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Indeed, there were many circumstances that seemed to justify the assertion; for in every kind of play, whether they cast lots or cast the dice, Antony was still the loser. In their cock-fights, and quail fights, it was still Cæsar's cock and Cæsar's quail."-Plutarch.

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BRUTUS AND DION.—Plutarch, in comparing the characters of these two great men, says they both were cut off by an untimely death before they could carry the purposes which they had pursued with so much labour into execution. most singular circumstance attending their death was, that both had a divine warning of it, in the appearance of a frightful spectre. Brutus, a little before he left Asia, was sitting alone in his tent by a dim light at a late hour. The whole army lay in sleep and silence, while the general, wrapped in meditation, thought he perceived a something enter his tent. Turning towards the door, he saw a horrible and monstrous spectre standing silently by his side. What art thou?" said he, boldly; "art thou God or man, and what is thy business with me?" The spectre answered, "I am thy evil genius, Brutus! Thou wilt see me at Philippi." To which he calmly replied, "I'll meet thee there." When the apparition was gone, he called his servants, who told him they had neither heard any voice nor had seen any vision. That night he did not go to rest, but went early in the morning to Cassius and told him what had happened. The night before the battle which closed his career, the spectre again appeared at Philippi, assumed its former figure, but vanished without speaking.

DION, when the conspiracy was on foot, had a monstrous and dreadful apparition. As he was meditating one evening alone in the portico before his house, he heard a sudden noise, and turning about, perceived a woman of gigantic size at the end of the portico, in the form of one of the furies, as they are represented in the theatre, sweeping the floor with a broom. In his terror and amazement he sent for some of his friends, and informing them of this prodigy, desired they would stay with him during the night; but he saw it no more. Soon after his son threw himself from the top of the house and was killed, and Dion shortly after was assassinated; and, strange to say, Calippus, the instigator of the murder, was afterwards slain with the very sword Dion was assassinated with.

CHRISTIAN.-Philip, while at Jerusalem, saw an angel who

As he went,

spoke to him, telling him to go towards Gaza. the Treasurer of the Queen of Candace passed along in his chariot, reading a book. Then the Spirit or Angel said to Philip, "Go near and join thyself to this chariot," and a conversation arose between Philip and the Treasurer, which ended in his baptism at a pool of water they were passing; and as they came up out of the water, the Spirit from the Lord caught away Philip; that is, lifted him up and carried him away, as St. Teresa, Home, Gordon, Torphican, and others have been taken up in the air; but in Philip's case carried him away, no difficult matter when once he was up in the air. ST. PAUL, St. Peter, St. John, and others saw apparitions, or angels. (See Section on Angels.)

CLASSICAL history teems with narratives of apparitions.

THE APPARITIONS seen in London in 1855 and 1860, prove that angels have bodies which touched human beings, and lifted solid substances; and these facts prepare the mind for the phenomena as developed in subsequent sections.

Dr. R., 1860.—In a few minutes X. and I both distinctly twice saw, as did every one else present, a hand like that of a dark mulatto woman's, rise up to the level of the table, in the open, unoccupied space between the table and the window, and take up a pencil laid on a piece of paper, and draw on it what afterwards we found to be a leaf and an eagle's head. I am most positive, and so is X., that this hand belonged to no one in the room, that it could not by any possibility so belong. Whether owned by angel, spirit, or demon, I know



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On Wednesday last Jane Wilson was brought to the Warneford Hospital, Leamington, as an inpatient. She was very ill with diseased kidneys, but in no immediate peril of life. She was accompanied as far as the Leamington station by her brother, and parted with him there. On Thursday evening, the 11th of October, she went to the closet, but soon returned in the extremest terror, and trembling all over. She declared she saw her brother lying dead in the closet. From that time she became worse, and died last Saturday, the 13th. Meanwhile, on Friday the 12th, tidings reached the hospital that her brother had met his death by hanging; but, owing to her weakness, the news was kept from her, and she died without any confirmation of her apprehension. Yours respectfully, N. W. WYER.

Bute House, Leamington,

15th October, 1860.


R. CATHOLIC, 1412.-Joan of Arc, born 1412, was from the age of thirteen subject to frequent hallucinations (so called) of the organs of sight, hearing, and smell. Thus, luminous trains of surpassing brilliancy, and visions of angels were seen by her at noonday; strange voices were heard by her when she thought herself alone; and fragrant odours were perceived by her when some of her spiritual visitors made their appearance. She solemnly asserted and stedfastly maintained that those angelic beings frequently appeared to her, and spoke to her; that she saw them with her corporeal eyes, and that she only acted in conformity with their counsels.-See VOICES, page 412.

