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nute that they were thonght ripe and ready to break forth into Action, have been blafted by fome invifible Power, by fome fecret ftroke on a fuddain dafht to pieces. The whole Elaborate Machine and well laid Contrivance vanishing immediately and difappearing, like the Fabulous inchanted Caftles in a Romance. And then the vain Authors of this Politick Fabrick, difappointed and defeated of their mighty aims, find out at laft that they have not all this while been playing the Knaves only, but, which to them is more mortifying, the Fools too: and confirming that of the Son of Sirach, The Knowledge of Wickedness is not Wisdom, nor at any time the Counsel of the Wicked Prudence. Whilft on the other hand, he who always aims at a good end designs nothing but with Sincerity and Righteoufnefs, and profecutes those designs by none but juft, and allowable, and Righteous means, has all the reafon in the World, even God's own Word, to have Hope and Confidence, that Providence will direct, counfel and guide him, and bring a happy Iffue to all his juft Undertakings. For it is a moft undoubted Truth, that the compaffing of any Effects depends more upon God and his Providence, than any Human means. The beft and likelyeft Preparations, can never bring them about, when He goes not along with them;



and the lowest and most unlikely are fure to do it, when he do's. Now the way to have God with us is to Truft in Him and to Keep his ways.


If we dare rely on Providence and Truft God, he will not fail thofe that truft in him, but take the tendereft Care of them and fhew himself remarkable in speeding their matters on. I mean thofe matters which, in confiftence with the Defigns of his Providence, he fees fit fhould take effect; and .no Means or Methods can bring about any things elfe. As there is no Friend or Deliverer like God, and no Comfort like Hope in Him; So is there no way to make an Intereft with him like confiding in,and depending on Him. But to miftruft God is the to difoblige and lofe him, and together with him our own Profperity and Succefs too. And there is no greater Inftance of Diftrusting God, than to aim at compaffing any Defign by forfeiting Our Integrity, and betaking Ourselves to the use of any Means unallowable by his moft Holy Laws. Our Truft in Him therefore must be fhew'd by keeping in his Own ways; which when they seem to have the least of Vifible probability, have the most of Providence; and fo to thofe that afcribe moft to Providence muft needs appear the fureft way to Succefs. Wait on the Lord and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee

to Inherit the Land. Pfal. 37. 34. But if, when there is no visible Appearance of Succeeding, or being Safe otherwife, to fave ourselves we ftep out of God's way, and instead of what is lawful, betake ourselves to what feems serviceable and expedients in leaving the way of Innocence, we are like alfo to leave the way of Succefs; and when we defert God, God and Providence will defert us. Order thy way aright and trust in him, says the wife Son of Sirach, but go not afide left you fall. Ecclus. 2. 6,7. We fhall not only. this way be unreleiv'd by the Bleffing and Affiftance, but broken and oppos'd most commonly by the juft judgment of Providence fetting itself against us. For he difap pointeth the Deceits of the Crafty, fo that their bands cannot perform their Enterprize. He taketh the Wife in their own Craftineß, making their Methods bring about what they study'd to avoid, and the Counsel of the froward is carry'd headlong. They meet with Darkneß in the Day time, and grope in the Noon-day as in the Night, as it is elegantly fet forth in the sth Chap. of Job 12, 13, 14. Commit thy Works unto the "Lord, fays Solomon, and fo fall thy Thoughts be eftablish'd; and his Father before him, Commit thy way unto the Lord, and put thy truft in him, and He fall bring it to paß; and Eliphaz in Fob before 'em both, If thou return to the Almighty and make thy Prayer to


Him, Thou fbalt alfo Decree a thing and it Shall be establish'd, and the Light Jhall fhine upon thy ways. Upon which Account allo the fatisfaction, that arifes to the Honeft and Juft Dealer upon the good Succefs of his Undertakings, is infinitely heighten'd and enhanc'd in its price. For He that in the begining of any Action of Moment has first Commended Himself and Committed his Works to the Lord, and after used the fairest means to accomplish them, looks upon every Business that profpers in his hand, not barely as a Human Succefs, but as a Divine Benediction; receives it not as the product of his Industry or Wisdom, but as the Return of his Prayers and the Reward of his Integrity. So that every good thing, Thus obtain'd, comes not fingle; but, befides its own intrinfick Goodness, brings that with it, which is infinitely more valuable, an affurance of the Divine Favour and Love. And 'tis That alone that can make the acquifition of any thing, that we most heartily wifh or moft eagerly purfue, a folid Comfort or real Bleffing to us. For the Wicked and Deceitful often may fucceed in their crooked and perverfe ways; but then, what they think their Happiness, as often proves their Punishment; their very fuccefs is a Curfe, and as the Wife Man fays, The Properity of Fools fhall Deftroy them. For fuch Y 3


in Solomon's Language are all thofe that lean upon their own Understanding, and Truft not their Works unto the Lord. That which they with fo much Artifice and Cunning, fo much Pains and Labour, have brought about, is at laft no more a True Bleffing to them, than it is the True Product, as they vainly flatter themselves, of their own Counsel and Wisdom. Alafs! all the Best and Wifeft Counfels are nothing without God; much less all the Wiles and Contrivances, and the little Tricks and Deceits of the Wicked. What they Think, and pride themselves in, as the Sole Authors of, (and therefore are really Guilty of all the Iniquity that they intended) is but under the Order and Difpofal of an All-controlling tho Invifible Providence. With Him, fays Holy Job, is Strength and Wisdom; the Deceiv'd and the Deceiver are his (Job. 12. 16.) Even when They refift God's Reveal'd Will, they are fullfilling his Secret Will; and when Voluntarily Rebellious to the One, are in fpight of themselves Subfervient to the Other; and they wickedly execute, what his Wisdom, unknown to them, has juftly ordain'd.

Upon a full affurance of this Over-ruling Providential Power, the Righteous Man fets to work: and having taken the Prudenteft means that Honefty and Confcience will let


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