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ther, con. ii. 3. cat. 11. He is promised to the elect in the covenant of grace, con. vii. 3. cat. 32. By him they are united to Christ, con. xxvi. 1. For by him the redemption purchased by Christ is applied to them, con. viii. 8. xi. 4. cat. 58, 59. By him they are effectually called, con. x. 1. cat. 67. And have faith wrought in their hearts, con. xiv. 1. cat. 59, 72. He is given to them in adoption, con. xii. cat. 74. And applying the death and resurrection of Christ to them, by his powerful operation, they are sanctified, con. xiii. 1. cat. 75. Having repentance wrought, and all other saving graces infused into their hearts, con. xiii. 1. cat. 32, 75, 76, 77. Through the continual supply of strength from him, believers grow in grace, con. xii. 3. cat. 75. The outward means are by him made effectual to the elect for salvation, con. vii. 5, 6. xxv. 3. cat. 155, 161. Prayer is to be made by his help, con. xxi. 3. cat. 182. Ability to do good works is from him, con. xvi. 3. Assurance of faith is attained by his witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God, con. xviii. 2. cat. 80. By his abiding within believers, they are secured from falling totally away from the state of grace, and are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, con. xvii. 2. cat. 79.

Hope of glory, con. xviii. 1. cat. 83. The hope of hypocrites, con. xviii. 1. - Humiliation of Christ, con. viii. 2, 4. cat. 46. In his conception and birth, cat. 47. In his life, cat. 48. In his death, cat. 49. After death, cat. 50. Hypocrisy. Making profession of religion in hypocrisy, or for sinister ends, sinful, cat. 113. The hypocrite's hope, con. xviii. 1. Hypostatical. See Personal.

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Jesus, why so called, cat 41. Ste Ignorant, not to be admitted to the Lord's table, con, xxix. 8. ca. 173. Image. Mah made after the image of God, in knowledge, righteousness, and holiness, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. This image is renewed by sanctification, cat. 75. And fully perfected in hesven, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86, 90. Image worship of all kinds discharged, cat. 109.

Imputation. The guilt of Adam's first sin is imputed to all his posterity, con, vi. 3. The obedience and satis. faction of Christ is imputed to be lievers, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. His right. eousness is imputed to them, cat.71, 77.

Incarnation of Christ, con. viii. 2. cat. 37, 39. Incest discharged, cat. 139. Incestuous marriages, which are within the de grees of consanguinity or affinity forbidden in the scriptures, can never be made lawful, con. xxiv. 4. Unjust inclosures and depopulations forbidden, cat. 142. Increase of grace is from a continual supply of strength from the sancti. fying Spirit of Christ, con. xiii. 1, 3. cat. 75, 77.

Innocency. The state of man in innocency, con. iv. 2. cat. 17, 20. Infants, how saved, con. x. 3. Infants of one or both believing parents are to be baptized, con. xxviii. 4. cat. 166.

Ingrossing commodities to enhance their price, unlawful, cat. 142. Inspiration. The books of the Old and New Testament are given by inspiration of God, con. i. 2. But the A pocrypha is not of divine inspiration, con. i. 3.

Intercession. How Christ makes intercession, cat. 55. It is a part of his priestly office, cat. 44. He makes intercession, that the redemption which he hath purchased may be applied to all believers, cou. viii. 8 cat. 55. And their perseverance de pends upon his continual interces sion for them, con. xvii. 2. cat. 79. Joy in the Holy Ghost the fruit of as

surance, con. xviii. 1, 2. cat. 83. Be■lievers, by falling into some sins, may grieve the Spirit, and be depri= ved of some measure of their comfort, con. xvii, 3. xviii. 4. Judge. Christ the judge of the world,

con. viii. 1, 4. xxxiii. 1. How he ■ shall come at the last day, cat. 56. The judgments of God upon sinners in this world, con. v. 6. cat. 28, 83. How believers may bring temporal judgments on themselves, con. xvii. 3. God is just and terrible in his ■ judgments, con. ii. 1. The last judgment, what, con. xxxiii.

1. Appointed for angels and men, con. viii. 4. xxxiii. 1. cat. 88. The end of its appointment is the manifestation of God's mercy and justice, con. xxxiii. 2. Christ shall be the

■ judge, con. viii. 4. xxxiii. 1. How he shall come to judge the world, cat. 56. Why he would have us cer■tainly persuaded of it, con. xxxiii. 3. Why the time of it is concealed, con. xxxiii. 3. cat. 88. The judgment of the righteous, con. xxxiii. 2. cat. 90. The judgment of the wicked, con. xxxiii. 2. cat. 89. Judicial law. See Law.


