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real Christian is the character which every one should supremely labour to possess and exemplify in the world, that a real Christian, when ascertained to be such, ought to be treated with the most affectionate consideration and regard, that all other, and foreign greatness, in the world and the church, is worthier to be pitied and deprecated than envied and pursued in all the sublunary practice of men,that the means of grace are incomparable blessings to a nation and ought to be cherished and improved to eternal life by all who enjoy them, and finally, that the gospel ought to be propagated among the nations till the whole world shall become the proper and actual jurisdiction of the kingdom of heaven. PHILODEMUS.


AMONG the innumerable causes which affect the conduct of men, one which merits serious consideration is faith. Much is said of this in the Scriptures. The term is used in a variety of senses, the most important of which are those denominated historical and evangelical. The latter is saving; the former is not. But, notwithstanding it constitutes no saving relation to Christ, historical faith is not without powerful effects. Nor is it unimportant that these should be distinctly marked, since there are so many men who have a full persuasion of the truth of the Scriptures, who still, do not believe to the saving of the soul. The number is by no means inconsiderable, of those whose understandings are convin. ced that the Bible is a divine revelation. Their belief in this, is induced upon the mind by the mere force of evidence, independently of any moral relish for the truth, or love of God in the heart. Such being the fact, it will be the object

of this paper to specify and illustrate some of the effects of historical faith.

It is a truth too apparent to require any laboured proof, that what any man seriously and strongly be lieves, will have some important effect upon his mind and conduct. Why do men toil for wealth, or pleasure, or fame, but from a belief that their exertions will have an important influence towards the acquisition of their object? Destroy this belief, and you put an end to their efforts.

Among the effects of the faith of which we are speaking, one is, great enlargement of the mind. We mean, that as a consequence of such a belief of what the Bible reveals, the views of men are extended beyond what they would otherwise reach, their ideas and stock of knowledge are increased, the understanding is more vigorous, and the apprehensions of the mind become more impressive and elevated. We will seek an illustration of this, in what the Bible declares of the creation.

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Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen, were not made of things which do appear." We are here taught, that it is by believing what the Scriptures reveal concerning the creation of the world, that we obtain just and impressive ideas of this stupendous work. This truth is rendered the more impressive by the fact, that the wisest of the heathens, after all their efforts to gain knowledge on this subject, remained in extreme ignorance. It has been observed, "It is certain, that none of the ancient philosophers had the smallest idea of its being possible to produce a substance out of nothing, or that even the power of the Deity himself could work without any materials to work upon." As they were ignorant of what God has revealed concerning this subject, they had no such exal

ted ideas of the power and majesty of God displayed in the work of creation, as those which even a child may derive from the Scrip


The infidel rejects the word of God, and believes the world was eternal, or the result of casualty, and that the Almighty never exerted his power in effecting the won ders of creation which the Bible ascribes to him. But the faith which receives this, and by it "understands, that the worlds were framed by the word of God," looks upon the suns, and stars, and other wonders of creation, and believes the time was, when they all received their existence from the hand of the Almighty. It believes, that as to their existence, their form, their motions, and all their relations, they sprang into being by the Divine Word,-that "God said, Let there be light, and there was light,”that "He spake and it was done."

In the reception of such truths, and by such contemplation, even the speculative believer has a vast advantage, in point of effect upon his understanding, over him who regards all these truths as visionary. His sober belief of the Bible carries his mind out to a wider range of thought, and impresses it with considerations far more important than those which are felt by the unbeliever.


Should it be said of the infidel, that although he denies the Scriptures, still he may read them, and obtain the same ideas, and the same expansive views which those receive who believe the truth some extent this is doubtless true. The Bible may suggest to him, many great and noble thoughts. But still, the question is, will his views be the same, that they would be, if he read the history of the creation with a full realizing conviction that he is contemplating solemn and awful realities? Will his thoughts of God be as sublime, or their influ

ence as decisive in raising his mind to a high and affecting sense of the creating power, the manifold wisdom, and ineffable majesty of the Creator, as they would be in a sober belief of all that the Bible declares on this subject. It is incredible. The more deep and settled the belief of any man is concerning the reality of these things, the more impressive will the subject appear to him. The story of some mighty event which we do not believe cannot produce the same effect upon our feelings, nor awaken the same train of thought, that would result from a full belief of the entire truth of the story. The consequence is obvious. A serious belief of the Bible, will have the effect to impart sublimer views of the power of God, and to impress the mind with deeper reverence towards Him, than could be the case were the Scriptures regarded as a fiction.

