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"He brought sorrow to our hearts, but why did I know it first?"-Mrs. Mc. to J. J. 1856.

APPARITION OF A HALF-BROTHER WHO DIED IN THE WEST INDIES.-There is something curious also connected with my half-brother, who left home when I was quite an infant; entered the army, and went to the Cape. After some twelve years hearing from him from time to time, I had a dream that a soldier came to me, and said he had leave of absence; that he was band-master, and could not be spared. I then answered, "Your second comrade will serve for you." When this was said, I saw a wide river that he floated upon most strangely; and then he descended in depth. The next day I was out with my mother, when a soldier passed between us. My mother began to say, "How rude," when I said, "It is the same face I saw in my dream." He turned, and fronted us so as to show to us his arm, when I saw the same number of stripes, three. This was in broad day. We could neither of us say where he went; and so must say disappeared, whether spirit or not. Eighteen months after, came his comrade to tell, poor John died of fever, and that he was thrown into the river. This man superseded him. He said to me, "And are you the little sister with flaxen curls I have heard him liken our barrack children to, when he said he had never forgotten the lisping voice, that said 'Don't go away, Johnny, boy; stay, and spin tops for sisy?"-Mrs. G.

APPARITION OF DECEASED COMPANION.-"One of my intimate companions was a young gentleman of agreeable manners; and I was excessively fond of him. We were attached to the exercise of dancing, and had spent Easter Tuesday in that employment with our acquaintance at a public-house with much mirth and jollity. The Saturday evening after, I dreamed that the young gentleman came into my room, and thus addressed me:-'John Morris, I am come to warn you, that if you do not repent, and mend your ways, you will die in a short time, and share the same fate of misery and distress into which I am now involved.' This alarmed me in such a manner that, although asleep, I rose up in bed, and said, 'In the name of the Lord, who are you? Are you such an one?' mentioning his name. He replied, 'I am.' 'Are you dead?' He answered, 'I am.' 'When did you die, and of what disease?' He answered, 'Early this night;' then related the particulars of his disorder, informing me that he first felt it in his ham, and that it reached his heart in twenty-four hours. He

farther declared, that his soul arose out of the body as one awakened from sleep; that two evil companions were ready to receive him; the one on the right, the other on the left. He would gladly have returned again to his body; but it would not receive him. He was then conducted to the bar of the Almighty judge, who pronounced the sentence, 'Depart from me, ye cursed!' This dream made so deep an impression on my mind that, next morning, I went to the young man's house to inquire after him, when, to my great astonishment and terror, the family related the particulars of his disorder, and death, which exactly corresponded with all the circumstances of the dream."-Biography.

NAPOLEON." On the morning of the 26th of April, 1821 (nine days previous to Napoleon's death), the Emperor called Montholon to his bedside, and said to him, 'I have just seen my good Josephine, but she would not embrace me. She disappeared the moment I was about to take her in my arms. She told me we were about to see each other again, never more to part.'

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REVEREND J. PERRONET.- -"When I was between five and six years old, being upon a visit to some of my father's relations in Switzerland, I was travelling over some high mountains, on horseback; but through the neglect of the guide, who had the care of my horse, instead of pursuing the proper road, the horse directed his course towards a large lake; but, before he entered, I saw very plainly, one like a man, in a white robe, coming upon the water towards me; upon which the horse turned away, and got into the right road again. The first step I had taken into the lake, both the horse and rider must have been inevitably lost, as I was afterwards informed."

APPARITION OF A PLAYFELLOW.- "When I was about eight years of age, I contracted an acquaintance with one William Smith, a youth about my own age. We lived under the same roof, and often played together. Being removed from him about four or five miles, some time after this, I sickened of the smallpox; and in a week or ten days after, he likewise sickened of the same disorder. I was nearly recovered, when one day, about twelve o'clock, as I was sitting in a small bedroom, my mother going out of the place, he came in, and stood with his back against the wall, right opposite to me. He had on a thickset coat, waistcoat, and breeches of the same. His head was bound with a check handkerchief, his face much swelled, and blackish with the small-pox. It is

reply, he reminded me of an accident that had occurred to him, which obliged him to lie by for a considerable time. This, I may remark, was quite true. My sister and I were very young at the time of its occurrence, but I remember my mother (who he said was in the room beside me) telling me of it, and of the grief and trouble it occasioned her. The fact, however, was not in my mind at the time, and my sister did not understand the allusion till I explained it. My spiritrelative also told me that J— H—, the name of a deceased friend (name correctly given in full), then occupied the chair beside me, and was anxious to communicate with me. At this, the rappings and table-tiltings (our hands were off the table) were repeated, and with greater force than before. On my remarking that I had written his name on one of the pellets of the table, the Doctor's hand, with the pencil in it, was rapidly carried to the little pellet heap, from which one was instantly selected and pushed across the table towards me; on opening it, I found it to be the one on which I had written his name.