The justice of God fully satisfied by Christ's obedience and death, con. viii. 5. xi. 3. cat. 38, 71. It is manifested in the works of providence, con. v. 1. In the justification of sinners, con. xi. 3. In the last judgment, con. xxxiii. 2.

Justice in contracts and commerce between man and man, cat. 141, 142. Justification, what, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. All the elect, and they only, are justified, con. iii. 6. Whom God did from all eternity decree to justify, con. xi. 4. But they are not justified till the Holy Spirit doth in due time actually apply Christ unto them, ib. How justification is of God's free grace, con. xi. 3. cat. 71. Faith is necessarily required for justification, cat. 71. But it justifies a sinner only as it is an instrument, by which he receiveth Christ and his righteousness, con. xi. 1, 2. cat. 73. The exact justice, and rich grace of God, are both glorified in the justification

of sinners, con. xi. 3. Justification the same under the Old Testament as under the New, con. xi. 6. It is inseparably joined with sanctification, cat. 77. How they differ, ib. Those that are justified are perfectly freed in this life from the revenging wrath of God, that they never fall into condemnation, con. xvii. 1. cat. 77, 79. But corruption remain. ing in them, con. vi. 5. xiii. 2. cat. 78. They fall into many sins, con. xvii. 3. cat. 78. Which God continues to forgive, upon their humbling themselves, confessing their sins, begging pardon, and renewing their faith and repentance, con. xi. 5.


KEYS. The power of the keys, what, con. xxx. 2. Committed to churchofficers, ib. The civil magistrate may not assume this power, con. xxiii. 3.

King. Christ the King of his church; con. xxx. 1. How he executeth the office of a king, cat. 45. What meant by the coming of his kingdom, cat. 191.

Knowledge, God's knowledge is infinite, infallible, and independent upon the creature, con. ii. 2. The knowledge which may be had of God, and of our duty to him by the light of nature, con. i. 1. xxi. 1. cat. 1. The scriptures are only sufficient to give that knowledge of God and of his will which is necessary unto salvation, ib.

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Law. The Ceremonial Law, what, con. xix. 3. It is abrogated now under the New Testament, con. xix. 3. xx. 1. How the covenant of grace was administered under the law, con. vii. 5. viii. 6. cat. 34.

The Judicial Law expired with the state of the Jews, con. xix. 4. And obliges no further than the general equity of it requires. ib.

The Moral Law, what, cat. 93. Given to Adam with a power to fulfil it, con. iv. 2. xix 1. eat. 92. The ten commandments the sum of it, con. xix. 2. cat. 98. Though believers aré not under it as a covenant, con. xix. 6. And are not able perfectly to keep it, cat. 149. Yet it continues to be a perfect rule of righteousness, con. xix. 2. Binding all, as well justified persons as others, con. xix. 5. Christ, in the gospel, having not abolished, but much strengthened, the obligation to the obedience of it, ib. And although no man since the fall can, by the moral law, attain to righteousness and life, con. xix. 6. cat. 94. Which Christ alone hath purchased for the elect by his perfect obedience, con. viii. 5. Yet it is of great use to all, con. xix. 6. cat. 95. The use of it to the regenerate, con. xix. 6. cat. 97. The use of it to. the unregenerate, cat. 96. Not contrary to the grace of the gospel, but doth sweetly comply with it, con. xix. 7. The Spirit of Christ subduing and enabling the will of man unto a free and cheerful obedience to the will of God, con. xix. 7. cat. 32. Unnecessary Law-suits to be avoided, cat. 141, 142

Liberty. Christian liberty, what, con. xx. 1. Wherein it is enlarged under the gospel, ib. The end of Christian liberty, con. xx. 3. Liberty to sin inconsistent with it, ib. It is not intended to destroy ecclesiastical or civil powers, but to support and preserve them, con. xx. 4. Neither are men thereby allowed to publish opinions, or maintain practices, that are contrary to the light of nature, or to the known principles of Christianity, or such as are destructive of the peace and order of the church,


Liberty of conscience, what it is, and what repugnant to it, con. xx. 2. Making men the lords of our faith and conscience unlawful, con. xx. 2. cat. 105.