To extend our illustration, it may be observed that a settled belief of the Bible leads a man to regard himself very differently from what he would if he rejected it. It is characteristic of unbelief to limit its attention to the objects of time. One of its maxims is, “Let us eat and drink; for to-morrow we die." But he that credits the tes timony of God, regards himself as immortal. Hence he looks upon his prospects, and his relation to futurity in a light vastly more solemn than he could do did he reject the Scriptures. The unbeliever has no such perception of the amazing scenes which the Bible discloses concerning the destiny of the human family, as that which occupies the thoughts, and often thrills the sou! of him who believes the word of God. This belief gives an enlargement, and an impression to his thoughts of death and its consequences, altogether peculiar.

We have something farther to offer in this illustration. Let the

Bible be opened, and the character of God as there delineated be carefully considered. Look at his unceasing government of all things, from the numbering of our hairs to the dominion over the principalities of heaven. Look at the stupendous scenes of his providence, from the creation of the world, to the consummation of this earthly system; at the character, sufferings, and works of Christ; and at the history, of angels, those great and happy spirits that minister before the throne. Survey the " mul titude which no man can number" of sinful beings redeemed from the coming wrath. Look at the end of time, at the resurrection of the dead, at the disclosures of the judgment, at the interminable woes of sinking millions, and the ever increasing blessedness of other and unnumbered millions in their everlasting progress in the knowledge, service, and enjoyment of God. Now, in the belief and serious consideration of such things, there is much to multiply the thoughts, to extend the views, to expand, exalt, and fill the mind, immensely beyond the cold and bewildering speculations of unbelief. To the infidel, these are all visionary things. At the best, he sees them only as brilliant imaginations. Of consequence they afford him no solemn and soul-elevating apprehensions of God, and heaven, and eternity.

Another effect of this faith, is seen in the restraining and controlling influence which it exerts upon the sentiments and habits of men. "The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes." No man can deliberately contemplate the law of God in its precepts and sanction, with a full conviction that it comes to him clothed with divine authority, without seeing so much of his danger as will lay some restraint upon his mind and conduct. So it is with the

precepts and threatenings of the
gospel. A serious belief of them
will often awaken the man to some
sense of duty. It will alarm his
It will deter him from many
gross sins. "By the fear of the
Lord men depart from evil." That
fear which is inseparable from a be-
lief of what Jehovah utters against
transgressors, is sure to exert some
salutary influence over the feelings
and habits of all who so believe.
Conscience is on the side of truth.
Frequently it will enforce its decis-
ions and check the progress of man
in his wayward course. Unruly
passions will experience restraint.
Where the Scriptures are seriously
believed, though the love of God
be not in the heart, their truths will
exert a decisive influence in favour
of the sabbath, public worship, and
religious order in the community.
The testimony of experience is full
to this point. In some instances it
appears, that the influence of spe-
culative faith is such, as materially
to affect the government of families,
and the education of children; to
produce regularity of habits, and
correctness of moral principle and
conduct in these little communi-

In a word then, it has the effect extensively, to impose salutary restraints, to prevent the commission of crimes, to elevate the tone of public morals, to promote good order in the community, to secure attendance on the ministrations of the gospel, to fix the attention of multitudes upon the momentous question of their future destiny. In this manner does it essentially subserve that blessed work of the Holy Spirit, by which so many are effectually

"turned from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God."

But, important and extended as are the effects of historical faith, and much as its increase is to be desired; there is need of a word of

caution, lest any should make it their resting place Let it not be forgotten, that all its specific influence stops short of bringing men to Christ. We read of "many," who in the days of his humiliation, "believed on Him;" and who still," did not confess Him,-for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God." Their belief was no more than speculative, for it was destitute of love to Him. Thus it came entirely short of that affectionate confidence in Christ which constitutes a spiritual union to Him, and gives a saving interest in the benefits of redemption. Never can it finally avail any who rest in it; for it may consist with impenitence, and be exercised while the heart is not right with God. "With the heart man believeth unto right


To indulge a few reflections upon the preceding remarks, it may be observed, First, that they concur with a thousand facts to show the fallacy of that sophism, it is no matter what a man believes if he is sincere in his belief.

