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Standard four-year course, B.A. Degree. Rate only $355.00, Art, Music, Expression, Normal, Domestic Science, Business. Write for "Seven Points".

JANE SHERZER, Ph.D., (Berlin.) Pres. Box 26, Oxford, Ohio

For College Law, Medicine and Dentistry. Summer Courses. University References. Catalogue mailed. Address, 827 Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia.

Maher Preparatory School


Three years' course, training in all branches. Hospital of seventy beda. Delightful location on the Hudson River. Applicants must have at least one year High School-women of superior education given preference. Address, TRAINING SCHOOL, VASSAR BROTHERS HOSPITAL POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y.

Oswego College, the Presbyterian Woman's College of Kansas, situated at Oswego, has increased its enrollment rapidly since the coming of Dr. F. T. Marshall as President.

An unusual opportunity for ministerial students to have practical work and also inspiration was offered by Princeton Seminary at its recent religious conference. The opening service was conducted by Dr. John R. Davies, of Philadelphia. Almost every subject of vital interest to pastors and especially to those preparing for the ministry was discussed.

Hanover College at Hanover, Indiana, is making new history for itself in the efforts of its students and faculty to organize social centers in the neighboring towns, especially in the rural districts. Not only will those receive great benefit for whom the work is done, but the students of Hanover themselves will receive the chance for untold development of practical uses of theoretical attainments.

At Jenkintown, an attractive and healthful suburb of Philadelphia, a new school, "Beechwood," has opened this fall with more than 200 young women enrolled. The faculty of over 30 is headed by Dr. M. H. Reaser, the well known former President of Wilson College.

Ward Seminary has a big asset this year not only in the acquisition soon of a model new building plant, but in its new progressive and experienced President, Dr. Ira Landreth.

THE PEEKSKILL HOSPITAL Registered School for Nurses. Two years and six months, including three months in Post Graduate York. Hospital, New Vacancy now. Apply to Superintendent, Peekskill, N. Y.

"Dictionary of Thoughts'

A work that is to THOUGHTS what a Dictionary is to WORDS. It contains over 16,000 of the best thoughts of 1,775 of the World's greatest Authors and Thinkers (ancient and modern) on 968 different subjects -682 closely printed double column pages, and Author's reference index, by which the thoughts of any particular Author are quickly found. If you want to find a thought on any subject, you look for it just as you do for a word in the Dictionary. The use of this book will help you to make a better speech, write a better letter, a better address, increase your efficiency as an afterdinner speaker, as a debater, as a writer of powerful English. Half Morocco, $3.00; Full Morocco, Gilt Edges, $3.75. Sample pages free on request. Money back if not satisfactory,


F.B. DICKERSON CO., Detroit, Mich., U. S. A.

High-class proposition for agents. Over 40,000 sold by ministers and teachers in spare time.



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If you have anything to sell, if there is anything you wish to purchase, use this page and tell over 52,000 families The minimum space is one-half inch-about thirty-five words -which will cost $1.00 each insertion. On a three-time order a discount of 5 per cent. is allowed, and for six insertions 10 per cent. Cash to accompany orders, no display copy inserted. It will be our aim to keep this section clear of all objectionable advertisements and so make it of the highest value to our readers.

Address, THE ASSEMBLY HERALD Want Department, 1328 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

PASTORS: THIS BRINGS THE ANSWER-“MIDWEEK SERVICE POSTALS." Fill your prayermeeting room. Mail, or distribute in church. "Friar's Gray," Renaissance Initial. Artistic. 50c per Hundred. "The little order of various publications (Midweek Postals, 48 Communion Addresses, etc.) all proved satisfactory."-Rev. Dewitt Lukens, New York. See Sample, page 634, ASSEMBLY HERALD, November. Or enclose stamp to ANSTADT PUBLICATIONS, 226 Apsley street, Philadelphia.

LANTERN SLIDE RENTAL SERVICE.-Our many customers report "Perfect Satisfaction." Dr. John Clark Hill arranges the sets and edits the MS. Booklet. CHURCH SUPPLY CO., Springfield, Ohio.

BIBLE READING CIRCLE.-Does your church need one? If so, send your name and address to me and circular will be mailed to you, telling how to start one. Address (Miss) Elizabeth Merriam, Framingham, Mass.

SPECIAL BARGAINS in Blackboards and Individual Communion Services. Church Collection Plates at "way down" prices. Get our terms and we'll get your business. Catalogue A, American Blackboard Co., Gay Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.

"48 SHORT COMMUNION ADDRESSES."-"One single thought more than pays me for the price of the book."-Rev. Wm. Surdival. Flexible Cloth. White Title. 96 pages. 25c. ANSTADT PUBLICATIONS, 226 Apsley street, Philadelphia.

WANTED.-A man or woman, all or spare time, to secure information for us. Experience not necessary. Nothing to sell. GOOD PAY. Send stamp for particulars. Address M. S. I. A., Indianapolis,


"THE PEW TO THE PULPIT"-35 LETTERS FROM LAYMEN. "Worth twice the amount." Expositor. "With suggestions also for laymen.". The Presbyterian. Sepia cover. 64 pages. 20c. ANSTADT PUBLICATIONS, 226 Apsley street, Philadelphia.

