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by one class, and by the other as "hysterical sympathy." Totally ignorant of the details, deciding from the up-gush wish of the mind; the one makes the "Devil" the author of good, and the promoter of purity; and the other denies the action of either devil or angel.

"God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform."

May we all, as children, feel we know as little of the mental creations of God, and his methods of using them to assist inferior grades, as we know of the nature and laws of electricity.



JACK THE GIANT-KILLER, and the pictures of his mighty achievements for children may as rightly be taken as a sample of the literature and science of man as developed in a Newton or a Christopher Wren; as the stray sayings and doings of spirits. I have heard of an orator "cracking a joke" with an unruly mob so as to excite and draw that mob to the "theme," and step by step, sentence by sentence, has he spun his web of oratory round, in, and through that rabble, till he has spellbound them; so in like manner have spirits acted, and their foolishness has been wisdom; and when men have in holy thought lifted their intellects and affections Godward, there has descended divine dew, which, while for a short time it may have surrounded the medium with the mist of darkness, to this world, has ladened every blade of grass with the nectar of the skies.

One cannot but be struck with the total absence of sectarianism in the angelic teachings; as in the Bible, leading principles are given out, but isms are avoided. God in Christ and Christ in God is the ultimate of their teachings, however far at first they may appear from it. Scores of volumes have been published, an honour to the literature of the world; at present America leads.

To the scientific reader, Professor Hare on Spirit Manifestations will be a scientific treat; it is the plodding of a determined university opponent, onward and inward. To the ethereal mind, "Healing of the Nations," by the medium Linton; is a work full of wise thoughts and upward inspirations. To the investigator of facts, the nine volumes, 12mo. of The New York Spiritual Telegraph will unfold the phenomena of spiritpower in its dark and light phases.

To the chronicle seekers, there is Capron, of America, on Spirit Manifestations.

Besides these, there are scores of volumes sparkling with diamonds from the land of spirits. Harris's Lyric of the Morning Land, and his Lyric of the Golden Age, are bejewelled with living beauty; a moral and intellectual treat to any one swayed by motives above Mammom. England as yet, has almost been barren; the wings of faith are so feeble, that mediums are more afraid of what their countrymen will say, than they are of what God will say; they therefore cannot soar, they are like barn-door fowls, they can only flutter and flap in a novel, in a stray poetic fancy, or in their roost of domestic life. If a spiritualistic article be written, it is given for publication with a false signature: "DON'T SAY IT IS ME.”




METAL VEINS are not to be found in the low alluvial soils. You must go geologically to work, and then you will find in certain kinds of rock, certain kinds of metal; so is it with spiritualistic phenomena. You must not go to the mere money scraper, or to the mere doctrinal reasoner, for spirit action. Go to those who believe in the action of a wonderworking God; one of those mortals who will not argue, but only point to the Scripture axiom on their banner, "Trust in the Lord and do good, and verily thou shalt be fed;"-to those who are not religious, because they were born religious, or have lived religious, but who, at epochs in their lives, were suddenly surrounded with evidences of a supernatural character, which altered their mode of life, and range of thinking, and produced effects which have shaken the moral world.

Read the biographies of the representative men and women of religious sects,-Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Huguenots, Camisards, Quakers, Moravians, Methodists, Baptists, Independents, &c., and the key-note is-supernatural. Then read the incidents in the lives of their followers, and still the same key-note vibrates-supernatural; and the consciousness of the existence of the intelligent supernatural, suns their path, and nerves them to say and do superhuman things. I have scores of volumes of biographies, and the golden thread is woven through every narrative.

spirit power, have fearlessly, manfully declared their belief in it; and through good report and evil report have acted upon society, so far as their influence extended.

While testing the manifestations with their friends and relatives, many persons found that they were mediums, by phenomena arising continually while they were investigating; this was also the result with many Christians, and ever and anon the exclamation was like that of old, "Is Saul among the prophets?" "Is become a spiritualist ?"

As in previous sections, I have shown that it requires a given amount of chemical force to produce results; and some human beings possessing more of that than others, the result was, that mediums were of various power-some so feeble as to be almost useless, others so strong as to startle the several circles they attend. Out of thousands of mediums in America and Europe, three or four have stood, and still stand, as the best. D. D. Home stands at present as the first-there are Messrs. Gordon, Geo. A. Redman, T. L. Harris, Koon, Linton, Davis, Fowler, Squire, Irish, Miss Fox, Miss E. Rymer.

I do not give them in the order of their merit, but as the' names arise in my mind. After them are hosts of mediums, and they become classified, according to the character of the phenomena which takes place in their presence.

In Mr. Home's presence, the principal Spirit phenomena are -His being raised off the floor to the ceiling of the room in the quiet of domestic life.

Tables raised off the ground to a considerable height in the air, no human hand attached thereto.

Musical instruments played, no human hand touching the keys, and carried about, and put into the hands of the sitters.

Detonations on and under the table, called raps.

The incarnation of hands seen, and FELT-represented and believed to be the soul (apparitional) hands, of deceased relatives and others.

Trance, when conversation is carried on through his voice,

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