ADVERTISEMENT. M R. NEWBERY begs leave to recommend these and the subsequent Volumes to the young Gentlemen and Ladies who have read his little Books. In those he attempted to lead the young Pupil to a Love of Knowledge, in these he has endeavoured to introduce him to the Arts and Sciences, where all useful Knowledge is contained. This may be said, he apprehends, without depreciating the Claffics, which are ever to be held in Esteem, but are to be esteemed principally for being the Keys of Literature, and for difclofing to us the Taste and Wisdom of the Ancients. The Reader will perceive that a very free Use has been made of the Works of many Authors, and the Nature of the Subject required it; for it is in Criticism, as in Life, one good Example is worth many Precepts. The Examples here collected from different Books will give no Offence, it is hoped, either to the Authors or Proprietors; for, whatever may be the Fate of these Volumes, they can neither depreciate the Merit of those Books, nor anticipate their Sale; but will, we apprehend, have a contrary Effect. A 4 In In fome Parts of the Work, and especially towards the latter End, Sentiments and Reflections will be found which may appear, perhaps, fingular; but, it is prefumed, they will not on that account be thought impertinent. They are generally concerning Things with which Learning has little to do, but where Nature herself is to be confulted, and here no Preeminence is to be claimed in Consequence of a fuperior Education; since every Man can best feel how he is affected. Whatever Value these Reflections and Observations may have, the Examples introduced will always have their Merit, and will, we hope, lead the young Student to a careful perusal of the Volumes from whence they are extracted. CON CONTENTS OF THЕ TWO VOLUMES. NTRODUCTION Of the Origin of Poetry Page 2 The Intention of these perverted Of the Structure of English Verse, and of Rhyme Of the several forts of English Verfes Of the Elisions allowed in English Poetry, with Miscellaneous Of the Beauty of THOUGHT in Poetry Thoughts in Poetry may be just without being true Of fublime Thoughts, with Examples Epithets to be used sparingly when the Paffions are con- cerned ibid. Tropes and Figures best learned by reading the Poets and Of the Metaphor, the Simile and the Description On a beautiful and virtuous Lady, by the fame ibid. On Mr. Gay, by Mr. Pope ibid. 82 PRECEPTS for the EPISTLE, with occafional Remarks Eafe and Elegance the true Charecteristic of the Epistle 116 Description of a deep Snow in which a Husbandman was loft ibid. Reflections on the Wants and Miseries of Mankind Winter compared to old Age, with fuitable Reflections 155 PRECEPTS for DIDACTIC OF PRECEPTIVE POETRY. with occasional Remarks 156 to 2 The origin and use of this kind of Poetry |