YOU WERE LOOKING FOR THIS “QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS" in simple language, covering whole Bible.-Difficult Questions answered: "What is the sin against the Holy Ghost?" "Why so many churches?" "How know if one of the elect?"— Prayers to Memorize (Children's, etc.)-Safe Rules for Young People. 80 Pages. Illustrated. India Tint. Flexible. Gift Edition. 25c. ANSTADT PUBLICATIONS, 226 Apsley street, Philadelphia. TEA CUP INN of the Holiday House, Penllyn

(Station P. & R. R. R.). Pennsylvania. Mrs. Florence Cousans, Manager. Afternoon teas, light lunches, etc. Chicken and waffle suppers every Thursday and Saturday. Phone the number in your party. A cosy place for week-end parties for Club Girls, etc.

$2.50 PER DAY paid one man or woman in each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Permanent position. J. S. ZIEGLER CO., 445 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

REV. BENJAMIN G. BARKER, INTERDENOMINATIONAL EVANGELIST, seeks engagements for his first winter campaign in U. S. A. Eight years of travel, adventure and active service in the British Army. Unique, successful experience as pastor, evangelist and singer. Intimate personal knowledge of the Welsh Revival and methods of the Revivalist, Mr. Evan Roberts. Open for summer and autumn tent Highest meetings in 1913. references, international and interdenominational. Write 443 E. South street, Indianapolis, Indiana.

"WHY SIGN THE PLEDGE?”—Dr. F. B. Meyer, Past President World's Sunday School Association. "Splendid putting of reasons for Total Abstinence.' -Christian Advocate.. "Advice to Girls." ---Meyer. "White Life for Two."-Fox. Each 10c. ANSTADT PUBLICATIONS, 226 Apsley street, Philadelphia.

DO YOU ASK QUESTIONS? GET "THE ART OF QUESTIONING," by Sir Joshua Fitch, LL.D., England's Noted School Inspector. Treats of the Art as applied to Sunday school work. Includes valuable 700-worded Analysis of Contents (Analysis alone for stamp). Flexible Silk Cloth. White Title. Gift Edition, 25c. ANSTADT PUBLICATIONS, 226 Apsley street, Philadelphia.

A BEAUTIFUL GIFT BOOK—"RECOGNITION IN HEAVEN". With Extracts from Distinguished Authors, Selections from the Poets, and Numerous Illustrations. By P. Anstadt, D.D. "The author teaches that heaven is a place where we shall meet the old friends of earth and form new friendships with angels and saints. In this work we have the closest loyalty to revelation. Would make a most comforting remembrance to a friend passing through recent sorrow."-Editor ASSEMBLY HERALD. 256 pages, 5 x 8 inches. Choice paper, large type. Gold Title and Ornamentation. Cloth, $1.00; Full Leather, $1.50; Divinity Circuit, $2.00. Prepaid. ANSTADT PUBLICATIONS, 226 Apsley street, Philadelphia.

GENTLEMEN OF REFINEMENT, and ability as solicitors, may learn of an opportunity to increase their incomes by writing for further information to Box 144, care THE ASSEMBLY HERALD, Phila.



YOUR WINTER'S TAILORED ordered in person or by mail. Guaranteed a perfect fit in the latest style, when made by JNO. SIMPSON, 914 Walnut St., Philadelphia.

FOR ART WORK.-We supply colors and materials for China Painting and Water color Painting at Half Price, also Motto Cards, Place Cards, Scenes, heads, etc., printed in outline ready to fill in. Catalogue Free. ANGLO-FRENCH ART CO., 603-59 E. Van Buren St., Chicago.

ORANGE CITY, FLA.-Beautiful winter homes, high, healthy location, pure artesian water, cement walks, grand shade trees. Two railways, churches, school, public library, etc. Send for booklet. Address: J. L. TRUE.

HAND-COLORED CHRISTMAS CARDS, exclusive designs, sent on approval. Consignments for sales. JESSIE H. MCNICOL, 18 Huntington Ave., Boston

WANTED.-Pupils for Training School giving twoyears' course in general nursing. Overlook Hospital, Summit, N. J.

DE POTTER TOURS (34th year) Flatiron Building, New York City. Parties through Europe, the Orient and Around the World. Send for European Programs, Spring and Winter. All Travel First Class.

We Want You!

to send us your orders for any kind of seating. We make the goods and are in position to offer the best goods at the lowest price. Try us and be convinced. Church and School Furniture. The Haney School Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.

THE MODEL PRINTING PRESS Costing from $10 to $100. Formerly at Philadelphia. 50,000 in use all over the world. Three World's Fair highest awards. Just the press for church paper, programs, circular letters, cards, menus, etc. 40 page book, "How to Print," 25 cents. Display Out Book, 12 cents. Send stamp for catalogue.





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LECTING Cushioned Tray is
NOISELESS and DUST PROOF. Best for pew or altar
communion. Uses short, shallow cup, glass or alum-
inum (indestructible) no tipping of head. Saves ONE-
FOURTH cost other services. Over 14000 churches use.
Send for catalog and "Special Introductory Offer."
Thomas Communion Service Co., Box 2. Lima, Ohio

Church Plans

Catalogue Free to Ministers

Price's Window Paper

Send for Circular and Samples

BENJ. D. & MAX CHAS. PRICE, Architects

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UNBREAKABLE POINTED TOP STYLE (patented). The only cups that enable
the communicant to partake with head bowed (no tipping back necessary). The only
cups that can be washed and sterilized in bulk-no wiping or polishing required-saves
hours of work-no breakage-Trays are noiseless and dust-proof.

We also make all other styles of individual services and we send outfits on trial
at our expense-Send post-card for illustrated catalog and particulars of our "free
trial" plan.
Communion services are duty free.

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