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If we are to suffer this mutilation of our language even in blank verse, where no apology on the score of the fetters of versification can be pleaded, there will be no discoverable limit to the reign of corruption.

• Youthful steed let loose from bridle-chain'

is not English. If a foreigner had been taught the language, as it is grammatically constituted, how would it be possible for him to understand it with this vulgar omission of the article, this unmeaning substitution of singular for plural nouns ?

[blocks in formation]

That th' ev'ning shades must fall, before the Dane
Can,' &c.

'Denudes his raven locks of helmet's sheen ;',

that is, he takes off his helmet!

And now, the sun, scarce-ris'n in the orient sky.'

'On's crimson sword he lean'd.'

The notes to the poem shew a portion of antiquarian knowlege, and prove the writer to be fit for better things than scribbling bad


Art. 15. The House of Mourning, a Poem. With some smaller Pieces. By John Scott. 8vo. pp. 75. 5s. 6d. sewed. Taylor and Hessey. 1817.

We are at a loss how to speak properly of this strange publication. Strange, indeed, we must call it; and wholly unlike that sort of work which English feeling, we should have thought, could have wished to be presented to the general eye. A residence at

Paris seems to have given a French turn to the sorrows of this unhappy parent; though, by so saying, we are far from intending to convey the slightest reflection on the character of a generous and accomplished nation. All that we mean is that our different habits and manners render the poem before us a curious, and, we must add, a distressing spectacle to an Englishman. In the first place, we think that it has no poetic merit that could form a temptation sufficient to excuse the giving publicity to the sacredness of grief, and so soon after the loss in question: but, secondly, it has in many passages a violent expression of anguish, which it is really quite painful to witness. In a word, we can only bring ourselves to lament the violation in this instance of those rules of delicacy and reserve, which usually withdraw the sorrows of our countrymen, when they are of so genuine and domestic a nature, from the observation of all witnesses but their family and friends. We could easily point out a string of prosaic passages, and of familar and even coarse allusions, in this little poem, but we forbear. At page 60., we have a note, alluding to a passage in Genesis about the sons of God and the daughters of men, which we have encountered in three other poems of this year.



Art. 16. Practical Observations on the Cure of Wounds and Ulcers on the Legs, without Rest; illustrated with Cases. By Thomas Whately, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. Second Edition. 8vo. 9s. Boards. Callow. 1816.

The first edition of this work was published sixteen years ago, when we gave a brief account of its contents; and it does not appear that the doctrine which it inculcates has received any alteration during that period. Mr. W.'s great object is to recommend the use of compression in the cure of ulcers of the lower extremities; a practice which he conceives to be established by the most unequivocal evidence of facts, too numerous to admit of any doubt or uncertainty. He begins by some observations on the nature of wounds and ulcers, and on the power of the constitution in effecting their cure. If nothing peculiar or specific appears in their nature, that power generally proves sufficient for the purpose but it is found that, when they occur on the legs, they are more difficult to treat than in most other parts of the body. This circumstance has been attributed to their depending situation, and to the languor of the circulation in them: but Mr. W. supposes that it is owing to the former of these causes only.

In the ordinary method of treatment, rest and the horizontal posture are strictly enjoined, and it is admitted that these measures promote and often accomplish the cure: but experience shews that relapses are frequent, and that the parts are apt to break out again when the patient resumes his usual occupations; while the confinement is often injurious to the constitution, and under certain circumstances is impossible. For this practice, then, Mr. Whately substitutes that of compression by means of bandages; by which the inconveniences attendant on the other plan are obviated, and the cure is rendered more speedy and more perfect.

This is the fundamental doctrine of the treatise, and we are disposed to regard it as extremely important: we feel great confidence in the author's correctness; and we are surprized that, his ideas having been given to the public for so many years, they have not made a deeper impression. We fully coincide with the following sentiment, extracted from the preface to the second edition:

'It would have been a great satisfaction to me, had this republication been rendered unnecessary, by the general adoption of a method of cure at once so simple, and so certainly effectual. But to those who have experienced its utility, it must appear a surprizing fact, that the contrary method of confining the patient to a horizontal position is still very generally followed, both in private practice and public institutions, notwithstanding this proves so frequently unsuccessful, and a recurrence of the disorder so generally follows, upon resuming the wonted exercise.'

