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he said. A-mong o-ther things, she heard him say, that Je-sus Christ di-ed for poor sin-ners, and that God, for his dear Son's sake, sends his Ho-ly Spi-rit in-to the hearts of his peo-ple. He al-so said, that those who are wash-ed in the blood of Je-sus Christ, will be ta-ken to hea-ven when they die; but that those who are not, will be cast in-to out-er dark-ness.

Mar-ge-ry ne-ver spoke a sin-gle word while the cler-gy-man was pray-ing, and read-ing, and preach-ing; and lit-tle Lu-cy nei-ther cri-ed nor talk-ed. Mar-ge-ry al-so heard the peo-ple sing psalms in ho-nour of the great and ho-ly God, and his Son, the Lord Je-sus Christ.

So, when the ser-vice was o-ver, e-ve-ry bo-dy got up and went out of church. And as they

went down the hill, they sa-lu-ted each o-ther, talk-ing of the se-ri-ous ser-mon they had heard, and the sa-cred du-ties in which they had been en-ga-ged.

Now, as they were walk-ing home, there came a ve-ry neat old la-dy up to Mar-ge-ry's mo-ther, and said, "Your lit-tle girls have been ve-ry good at church to-day: bring them this e-ven-ing to see me, that I may hear Mar-ge-ry read; and if she can read well, I will give her a Bi-ble."

Then Mar-ge-ry's mo-ther thank-ed the old la-dy, and Mar-ge-ry made a pret-ty court-sey,

and said, "Thank you, Ma'am." So the fa-ther and mo-ther, and Mar-ge-ry and Lu-cy, went home.

When they came home, Mar-ge-ry and Lu-cy had their pin-a-fores put on, and Lu-cy went to sleep in her cra-dle; but Mar-ge-ry took her hymn-book and learn-ed a verse of her hymn, while her mo-ther got the din-ner rea-dy. As soon as Mar-ge-ry had said her hymn she had her din-ner; and Lu-cy be-ing then a-wake, had her din-ner too.

When din-ner was o-ver, the lit-tle girls hav-ing their hands and fa-ces wash-ed, and their bonnets and tip-pets put on, they a-gain shut up the house door, and set off to church; the fa-ther car-ry-ing Lu-cy, and Mar-ge-ry run-ning before. And af-ter ser-vice was end-ed, they went to see the good old la-dy. In their way they pass-ed through the wood where Mar-ge-ry had seen the lit-tle birds, then o-ver a brook, and af-ter-wards through two long fields full of pretty po-sies, which brought them to the la-dy's house.

It was a white house a-mong trees, and the good old la-dy was sit-ting at the par-lour window read-ing her Bi-ble. And when she saw them com-ing, she call-ed to Sal-ly the maid, and bade her take them in-to the kitch-en: where


they sat down round a lit-tle ta-ble, while Sal-ly made them some tea, and cut them some nice bread and but-ter. Af-ter tea, there was such a plate of red cher-ries brought in as the lit-tle girls had ne-ver seen be-fore; of which Marge-ry had leave to eat twelve, and Lu-cy six. Lu-cy stain-ed her frock and her face ve-ry much with the cher-ries; but Mar-ge-ry kept her frock quite clean.

So, after they had done tea, the good old la-dy came in-to the kitch-en, and hav-ing heard Mar-ge-ry read, she gave her a nice Bi-ble print-ed in a large type; with which Mar-ge-ry was very much pleas-ed, and for which she thank-ed the la-dy.

The la-dy then told the lit-tle girl that she must read a chap-ter e-ve-ry day; and that, be

fore she began to read, she must pray to God to bless his ho-ly word to her heart.

Mar-ge-ry's fa-ther and mo-ther then thank-ed the old la-dy for her kind-ness, and re-turn-ed home. Soon after she got home, Mar-ge-ry said her pray-ers and went to bed.

Thus lit-tle chil-dren should en-dea-vour to be-have well when they go to church, re-member-ing that Sun-day is the Lord's day, when they are not on-ly to ab-stain from work-ing, but give up their u-su-al play. For the Bi-ble says, If thou turn a-way thy foot from the Sabbath, from do-ing thy plea-sure on my ho-ly day; and call the Sab-bath a De-light, the Ho-ly of the Lord, Ho-nour-a-ble; and shalt ho-nour him, not do-ing thine own ways, nor find-ing thine own plea-sure, nor speak-ing thine own words. (Isaiah lviii. 13.)

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