course to the cogent argument of the horsewhip to deter their flocks, in inore civilized parts of the island; yet they are armed with formidable spiritual weapons, and ecclesiastical powers, such as auricular confes sion, absolution of sins, and extreme unction, to the obedient, and pe nance, excommunication, and purgatory, to the disobedient, which give them a paramount authority over the great mass of their people. And until the salutary work of reformation shall begin with the Romish Clergy themselves; until they shall pray with the understanding,' and cele brate the service of the mass in English, like the reformed Romish church in America; until they shall recommend it to their flocks to read the HOLY SCRIPTURES in approved translations; and not, on the contrary, persist in prohibiting, and (in some instances, I am informed, of late date) even burning copies of the New Testament in English and Irish, disseminated among the Roman Catholics, by the pious and wellmeant zeal of Protestant clergymen and laymen; in vain may we look to any radical reform or evangelical conversion of the Roman Catholics in IRELAND. : "Whether their conversion to the tenets of methodism (supposing it feasible, by the indefatigable labours of the missionaries) is indeed an object to be desired by the friends of sober and rational religion, and of loyal attachment to the constitution in Church and State, may well be questioned the aspiring views of these preachers are not limited to the Romanists; they are equally extended to Churchmen and Dissenters, and more successfully, perhaps, in consequence of the milder and more tolerant genius of protestantism, and the diminished influence of the established Clergy over their listless and lukewarm flocks; even such as are most anxious and zealous to feed them with sound and wholesome pasture : And that the real design of the leaders of methodism, is UNIVERSAL PROSLYTISM, is evident from the whole tenor of their preaching and publications, so cunningly calculated to work on the feelings of the lower sort, and the latter so cheap, as to be accessible to all; and even distributed gratis to those who will accept them." As one very likely mean of effecting the conversion of the Romanists, Dr. Hales recommends the "disseminating largely among them (as far as the controuling influence of their clergy will admit) tracts consisting solely of the collects, epistles, and gospels, throughout country appeared to be alarmed." We preached in the market of Skibbereen, and had an attentive hearing. Next day being the sabbath, the poor Catholics flocked in hundreds about us; when a priest came riding up furiously through the people, and lashing with his whip on every hand, like a merciless tyrant. The people ran from him, and the croud being great, were tumbling one over the other. After he had dispersed them, he calledthem to the chapel, and lectured them A Catholic Magistrate who met him, lectured him severely, and said he would write to his Bishop, and have him discarded. This, I believe, was one of the worst days the priest ever beheld, for all his people seemed to be cast down at his conduct. "In Bantry, we had a good time, both in the market, and on the Sabbath-day. We had no persecution here but from an old woman, who made a loud noise in the market, and came out also on the Sabbath; but one of our friends put her to silence. I thought Satan was very destitute of friends, when he had none to bring forward but this poor individual. The power of the Lord fell mightily on the people this day: a catholic young woman cried out, being no longer able to restrain herself." This is in the true spirit of Wesley's Journal, where we are nauseated with these cryings out, roarings, convulsions, and faintings, all which are attributed, shocking to say, to the Holy Spirit ! ! Rev. the the year to which, even the Romish Clergy themselves, could not reasonably object, inasmuch as most of them are to be found in their own missals; and several have subsisted therein, since the time of Gregory the Great, the original framer of their liturgy; in many parts of which, he copied from the more ancient liturgies of the apostolic or primitive church.” The principal errors of the Methodists are here sifted with great minuteness, and every text of scripture, urged by their advocates, is examined and determined with that sagacity and judgment by which this very learned divine is so eminently distinguished. On the subjects of sinless perfection, [a tenet peculiar to Wesley's followers] sudden conversions and experiences he dwells principally in this part, reserving the validity of the pretensions of the Methodists to expound the Scriptures, and the charge of schism against them, with some other points, to another part, which we shall be anxious to see. We take the liberty of recommending to the consideration of Dr. Hales, whether it would not be proper in his subsequent pamphlet, or in an appendix to it, to examine the conduct and tenets of the Calvinistic Methodists, who, according to our information, are also labouring with equal zeal to gain proselytes in that part of the kingdom. * Though the bigotry, folly, presumption, and inconsistency of the Missionaries are proved from their own publications, Dr. Hales abstains from all severity of language, and while he lays open their fanatical practices, and the danger of their doctrines in the most convincing manner, he writes in a spirit of meekness and charity. W. A Sermon preached at the Archidiaconal Visitations of the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Northumberland, held May 