To all my questions answers were written rapidly, and written backwards; that is, the Doctor wrote from himself and towards me, on the opposite side of the table, so that I could read the words as they were written. What is also curious, while in the act of writing my questions-before I had half written them, the Doctor's hand was carried to the sheet on which I was writing, and in the manner before described, wrote the answers over the questions.

The questions I wrote (and which of course I took care should not be seen by Dr. R.) were all answered appropriately with one exception. I was writing, "Can you give me some token"-I was about to add, "of your identity," or words to that effect-when an answer was written as if I had meant a token in evidence of the spiritual origin and quality of the phenomena. This, to me, was evidence that the answer was not an echo of my own thought, but the result of a simple and very natural misapprehension on the part of my invisible respondent. Let me also add, that both my sister and I expected to receive a communication from another relative, rather than the one whose name was written, and who, since entering the spirit-world, had never, at least by name, communicated with us before; nor had our friend J- H—, and we had no particular expectation that either name would be

Angel Action on the Hands of Mediums.

MR. J. states, that originally he had not the slightest idea that it was possible for an angel to move his arm; but one evening at a circle, he wished that a deceased female patient he had mesmerised some two years before, should be at the circle, and give proof of her presence. He, while watching the phenomena arising round a long dining-table, felt his hand rise off the table; he placed it down, but up it again came. Amazed, he let it rise, and an action took place which reminded him of the last sitting he had with the lady; which was, that he, without touching her, attached his mesmerine to her hand, and drew it up; that he then jumped upon the arm of the sofa, and drew the hand up and up towards the ceiling, still without contact. The patient was surprised, laughed, and enjoying the phenomenon, stated she felt her hand, as it were, drawn to follow his. Mr. J., then at the circle, mentally wished, as a further proof, that some one at a circle should also be moved by her; at once a person, at the bottom of the table, had his hand raised, and the same action carried on as with him; but an extra movement was made, which made the verification the more perfect; that since then he has allowed his hand to be used by these angels, and he had, without any volition of his own mind, drawn flowers, written prescriptions, cured the sick, given predictions as to future events; has obtained directions as to domestic matters, and relative matters, and never has he been deceived by the power acting upon him; that with a grateful acknowledgment of God's help he has yielded to the directions given, even when these directions have been opposed-diametrically opposed to his own views-yet the angel's advice has always proved, afterwards, to be the best under the circumstances.

MRS. W.-Has for two or three years, about one hour a day, given her right arm and hand up to spirit influence; and the result has been the production of beautiful flowers of a kind unknown, &c. Mrs. W. being totally ignorant of drawing. In addition to the foregoing, her hand moves, takes and mixes colours, and paints temples with ornamentations, &c., the blendings of colour being marvellous.

Miss H. is influenced in the same manner, but as she is an artist, the efforts through her are of a more elaborate and wonderfully minute kind.

MB. H., totally unacquainted with drawing, has produced

geometric figures, perfect, without any measurement from instruments. There is no volition of his own mind.

A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR used to have his hand influenced in a like manner; and he had communications under his own hand from his deceased daughter; and he often, when a friend was ill, had prescriptions written out, he also exercising no volition of his own mind.

ONE of my own daughters, when only twelve years of age, one day, when sitting in the room with her afflicted mamma; said, “I feel as if I must write-what about?—I don't know.” A slate and pencil at hand were used, and the girl wrote, "milk," and then the anxiety to write left her. Her mamma said, "Very well." It seems that my wife was debating in her mind whether she should take milk or the glass of ale, which she was rather inclined to have. Of course the ale was rejected and the milk accepted; and wisely, because of the nature of her disease.

I could multiply proofs by giving domestic incidents. One only will I give, which was a proof to me of individual help from "ministering angels."

ONE of my sons was poorly; a medium, then in my family, had his hand moved, and I was informed that the youth had the measles, and at my request a prescription was written, as follows: "anniseed, fennelseed, and orange; orange to be cut in slices, and all steeped in a jug of cold water; a wine-glassfull each day at twelve." I did as directed, and I never saw a person so covered with pustules. In six days he was well and out of doors. The disease went through the family; six of the children were ill, and took the spirit medicine; in six days each was well, and about as usual; and they all had the disease out "full," and it seemed to free the children from the after-diseases which generally follow that complaint.

This mode of communicating knowledge, whether plans for buildings, prescriptions for curing, warnings of danger, guidance of whatsoever kind needed, is in action still. I know very many persons now in London who feel an angel hand on theirs, producing the effects named. The power has occasionally developed itself in members of my own family; and I have in my possession prescriptions, drawings, &c., produced without the slightest volition of the person's mind. I could give scores of

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