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writing the letter of friendship. Its character is as varied as the character and temperament of individuals. It should be polite, considerate, ingenuous, and natural. If natural, it will not only be the expression of the writer's thoughts and character, but it will also be a reflection of the thoughts and character of the person to whom it is written. Convention has established some rules, however, with regard to the formal note, such as polite notes of invitation, acceptance, and regret. These notes should be written in the third person. They have no heading, no introduction, and no conclusion. If the address of the writer and the date are not omitted altogether, they are written below the body of the note at the left hand side. The year is usually omitted, and the month and the day may be written in figures, e.g., June 6, or as is shown in the illustrations on

page 146.

The reply to an invitation should always carefully observe the formula of the invitation and answer it exactly. The reason for this repetition is to show that the invitation is perfectly understood so that no error may have been committed as to time or place. A note written in the third person should, of course, never be signed.

The informal notes shown on pages 147, 148, 149, and 150 are facsimiles of autograph letters in the George W. Childs collection, Drexel Institute.

Mrs. Rockwell requests the pleasure of Miss Forrests company on Wednesday evening June 15, at an informal gathering in hener of Professor Hunter:

315 Boulevard Avenue,

June 6.


Miss Forrest, accepts with pleasure (or has much pleasure in accepting) Mrs Rockwell's kind invitation for Wednesday evening June 15. 219 Main Street,

Tuesday, June 7.


Miss Forrest regrets that a previous ongagement prevents her accepting (or regrets Cher inability to accept) Mrs. Rockwells kind invitation for Wednesday evening. June 15. 219 Main Street,


Tuesday, June 7.


Will Miss Butler be kind enough to excuse Charles Kerr from school at one thirty o'clock this afternoon? By so doing she will greatly oblige his mother

Mary B. Kerr.

154 Humboldt Street, Tuesday Morning.


Mr and Mrs John Foering request the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Middleton's company at dinner February twenty-second, at six thirty o'clock. Wynnewood, February twelfth


Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Middleton regret extremely that a previous engagement, deprives them of the pleasure of accepting the kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs John Boering for dinner on February twenty-second. The Oaks,

February fourteenth

Exercise 106

1. Write an invitation to Mr. and Mrs. William Fielding to dine with you on Wednesday next, at eight o'clock.

2. Write an acceptance to the above invitation.

3. Write a regret to the above invitation.

4. Miss Charlotte Brewster is to give a whist party a week from Tuesday at eight o'clock. Write her invitation to Miss Lavinia Caldwell.

5. Write Miss Caldwell's acceptance.

The letters which follow show the characteristics of celebrated men of different nationalities in writing informal notes.

233 CLARENDON STREET. December 17.188


Dear Mr Childs,

I. send the Photographer Mist gladly & with all good Mishes for youselfs Mis Childs Jam Ever

Sincerely Yours
Phillips Books

Facsimile of autograph letter in the George W. Childs collection,

Drexel Institute.

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