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from whatever quarter assailed. They would not dare to boast of their past efforts; but they venture to throw themselves upon the candid judgment of upright men, as to the real service rendered to the cause of vital godliness by the general tone and temper of the work. The testimonies they receive monthly to this effect, from all parts of the kingdom and of the world, leave no doubt upon their minds as to the wide-spread benefits accruing from their labours. To God alone they desire to render all the praise, who has seen fit, in his infinite wisdom and goodness, to employ so humble an instrument in promoting his own glory and the good of souls!

The Trustees of the "Evangelical Magazine" have very cordially to thank their brethren, in all parts of the kingdom, for the laudable zeal they have shown in extending the circulation of the work. If personal fame were the object of the Trustees, they might well be contented to know that sixteen thousand copies of the Magazine find their way monthly into the hands of the public; but when they call to remembrance that the benefit to widows receiving assistance from the funds will be in proportion to the circulation effected, they cannot but urge, with all earnestness, upon their brethren, a continuance of those efforts which may yet increase the sale to twenty thousand, and thus provide relief for twenty-four more widows of devoted men of God, who have borne the burden and heat of the day, but who, from their scanty incomes, have been unable to make any adequate provision for those beloved companions whom they have left to weep behind them in the wilderness.

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THE object of this memoir, is to record
a number of interesting and instructive
particulars in the life of a good man
and a laborious minister, who, after a
pilgrimage of nearly ninety years on
earth, calmly retired from its scenes
and its sorrows, and entered upon the
perfect sabbatism of the skies.

The Rev. Andrew Carnson was a native of Ballymoyle, Londonderry, Ireland, and was born about the year 1752. His parents were Protestants, and belonged to a congregation of Burghers in the neighbourhood. Of his early habits very little is known; it is probable, however, that they did not differ materially from those of the class to which he belonged, and the time and place in which he spent his youth. Constitutionally ardent and energetic, we may conclude with too much certainty, that, previously to the operations of grace upon his heart, he "walked as other gentiles also walked ; but God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved him, even when he was dead in sins, quickened him together with Christ," and through a protracted life, he never


failed to give glory, by ascribing all to sovereign and omnipotent grace.

The ministry of the Rev. Mr. Kerr, who then presided over the Burgher congregation, was the instrumentality by which he was brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus; the text, which Mr. C. often quoted in subsequent years, being, "The prey shall be taken from the mighty." From this period his pursuits and energies received a new direction; other objects than those which had first engaged him, now presented themselves to his enlightened view; and, having obtained mercy himself, he panted to proclaim and offer it unto others. Looking around on the thousands of his illfated countrymen, whose minds were bruised and enchained by superstition and its attendant evils, and hearing a voice that few then could or would hear, saying, "Who will go for us? and whom shall we send?" He joyfully, but humbly responded, "Here am I, send me." Soon after this he began, under the direction of his pastor at Silver-hill, to proclaim "the acceptable year of the Lord." Previously to this,


however, owing to the careful perusal of divers works on church government, especially Dr. John Owen's, and a more minute investigation of the New Testament Scriptures, he had relinquished his former views of the nature and constitution of a Christian church, and adopted the general outline advocated by Congregationalists.

About this time he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Mitchell, a lady of good family, and eminent for piety. To him she proved an invaluable blessing. To strong good sense, and exalted religious attainments, she added such meekness, gentleness, and forbearance; such a uniform and cheerful submission to the allotments of Providence; such fortitude in seasons of deepest affliction, and these were not few; and such a spirit of peace, as have rarely been combined in one character. ing a period of sixty-seven years, (and these were the years of her married life,) she sustained, in all the relations in which she stood, a character unassailable in truth; and, what is more marvellous, unassailed. It has been remarked of her by many, that she was scarcely ever known to be angry. This is, perhaps, saying too much; but without all contradiction, it may be said, she


. . . Carried anger as the flint bears fire; Which, much enforced, shows a hasty spark, And straight is cold again.

Her path through life was any thing but smooth; the region in which she moved any thing but cloudless; yet she halted not, neither did she deviate for one instant. She lacked not sensibility-who high in Christian attainment does? Yet she met and endured offences and trials of the most irritating and afflictive kind, as if she felt them not; or, as if she felt them only to triumph over them. On the verge of her ninety-seventh year, and only a few months previously to her death, the writer saw and conversed with her. He knew how oft the heaving billow had tossed, and the careering tempest had threatened her bark; he knew how oft she had wet her couch with tears, and sighed for the appearing of


the morning; he knew how oft lover and friend seemed to be put far from her, and her acquaintance into darkand could not fail, while looking upon her cheerful countenance, and hearing from her lips of hopes and anticipations beyond the reach of sorrow, applying the language of the prophet, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary, they shall walk, and not faint." She fell asleep in Jesus nearly three years before the decease of her husband.

Mr. Carnson did not continue long in his native country; having, by a remarkable train of providential circumstances, been led into North Britain. He had gone, according to the directions of his pastor, to preach at a small sea-port on the eastern coast of Ireland, called Cushadall. On arriving at the place appointed, he found gathered together a large concourse of people, among whom were the crew of a boat from Kintyre, in Scotland, which had been wind-bound in that quarter for some time. The impression produced by the discourse is reported to have been very great, especially upon these sons of the ocean, who, being still detained there, heard the word with gladness on the following Sabbath also. A favourable breeze springing up soon after, they took their departure, but in a short time returned, bearing with them a pressing invitation for Mr. Carnson to visit their coast, with the view of preaching the gospel to them. This, after seeking Divine direction, and consulting with his pastor, he accepted; and, nevertheless, after some opposition, he found an "effectual door" opened for him. Sir James Colquhoun invited him to his house, and after hearing him preach, gave him leave to declare the truth in any part of his estates. During the four succeeding years, he visited many localities, by the inhabitants of several of which he was warmly urged to remain, but this he uniformly declined. In Gartmore, in the Presbytery of Dunblane, a chapel was built, chiefly with

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