CUDDY. Across the fallen oak, the plank I laid, LOBBI I N CLOUT. This riddle, Cuddy, if thou canft, explain; What flow'r is that which bears the virgin's name, CUDDY. Anfwer, thou carle, and judge this riddle right, CLODDI POLE.. Forbear, contending louts, give o'er your strains; To these we shall fubjoin the following eclogue, or foli. loquy, written by a lady; which contains a proper leffon to those of her own sex, who are so weak as to value themfelves on that fading flower, beauty; and feems intended to recommend fomething more estimable to their culture and confideration.--The ornaments of the mind are not fo eafily effaced as thofe of the body; and tho' beauty may captivate and fecure the affections for a time, yet a man of fenfe will never fo much efteem a fine wife, as a wife one. The SMALL-Po x. A Town Eclogue. The wretched Flavia on her couch reclin'd, How am I chang'd? alas! how am I grown? • Where's my complexion? where my radiant bloom, Ah! faithlefs glafs, my wonted bloom restore; And at the ring, where brightest beauties fhine, } • Fir'd by one wish, all did alike adore As round the room I turn my weeping eyes, Now on fome happier nymph your aid bestow • What now is left but weeping, to deplore GALEN, the grave; officious SQUIRT, was there, With fruitless grief, and unavailing care: • Machaon too, the great Machaon, known By his red cloak and his fuperior frown; And why, he cry'd this grief and this defpair & You fhall again be well, again be fair; • Believe my oath; (with that an oath he swore) Falfe was this oath; my beauty is no more! • Ceafe, hapless maid, no more thy tale pursue, • Forfake mankind, and bid the world adieu! • Monarchs and beauties rule with equal fway; • All strive to ferve, and glory to obey : .Alike unpitied when depos'd they grow, . Men mock the idol of their former vow. Adieu! ye parks !-in fome obscure recefs, • Where gentle streams will weep at my diftrefs, • Where no false friend will in my grief take part, • And mourn my ruin with a joyful heart; • There let me live in fome deferted place, There hide in fhades this loft inglorious face. Ye operas, circles, I no more muft view! My toilette, patches, all the world adieu ! We have given the rules ufually laid down for paftoral writing, and exhibited fome examples which were written on this plan; but we muft beg leave to obferve, that this poem may fometimes partake of more dignity, and afpire even to the fublime, without deviating from nature and right reason. The fublime which arifes from tumults, wars, and what are (too often falfely called great actions, the Paftoral abhors; but that which is blended with the tender and pathetic may be introduced with propriety and elegance. And, indeed, if we confider that the firft fhepherds were many of them princes (for that Abraham, Mofes, and David, were fuch, we have the teftimony of the fcriptures) it will feem fomewhat extraordinary that fuch pains should have been taken to exclude the fublime from paftoral writing; and we shall be inclined to admit Virgil's Pollio, the Song of Solomon, and Pope's Meffiab, as Paftorals, 'till better reafons are offered to the contrary than have yet appeared; for the true characteristic of Paftoral, and what diftinguishes it from other writings, is its fole confinement to rural affairs, and and if this be obferved it can lofe nothing of its nature by any elevation of fentiment or diction. As an example of the more dignified and fublime fort of Paftoral, we shall give the young ftudent Pope's MESSIAH, which was written in imitation of Virgil's POLLIO, together with the tranflations he has added from Isaiah, and Virgil, that the reader may fee what use both poets have made of the fentiments and diction of the prophet. MESSIAH. A facred Eclogue. In Imitation of VIRGIL'S I A virgin fhall conceive, a virgin bear a fon 2 Ye heav'ns! from high the dewy nectar pour, The 3 fick and weak the healing plant fhall aid, 4 Peace o'er the world her olive wand extend, And white rob'd innocence from heav'n defcend. Ver. 8. A virgin fhall conceive-All crimes fhall cease, &c.] Te duce, fi qua manent fceleris veftigia noftri, 16 15 20 Now the virgin returns, now the kingdom of Saturn returns, now a new Progeny is fent down from high heaven. By means of thee, whatever reliques of our crimes remain, fhall be wiped away, and free the world from perpetual fears. He shall govern the earth in peace, with the virtues of bis father. Ifaiah, chap. vii. ver. 14. Behold a virgin fhall conceive, and bear a Jon--Chap. ix. ver. 6, 7. Unto us a child is born, unto us a fon is given; the prince of peace: of the increase of his government, and of bis peace, there fhall be no end: upon the throne of David, and upon, bis, kingdom, to order and to establish it, with judgment, and with justice, for. ever and ever. - 1 Ifaiah, chap. xi. ver. 1. 3 Ch. xxv. ver. 4. : 2 Ch. xlv. ver. 8, 4 Ch. ix, ver. 7. |