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X. An alarming number of ghosts crowd to the Styx.

Charon, fearing for his boat, directs Hermes to see

that they were entirely stripped of their various

insignia of power, rank, wealth, and the weighty

load of vices, before they are admitted on board.

Menippus, who is one of the passengers, avails him-

self of the opportunity for ridiculing and railing at

the bewailing ghosts

XI. Krates and Diogenes, meeting in Hades, indulge their

satire on the subject of the fates of two millionaire

merchants (cousins) who had been constantly plot-

ting, in the usual manner, each for the other's

legacy, and who had both perished on the same day

by shipwreck. The two eminent Cynics congratu-

late themselves on the recollection of the very diffe-

rent character of their own objects in life

XII. Alexander of Macedon and Hannibal, quarrelling for

precedence, submit the arbitrament of their cause

to Minos. Each recounts his exploits. Scipio, the

conqueror of Carthage, intervenes, and pronounces

in favour of Alexander, claiming the second place for

himself, and assigning the third place to Hannibal .

XIII. Diogenes jeers at Alexander of Macedon for his late

pretensions to divinity, at the same time satirizing

the servile attitude of the conquered Greek States to-

wards him. He proceeds to remind the arrogant

conqueror of all his vain power and glory, and casts

large part of the blame on Alexander's preceptor,

Aristotle, for flattering and fostering the pride and

ambition of his pupil. Diogenes, finally, recom-

mends the dead potentate to drink the waters of the

river Lethe

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