Mr. Whately notices the plan recommended by Mr. Baynton, of applying straps of plaister to ulcerated legs, which accomplishes the same object of compression by a different process. On the REV. AUG. 1817. comparative


comparative advantage of these two plans we have the ensuing remarks:

However advantageous it may prove to use adhesive plaisters with a view of compressing ulcers situated in some parts of the body, I cannot conceive a case of ulceration in any part of the lower extremity, in which the compression may not be more advantageously obtained by the use of compresses, and the judicious application of a flannel-roller. Mr. Baynton himself recommends the roller in addition; the plaisters therefore appeared to me quite superfluous, nor have I ever found it necessary to have recourse to them. The roller and compresses are cheaper, more effectual, easier of application, less painful to the patient, free from offensive smell, and from any irritating quality on the sound skin, which in many constitutions will not bear the irritation occasioned by adhesive plaisters.'

The work is divided into several chapters, in which are discussed various questions incident to the subject, the different kinds of wounds and ulcers, as connected with some peculiar or specific state of the constitution, the different mode of management which is proper in recent and in old ulcers, - and other points, of an immediate practical tendency. Above 100 pages are occupied by a recital of cases, 167 in number, in which Mr. Whately's plan of treatment had been applied with success, and which afford a body of evidence in its support that seems to us to be irrefragable.

Art. 17. An Answer to Dr. Kinglake; shewing the Danger of his cooling Treatment of the Gout. By John Ring. 8vo.

pp. 165. 5s. 6d. Boards. Callow. 1816.

Some years have now elapsed, since we had occasion to notice Dr. Kinglake's system of employing topical cold as a cure for gouty inflammation. We then stated our opinion that the plan, when pursued in the unqualified manner in which it was recommended by that gentleman, was decidedly objectionable; and we also remonstrated against the spirit in which his work was written, as exhibiting strong marks of arrogance, and betraying much ignorance respecting the history of medical science and the present state of practice. The volume now before us has revived in our minds a recollection of all these topics, which we had nearly forgotten, and which we conceive are as little remembered by the greatest part of the profession. However, as it appears that the cold treatment of gout is still practised by Dr. Kinglake, and has still some partisans, it may be desirable briefly to notice the subject once more.

We retain precisely the same sentiments concerning the question at issue which we formerly professed; we think that the last generation of practitioners were too much attached to the hot regimen, and that the suggestions of Heberden, Darwin, and others, materially contributed to throw light on the treatment of the disease: but, at present, we do not feel ourselves warranted in going beyond the limits which they have prescribed to us, and which consist rather in avoiding any additional heat than in applying actual cold.

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The general opinion is clearly against Dr. Kinglake, as the controversial papers have proved which his publication has produced; and, in forming this conclusion, we are guided not merely by the number but by the respectability of his opponents. Still, although, so far as the nature of the argument is concerned, we coincide with Mr. Ring, we are sorry that we cannot agree with him in the means by which he enforces his doctrine; since his treatise, instead of being a temperate and scientific investigation of an interesting question in medical practice, consists of a tissue of declamation, generally violent and abusive, with frequent attempts at wit and pleasantry, which are frequently misplaced or abortive.

