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3. The removal from the official service of China of every victim of the opium habit. This reform was mentioned as by far the most difficult of the three.

While eleven years have passed since the above conditions were laid down, it is noteworthy that two of them are already on the way to practical fulfilment, namely, currency reform and the opium prohibition, and the third is under serious discussion in the various Provincial Assemblies. While the currency reform is still in its initial stages, the prohibition of the growth and the use of opium has already gone far beyond what Mr. Holcomb proposed. Not only is opium being prohibited to officials but to the people generally, and about four-fifths of the production of opium in China itself has already been stopped. The earnestness with which this reform is being pressed reflects great credit upon the Chinese.

Extract of letter from the Rev. W. W. Johnson, Shantung, China.


"We are enjoying a blessing by anticipation. We look across our compound to the west and see two squares away the great fort on the city wall, slowly melting day by day, we know that it will never rise again. The breach thus made in the wall will soon become the South East City Gate. The debris is being used to help bridge over the old moat. When the work is finished, our compound will be within 15 minutes' walk of the Governor of Shantung's thirty odd millions of people. At the Governor's feast lately, His Excellency Hsun Pao O'hi, remarked to a member of our station, "That new gate is being opened for you." The truth is that we have several times requested that a gate be opened near our compound, and it means everything to our chapel and school on the compound. We are putting up a large meeting-hall in the rear of our city chapel, as this place now becomes the center of the Christian community in Tsinanfu, and the Christians need such a place for union services inside the city. We hope to get the funds for this enlargement soon. We must also get a street put through directly from our hospitals to the New City Gate, even though we have to buy a right of way. Pray that we may be able to press in and possess Tsinan fu


for Christ. Until recently there have been very few Christians in this city. Most of our Christians live in our country field, from 30 to 60 miles from Tsinanfu."

Monthly Concert Topics 1912

Repeated requests have come to the Board to change the order of the Monthly Concert topics. A change has been made temporarily in the order We trust that all of topics for the year 1912. those who are interested will give the changes proposed for this year a fair trial and offer suggestions during the year regarding this whole subject.

The list in the Year Book of Prayer, published by the Women's Boards and Societies remains the same. Prayer will be offered daily by the whole Church for the subjects presented in the Year Book of Prayer. We could wish that a much larger number of Presbyterians would purchase the Year Book of Prayer and use it at their daily devotions. It is by prayer-intercessory prayer that we can hope for the largest blessing to rest upon the work and workers during the year 1912.


We would take this occasion also to emphasize No the value of the Monthly Concert of Prayer. single method is, we believe, productive of spiritual benefit to pastor, church and congregation We as a well conducted Monthly Concert. urge pastors and missionary leaders to put special emphasis on this method which has shown its value through more than of a hundred years actual experiment.

Everything points to the year 1912 as being one of more than ordinary significance in the things which relate to the kingdom. The storm center in the mission world is now in the Chinese Empire, and China is the subject which is suggested for the January meeting. The transformations which have taken place in China in the last ten years are more momentous for the Chinese raceif not for the human race-than any other period of a hundred years in the history of the Empire. Korea-suggested for the February topic, easily looms up as one of the great missionary centres of the world.

The full list of topics is given below. We invite a careful and prayerful study of the themes suggested for prayer and meditation for the year





May-Siam and Laos. June The Home Base, Chinese, Japanese

and Koreans in the U. S. July-Review of the past year.



Board's Annual Report. August

The Outlook for the Coming Year. September-Africa.



America. December lands Persia.



Moslem Syria and

The year 1912 marks the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the organization of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. It is proposed to iswith this series of leaflets in connection a event beginning with January. Leaflet No. 1 for January is to be entitled "China's Only Hope." Number 2 for February will be, "The Apostolic Church as Reproduced in Korea." Notice of other issues will appear in The Assembly Herald from time to time.

Bulletin No. 26 will be issued about the first of January.

The Board will also issue January 1, 1912, "Points for Pastors and Laymen," which will give hints and suggestions on the Monthly Concert topics. Apply to Leaflet Department of Foreign Board, 156 Fifth Ave., New York, for all of these leaflets.

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