See more of walking humbly, chap. xiv.
Sect. IV. Not rashly and unadvised-
ly to take up a prejudice against
any, believe reports, take offence,
or be angry: but tenderly forgive,
cover faults, and restore offenders
in love
Sect. v. To live peaceably, avoid whis-
pering, tale-bearing, and whatso-
ever tends to divide or disturb
Sect. vi. To rebuke, reprove, exhort,
admonish, and warn each other,
&c. To take such rebukes, &c.
well from each other
Cons. IV. That God orders and de-
termines the measure, manner,
time, and continuance of afflic-
tions and persecutions; and that
according to our necessities
Cons. V. That God doth sometimes
make enemies and persecutors
themselves to attest the saints'
innocency when they suffer; and
will surely avenge them of their
Cons. VI. That God will comfort,
uphold, and preserve his, in all
their troubles, and not lay more
upon them than they can bear
See common calamities, chap. xxi.
Cons. VII. That the righteous are
near and dear to God in Christ;
so that he takes notice of their
afflictions and troubles; and is
said to be persecuted and afflicted
in their persecutions, &c.
See union and relation between Christ and his church, chap. xiii.
Cons. VIII. That the greater the
afflictions and distresses of the
righteous have been, the more
wonderful have their deliver- ances been and then hath sal- vation appeared in their extre- mity
See Perseverance, chap. xiv.
V. To be cheerful under affliction,
and rejoice at being counted
worthy to suffer for Christ
VI. To call upon the Lord for
help, support, and salvation
See more of prayer, chap. xiv.
In common calamities, chap. xxi.
VII. Not to fear, but believingly
commit their cause to God, and
quietly wait for his salvation
See also trusting in, and waiting for God, chap. xiv.
Secondly. Duties of Believers
toward enemies and persecu-
tors in a time of suffering
Sixthly. Of the order of the churches
in their assemblies and meetings:
their stated regulations in con- stant worship
Seventhly. Of the gifts of prayer,
prophesying, psalms, tongues, &c.
which the members of churches re-
ceived how they used them in
the church assemblies, and else-
where, for the edification one of
another, and instruction of others:
the order how they should be
used, directed: such gifts to be
desired for this end
Eighthly. Of other acts done in and by
these particular churches, in send-
ing messengers to other churches;
and, upon occasion, determining
controversies, writing and sending
epistles, and other affairs: of their
meeting together in order thereto,
and hearing such epistles: the
epistles directed to the whole body 347
See Church discipline in this chapter, sect. xiii.
Sect. I. Of Satan, the devil himself ib.
See more, sinners' bondage, chap. iv.
Sect. 11. The instruments of Satan;
seducers, deceivers, &c.
CHAP. XXIX. Of consideration, me-
ditation, pondering upon, and seri-
ous weighing of the things of God,
his word and works, &c.
CHAP. XXX. Of the thoughts, mind,
and affections
CHAP. XXXI. of repentance in the ge-
neral in what sense God cannot re-
pent, and how he is said to repent:
repentance in man, and of his turning
to God from sin
CHAP. XXXVII. Of this present world,
and the titles, honours, pleasures,
and other things in this world: the
use of them; the snares and tempta-
tions in them; our duty in relation
to them
CHAP. XXXVIII. Of idolatry, setting
up and worshipping strange gods,
graven images, &c.
See worshipping the true God, chap. xiv.
CHAP. XXXIX. Of angels; their ap-
pearing to men; what they are, and
CHAP. XL. Of the parables and simili-
tudes which Christ spake
CHAP. XLI. Of the miracles, and won-
derful things which were done by
Christ and his apostles
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