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We cannot allow the Number which completes the second volume, of the MADRAS JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE, to issue from the press, without returning our most cordial thanks, to the several friends, and others who have afforded us their kind aid and assistance in the prosecution of the work.

In the introductory notice to the first number, we represented that, the success of the Journal, must mainly depend upon the number and nature of the contributions, with which we should be favored; and we cannot but feel that the manner in which the call we then made, has been responded to, reflects the greatest credit upon the literary taste and spirit of the community of this Presidency.

We have reason to believe that, the Journal, has fully answered the main purpose for which it was established, by proving a ready medium of communication to the public of such papers relating to the several branches of literature and science, as it may have suited the inclinations or interests of parties to draw up; and we can with pride assert that it has been the means of eliciting some few articles on interesting topics, which would not otherwise have met the public eye.

In making our acknowledgments for past favors, we cannot refrain from soliciting a continuance of the distinguished support we have hitherto received; and we beg to assure our numerous subscribers that, no exertions on our part shall be wanting to make the work deserving of their patronage.

The heavy pressure of official duties, has hitherto prevented ourselves from doing little more than stimulate our friends to exertion; and arrange for and superintend the progress of the work through the press. We look for no praise; and the only reward we seek, is to see our little volume prosper, and that the labours of its several contributors, may be duly appreciated.


MADRAS, 28th September 1835.

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Observations on the planet Jupiter, &c.-By T. G.
Taylor, Esq. Hon'ble Company's Astronomer.
Instructions addressed to the Director of the Expedi-
tion into Central Africa


.. 167

Letter from the Secretary to the Royal Asiatic Society
of Great Britain and Ireland................

VIII. Proceedings of the Madras Literary Society and Auxi-
liary of the Royal Asiatic Society, held at the
Society's Rooms, at the College, on Saturday the
31st January, 1835....


IX. Meteorological Register kept at the Madras Observatory; for the months of December 1834, and January and February, 1835.—By T. G. Taylor, Esq. Hon. Company's Astronomer.







Meteorological Register for January 1835, kept at
Vizagapatam.-By W. Gilchrist, Assistant Surgeon,
3d Light Infantry....

No. 8-JULY.





A sketch of the History of the Ramoossies residing in
the Sattarah Territory and in the Poonah and Ahmed-
nuggur districts.-By Captain Alexander Mackin-
tosh, of the 27th Regiment Madras Native Infantry
-Commanding Ahmednuggur Local Corps...... 191
A brief notice of some of the Persian poets.-By En-
sign Newbold, 23d Regt. Madras Native Infantry. 247
Some account of the P'hansigars or gang robbers,
and of the Shudgarshids, or tribe of Jugglers.-By
James Arthur Robert Stevenson, Esq. of the Madras
Civil Service....
Biographical Sketch of the Literary career of the late
Colonel Colin Mackenzie, Surveyor General of In-
dia-comprising some particulars of his collection of
Manuscripts, Plans, Coins, Drawings, Sculptures,
&c. illustrative of the Antiquities, History, Geogra-
phy, Laws, Institutions, and Manners of the ancient
Hindus; contained in a letter addressed by him to the
Right Honorable Sir Alexander Johnston, V. P. R..
A. S. &c. &c.......

On the Velocity of Light-By Astronomicus....




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