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th, -1803; and published at their Request by Robert Thorp, D. D. Archdeacon af Northumberland, 4to. pp. 20. FROM the very appropriate text of I. Tim. iv. 16, Take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine,' the learned archdeacon first delineates, in an admirable manner, the life which every clergyman is bound by the holy religion of which he is a minister, to lead, as well as his particular" conduct towards the congregation under his charge; and 2nd, he states clearly the doctrine which he is to preach; and here we shall make one "Their Missionaries frequent markets and fairs, and harangue, on horse back, in the most crouded places of public resort, whence they are vulgarly denominated cavalry preachers. In the last summer (1802) two of this description, Messrs. Charles Graham and Gideon Ousely, visited this part of Ulster; and by the unusual mode of their preaching, and not less by the singularity of their appearance, drew public attention in no ordinary degree, wearing black coifs, or skull. caps, like the Puritans formerly." This is a curious circumstance, and shews that these men, in refining upon Methodism, copy literally after the Pharisees of old, who "prayed standing in the corners of the streets to be seen of men;" and the Puritans of later date, who, while they inveighed against the Babylonish garments' of the Church, adopted a long cloak and a skull-cup, to distinguish the elect from the reprobate, quotation, by which our readers will be able to appreciate the value of his energetic and well-timed discourse. "There was a time when sectaries [i. e. Antinomians, ] arose, who maintained doctrines subversive of the obligations of morality. To counteract the errors of these enthusiasts, it was at that time deemed expedi ent, to insist, in a more particular manner, on the excellence of moral virtue. When the articles of our faith were not so frequently insisted on, or the sense of them was not explained in Scripture language, it was objected, and still is objected by the enemies of our Ecclesiastical Constitution, that the doctrine of Christ is not preached in our Churches. While many of those, who assume to themselves the character of Evangelical preachers, instead of enforcing a virtuous practice by the peculiar motives of Christianity, so far mistake the design of the Gospel, and the duty of preaching Christ, as to explain the Scripture doctrines of atonement, and an assurance of salvation by faith only, so as in effect, (though I trust with better intentions) to encourage an undue reliance on his merits, and to depreciate the value of good works. "It must be our endeavour to avoid the dangerous errors of both these extremes. すす "When we observe the essential doctrines of our religion perverted, by misconstruction to evil purposes, instead of concealing, or receding from, any part of the doctrine delivered in scripture, we should rather more frequently and strenuouly enforce it in the true genuine sense of the gospel. When, for instance, it is maintained, that being justified by faith only, good works are not necessary to salvation, it will not avail to dwell solely on the doctrines of natural religion, much less on the suf ficiency of our own imperfect performances, independent of the merits of Christ; but we should insist more strongly on the great doctrine of Christianity that we are justified by faith only*; that the external, considered independent of the inward principle from which it proceeds, is not sufficient to justify us; that in the sight of an Omniscient Being, who is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, good works derive their value from the motive, intention, and good dispostion of the agent; and that a true justifying faith is that only which worketh by love; the genuine and necessary effects of which are repentance and good works. X. Unanimity and Exertion the Test of Patriotism. A Sermon preached in Tunbridge Wells Chapel, and published at the Request of the Congregation. By Martin Benson, M. A. 870. pp. 22. TH HERE is not a word in the English language that has been more grossly perverted to bad purposes than the word PATRIOTISM. As it strictly means nothing more than the love of our country, one "That we are justified by faith ouly, is not intended to signify that we are justi fied by faith without real virtue; but that faith or obedience to the whole religion of Christ, including both belief and practice, is the only appointed means of justification, our own works or deservings being utterly insufficient for that purpose." Elements of Christian Theology, vol. 2, page 264. should should, have supposed that it never could have been prostituted to sanc tion revolutionary and sanguinary projects. Yet we have seen the title of patriot gravely ascribed to those who died in the field of rebellion, as Hampden; and to regicides, as Ludlow. And with equal justice might Despard and his miserable associates be called patriots; Tom Paine may claim the same appellation; and if the attempt to inflame the minds of a mob be patriotism, Horne Tooke and his hopeful pupil Sir F. Burdett are worthy patriots. But true patriotism seeks the peace of the city, and pursues the means to secure it, by giving aid to the laws, and setting an example of obedience and vigour in the season of danger. True patriotism is now gloriously displaying itself among all ranks of people throughout the land for the preservation of their religion, laws, and liberties, to the confusion of our enemies abroad, and to the no less mortification of the few canker-hearted