Life. Eternal life purchased by Christ's perfect obedience to the law, con. viii. 5. The tree of life was a pledge of the covenant of works, cat. 20. The life of any not to be taken away,

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Light of nature, what may be knowa of God and of our duty to tim by con. i. 1. xxi. 1. cat. 2. It is not su ficient to make us wise unto salva tion, con. i. 1. x. 4. xxi. 1. cat. 2, 6 It is of the law of nature that a due portion of time be set apart for the worship of God, con. xxi. 7. Wanton looks sinful, cat. 139. Lord's prayer. See Prayer. Lord's supper. The institution, na ture, and ends of it, con. xxix. 1. cat. 168. Christ not offered up to his Father, nor any real sacrifice for sin made in it, con, xxix. 2. The mass abominably injurions to Christ's one only sacrifice, ib. The outward ele ments in this sacrament are not to be adored, con. xxix. 4. They stiil remain truly bread and wine, con xxix. 5. The doctrine of transub stantiation is repugnant not only to the scripture, but even to commos sense, and has been and is the cause of gross idolatries, con. xxix. 6. How Christ hath appointed bread and wine to be given and received in the sacrament, con, xxix. 3. cat, 169. It is only to be administered by a mi nister of the word lawfully ordained, con. xxvii. 4. cat. 176. It is not to be received by any one alone, con. xxix. 4. It is to be received in both kinds, ib. What relation the ele ments in this sacrament have to Christ crucified, con. xxix. 5. How Christ is present there, con. xxix. 7. cat. 170. How believers feed on him therein, ib. What preparation is re quired for receiving it, cat, 171 Doubting may consist with an in terest in Christ, con. xvii. 3. xуі. 4. cat. 81. And therefore should not hinder from partaking of the Lord's supper, cat. 172. But the ignorant and scandalous are not to be admit ted, con. xxix. 8. cat. 173. What duties required in the time of receiv ing, cat. 174. What duties after receiving, cat. 175. Frequent atten dance on it a duty, cat. 175, 177. The agreement and difference be

tween the Lord's supper and baptism, cat. 176, 177.

Lots, cat. 112, 113.

Love. Election is of God's free love, con. iii. 5. cat. 13. Which is unchangeable, con. xvii. 2. cat. 79. And therefore true believers can neither totally nor finally fall away from the state of grace, ib. The sense of God's love is attainable in this life, cat. 83. See Assurance. Love to God is a duty, cat. 104. Which the light of nature sheweth, con. xxi. 1. To love the Lord our God with all our heart, &c. is the sum of our duty to him, cat. 102. Love to God is necessary to the right performance of the duty of prayer, con. xxi. 3. cat. 185. Love to God and the brethren is necessary to right communicating, cat. 168, 171, 174. True believers are never utterly destitute of the love of Christ and the brethren, con. xviii. 4. Wherein love towards our neighbour consists, cat. 135, 141, 144, 147. What contrary to it, cat. 136, 142, 145, 148. It is the sum of our duty to man, cat. 122. Lying sinful, cat.




MAGISTRATES appointed by God, con. xxiii. 1. For what end, ib. Lawful for Christians to accept the office of a magistrate, con. xxiii. 2. The duty of the civil magistrate, con. xxiii. 2. cat. 129. con. xx. 4. Read the scriptures, letter r. sins of the magistrate, cat. 130, 145. He may wage war upon just and necessary occasions, con. xxii. 2. His power in church-affairs stated, con. xxiii. 3. The duty of the people towards their magistrates, con. xxiii, 4. cat. 127. Their sins against them, cat. 128. Ecclesiastical persons not exempted from obedience to the civil magistrate, con. xxiii. 4. The Pope hath no power or jurisdiction over magistrates or their people, ib. The magistrate is not to be opposed in the lawful exercise of his power, upon pretence of Christian liberty, con. xx. 4. Infidelity or difference in religion doth

not make void the magistrate's just and legal authority, con. xxiii. 4. Man, how created, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. His state before the fall, con. iv. 2. cat. 17, 20. His fall, and the effects of it, con. vi. cat. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. His state by the covenant of grace, con. vii. 3-6. cat. 30-35. Man's chief end, cat. 1. Man-stealing discharged, cat. 142. Marriage, the end of it, con. xxiv. 2. cat. 20. Between more than one man and one woman at a time unlawful, con. xxiv. 1. cat. 139. Lawful for all sorts of people who are capable to give their consent, con. xxiv. 3. And who are without the degrees of consanguinity or affinity forbidden in the scriptures, con. xxiv. 4. But marriages within those degrees can never be made lawful, ib. Protestants should not marry with infidels, Papists, or other idolaters, con. xxiv. 3. Nor such as are godly with those that are notoriously wicked, ib. A contract of marriage may be dissolved for adultery or ery or fornication committed after the contract, con. xxiv. 5. The bond of marriage can only be dissolved for adultery after marriage, and such wilful desertion as cannot be remedied, con. xxiv. 5, 6. Undue delay of marriage, prohibiting of lawful, and dispensing with unlawful marriages, are sinful, cat. 139. Vows of perpetual single life are sinful snares in which no Christian may entangle himself, con. xxii. 7. cat. 139. Those who have not the gift of continency ought to marry, cat. 138. The duties of married persons, cat. 139, 141. The mass abominably injurious to Christ's one only sacrifice, con. xxix. 2.

