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Dec. 20 ib.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Feb. 26 ib.

March 18 ib.

Feb. 28 339 356 To J. Johnson, Esq. On the poems of the Norwich

March 8 310


March 19 355

357 To S. Rose, Esq. His Homer calculated at less than
the 7th part of a farthing per line, March 24 ib.

358 To Lady Hesketh. God no more a respecter of wit

than he is of persons,

March 25 356

359 To Mrs. Throckmorton. Little success of applica
tion to the University of Oxford,
April 1 ib.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Aug. 9 362

Sept. 14 ib.

July 15 ib.

July 22 ib.

[blocks in formation]


413 To the Rev. Mr. Greatheed. Description of Earth-
am; the journey thither,

Aug. 6 ib.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

401 To Mrs. Bodham. On the subject of early ordina.

June 4 ib. 442 To Mr. Thomas Hayley. On Mr. Thomas Hayley's
strictures on his Homer,
March 14 ib.

June 4 ib. 443 To W. Hayley, Esq. Revisal of his Homer, March 19 390

June 5 ib. 444 To S. Rose, Esq. Revised translation of Homer,

402 To William Hayley, Esq. On Mrs. Unwin's amend-
ed health,
403 To the same.

Same subject,

404 To the same. His attachment to Mr. Hayley, and
his own melancholy,

March 27 ib.

June 7 375 445 To J. Johnson, Esq. Mr. Johnson's resolution to
take holy orders,
April 11 ib.

405 To the same. Resignation of Mrs. Unwin; a poem
to Dr. Darwin,

June 10 ib. 446 To W. Hayley, Esq. On the notes to his Homer,

June 11 376 447 To the Rev. W. Bagot. On the death of those we


May 4 ib

June 19 ib. 448 To S. Rose, Esq. On the notes of his Homer, May 5 ib.

[blocks in formation]

450 To W. Hayley, Esq. Distribution of his time, May 21 ib. 466 To the Rev. J. Johnson. On Mr. Johnson's visit to
451 To Lady Hesketh. With his verses to a young friend

467 To W. Hayley, Esq. On the visits and civilities
which wasted his time,

Oct. 5 ib.

468 To the same. On Mr. Hayley and his son's visit to


469 To the Rev. J. Jekyll Rye. On Mr. Hurdis's
to the Professorship of poetry at Oxford,
470 To Mrs. Courtenay. Mr. Hayley's visit,
471 To J. Hill, Esq. Beauties of Weston,
472 To the Rev. W. Bagot. Reflections on the French

[blocks in formation]

453 To the same. On his projected poem of the Four

459 To Mrs. Courtenay. The treatment of Bob Archer
by a roguish fiddler,

Dec. 8 ib
Aug. 20 396 476 To W. Hayley, Esq. Uneasy at not hearing from
Aug. 22 ib.
him; plan of continuing the Four Ages, Dec. 8 îb.

477 To the same. Criticism on the address of Hector to

his son,

[blocks in formation]