enemies of order at home.. . It is a pleasant and a happy sight thus to see our brethren dwelling together in unity,' acting as with one heart and one hand in the cause of God and their King. Criminal as we may be in many respects, it is, however, auspicious to see that the people in general maintain the good old English character of venerating religion; as a proof of which we may well adduce the circumstance of so many patriotic and, pious disCourses being published at the request of the congregations to whom they were preached. The Sermon before us does equal honour to the zeal and abilities of the Preacher, and to the good sense and taste of the hearers. Patriotism is well defined, and the duties of it as bearing upon the, perilous circumstances of the times are vigorously urged. Mr. Benson has chosen a text peculiarly happy, because it contains a complete illustration of the genuine patriotic spirit, and holds out a bay powerful motive for the exercise of it," O pray for the peace of Jerus. salem, they shall prosper that love thee." Ps. cxxii. 6. The following extract is of importance as pressing upon every man, the necessity of applying his powers, of what nature soever they may, be, to the common good at this interesting crisis. Those, who can act with vigour, are now summoned to the duty; though different allotments may fall to the share of individuals, NOT! ONE CAN BE SPARED. In one case, station and influence will point out the proper sphere of action; in others, talent, ability, and previous experience. Separate wants will point out the necessity of separate measures; and, although the calls for individual services may vary. according to circumstances, all must be deemed honorable, which are coupled with utility. The ardour of youth will, probably, in the présent moment, point to the exercise of arms. That ardour is laudable, and must on no account be checked: but it must be noticed to those whose former habits of life have been lefs allied to this species of exertion that those habits may now be brought into action in services more, familiar to them-in services of equal benefit to the community-in services, consequently, of equal honor and profit. We are members one of another. And he, who by his bodily labour, and experienced toil, facilitates the escape of a friend, or impedes the progress of the enemy -he, who contributes by his exertions to the removal of the infirm and aged, to the preservation or transport of provisions;-he, who by his local knowledge of a country, aids and expedites the movements of the army, army, and the various neceffary requisites for its support; and he, who by honest subtlety can deceive and mislead the adversary; these, al though filling stations, not so ostensibly brilliant, are yet pursuing paths eminently useful, and will be entitled to the full praise, to the actual reward, of patriotism. And I will add, on the immediate approach of danger, persons thus characterized will do well to confine themselves to the engagement for which, by their former habits, they are best calculated." Mr. Benson has also printed an Address to the Tunbridge Wells Volunteers, written in the same glowing and animated manner as this seasonable and valuable discourse. W. A Sermon on his Majesty's Call for the United Exertions of his People, against the threatened Invasion, preached at Christ's Church, Bath, on Sunday, July 31st. By the Rev. Charles Daubeny, Minister of Christ's Church, Bath, &c. 8vo. pp. 16. TH HE learned and worthy author of this Sermon never appears before the public, but on concerns of importance, and with a view of promoting the best interests of his country. Deep are its obligations to him for the successful efforts which he has made against schism; and we behold him with equal pleasure rousing his countrymen to patriotic energy against the attempts of a blaspheming and treacherous foe. The text is very appropriate, "NEHEM. iv. 44. " And I looked and rose up, and said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, Be not ye afraid of them; remember the Lord, which is great and terrible, and fight for your brethren, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your houses." The occasion of these words is happily illustrated, and well applied to the existing circumstances of this country. After exhibiting a just and striking picture of the blessings of our Constitution, Mr. Daubeny opposes, as a contrast to it, the following miserable condition of France. "Look into that degraded country, from whence this boisterous tide of desolation, which has been long casting up its mire and dirt over the surrounding lands, had its source; and you will see what are the blessings of a government, if government it may be called, built on the destruction of religion, of order, and all the relative duties of social life, and supported, in its short-lived duration, by the temporary, though desperate expedients of plunder, of violence, and of lawless oppression. Look into that unhappy country, distinguished as it is by some of the choicest advantages of nature; and behold a people universally abandoned, wretched, and impoverished, after having been grossly cheated with the intoxicating, but perverted words liberty and equality; reaping the bitter fruits of their own senseless experiments; groaning under the iron rod of a sullen and sanguinary usurper, whose word is the law, and whose sword is the executioner; cursing in their hearts the name which they are obliged to hail with their mouths; and compelled to the public sacrifice of their persons, their property, and their family comforts, for the |