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lrave, or can do, not to be ascribed to fortune, idols, ourselves, or any other creature, cat. 105.

Prayer, what, cat. 178. The duty of all men, con. xxi. 3. To be made to God only, and why, con. xxi. 2. cat. 179. That it may be accepted, it is to be made in the name of Christ, by the help of the Spirit, con. xxi. 3. cat. 178. What it is to pray in the name of Christ, cat. 180. Why prayer is to be made in his name, cat. 181. How the Spirit helps to pray, cat. 182. How prayer is to be made, con. xxi. 3. Cat. 185. For what and for whom we are to pray, con. xxi. 4. cat. 183, 184. Prayer not to be made for the dead, nor for those of whom it may be known that they have sinned the sin unto death, ib. Prayer, now under the gospel, is not made more acceptable by any place in which it is performed, nor towards which it is directed, con. xxi. 6. The rule of prayer, cat. 186.

The Lord's Prayer, how to be used, cat. 187. It is explained in the Catechism from Question 188, to the


Preaching of the word is a part of the ordinary religious worship of God, con. xxi. 5. And one of the ordinances in which the covenant of grace is administered under the New Testament, con. vii. 6. cat. 35. None are to preach the word but ministers of the gospel, cat. 158. How they are to preach, cat. 159. How the preaching of the word is made effectual to salvation, cat. 155. Predestination, con. iii. 3, 4. cat. 13. The doctrine of predestination how to be handled, and what use to be made of it, con. iii. 8.

Preparation required to the hearing of the word, cat. 160. What preparation requisite to the sabbath, cat. 117. What to the Lord's supper, cat. 171.

'rescience. See Foreknowledge.

riestly office of Christ, how executed, cat. 44.

ivate worship in families daily, a duty, con. xxh 6. cat. 156.

Privileges of the invisible church, and

of the visible. See Church.

Prodigality, a sin, cat. 142. The Profession of the gospel is adorned by good works, con. xvi. 2. And ought to be attended with a conver sation in holiness and righteousness, cat. 112, 167. Property in goods and possessions not infringed by the communion of saints, con. xxvi. 3.

Prophecies. The covenant of grace administered by prophecies under the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34. The prophetical office of Christ, how executed, cat. 43.

Propitiation. Christ's one only sacrafice the alone propitiation for all the sins of the elect, con. xxix. 2. Protestants should not marry with Papists, con. xxiv. 3. Providence, is God's most holy, wise, and powerful preserving, directing, disposing, and governing all his creatures, and all their actions; according to his infallible foreknow. ledge and immutable decree; to the glory of his wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy, con. v. 1. cat. 18. Events are ordered according to the nature of second causes, con. iii. 1. v. 2. God in his ordinary providence maketh use of means, yet is free to work without, above, and against them, at his pleasure, con. v. 3. How providence is exercised about sin, con. v. 4. See Sin. The actual influence of the Holy Spirit is required to do good works, con. xvi. 3. God's providence towards angels, cat. 19. Toward man when created, cat. 20. God's providence is in a most special manner over his church, con. v. 7. cat. 43, 45, 63. Publick worship not to be neglected, con, xxi. 6. Punishment. See Sin. Purgatory, the scripture acknowledgeth no such place, con. xxxii. 17


QUARRELLING at God's decrees and providences sinful, cat. 113. Quarrelling and provoking words sinful, cat. 136.

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The Wicked. Their condition in this life, cat. 83.; immediately after death, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86.; in and after judgment, con. xxxiii. 2. cat.89. Will. The counsel of God's will is most wise and holy, con. iii. 1. cat. 12. It is unsearchable, con. iii. 7. cat. 13. It is free and immutable, con. v. 1. cat. 14.; and most righteous, con. ii. 1. How the will of God is to be done and submitted to, cat. 192. The will of God, revealed in the scriptures, is the only rule of faith, worship, and practice. See Scripture. Christ revealeth to his church, by his Spirit and word, the whole will of God in all things concerning their edification and salvation, cat. 43.

Free-Will. The will of man is neither forced, nor by any absolute necessity of nature determined, to do good. or evil, con. iii. 1. ix. 1. Man in his state of innocency had freedom and power to will and do good, con. iv. 2. ix. 2. cat. 17. By his fall he lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation, con. vị. 2, 4. ix. 3. cat. 25, 192. The will is renewed in conversion, con. ix. 4. x. 1. cat. 67. It is made perfectly and immutably free to do good alone in the state of glory only, con. ix. 5. Word. See Scripture, Reading, Preaching, Hearing. Worldly-mindedness sinful, cat. 105,


Works. What are good works, and what not, con. xvi. 1. Good works are the fruits and evidences of a true and lively faith, con. xvi. 2. The uses and ends of good works, ib. Ability to do good works is wholly from the Spirit of Christ, con. xvi. 3. The actual influence of the Spirit is

required for the performance of them, ib. This no plea for negligence, ib. Supererogation impossible, con. xvi. 4. We cannot by our best works merit pardon of sin or eternal life at the hand of God, and why, con. xvi. 5. Yet the good works of believers are accepted by God in Christ, and rewarded, con. xvi. 6. The works of unregenerate men cannot please God, and why, con. xvi. 7. But to neglect to do what God commands is more sinful, ib. All persons shall, in the day of judgment, receive according to what they have done in the body, whether good or evil, con. xxxiii. 1..

Worship. To God is due from his creatures, whatever worship he is pleased to require, con. ii. 2. The light of nature sheweth that God is to be worshipped, con. xxi. 1. But the acceptable way of worshipping God is instituted by himself in the scriptures, ib. He may not be t be worshipped according to the imaginations and devices of men, con. xxi. 1. cat. 109. False worship is to be opposed, cat. 108. As also any worship not instituted by God himself, cat. 109. But there are some circumstances con

cerning the worship of God, which are to be ordered by the light of nature and Christian prudence, according to the general rules of the word, con. i. 6. Religious worship is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and to him alone; and that only in the mediation of Christ, con. xxi. 2. cat. 179, 181. The parts of religious worship, con. xxi. 3, 5. Religious worship not tied to any place, but God is to be worshipped every where in spirit and truth, as in private families daily, and in secret, each one by himself; so more solemnly in the publick assemblies, which are not to be neglected, con. xxi. 6.

Wrath. See Curse.


ZEAL for God, a duty, cat. 104. Corrupt, blind, and indiscreet zeal sinful, cat. 105.


The note in page 124 was quoted from the second edition of the Asso. Synod's Testimony. In the third edition revised by the Synod in-1813, u have thus expressed themselves on this article.

"We maintain with the Westminster Assembly, that God alone is L "of the conscience; and hath left it free from the doctrines and comm "ments of men; and declare that no man has a right to compel those, v "are under his civil authority, to worship God contrary to the dictates oft " own consciences. This freedom from compulsion, whether it be called "vilege, liberty, or right, cannot be denied to men under any pretence wi soever, unless we adopt the principle that men should serve God, not "cording to their own consciences, but according to the will or consciences " those who are over them in power or authority. Yet this right canno: "pleaded in behalf of principles or practices destructive to civil society. A

-1 Corne


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