Secondly, How fearful is the responsibility of those who set themselves to prevent or weaken the faith of others in the truth of the Scriptures.


If we have taken a just view of things, it is manifest, that so far as any do this, they aim a fatal blow at the best interests of society they use their endeavours to fix upon their victims the curse of the second death: they seek to rob God of the glory and service which are due to Him, and which, but for them, others might be led to render Him.

Thirdly, It is no slight occasion for regret, that after having felt the expansive and solemn effects of a belief of the Scriptures upon the mind, and experienced so much of its kindly influence in regulating the conduct, so many should be satisfied with this; that they should con

sent to have all that is exalting and moving in this subject, not only lost to them, but ultimately become the occasion of unavailing regret and self-condemnation. How devoutly is it to be desired, that all such persons should join the affections of their hearts with the dictates of their understandings, in a cordial reception of Christ by a liv ing faith? Then would they possess a faith that would impart yet nobler views of God, and carry forth, not their thoughts only, but their affections also, to the blessed contemplation of celestial objects. This is a point which cannot be too earnestly pressed, nor too deeply felt. Directed by the light of Scripture, let the man that is disposed to rest satisfied with a bare speculative belief of the Bible, look away to the third heavens; there let him behold that throne where the eternal mind reigns in awful majesty over every world and every being; -a throne whence emanates a law, which, on pain of endless woe, demands an unreserved devotedness of every affection to God-a discernment, which pours its full omniscience on every object, even the most secret thought of every heart

and a power, which can as easily crush a world as an insect. Are we under this law, the subjects of this omniscient scrutiny, upheld and encircled by this power? How important then, that we hearken to that other voice, which from the same throne has said, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him."

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Again, If the mind of the speculative believer here receives such influence from the Scriptures, it is wonderful to think of the effects which will be produced upon those who are to enjoy the immediate presence of God and the society of angels through eternity.

We have often wondered that those gifted minds which feel so

much contempt for the Bible, and at the same time, so much intellectual enthusiasm in the investigations of natural science, should not feel a deep interest in the truths of the Scriptures, that so they might have the prospect of an existence that would afford the amplest opportunity and means for an endless improvement of their minds. If so many intellectual treasures may be found in the turbid waters of this world, what must it be to ascend and forever dwell at the pure fountain of Infinite Knowledge.

To contemplate life as a transient day, just long enough to discipline the mind, and form the habits and taste for the enjoyment of intellectual delights; then to see the declining sun hastening the moment that will palsy every power of the soul in death, and extinguish its last glimmerings in eternal night; presents no very animating prospect, no ground for boasting of the dignity of man.

and has redeemed them with his blood. Then might they "be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, and be filled with all the fulness of God." Then, in every scene of trouble which checkers this fleeting life, might they say with the apostle, our light allliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal." W.




Giving thanks at meals was a It would seem that the men to custom of the Jews. Talmudists whom we allude, must pant for a and commentators tell us, from the purer region, and an endless day, rabbins and from Philo, that the where all their powers might find Jews were accustomed to take full scope for perpetual advancement neither meat nor drink without havin the acquisition of knowledge. ing first given praise and thanks to Such a region is the heaven of the God, with invocation of his blessing Scriptures; such a day is the Chris-esteeming it profane before it tian's eternity. If they would rise was thus consecrated. The prac to their proper dignity, let them en- tice may have had its origin among ter the school of Christ, submit them in their public religious serto the guidance of Omniscience, vices, being transferred from their and receive the wisdom that is sacrifices to their social meals. from above." Then will they "un- See 1 Samuel x. 13, where the derstand the fear of the Lord, and people are mentioned as waiting at find the knowledge of God." Then the sacrifice until Samuel came, I will theirs be the wisdom whose "because he doth bless the sacrimerchandise is better than the mer- fice; and afterwards they eat." chandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold, more precious than rubies. Then might they look forward to a world where all their energies would find untiring employ, and where their delighted souls would vie with celestial spirits in the praises ofHim who was slain

The custom is frequently mentioned in the New-Testament. Thus, our Saviour, when he fed the five thousand, "took the five loaves and the two fishes and looking up to heaven, blessed and brake," and distributed them among the multitude. And when he fed

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