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The history of an expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755 ...

Robert Orme, Historical Society of Pennsylvania

BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT.-The Pittsburg Chronicle says that the recent visit of Hon. Geroge Bancroft and other distinguished gentlemen to the scene of Braddock's defeat, near that city, has disclosed the fact that the landmarks of that memorable event have been almost lost, even to those who reside in the immediate neighborhood. The visit of Mr. Bancroft was timely, inasmuch as it resulted in rectifying the errors of locality which have occurred and have received the sanction of some writers. . 156.

BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT. Monday, the 9th instant, completed the 100th year since the defeat of General Braddock, by the French and Indians, on the Monongahela river. The defeat was total; sixty-four officers out of eighty-five, and about six hundred privates were killed. A hasty retreat ensued. The army made no halt until it met the division under Dunbar, forty miles in the rear. There Braddock died from his wounds. The whole army continued to retreat until it reached Cumberland, Md., then called Fort Cumberland, one hundred and twenty miles from the scene of the catastrophe. [Cumberland Telegraph.

18 July, 1855.

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Jenn S. Frakε

Are from the Society by the hand of Mr.

Sownsend Ward.

7 Feb. 1855.

The History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755; under Major General Edward Braddock, Generalissimo of H. B. M. Forces in America. Edited from the Original Mss. By WINTHROP SAR

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GENT, M. A., Member of the Hist. Soc. of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia 1855. pp. 423.

There never need be a handsomer book come from any press than this, about which we have undertaken to say a few words;-more to bring it to the notice of the readers of the Register than to offer any elaborate remarks upon it. The name of "Gen

eral Braddock" is perhaps quite as familiarly known as any other name in American History, but until the issue of the present volume there has not been published a complete account of his memorable Expedition, and his disastrous defeat on the banks of the Monongahela.

"Braddock's Expedition," as now published, appears under the auspices of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; a Society second to none in the country, for its appreciation of what the objects of a Historical Society should be. The following brief extract from the Editor's Preface will express what is necessary to be known relative to the contents of the volume:-"During the term of Mr. J. R. Ingersoll's official residence at London, he procured for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, copies of the three journals which constitute the basis of this volume. A few months since, these were committed by the Society to the hands of the Editor, with a request to prepare therefrom such a work as he has now the honor to lay before it and the public."

From a very cursory survey of this work we have formed a very favorable opinion of the manner in which Mr. Sargent has executed his labors. His introduction comprises something more than half the volume, and is drawn up with care and judgment; though he has failed to speak with proper caution upon some points. We will mention one, which is rather important. On page 115 he says, "When or where Edward Braddock was born, there is no means of ascertaining," and intimates that he was an Irishman. Now the name is purely English, and probably originated at "Brodoak," (broad oak) in Cornwall, and we are told by Masters in his Hist. of Corp. Christ. Col. 427, published two years before the General met his fate in America, that he was a son of Edward Braddock, a Major General in the reign of Queen Anne, and was born in Westminster; that he was admitted a Fellow of Corpus Christi, 20 June, 1710, but took no degree there, "choosing rather a military life, in which he hath raised himself to the rank of Major General; and such an opinion have the Ad stran of his courage and abilities, that they have entrusted him with the command in chief of the forces lately sent to the West Indies, to curb the insolence and treachery of the French."

The work before us is beautifully illustrated with views, plans and maps. A few such volumes will well compensate the sub-cribers to the Society's fund-the subscription being but twenty dollars, and ensures tan a copy of all its publications during life.


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