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The use of marriage-fongs.

10.- 14.


came a Profelyte to the Jewish Religion,

d Pfal.45. Hearken (Oh Daughter) and confider, and incline thine eare; forget alfo thine owne people, and thy fathers houfe, &c.

Now, though that marriage fong was penned upon that occafion; yet it afcendeth farre above all earthly refpects of worldly marriage, and by a divine and heavenly workmanship fets forth a heavenly marriage-fong betweene Christ and his Church: of like Argument was this fong penned by Solomon himfelfe; not to expreffe his affections to Pharaohs daughter, or hers to him, or the good parts of either of them: no, nor the like refpects to any Shunamite amongst the reft of his wives, as fome have vainly conceived for then how abfurd and monftrous were fome of his comparisons, likening his Spouse to a company of borfes in Pharaohs Chariot, her Head to Carmel,her Eyes to Fifh-pooles, her Nofe to a Tower, her Teeth to a flock of Sheep, her whole Selfe to a terrible Army with Banners But his fcope is to defcribe the eftate ofthe Church towards Chrift, and his refpect towards her, from his own time to the laft judgement, as afterward it fhall appeare.

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Chap. 1. Who perfonated in this Song. Now, through this whole marriagefong this Decorum it keepeth, that though the calamities of the Church be as well described throughout this fong, as the comfortable condition of the fame in all ages, yet fuch difmall paffages are vailed and fhadowed under fome sweet and amiable resemblances, left the joy of a marriage feast should be darkened by unseasonable mention of fo fad occurrences; neither are all the paffages of the estate of the Church in every age here described, (for how can that be in fo fhort a fong?) but the chiefe heads of things in every age are fweetly, and fhortly, and lively, not onely pointed at, but decyphered. Thefe verfes contain,


Firft,the title of the whole book,ver.1. The title. Secondly, the defcription of the eftate of the Church in the dayes, Firft, of Sølomon, ver. 2.-4.

Secondly, of Solomon and Rehoboam,

verfe 5.

Thirdly, of Rehoboam, verse 6. —9.
In the title we have

First, the form of the book, It is a Song.
Secondly, the excellency of it, A Song

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of Songs.

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Pfalms, Hymns, Songs.


Thirdly, the Author of it, Which is So


The Song of fongs, &c. In Coloff. 3.16. there is mention made,jon

Firft, of Pfalmes. ithmonst
Secondly, Hymnes.

Thirdly, fpirituall Songs.

Amongst the Hebrewes there were Pfalmes made to be fung with Inftruments, as well as with voyce, and contained arguments of all forts, for Petition, Thankefgiving, and Inftruction. Songs were chiefly made for the voice. Hymnes are properly praifes of God: though any of thefe are fometimes put for all.

Firft, this doth let us fee, that it were is to be wifhed, that this Booke were turned into verfe or meeter in each language, that we might fing the Canticles as the Hebrewes did.

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Secondly, this teaches us to strive for fuch a gracious frame of fpirit, that we might alwayes bee fitted to fing to God.

This Song containes the estate of the Church, as well in the worst as best times; yet Solomon can as well fing in


Songs not unfeafonable.






e Phil.4.4.

Chap.1. the misery of the Church, as in her profperity. And* David hath as well Pfalmes of his deep waters and calamities, as of his greatest deliverances. And the holy Ghoft faith, Rejoyce in the Lord alwayes: And though finging be chiefly fit and requifite in mirth,yet we should be fit alfo fJam.. for a Pfalm in our affliction. But we commonly in our ill houres are too fullen to fing, and in our merry moods, our fpirits vanish away in carnall mirth and jolity; but whatsoever the eftate of the Church be, we should have our spirits as ready to fing as to pray.


Thirdly, is reproved that ancient ufe 3. law and cuftome of the Synagogue, which prohibited young men (under thirty yeares of age) the reading and ufe of this Booke, but what age fitter for Songs then cheerfull youth? And further, the amoroufneffe of the dittie will not ftirre up wantonneffe in any age, if the words be well understood: but rather, by inflaming with heavenly love, will draw out, and burne up all earthly and carnall luft; and even as fire in the hand is drawne out by holding it to a stronger fire, or as the light and



Verse 1.

Why this fong called


heat of the Sunne extinguisheth a kitchin fire, fo doth heavenly love to Chrift extinguish base kitchin lufts.

A Song of fongs: That is, a most excellent Song, the chiefeft of Songs: as when they would expreffe the holy place, they *Exod. 26 fay, The Holy of holieft, The Lord of lords, the King of kings, the Servant of fer


vants, an Hebrew fuperlative; fo this is I King. 4. the chiefest Song, first of all Solomons or ther Songs,even of his thousand and five.


g 2 Sam.



Secondly, of all Songs without exception; for though David was in his time the fweet finger of Ifrael, yet as Solomons Throne exceeded his in all other h King. magnificence: h fo did his Name exceed his alfo, yet this is no difparagement to the other Songs; fo neither, that fome of † Pfal. 16. Davids Pfalmes fhould be ftiled † golden 56,57, 58, Pfalmes: All purified gold, yet fome Pla.12.6 gold wrought more exquifitely then others, and finer engraven then others; even fome portion of the pure and holy Word of God, more exquifitely penned and polished then other.


Reafon 1.

The firft Reason why this Song is more excellent then others, is, because this Song speaketh not onely of the chiefeft

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