WILLIAM COWPER was born at Berkhamstead, of spirits, into a state of great mental disorder. Herts, November 26, 1731. His father, the rec- At this period, he was led into a deep consideration tor of the parish, was the reverend John Cowper, of his religious state; and, having imbibed the D. D., son of Spencer Cowper, one of the justices doctrine of election and reprobation in its most apof the common pleas, a younger brother of the lord palling rigor, he was led to a very dismal state of chancellor Cowper. He received his early educa-apprehension. We are told, "that the terror of tion at a school in his native county, whence he eternal judgment overpowered and actually disorwas removed to that of Westminster. Here he dered his faculties; and he remained seven months adquired a competent portion of classical know-in a continual expectation of being instantly plungledge; but, from the delicacy of his temperament, ed into eternal misery." In this shocking condiand the timid shyness of his disposition, he seems tion, confinement became necessary, and he was to have endured a species of martyrdom from the rudeness and tyranny of his more robust companions, and to have received, indelibly, the impressions that subsequently produced his Tirocinium, in which poem his dislike to the system of public formed an acquaintance with the family of the education in England is very strongly stated. On reverend Mr. Unwin, which ripened into the strictleaving Westminster, he was articled, for three est intimacy. In 1773, he was again assailed by years, to an eminent attorney, during which time religious despondency, and endured a partial alienhe appears to have paid very little attention to his ation of mind for some years, during which afflic profession; nor did he alter on this point after his tion he was highly indebted to the affectionate care entry at the Temple, in order to qualify himself of Mrs. Unwin. In 1778, he again recovered; in for the honourable and lucrative place of clerk to 1780, he was persuaded to translate some of the the house of lords, which post his family interest spiritual songs of the celebrated madame Guion, had secured for him. While he resided in the In the same and the following year, he was also inducTemple, he appears to have been rather gay and ed to prepare a volume of poems for the press, which social in his intercourse, numbering among his was printed in 1782. This volume did not attract companions Lloyd, Churchill, Thornton and Col- any great degree of public attention. The princiman, all of whom had been his companions at pal topics are, Error, Truth, Expostulation, Hope, Westminster school, and the two latter of whom Charity, Retirement and Conversation; all of which he assisted with some papers in the Connoisseur. are treated with originality, but, at the same time, His natural disposition, however, remained timid with a portion of religious austerity, which, withand diffident, and his spirits so constitutionally in-out some very striking recommendation, was not, firm, that, when the time arrived for his assuming at that time, of a nature to acquire popularity. the post to which he had been destined, he was thrown into such unaccountable terror at the idea of making his appearance before the assembled peerage, that he was not only obliged to resign the appointment, but was precipitated, by his agitation

placed in a receptacle for lunatics, kept by the amiable and well-known doctor Cotton of St. Alban's. At length, his mind recovered a degree of serenity, and he retired to Huntingdon, where he

They are in rhymed heroics; the style being rather strong than poetical, although never flat or insipid. A short time before the publication of this volume, Mr. Cowper became acquainted with lady Austen, widow of sir Robert Austen, who subsequently

resided, for some time, at the parsonage-house at ly a more accurate representation of Homer than Olney. To the influence of this lady, the world the version of Pope; but English blank verse can is indebted for the exquisitely humorous ballad of not sufficiently sustain the less poetical parts of John Gilpin, and the author's master-piece, the Homer, and the general effect is bald and prosaic. Task. The latter admirable poem chiefly occupi- Disappointed at the reception of this laborious ed his second volume, which was published in work, he meditated a revision of it, as also the su1785, and rapidly secured universal admiration. perintendence of an edition of Milton, and a new The Task unites minute accuracy with great ele- didactic poem, to be entitled the Four Ages; but, gance and picturesque beauty; and, after Thom- although he occasionally wrote a few verses, and son, Cowper is probably the poet who has added revised his Odyssey, amidst his glimmerings of most to the stock of natural imagery. The moral reason, those and all other undertakings finally reflections in this poem are also exceedingly im- gave way to a relapse of his malady. His disorpressive, and its delineation of character abounds der extended, with little intermission to the close in genuine nature. His religious system, too, al- of life; which, melancholy to relate, ended in a though discoverable, is less gloomily exhibited in state of absolute despair. In 1794, a pension of this than in his other productions. This volume 300l. per annum was granted him by the crown. also contained his Tirocinium—a piece strongly In the beginning of 1800, this gifted, but afflicted written, and abounding with striking observations, man of genius, exhibited symptoms of dropsy, whatever may be thought of its decision against which carried him off on the 25th of April followpublic education. About the year 1784, he began ing. Since his death, Cowper has, by the care his version of Homer, which, after many impedi- and industry of his friend and biographer, Hayments, appeared in July, 1791. This work pos- ley, become known to the world, as one of the most sesses much exactness, as to sense, and is certain- easy and elegant letter-writers on record.

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