But there is a higher and a holier sense, in which this particular part of the building belongs to God. It was reared for holy purposes. It is intended to be the house of God, and the gate of heaven,' for this Seminary, so long as the walls shall remain. It is to be, we trust, the home of the church for many generations. Here stands the altar which we are now to consecrate, and upon which the morning and evening sacrifices are to be offered. Here is God's Holy Book, and here it is to remain, to be daily opened and read. Here a great and interesting family are daily to assemble, and to bow together before the throne of infinite mercy. Hither do we hope to come regularly with our offerings at evening; and when the gates of the morning are first opened, to be here again with our orisons. Here too, the gospel of the grace of God is to be proclaimed the church is to seek for edification and comfort, and sinners are to be 'entreated in Christ's stead to be reconciled to God.' And here, in due time, are to be celebrated the holy mysteries of our religion, in the body and blood of a crucified Redeemer. Already have the two spacious edifices on our right and on our left, been dedicated to God in the pious charities of hundreds, and the prayers of thousands, who will unite with us in praising Him that he hath now 'built us a house' for his worship. Already has this College, (I use the word in its most comprehensive sense,) been dedicated to Christ and the Church,' after the example of our pilgrim fathers, in the consecrated munificence of its founders. With the warmest approbation and christian fellowship, we recognize their pious intentions, and this new edifice being now completed and ready for occupancy, it remains for us in a public and formal manner, to ratify their doings. ، To God our Almighty Helper, then, let us solemnly, and heartily dedicate this beautiful fabric, these walls, these seats, this pulpit, and all that belongs to this sanctuary. To God the Father, our Creator and Preserver, we fervently make this dedication. Now therefore, arise, O Lord God, into thy resting place; thou and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness.' To God the Son, our adorable Lord and Redeemer, we consecrate this house, which we have builded. Here may He ever be worshipped as King upon this holy hill of Zion. Here, in his name, may 'deliverance be preached to the captives, and the opening of the prison doors to them that are bound.' Here may sinners try the efficacy of his atoning blood, and be clothed with his righteousness as with a garment. Here may the hearts of his disciples burn within them, while he opens to them the scriptures; and as he makes himself known in the breaking of bread, may 'his fruit be sweet to their taste and his banner over them be love.' To God the Holy Ghost, our Enlightener and Sanctifier, we dedicate this house of prayer. May he ever be present with us in our morning and evening worship, and in all our solemn assemblies. May He always be here, to help the infirmities of the pious-to wake up the slumbering conscience-to edge and direct the sword which it is his prerogative to wield-to bow the stubborn will and break the stony heart-to bring the trembling penitent to Christ, and apply the 'blood of sprinkling.' Here may He comfort mourners, succor the tempted, support the weak, rebuke the self-righteous, stimulate the lingering, alarm back-sliders, tear away the hopes of the hypocrite, and bring back the prodigal in all his rags and hunger and wretchedness to his father's house. Finally, we dedicate this edifice to the use and service of the church of the living God, which he hath 'purchased with his own blood,' and 'which is the pillar and ground of the truth.' Here may she long worship and triumph in her King. Here may her communion be sweet and her peace be as a river.' Here may her love and her faith, and her songs and her prayers abound. Here may her Jacobs wrestle and her Israels prevail : and here by the blessing of God upon her efforts and her holy example, may there be a continual revival, and in this way may the number of faithful ministers be greatly increased. Here may she nurture many an Apollos, ' eloquent and mighty in the scriptures '-many an Edwards, to illustrate and defend the truth of God-many a Reformer of the reformed nations, glowing with the burning zeal of Whitefield-many a Brainerd and Martyn to 'go far hence unto the Gentiles '-many a Wilberforce to plead the cause of the oppressed, and many a Howard to take the gauge' of misery and crime, in prisons and hospitals. Upon these heights of Zion may the banner of the cross ever wave, and as they behold it from afar, may thousands of young christian soldiers flock to the sacred standard, 'put on the whole armor of God,' and hold themselves in readiness for any service, however selfdenying, or perilous, to which the 'Captain of our salvation' may call them. If this now living foundation, shall ever become a stagnant and pestilential pool, from that hour, the sooner it is dried up the better: but may its sources always be kept pure, and may its perennial streams not only send health and gladness through the land, but flow on, to refresh and fertilize the 'parched places' of distant continents and islands. May the church militant always possess a well stored armory upon these heights, till the shout of victory shall be heard on every hill, and the song of peace in every valley. If it be the holy pleasure of God, may that full orbed sun of a thousand years, which is now sending forward its rejoicing harbingers, shine upon this Seminary, through all its cloudless course; and if, when that sun is gone down, and darkness again broods over a revolting world, the dire inundation of Gog and Magog shall ever reach so far, here may its proud waves be stayed and its angry billows be broken. |