.

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A fourth Ufe may be to encourage ufe 4.
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