SOCRATES had his good dæmon, who was true to him. She appeared in transcendent glory a few days before he left his body, assuring him that she waited his entrance to the spiritworld.-Herodotus.

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JEWISH. MOSES." An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; but though the bush burned with fire, the bush was not consumed." So the Jew dare not say, it is wrong to witness spirit-lights.

CHRISTIANS.-About one hundred and twenty Christians, called disciples, met together in a house at Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost-they were all in harmony-and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house with the sound; and there appeared in the room cloven tongues, like as of fire, and they rested on each of the persons present; and the result was, that suddenly they found themselves possessed of the power to speak foreign languages, &c. So the Christian dare not say, it is wrong to witness spirit-lights.

CLASSIC.-Pericles had his vessels of war surrounded by lights while sailing against his enemies. So classic devotees dare not say, it is false to assert the existence of spirit-lights.

SPIRIT-LIGHTS AND APPARITIONS.-Mr. James Scott, of Carbondale, Pa., with whom we recently had an interview, related to us the following, among other interesting facts of spirit manifestations, which have lately occurred in that town: "A special circle was convoked one evening, in compliance with the previous request of spirits, the latter promising to give, on that occasion, demonstrations that would satisfy all doubters. After the circle became seated, the medium became entranced, rose from her seat, and requested two sceptical ladies in the circle to follow her. She led them into a bedroom, and closed the door, rendering it perfectly dark. They had not been there long, before they saw a light descend spirally from the ceiling, and rest upon the top of the bed-post. It soon, however, left the bed-post, and assumed the distinct form of the head, face, and part of the breast of a child. One of the ladies instantly recognised it as a child which she had lost some time before. So perfect was the recognition, that in the depths of maternal affection she was about to grasp it in her arms, when the medium restrained her. They wailed a few moments, when another light descended from the ceiling, and extended itself across the bed, and finally assumed a form which the other lady recognised as her sister-in-law who had passed into the spirit world. They gazed upon the two figures for some

time, when the latter slowly rose towards the ceiling, and as they ascended, gradually approached each other, until they finally blended together, and disappeared."-N. York S. Tel.

Fox.-"For when first I set my horse's feet upon Scottish ground, I felt the seed of God to sparkle about me like innumerable sparks of fire."

VISIBLE MANIFESTATIONS.--Look at that crowd of thousands upon thousands of people in clans, or parties, spread along the parched sandy soil, and hundreds of tents scattered about in all directions; in the centre there seems to be the tents of the leaders or chiefs; near them is an extra arranged tent, which seems guarded with care, and over it hovers a cloud; day after day it continues, till it becomes a common occurrence; there seems now a change, the cloud rises and floats over the encampment to the other end; there is an immediate bustle among the chiefs and the people; they are packing up their movables, and follow the cloud till it stops, and floats again over the tent it started from. On looking again at the same phenomena repeated; this time, though it is getting dark, still it goes on; but strange-the appearance of the cloud seems to lighten as the night darkens; the cloud brightens till it becomes fiery, or glowing red, like a cloud or pillar of fire. How strange what can it mean? it moves and acts like a living intelligent being. It is a spirit-light, guiding the Jews under the leadership of Moses.

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WARS OF THE JEWS (SIGNS). Thus were the miserable people persuaded by these deceivers, and such as belied God himself; while they did not attend, nor give credit to the signs that were so evident, and did so plainly foretell their future desolation; but like men infatuated, without eyes see, or minds to consider, did not regard the denunciations that God made to them. Thus there was a star resembling a sword which stood over the city, and a comet that continued a whole year. Thus, also, before the Jews' rebellion, and before these commotions which preceded the war, when the people were come in great crowds to the feast of unleavened bread on the eighth day of the month Xanthicus, and at the ninth hour of the night so great a light shone round the altar and the holy house, that it appeared to be day time, which light lasted for half-an-hour. This light seemed to be a good sign to the unskilful, but was interpreted by the sacred scribes as to portend those events which followed immediately upon it.

CAMISARDS, 1705.-When lost in the woods and mountains seeking their religious assemblies, meteors, descending towards

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