Means. God in his ordinary providence maketh use of means; yet is free to work without, above, and against them, at his pleasure, con. v.


The outward and ordinary means of salvation under the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34. Under the gospel, con. vii. 6. cat. 35, 154. The diligent use of them is reoni


order to escape the wrath of God, car. 153. How they are made effectual, con. xxv. 3. cat. 155, 161, 182. Trusting in means sinful, cat. 105. Unlawful means not to be used, ib. False measures unlawful, cat. 142. Meat to be moderately used, cat. 135, 136. Mediator. See Christ.

The Mercy of God, con. ii. 1. cat. 7. It

is manifested in his works of providence, con. v. 1. It is of God's free love and mercy that the elect are delivered from sin and misery, and brought to an estate of salvation by the second covenant, cat. 30. God is merciful to penitent sinners in Christ, con. xv. 2. cat. 76. For whose sake mercy is to be prayed for, cat. 180. Works of mercy are to be done, even on the Lord's day, con. xxi. 8. cat. 117.

Merit. No merit in good works for parden of sin or eternal life; and why, con. xvi. 5. Nor can we merit the outward blessings of this life, cat. 193. But we are to trust in the merits of Christ, cat. 174. Who appearing in the merit of his obedience and sacrifice, maketh intercession for his people, cat. 55.

Messiah. The elect under the Old Testament believed in the promised Messiah, by whom they had full remission of sins, and eternal salvation, con. vii. 5. viii. 6. cat. 34.

The Ministry given by Christ to the visible charch, con. xxv. 3. The maintenance thereof a duty, cat. 108, A minister of the gospel is one sufficiently gifted, and also duly approved and lawfully called and ordained, to that office, con. xxvi. 4. xxviii. 2. cat. 158. By such only the word is to be read publicly and preached, and the sacraments dispensed, con. xxvii. 4. xxviii. 2. cat. 156, 158, 159, 169. Moral Law. See Law. Mortification. The regenerate have the corruption of nature mortified through Christ, con. vi. 5. And the several lusts of the body of sin, con. Aiii. 1. Believers draw strength Tom the death and resurrection of

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THE Name of Christ. That prayer be accepted, it is to be made in the name of Christ, con. xxi. 3. cat. 178. What it is to pray in the name of Christ, cat. 180. Why prayer is to be made in his name, cat. 181. The Name of God is only that by which men ought to swear, and therein it is to be used with all holy fear and reverence, con. xxii. 2. How the name of God ought to be used, and how it is profaned, cat. 112, 113, 114, 190.

Nature. See Corruption, Original
Sin, Light of Nature.
The two Natures of Christ. See
Christ, Incarnation, Personal Union.
The New Testament in Greek, is that
to which the church is finally to ap-
peal in controversies of religion, con.
i. 8. The administration of the
covenant of grace under the gospel
is called the New Testament, con.
vii. 6.

Neighbour. See Charity, Love.
Niggardliness sinful, cat. 142.


An Oath, what it is, con. xxii. 1. It is a part of religious worship, ib. The name of God is that by which men ought only to swear, con. xxii. 2. cat. 108. Vain or rash swearing by his name is to be abhorred, con. xxii. 2. cat. 113. Yet, in matters of weight and moment, an oath is warrantable under the New Testament, con. xxii. 2. A lawful oath, imposed by lawful authority, ought to be taken, . It is a sin to refuse it, con. xxii. 3. A man must swear nothing but what he is fully per suaded is truth; neither may he bind himself by oath to any thing but what he believes to be just and good, and what he is able to perform, ib. An oath is to be taken in the plain and common sense of the words; and, in things not sinful, it binds to performance, though tos man's own hurt, or made to hereticks, con. xxi. 4. cat. 113. But it cannot oblige to sin, io.

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