W. L. Alexander, A. M., Edinburgh. J. Alexander, Norwich. J. Arundel, London. T. Beck, London. J. Bennett, D.D., London. T. Binney, London. J. Bulmer, Rugely. H. F. Burder, D.D., London. J. Burder, M.A., Stroud. W. Chaplin, Bishopstortford. G. Clayton, Walworth. T. East, Birmingham. W. Ellis, London. J. Ely, Leeds. J. Fletcher, D.D., Stepney. R. Fletcher, Manchester. J. J. Freeman, Walthamstow. J. Gilbert, Nottingham. R. Halley, D.D., Manchester. J. N. Goulty, Brighton. J. Harris, D.D., Cheshunt College. E. Henderson, D.D., London. H. Heugh, D.D., Glasgow. J. Hunt, Brixton. T. Jackson, Stockwell. J. A. James, Birmingham. Rev. J. Jefferson, Stoke Newington. R. Knill, London. J. Leifchild, D.D., London. T. Lewis, Islington. J. Morison, D.D., London. C. Morris, London. J. Parsons, York. J. Paterson, D.D., Edinburgh. G. Payne, LL.D., Exeter. J. Raban, Holloway. T. Raffles, D.D., LL.D., Liverpool. G. Redford, LL.D., Worcester. A. Reed, D.D., London. J. Reynolds, Romsey. W. Rooker, Tavistock. H. Roper, Bristol. J. Sherman, London. J. Smart, M. A., Stirling. J. Smart, M.A., Leith. J. P. Smith, D.D., LL.D., Homerton. C. F. Steinkopff, D.D., London. W. H. Stowell, Rotherham. J. Stratten, Paddington. T. Stratten, Hull. J. Styles, D.D., Clapham. S. Thodey, Cambridge. P. Thomson, M.A., Chatham. A. Tidman, London. W. Urwick, D.D., Dublin. R. Wardlaw, D.D., Glasgow. M. Wilks, Paris, J. Young, A.M., London. VOL. XIX.-NEW SERIES. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY THOMAS WARD AND CO., PATERNOSTER-ROW. PREFACE. DURING the present year, the conductors of this periodical have had to mourn the removal by death of three of their honoured brethren, long associated with them in the management of its trusts, and in other "works of faith and labours of love." The memory of such men as the late Messrs. Ewing, of Glasgow; Boden, of Sheffield; and Thornton, of Billericay, will not soon pass away from the grateful recollections of those who knew them in the vigour of their days, when they drew towards them a large measure of the public confidence and esteem. They have entered into rest; and those who yet live to prosecute the undertakings in which they took delight, are now called to "work while it is day, since the night cometh in which no man can work." May a double portion of their spirit rest upon their successors, that they may follow them as they followed Christ! While most of the early friends and projectors of the "Evangelical Magazine" have been removed from the scene of their earthly toils, it is matter of devout thanksgiving to God, that the work continues to hold its relative position amidst the periodical literature of the age. This fact is the more gratifying, when the vast competition of the monthly press is taken into account. In September, 1793, when its first number was issued, there was only another similar publication in the world; but now there are hundreds, both in England and America, more or less devoted to the same objects, and securing for themselves a portion of the public patronage. But amidst all the activity and ingenuity of the periodical press, it is just cause of congratulation to the friends of the gospel, that a Magazine devoted to the interests of evangelical truth, occupies a first rank as it respects its monthly sale, and continues to yield an increased revenue at the disposal of the Trustees, for the relief of the widows of pious ministers, of different denominations of professing Christians. It is and will be the constant aim of the Editors of the work, to render it worthy of the patronage which it so largely enjoys, by making it the medium of extensive religious intelligence, maintaining its catholic spirit, and strenuously devoting its pages to the defence of great Christian principles, |