Art. 18. A Treatise on the Atmosphere, and the Source of Solar Heat; tending to prove, in Opposition to the Principles and Speculations of the Newtonian System, unconfirmed by Facts, the Non-existence of a Vacuum, and that the Sun receives from the Planets the Materials of Combustion. By an Oxonian. Small 8vo. pp. 64. 3s. 6d. Boards. Blacklock. 1816. Whoever this Oxonian may be, his little work is written with considerable confidence and no small tendency to self-conceit; though, as is usual on such occasions, without any peculiar indication of ability or genius, to justify these lofty pretensions. With respect to the atmosphere, it is well known that a difficulty exists in accounting for some of the most common phænomena, and in comprehending the manner in which some of those appearances are produced that are of frequent occurrence. The author demurs to the opinion that the increased density of the atmosphere, on its approach to the earth, arises from its incumbent specific gravity,' and likewise that the space between the different heavenly bodies is a vacuum. As to the last supposition, the common objections are urged of meteors appearing at an elevation beyond that which is generally assigned to the air; and, instead of the former, the following doctrine is substituted, of the comparative probability of which our readers may judge:

This repulsive force of the air, coming in contact with the attraction of the earth, suffers its equilibrium, to a certain extent, to be destroyed, and the phenomenon of the atmosphere is produced.

In the second essay, the author offers some remarks concerning the nature of the sun. He thinks that it is absurd to suppose that this luminary can consist of solid ponderous matter, and conceives it more probable that the sun, being a globe or volume of elementary fire, by the connecting force of attraction is retained in its situation, and preserves the planets in theirs ;' a position which he supports by this train of argument:

That it (the sun) is so much lighter than air, as to effect this, is not difficult to prove: for air, deprived of its elasticity, is a very dense body; heat is the principle of this elasticity; therefore, it must be as much lighter in proportion to air, nay, more so than what air is to the densest of bodies; or, as heat cannot be ascertained to have any weight, we have a right to conclude that it has none; therefore it must be lighter, in proportion to those bodies, that have weight, nay more so than they are to the weightiest.

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weightiest. Consequently, the sun and the planets are specifically lighter than the medium in which they float."

Art. 19. A practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Foot of the Horse; containing a correct Description of their Nature, Causes, and Methods of Prevention; with Suggestions of improved Plans of Treatment, founded in physiological Principles. Also rules of Shoeing, by which the ordinary Evils attending this Process may be in some Measure prevented. Dedicated, by Permission, to Sampson Hanbury, Esq. By R. H. Budd, Veterinary Surgeon. 8vo. pp. 224. 10s. 6d. Boards. Longman and Co. 1816.


Although we do not profess to know much respecting the veterinary art, yet we have read this work with considerable satis ́faction, because it bears on the face of it an air of good sense, which strongly impresses us with the idea of its correctness. one can doubt the importance of the subject; among the diseases of the horse none are so frequent as those of the feet; and, whatever other perfection the animal may possess, it is obvious that, when this part is affected, every thing else is of no avail. Mr. Budd remarks that not only is the foot the most frequent seat of disease, but that very peculiar attention is necessary in order to understand the maladies and treatment of this part; because, while the other diseases of the horse have a degree of analogy with certain affections in the human body, the foot of the horse has no resemblance to any part of the human subject, and consequently its treatment under disease must be governed by considerations which are peculiar to it.'


After an anatomical description of the horse's foot, with some physiological remarks on the structure and composition of its various parts, we proceed to an account of its diseases, considered in succession, cach forming the subject of a separate chapter. They are as follow: sandcracks, corns, thrush, ringbone, quittor, contraction, and founder. On the subject of contraction, after having described the various false notions that have prevailed on this point, and the erroneous and even injurious practices to which they have given rise, the author offers various considerations in proof of what is now admitted to be the real and sole cause, the application of the shoe. This cause was first distinctly brought into view by Mr. Bracy Clark, to whom Mr. Budd acknowleges his obligation; and who seems to have been almost the first writer who entertained a correct opinion of the form and structure of the horse's foot in its natural state, before it had been mis-shapen by the application of the shoe. By this substance, which is to be regarded in the light of an inflexible iron ring,' firmly attached to a soft, clastic, and growing part, the process of nature is completely counteracted; and a new action is established in the foot, by which its several members become displaced, cemented together, and even in part removed by absorption. All this evil is ascribable to metallic shoes of any form or construction; for, as the author remarks,

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